Best of
Blood in My Eye
George L. Jackson - 1972
George Jackson died on August 21, 1971, at the hands of San Quentin prison guards during an alleged escape attempt. At eighteen, George Jackson was convicted of stealing seventy dollars from a gas station and was sentenced from one year to life. He was to spent the rest of his life -- eleven years-- in the California prison system, seven in solitary confinement. In prison he read widely and transformed himself into an activist and political theoretician who defined himself as a revolutionary.
Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
Gilles Deleuze - 1972
"An important text in the rethinking of sexuality and sexual politics spurred by the feminist and gay liberation movements".--Margaret Cerullo, Hampshire College.
Six Years: The Dematerialization of the Art Object from 1966 to 1972
Lucy R. Lippard - 1972
Lippard documents the chaotic network of ideas that has been labeled conceptual art. The book is arranged as an annotated chronology into which is woven a rich collection of original documents—including texts by and taped discussions among and with the artists involved and by Lippard, who has also provided a new preface for this edition. The result is a book with the character of a lively contemporary forum that offers an invaluable record of the thinking of the artists—a historical survey and essential reference book for the period.
Jacques Derrida - 1972
. . . Derrida's central contention is that language is haunted by dispersal, absence, loss, the risk of unmeaning, a risk which is starkly embodied in all writing. The distinction between philosophy and literature therefore becomes of secondary importance. Philosophy vainly attempts to control the irrecoverable dissemination of its own meaning, it strives—against the grain of language—to offer a sober revelation of truth. Literature—on the other hand—flaunts its own meretriciousness, abandons itself to the Dionysiac play of language. In Dissemination—more than any previous work—Derrida joins in the revelry, weaving a complex pattern of puns, verbal echoes and allusions, intended to 'deconstruct' both the pretension of criticism to tell the truth about literature, and the pretension of philosophy to the literature of truth."—Peter Dews, New Statesman
Margins of Philosophy
Jacques Derrida - 1972
There are essays too on linguistics (Saussure, Benveniste, Austin) and on the nature of metaphor ("White Mythology"), the latter with important implications for literary theory. Derrida is fully in control of a dazzling stylistic register in this book—a source of true illumination for those prepared to follow his arduous path. Bass is a superb translator and annotator. His notes on the multilingual allusions and puns are a great service."—Alexander Gelley, Library Journal
On Anarchism
Mikhail Bakunin - 1972
"The best available in English. Bakunin's insights into power and authority, and the conditions of freedom, are refreshing, original and still unsurpassed in clarity and vision. I read this selection with great pleasure."--Noam Chomsky
The Powers of the Word: Selected Essays and Notes, 1927-1943
René Daumal - 1972
Poet, essayist, philosopher and translator, Sanscrit scholar and pupil of Gurdjieff, Daumal was a founder of the Grand Jeu group. He was iconoclastic and electic, able to embrace simultaneously Alfred Jarry’s Pataphysics and Hindu teachings.Daumal's two major works in English translation, Mount Analogue and A Night of Serious Drinking, have long been classics in this country; but until now, readers have not had acess to the full range of his thought. The Powers of the Word spans a lifetime of essays and notes—many here translated for the first time—from the earliest incitements to drug use and revolt; through Daumal’s unique readings of literary works; to his more mature, but no less ardent, meditations.
Serial Composition and Atonality: An Introduction to the Music of Schoenberg, Berg, and Webern
George Perle - 1972
In the analysis of specific compositions there is first and last of all a concern with the musical surface—an attempt to trace connections and distinctions there before offering any deeper-level constructions, and to offer none where their effects are not obvious on more immediate levels of musical experience. In this sixth edition of the book, George Perle employs the new and more consistent terminology for the identification of transpositional levels of twelve-tone sets that he first proposed in Twelve-Tone Tonality (1977).
Our Own Metaphor: A Personal Account of a Conference on the Effects of Conscious Purpose on Human Adaptation
Smithsonian Institution - 1972
The book suggests that any solution to the world's myriad problems must be grounded in an empathetic understanding of systems - from the ecology of nature to the loving interdependence of families.
Acts of Attention: The Poems of D. H. Lawrence
Sandra M. Gilbert - 1972
Gilbert addresses the inevitable question: "How can you be a feminist and a Lawrentian?" The answer is intellectually satisfying and historically revealing as she traces an array of early twentieth-century women of letters, some of them proto-feminists, who revered Lawrence despite his countless statements that would today be condemned as "sexist."H.D. regarded him as one of her "initiators" whose words "flamed alive, blue serpents on the page." Anais Nin insisted that he "had a complete realization of the feelings of women."By focusing on Lawrence’s own definition of a poem as an "act of attention," Gilbert demonstrates how he developed the mature style of Birds, Beasts and Flowers, his finest collection of poetry. She discusses this volume at length, examines many of his later poems in detail, including the hymns from The Plumed Serpent, Pansies, Nettles, and More Pansies, and ends with a close look at Last Poems. Her detailed examination provides a clearer image of Lawrence as an artist—an artist whose poetry complements his novels and whose fiction enriches but does not outshine his poetry.
Presuppositions of India's Philosophies
Karl H. Potter - 1972
A brief account of karma and transmigration is followed by an introduction to Indian ways of assessing arguments. The body of the work canvasses the systems of Nyaya Vaisesika, Buddhism, Jainism, Samkhya and Advaita Vedanta.
The Essential Marx
Karl Marx - 1972
Compact and fascinating, this invaluable work not only presents Marx's thoughts in his own words but also places them in the swirling context of the 20th century. A critical analysis of ideas that have influenced millions of lives for well over a century, this book will be an important addition to the libraries of students and instructors of economics, history, government, and Communist thought.
Faith & Doubt: Studies in Traditional Jewish Thought
Norman Lamm - 1972
Dr. Norman Lamm, former President of Yeshiva University and current Chancellor is identified with modern Orthodox Judaism but his volume is addressed to a wider audience to believing people of all faiths, students of religion, to the searchers and curious and even to the skeptics and scoffers. The themes treated in these pages range from comparative law to metaphysics, and from moral philosophy to natural science, all from the vantage point of what has been called Modern Orthodox Judaism. This third edition updates the above, and also includes a new chapter on Law and Morality in Judaism. About the Author Dr. Norman Lamm is Chancellor of Yeshiva University, the nation s oldest and largest university under Jewish auspices. He served as its President for twenty seven years until 2003. He was founder and first editor of Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought and is the author of ten books, among them Torah Umadda, Torah Lishmah, The Shema, Seventy Faces, The Religious Thought of Hasidism. He is the editor of The Library of Jewish law and Ethics. From the Table Of Contents... CHAPTER I: Faith and Doubt CHAPTER II: The Unity Theme: Monism for Moderns CHAPTER III: Two Versions of Synthesis CHAPTER IV: Man s Position in the Universe CHAPTER V: The Religious Implications of Extraterrestrial Life CHAPTER VI: Ecology in Jewish Law and Theology CHAPTER VII: A Jewish Ethic of Leisure CHAPTER VIII: Scholarship and Piety CHAPTER IX: The Moral Revolution: A Jewish Evaluation CHAPTER X: Self-Incrimination in Law and Psychology: The Fifth Amendment and the Halakhah CHAPTER XI: Privacy in Law and Theology CHAPTER XII: Suffering and Literature
Ecology: Can We Survive under Capitalism?
Gus Hall - 1972
Hall blames this threat to human existence on the nature of the capitalist economy not science and technology as such and clams that socialism to the environmental crisis.
Synthetist Art Theories: Genesis and Nature of the Ideas on Art of Gauguin and his Circle.
Hans R. Rookmaaker - 1972
Philosophy is No Mystery: Peasants Put Their Study to Work
Foreign Languages Press - 1972