The Lakeview Man (The Lakeview Man Series Book 1)

D.A. Roberts - 2020
    Trained to trust his instincts and to pay close attention to detail, his rational brain is at war with what he has seen. Something very strange is happening in rural Sloan County, Missouri. Nothing in his experience has prepared him for anything like this. More disappearances only make the mystery deepen as the Sheriff tries to cover up what's really going on. Clark enlists the aid of other deputies who, like himself, have seen things that don't make sense. Things that aren't real. Or are they?A creature from our primordial nightmares has found its hunting grounds in the rural Ozarks, along the shores of Table Rock Lake. The closer they get to finding the creature, the more pressure they get to stay out of the investigation. Pressure from the sheriff and mysterious F.B.I. Agents who know more than they will admit. Soon, Clark learns that the creature he's been hunting has been hunting him as well. The ultimate battle of man versus beast is about to take place in the Ozarks. Can Clark defeat a beast from out of our nightmares or will the creature claim yet another victim?Can anything stop The Lakeview Man?

The Lost Island

P.K. Hawkins - 2020

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

Jeremy Robert Johnson - 2009
    To survive it, you will have to make alliances with the sleeping demons in your blood; learn to wear new names and faces, and shed your soul; feed your inner child to the machine, before it eats you alive; build and defend your own heaven; and become one of the sacred, secret tools with which nature reinvents itself. To win this game, you will have to change into everything that you are not. To play you need only open this book and arm yourself with... Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

Cthulhu Mythos Writers Sampler 2013

David ConyersDavid Dunwoody - 2013
     “The Great White Bed” – A senile old man makes a deal with a strange being for a new lease on life. What happens when a book reads you? “The Cellar Gods” – In the 1940s, a young medical student protects a beautiful Asian woman from prejudiced townsfolk, only to discover she is connected to mysterious entities from an unholy dimension. “The Locked Door” – The visions of a psychic threatens the existence of a secret order. “In the Gyre” – A research vessel investigating a growing pollution problem in the ocean finds that something else has discovered a use for our waste material—something designed for building, and growing, and multiplying. “The Gate and the Way” – Poking around the local spook house for redeemable cans and bottles, two brothers stumble upon cosmic horrors from beyond space and time. “I Cannot Begin To Tell You” – A desperate father kidnaps his infant son and flees to a remote cabin to wait out an apocalypse only he can perceive. Is the man psychotic? Or is the boy a conduit for an ancient malevolence from the depths of Time? “Cutter” – A man and boy are trapped in an abandoned house by plague of bizarre monsters. “Graveyard Orbit” – In the future, the deep space exploration vessel Wellington encounters the unthinkable orbiting the uncharted planet Osiris II. Amid the debris of a trillion alien corpses, the Wellington’s Captain Walker will stumble upon an unlikely ally—and potentially, the secrets of the universe. “The Weaponized Puzzle” – A Russian spy steals an alien artifact from the Australian Government which soon transforms into a prison, and Australian spy Harrison Peel must solve its various puzzles and confront its captive horrors to escape again. Fiction by Don Webb, Jeffrey Thomas, Brian M, Sammons, Peter Rawlik, William Meikle, Kevin Lucia, David Kernot, Scott R. Jones, C.J. Henderson, Cody Goodfellow, David Dunwoody, Shane Jiraiya Cummings and David Conyers. Cover illustration by Paul Mudie. This sampler collection provides links to the various author’s works, personal interviews, and further information on their e-books. Step inside, and discover the newest horror releases lurking in the nightmare lands of Lovecraft…

Turned Out By A Savage 3

Shameka Jones - 2018
    Part two proved that the girls were just as savage, so guess what happens in part three? Anything goes! With Tracy and Sleep in their possession, it’s time for Stanger and Spazz to do what they do best, but nothing is ever as easy as it seems, right? Just as they’re about to move out and handle business, a single call brings everything to a screeching halt and threatens to destroy everything these brothers love. While their list of enemies grows in the background, Stranger and Spazz decide to put more focus on their family life. Stranger is ready to secure his position as Danger’s husband and show her a love like no other. On the other hand, Spazz and Free still can’t seem to get things right. Though they fight like bitter enemies, they have an undeniable hood love that can never be replaced. Just as the guys get comfortable living the life of family men, the police pull up and shut their happily ever after down like only the law can. With law enforcement eyes all over them, Stranger and Spazz need to cut the dead weight— but at what cost? With a new plan in place and ready to make their next move their best, the brothers face yet another setback when they lose an important piece on their chess board. Out of options, there is only one move left to make: bring the savage back into the game. A true king knows that eventually, he will have to sacrifice a few pawns to keep his throne. He also knows that his queen will protect him better than any other piece on the board. In this banger finale, Stranger and Spazz do whatever it takes to protect their thrones, and Danger and Free are right there to block anything that threatens their kingdom in the least. Unfortunately, even their best efforts will see the snakes come slithering in, but once you enter the kingdom, there is no way out.


Larry Correia - 2016
    The Boss has a mission for him and he's to look for a sign. He's a Marine: He'll choose the mission. Unfortunately, the sign he's to look for is "57." Which, given the food services contract in Bethesda Hospital, creates some difficulty. Eventually, it appears that God's will is for Chad to join a group called "Monster Hunters International" and protect people from things that go bump in the night. From there, things trend downhill.  Monster Hunter Memoirs is the (mostly) true story of the life and times of one of MHI's most effective—and flamboyant—hunters. Pro-tips for up and coming hunters range from how to dress appropriately for jogging (low-profile body armor and multiple weapons) to how to develop contacts among the Japanese yakuza, to why it's not a good idea to make billy goat jokes to trolls. Grunge harkens back to the Golden Days of Monster Hunting when Reagan was in office, Ray and Susan Shackleford were top hunters and Seattle sushi was authentic.


Aaron Bunce - 2019
    Down on his luck and desperate to make quota, Jacoby happens upon a “cherry rock”. The kind that wouldn’t just meet his quota but put him into a sizeable financial bonus. But there’s a problem. A scan shows a sizeable hollow cavity inside, and company procedures are clear: voids must be drilled and tested for potentially explosive gases. That would mean handing it over to a specialty drilling team, and thus, kissing his payday goodbye. Refusing to hand his financial future away, Jacoby ignores his terminal’s warning and stakes his claim. Except, his saw cuts into more than just rock.Something was inside… something alive. Jacoby quickly learns that some rocks are hiding more than just precious minerals and trace metals. And when some things are set loose, there is no putting them back.Mankind will never be the same.

Carter & Lovecraft

Jonathan L. Howard - 2015
    Lovecraft mythos into the twenty-first century, optioned by Warner Bros TV.Daniel Carter used to be a homicide detective, but his last case-the hunt for a serial killer-went wrong in strange ways and soured the job for him. Now he's a private investigator trying to live a quiet life. Strangeness, however, has not finished with him. First he inherits a bookstore in Providence from someone he's never heard of, along with an indignant bookseller who doesn't want a new boss. She's Emily Lovecraft, the last known descendant of H.P. Lovecraft, the writer from Providence who told tales of the Great Old Ones and the Elder Gods, creatures and entities beyond the understanding of man. Then people start dying in impossible ways, and while Carter doesn't want to be involved, he's beginning to suspect that someone else wants him to be. As he reluctantly investigates, he discovers that Lovecraft's tales were more than just fiction, and he must accept another unexpected, and far more unwanted inheritance.

Darkness Wakes

Tim Waggoner - 2006
    A powerful thing. Its home is in the shadows of a bizarre, hidden club named Penumbra, where it is worshipped by followers who need the pleasure it gives them. They are addicted to it. They live for it. And they kill for it. When Aaron was first introduced to Penumbra, he thought it was just a secret club where members could indulge their kinkier fantasies. Bit by bit, as he learned the club's true purpose, he began to change in subtle, horrible ways. Now it's time for Aaron to prepare his first human sacrifice to the waiting darkness. It's too late for him to back out now, but murder is the least of Penumbra's sins. The true terror is still to come when . . . Darkness Wakes.

The King in Yellow and Other Horror Stories

Robert W. Chambers - 1970
    A treasured source used by almost all the significant writers in the American pulp tradition — H. P. Lovecraft, A. Merritt, Robert E. Howard, and many others — it endures as a work of remarkable power and one of the most chillingly original books in the genre.This collection reprints all the supernatural stories from The King in Yellow, including the grisly "Yellow Sign," the disquieting "Repairer of Reputations," the tender "Demoiselle d'Ys," and others. Robert W. Chambers' finest stories from other sources have also been added, such as the thrilling "Maker of Moons" and "The Messenger." In addition, an unusual pleasure awaits those who know Chambers only by his horror stories: three of his finest early biological science-fiction fantasies from In Search of the Unknown appear here as well.

Tales from the Gas Station, Vol. 1

Jack Townsend - 2018
    The long hours. The helpless customers. The enormous eldritch horror living deep below the building… As the only full-time employee at the twenty-four hour gas station at the edge of town, Jack has pretty much seen it all. But when he decides to start an online journal documenting the bizarre day-to-day occurrences, he unwittingly attracts the attention of much more than just a few conspiracy theorists. With the body count steadily on the rise and a dark, ancient force infecting the dreams of everyone around him, Jack will do everything in his power to stay out of the way and mind his own business. After all, he’s just a gas station clerk. It’s not like he’s getting paid enough to wage battle against the nightmarish aberrations plaguing his community. Besides, he already has his hands full attempting to manage all those mysterious lawn gnomes, the mutant raccoons, and the charming phantom cowboy who lives in the bathroom. Based on the award-winning creepypasta by GasStationJack, Tales from the Gas Station: Volume One is a love letter to the pioneers of classic horror tailored to a generation that grew up in the era of smartphones and WiFi.

The Mountains of Madness

Adam Fyda - 2020
    In 1932, two years after the initial Antarctic expedition, another sets off to try and discover exactly what happened on that fateful trip.Before it leaves, a stranger gives a notebook to the expedition director, Howard Pym, and implores him to read it before they reach their destination.Preoccupied with the voyage ahead, Howard forgets about it, and naively sails into the dangerous waters ahead.

The Beast of Powder Valley

Christopher Dowdell - 2021

The Amazing Screw-on Head and Other Curious Objects

Mike Mignola - 2002
    But when Mignola needs a short break from the Hellboy universe, he turns to diversions such as The Amazing Screw-On Head, winner of the Eisner Award for Best Humor Publication!When Emperor Zombie threatens the safety of all life on earth, President Lincoln enlists the aid of a mechanical head. With the help of associates Mr. Groin (a faithful manservant) and Mr. Dog (a dog), Screw-On Head must brave ancient tombs, a Victorian flying apparatus, and demons from a dimension inside a turnip. This new collection of oddball Mignola creations also includes The Magician and the Snake from Dark Horse Maverick: Happy Endings, and nearly fifty pages of brand new material, all as weird and hilarious as the beloved Screw-On Head.


Tiffani Russell - 2013
    She got in trouble by her parents and did things she wasn't supposed to do. Then one night she is kidnapped by sex traffickers along with her best friend Brittany Beagleman. They are then owned by one of the biggest sex traffickers, Mr. James and is forced into slavery. Ryan Dean, Vada's love interest, sets out into the dangerous world of human trafficking to find them and bring them home even though he battles with demons of his own. As he plunges deeper into danger he realizes finding them won't be easy. Can he save them before it's too late? Can Vada save herself before she loses her mind?