Best of
Dungeon World
Sage LaTorra - 2012
You and your friends will explore a land of magic and danger in the roles of adventurers searching for fame, gold, and glory.Dungeon World rules are easy to learn and always drive the story forward in unexpected ways. A missed roll is never a dead end--failure introduces new complexities and complications. Life as an adventurer is hard and dangerous but its never boring!Designed to be ready for you to hack, remix, and build new content, Dungeon World includes systems for changing everything to suit your group including creating new races, classes, and monsters.To play, you'll need this rulebook, 3-5 players, some polyhedral dice, and 1-4 hours.Explore fantasy adventure roleplaying in a whole new way with Dungeon World!
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Joseph Goodman - 2012
You're an adventurer: a reaver, a cutpurse, a heathen-slayer, a tight-lipped warlock guarding long-dead secrets. You seek gold and glory, winning it with sword and spell, caked in the blood and filth of the weak, the dark, the demons, and the vanquished. There are treasures to be won deep underneath, and you shall have them.
Monster of the Week
Michael Sands - 2012
There are monsters out thereAnd you are mean enough, smart enough, crazy enough, or hurt enough, to fight them.Maybe you'll defend your hometown from evil.Maybe you'll take to the road and hunt them down.Maybe you have magic powers to fight with.Maybe your name appears in an ancient prophecy.One thing's for sure.You aren't going back to your old, safe life.Monster of the Week is an action-horror roleplaying game for 3-5 people.
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition
James JacobsMichael Kortes - 2012
An attack by crazed goblins reveals the shadows of a forgotten past returning to threaten the town—and perhaps all of Varisia. The Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path begins with this goblin raid and takes players on an epic journey through the land of Varisia as they track a cult of serial killers, fight backwoods ogres, stop an advancing army of stone giants, delve into ancient dungeons, and finally face off against a wizard-king in his ancient mountaintop city. This hardcover compilation updates the fan-favorite campaign to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules with revised and new content in more than 400 pages packed with mayhem, excitement, and adventure!Celebrating both the fifth anniversary of the Pathfinder Adventure Path and the tenth anniversary of Paizo Publishing, this new edition expands the original campaign with new options and refined encounters throughout, incorporating 5 years of community feedback.The Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition contains:- All six chapters of the original Adventure Path, expanded and updated for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.- Articles on the major locations of Rise of the Runelords: sleepy Sandpoint, the ancient Thassilonian city of Xin-Shalast, and others.- Revelations on the sinister magic of Thassilon, with updated spells, magic items, and details on tracking sin points throughout the campaign.- A bestiary featuring eight monsters updated from the original Adventure Path, plus an all-new terror.- Dozens of new illustrations, never-before-seen characters, location maps, and more!Cover art by Wayne Reynolds
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Race Guide
Jason BulmahnJason Nelson - 2012
If classic races are more your style, go beyond the stereotypes for elves, dwarves, and the other core races with new options and equipment to help you stand out from the crowd.The Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide is a bold new companion to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. This imaginative tabletop game builds on more than 10 years of system development and an Open Playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into the new millennium.The 256-page Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide includes:- New rules and options to help you customize all seven of the classic core races, including new racial traits, racial subtypes, and racial archetypes.- 30 exotic races, from mischievous goblins and reptilian kobolds to crow-headed tengus and deadly drow, each with complete rules for use as player characters, plus archetypes, alternate racial traits, and other options for maximum customization.- A complete and balanced system for creating an unlimited number of new races, mixing and matching powers and abilities to form characters and cultures specific to your campaign.- Tons of new race-specific equipment, feats, spells, and magic items for each of the races detailed!... and much, much more!Cover art by Wayne Reynolds
Night's Black Agents
Kenneth Hite - 2012
Bush's War is winding down. You were a shadowy soldier in those fights, trained to move through the secret world: deniable and deadly. Then you got out, or you got shut out, or you got burned out. You didn't come in from the cold. Instead, you found your own entrances into Europe's clandestine networks of power and crime. You did a few ops, and you asked even fewer questions. Who gave you that job in Prague? Who paid for your silence in that Swiss account? You told yourself it didn't matter. It turned out to matter a lot. Because it turned out you were working for vampires. Vampires exist. What can they do? Who do they own? Where is safe? You don't know those answers yet. So you'd better start asking questions. You have to trace the bloodsuckers' operations, penetrate their networks, follow their trail, and target their weak points. Because if you don't hunt them, they will hunt you. And they will kill you. Or worse. Night's Black Agents brings the GUMSHOE engine to the spy thriller genre, combining the propulsive paranoia of movies like Ronin and The Bourne Identity with supernatural horror straight out of Bram Stoker. Investigation is crucial, but it never slows down the action, which explodes with expanded options for bone-crunching combat, high-tech tradecraft, and adrenaline-fueled chases. Updating classic Gothic terrors for the postmodern age, Night's Black Agents presents thoroughly modular monstrosity: GMs can build their own vampires, mashup their own minions, kitbash their own conspiracies to suit their personal sense of style and story. Rack silver bullets in your Glock, twist a UV bulb into your Maglite, keep watching the mirrors E and pray you've got your vampire stories straight.
Rimward: The Outer System
Rob BoyleJohn Snead - 2012
Technology allows the re-shaping of bodies and minds, but also creates opportunities for oppression and puts the capability for mass destruction in the hands of everyone. Other threats lurk in the devastated habitats of the Fall, dangers both familiar and alien. In this harsh setting, the players participate in a cross-faction conspiracy called Firewall that seeks to protect transhumanity from threats both internal and external. Along the way, they may find themselves hunting for prized technology in a gutted habitat falling from orbit, risking the hellish landscapes of a ruined Earth, or following the trail of a terrorist through militarized stations and isolationist habitats. Players may even find themselves stepping through a Pandora Gate, a wormhole to distant stars and the alien secrets beyond....
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: NPC Codex
Jason BulmahnJason Nelson - 2012
You spend hours setting up the perfect encounter, your players are out for blood, the swords are drawn—and then you realize that you've forgotten to build statistics for the enemy characters. Or perhaps your players go left when you expect them to go right, leaving you without any encounters prepared.Such problems are a thing of the past with the NPC Codex. Inside this tome, you'll find hundreds of ready-made stat blocks for nonplayer characters of every level, from a lowly forest poacher to the most majestic knight or ancient spellcaster. Whether you're planning out future adventures or throwing together encounters right at the table, this book does the work so you can focus on playing the game.Pathfinder RPG NPC Codex is a must-have companion volume to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook and Pathfinder RPG Bestiary. This imaginative tabletop game builds on more than 10 years of system development and open playtests featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into the new millennium.The 320-page Pathfinder RPG NPC Codex includes:- Statistics for more than 300 characters, including at least one for every level of every class in the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook.- Tactical suggestions for every character, ensuring that you get the most out of each individual's gear and abilities in a fight.- Tons of flavorful names and backgrounds to give characters personality, plus ideas for using them in both combat and roleplaying situations.- Statistics for characters with lower-powered NPC classes to help populate your world with ordinary people, as well as characters with specialized prestige classes.- Animal companion statistics for druids and rangers, from level 1 through level 20.- Multiple versions of each Pathfinder iconic character, perfect for pregenerated player characters.- Encounter groups for conveniently crafting battles on the fly.... and much, much more!Cover art by Wayne Reynolds
The Heart of the Wild
Francesco Nepitello - 2012
It expands on the descriptions given in the Loremaster’s Guide, offering new sanctuaries and new perils for the players to discover. Each region is described in detail, listing potential friends and foes, sites of interest and potential adventures.An expanded bestiary contains a host of strange creatures and servants of the Enemy, from the beasts of the forest to the fabled Great Spiders. Variant Cultural Backgrounds like River Hobbits or Wayward Elves offer new options for adventurers, while new Fellowship Phase actions bring the wild to life in your games.Follow the Anduin river down from the chill springs of the Misty Mountains to the southern edge of the Wild! Explore the dread forest of Mirkwood, running from the lonely thickets of the north to the very gates of Dol Guldur! Enter the Heart of the Wild, and defend it against the rising Shadow.
A Song of Ice and Fire Rpg: Night's Watch
Chris Pramas - 2012
The men of the Night's Watch guard the immense and icy Wall, built in the ancient days of Westeros to hold back the terrible things of the Long Night. Once a mighty cohort of brave knights and lords who gave up everything to protect the Seven Kingdoms from the predators of the Far North, the Night's Watch is now a rag-tag band of thieves, murderers, and those who ran afoul of the political machinations of their enemies. When the wildlings stir on the other side of the Wall, and the cold winds rise once more, will they be enough to save Westeros?Night's Watch gives you everything you need to add this once noble order to your A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying chronicle. It includes rules for playing men of the Night's Watch and wildlings alike, as well as new information about the mysterious Others. Pray, men of the green lands, for Winter is Coming!
Hero Kids Fantasy RPG
Justin Halliday - 2012
This game offers a fast and fun introduction to RPGs, perfect for younger kids who are just getting interested in role-playing games.Develop your kids' imagination and skillsSimple mechanics using only six-sided diceBeautiful presentation, with fully illustrated heroes, monsters, and maps10 heroes, including boys and girlsChallenge kids with combat and explorationPlaytime from 30-60 minutesIncludes a full adventure: Basement O RatsHero Kids has a simple combat and adventuring system which avoids the complex maths of full-blown systems. Hero Kids' opposed dice pool system also keeps the players involved in the game even when it's not their turn.The combat and adventuring mechanics in Hero Kids are based on six-sided dice, so you don't need to find any unusual dice to play!The core game comes in a 39-page PDF and includes all of the rules and play instructions, as well as 10 heroes for the kids to play, plus a set of 8 basic monsters (and all of the separate adventures come with additional monsters). The game includes male and female heroes, including Warriors, Hunters, and Warlocks as well as unique heroes like the Rogue, Brute, Healer, and Knight. All of the heroes and monsters also come with printable stand-up minis to use in combat encounters.Additionally, this basic game pack also includes the 19-page introductory adventure "Basement O Rats", which comes with an extra monster and five illustrated printable encounter maps. Can the kids rescue their friend Roger from the unusually large rats that have overrun the tavern basement?Hero Kids has undergone and extensive development and playtesting to ensure the game is as simple, addictive, and engaging as possible.
Itras By
Ole Peder Giæver - 2012
The rule system is card based and focuses heavily on freeform and improvisation. Itras by labels itself a “surreal role playing game”. It’s also been called a retro-surreal urban fable.The setting is a city, reminiscent of Western cities in the 20’s and 30’s. In the city center, reality is relatively stable, but the further afield you get, the more it deteriorates, mutates, becomes dream-like. In the setting chapter you’ll find descriptions of dreams which have become real, mad scientists, an outline of a city strictly divided by class, sea elephants, the Machine God who lurks under the city, a gentleman with a monster in his basement, a description of the structural cancer that haunts some of the city’s buildings and much more.There are pulpish elements, horror elements, creepy surreal elements, all together in a strange blend we hope will inspire.
Midgard Campaign Setting
Wolfgang Baur - 2012
Are You?Midgard is lost in an age of war: of dark wilderness, and lost empires sunk beneath the waves.Only magic and the warmth of hope keeps lights aglow when dread things prowl, and priestly wardings tremble and bend before the fury of demonic rage.In this dark time, new heroes must arise to claim the crowns of Midgard, and restore the jewels to her scattered thrones...The Midgard Campaign Setting brings to life a world of dark fantasy drawn from the great European traditions. Within this book you’ll find ley lines and deep magic; the Western Waste’s giant, shambling horrors and magic-blasted landscapes; diabolical gnomes and the schemes of immortal Baba Yaga.Mark Smylia, Amazon of PerunYou’ll sail the wind with wild elves and cut through the waves with swashbuckling minotaur corsairs. Midgard is a land of lethal assassins and exotic splendors as well as the empty, dragon-haunted crags of the icy Northlands.The 298 pages of the Midgard Campaign Setting include:• New Pathfinder RPG and AGE System rules for gearforged, kobold, and minotaur PCs• 26 new backgrounds, 3 new schools of magic and new specialties for AGE System• New clerical domains including Clockwork, Moon, Hunger and Beer• More than 50 kingdom write-ups, with new feats and traits for each region of Midgard• New spells, magical items, and incantations• New gear and weapons unique to the setting• The secrets of ley lines and shadow roads!The setting can be expanded even more with any of the Midgard adventures and sourcebooks from Open Design and Kobold Press. From the Northern fjords to the hidden tombs of the gnolls, from the raven-headed reavers to the ruins of the great mage-kingdoms: all of Midgard is yours!
Pathfinder Player Companion: Dragon Empires Primer
Tim Hitchcock - 2012
From the treacherous jungles of naga-ruled Nagajor to the sorcerous kingdom of Dtang Ma, and from the trackless and unforgiving deserts of Shaguang to the wondrous city of Goka, countless opportunities can be found for any character or adventure in amazingly expansive Tian Xia. While the extensive Dragon Empires Gazetteer unveils dozens of the mystical continent’s secrets, the Dragon Empires Primer provides information pertinent to creating characters for campaigns set in this vast and diverse region. This volume of Pathfinder Player Companion provides players and Game Masters alike with all of the setting-specific traits and trappings they need to customize and play characters in the Dragon Empires.Inside this Pathfinder Player Companion, you’ll find:- Overviews of all of Tian Xia’s nations, including important details for players to integrate into their characters’ backstories and new character traits for every region to give characters boons that further tie them to their homelands.- Rules for Tian Xia’s five most prominent races: the shapeshifting kitsune, ophidian nagaji, transmigratory samsarans, avian tengus, and shadowy wayangs.Four new archetypes with distinctly Tian flavors, including the lotus geisha (bard), sword saint (samurai), white-haired witch (witch), and yokai hunter (ranger).- New feats for combative characters that bolster prowess in martial arts and swordplay.- An extensive look at the gods and philosophies of the Dragon Empires, as well as rules for the moon subdomain.- A new bloodline for sorcerers tainted with oni blood, and a new school of magic for wizards who wish to harness the power of the mysterious void.- New rules mechanics for establishing and maintaining one’s honor in the Dragon Empires.Cover art by Craig J. Spearing
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Mythical Monsters Revisited
Jonathan H. KeithRaven Mimura - 2012
These are the creatures of myth and legend that have stood the test of time, which have entered everyday language and remained cultural touchstones for thousands of years. Now the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game goes hunting for 10 of these classic monsters, culled from among the greatest stories ever told.Mythical Monsters Revisited explores the lives and societies of the most famous monsters of all time, drawn from the mythology of the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Aztecs, and others. Each monster entry features an extensive ecology exploring the creature’s biology and culture, notes on the monster’s real-world background, tips on how best to utilize the beast in your game, detailed overviews of the monster’s role in the Pathfinder campaign setting, and more.Inside this book, you’ll find monsters like:- Medusas, the snake-headed banes of ancient Greece, who turn their enemies to stone with a glance.- Hydras, the many-headed serpents that grow two new heads for each one they lose.- Four types of sphinxes, from the riddle-loving gynosphinxes to the philosophical androsphinxes, the goat-headed criosphinxes, and the evil hawk-headed hieracosphinxes.- Harpies, the feral winged women whose siren songs lure adventurers to slaughter.- Phoenixes, who are reborn from their own ashes.- Couatls, the feathered serpents of Aztec myth who serve as messengers and servants of benevolent gods.- Other ancient terrors such as flesh-hungry wendigos, three-headed chimeras, leonine griffons, and the horrifyingly intelligent sea monsters called krakens.Cover art by Michal Ivan
Other Dust- Roleplaying After The End
Kevin Crawford - 2012
Prismatic jungles heave with nanite-infested life, thick with twisted bodies and fever-hot madness. The ancient towers of Old Terra are cast down into the mire and the stars above no longer send their ships of steel and burning light. Humanity has been reduced to struggling enclaves and fugitive tribes. Left to scavenge the bones of their former glory, mankind yet fights the New Earth with steel, salvage, and a burning defiance. If the motherworld means to end her children, she’s going to need a bigger apocalypse.Other Dust is a stand-alone, fully-compatible companion game to the free Stars Without Number sci-fi RPG. Within its pages savage mutants, crazed psychic overlords, runaway war machines and the relentless decay of a shattered world all conspire to snuff the last few embers of humanity. Yet heroes remain among the scattered survivors, and their courage and will to defy the coming night might yet save their people from a waiting doom. Use the tools this book provides to rebuild societies, reforge their ancient bonds, and bring a new dawn to a thousand points of night!Inside, youll find...Smooth old-school rules for rolling up and running the intrepid wasteland warriors and fierce avengers of a broken world. Fully compatible with Stars Without Number classes and play, too!150+ pages of GM tools, techniques, and resources for building and running a sandbox post-apocalyptic campaign. If you liked it in Stars Without Number, you'll find it in here.Rules for running groups and enclaves in the radioactive wasteland, with concrete tools to help players save or doom the hard-pressed people around them. Found your own or crush someone else's!Easy-pull techniques and resources, system-neutral for quick transplantation into your own campaigns or favorite systems.
Marvel Heroic Roleplaying: Civil War Event Book Premium
Mike Selinker - 2012
The Event Book details the major decision points during the war and its aftermath, while the Event Supplements add more options, characters, and storylines to expand the Civil War experience.
Pathfinder Adventure Path #55: The Wormwood Mutiny
Richard PettRobert Lazzaretti - 2012
They’ll have to learn how to survive as pirates if they’re to have any hope of weathering rough waves, brutal crew members, enemy pirates, ravenous beasts, and worse. But when fortune turns to their favor, it’s up to the new crew to decide whether they’ll remain the pirate’s swabs or seize control and set sail for adventures all their own.This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path launches the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path and includes:- “The Wormwood Mutiny,” a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 1st-level characters, by Richard Pett.- Details of life aboard a pirate vessel and rules for becoming the most infamous scallywag to sail the seas, by Jesse Benner, Richard Pett, and F. Wesley Schneider.- Revelations on the daring faith of Besmara, goddess of pirates, strife, and sea monsters, by Sean K Reynolds.- Death and plunder in the Pathfinder’s Journal, by Robin D. Laws.- Four new monsters, by Jesse Benner, Sean K Reynolds, and Steven D. Russell.Cover art by Daryl Mandryk
Hackmaster Player's Handbook
David S. Kenzer - 2012
Inside this gorgeous 400-page leathered book you ll find everything needed to fully enjoy HackMaster. This book includes a modern set of rules steeped in old-school roots. A real-time initiative count-up combat system means you will never have to wait for your turn. The realistic, gritty set of combat rules allows for quick resolution of combat with dynamic features such as incapacitating wounds, knocking opponents back and shield breakage. An opposed roll mechanic means every die roll is exciting, and there s always a chance of success no matter how much the odds are stacked against you. The arcane magic system features the use of both spell points and levels, while each of the fourteen different clerics have a unique list of available spells that clearly differentiates these orders. There are ten races and twenty-four character classes to choose from and additional rules for honor, luck points, and quirks and flaws make HackMaster unique! HackMaster is a game of difficult choices and the decision to excel in one area means you forgo other opportunities. You ll never have enough points to do everything you want, but the building point system, combined with quirks and flaws, ensures that no two characters will ever be alike!
God Game Black
Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan - 2012
The Sleeper stirs in his pyramid. The clock ticks towards midnight. Time to go to work. GOD GAME BLACK ushers in the apocalypse for your Laundry Files games. The stars are coming right, and there's no more room for error. In conjunction with the latest novel in the Laundry Files series, THE APOCALYPSE CODEX, this book opens up terrifying new vistas of a world plunging towards apocalypse. Inside, you'll find: * External Assets - the people (and things) that don't quite fit on any org chart, but are on the front line of this secret war * Updated personnel rosters for key characters, and rules on updating your game * The inner workings of the Black Chamber, the US Government's own occult intelligence agency * The horrors of the Sleeper's Pyramid, and the Laundry's watch on the Wall of Pain * Three new adventures that run parallel to the events of THE APOCALYPSE CODEX. GOD GAME BLACK. We can't afford to lose.
The Zalozhniy Quartet
Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan - 2012
Keep fighting. Make that red line on the map a trail of blood.The Zalozhniy Quartet is a thriller story arc of four missions for your Night’s Black Agents game. Each of the missions can be played individually, or linked into a campaign in any order. The adventures take place in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, the old stomping grounds of Communism and the Cold War… and vampires.It begins when a conventional investigation goes horribly wrong. A Zalozhniy, a vicious, undead creature, murders your contact and brings you face to face with the Lisky Bratva and a hidden plot to create the Rubedo, the ultimate vampire weapon. In a chase that takes you all the way to the dusty streets of Riyadh and the horrors of the desert, the Lisky Bratva and their spies are always hot on your heels. If you can find the artefect before them, you might just stand a chance of making it out alive. The Zalozhniy Sanction - The agents are sent to uncover the next step in a gun smuggling operation in Odessa, Ukraine, but the weapons are just one part of the sinister cargo. Out of the House of Ashes - Soviet spies, old world elegance, covert operations… and vampires. Out of the House of Ashes is the subtle, baroque portion of the quartet. If the agents pull a gun in this operation, they’re already in trouble. The Boxmen - In this operation, the agents’ target is a safe-deposit box inside a Swiss bank. A team of crooks also have their sights on the box. The agents must either join forces with the criminals, or beat them at their own game. Treason in the Blood - This operation pits the agents against more supernatural horrors than any other. They’ve got to deal with the legacy of St. John Philby, the Conspiracy’s machinations, and the interference of other, even more mysterious factions who have an interest in the Rubedo.Oh, and it’s pronounced “Za-lozh-nee” (the zh is like the g in mirage)A review from veteran Megan Robertson for the The Zalozhniy Quartet. The whole campaign captures the feel inherent in the core rulebook excellently with plenty of scope for the characters to grow, develop, struggle as the experienced mercenary spies that they are supposed to be, complete with options presented based on the mode of game you have chosen to run.
Dice Roll: A Spar Battersea Roleplaying Game Thriller (The Spar Battersea Thrillers
Jason S. Ridler - 2012
Busted? Sure. Broke? Of course . . . but back! Pulling the pieces of his life together after the events of CON JOB, Spar finds himself befriended by a group of fantasy roleplaying gamers, only to find out there’s a cult in town targeting gamers. When friends start dying, Spar is back on the hunt, this time with the help of a double-tough gal who won’t take any of Spar’s shit. The unlikely duo discover the origins of the cult, and end up in a fight for survival. And their odds of success are no better than . . . a DICE ROLL!
Marvel Heroic Roleplaying: Annihilation Event Book Premium
Margaret Weis Productions - 2012
The Event Book includes rules to scale up the game to cosmic level, with heroes such as Nova, Drax, Gamora, and the Heralds of Galactus, plus all major decision points and interstellar locations needed to become a part of the action. Essential Editions are full-color, case-bound hardcovers and include a full Marvel Heroic Roleplaying campaign, with character rosters, locations, and expanded rules. Premium Editions are full-color prestige hardcovers and include all the Essentials Edition content plus the Operations Manual and additional resources.
The Play's the Thing
Mark Diaz Truman - 2012
You and your friends tell the story of an acting troupe that is scheduled to perform a new play, but has a lot of disagreements about how that play should go. While the Playwright might present you with a classic Shakespearean folio, you'll use your imagination and wit to craft new events and excitement in old stories. In The Play's The Thing, one player takes on the role of the Playwright, the writer and director of the Play, and the rest of you portray Actors (Hams, Leads, Villains, and Ingenues) who are cast in roles. As you work your way through the Acts of the Play, you'll suggest changes that the Playwright has to incorporate into the work, making The Bard's stories even better.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Fiends
Hal Maclean - 2012
Whether they openly display their freakish ancestry in settlements known for their tiefling populations or hide such shameful attributes through either mundane or magical methods, all tieflings know that they are different.Blood of Fiends presents a player-friendly overview of the tieflings of the Pathfinder campaign setting, as well as new rules and information to help players customize their own fiendish characters.Inside this book, you’ll find:- Detailed information on the origins, physiology, traditions, social interactions, and beliefs of tieflings—the accursed descendants of mortals and fiends.- A table of 100 variant tiefling abilities to further customize your fiendish characters.- An expansive look at the 10 most common types of tiefling heritages, each of which provides tiefling characters with alternate ability score modifiers, skills, and spell-like abilities.- New feats for battle-hardened tiefling characters.- New curses and inquisitions for fiendish oracles and inquisitors.- New subdomains for tiefling clerics, each reflective of a different fiendish realm.- New masterpieces for tiefling bards and a bloodline for daemontainted sorcerers.- Dozens of new traits to flesh out your tormented character and bodily features to help distinguish your tiefling.Cover art by Michal Ivan
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Bestiary
Jim GrovesRuss Taylor - 2012
And some—like the mysterious and ancient veiled masters, and the disturbingly alluring fungus queen—make their appearance for the first time in print after debuting in Paizo’s office campaigns.The Inner Sea Bestiary explores some of Golarion’s most unique monsters. Inside this book you will find:- New monsters ranging in challenge rating from 1/3 (such as the mysterious syrinx) to 25 (the powerful infernal duke Lorthact).- Three new monstrous templates: the exotic mind-draining vetala vampire, the blighted fey of Fangwood, and the twisted mutants of the Mana Wastes.- Five new 0-Hit Die races ready for you to customize as villains—or playable as characters if that suits your particular game!- Beings both benevolent and destructive—48 in all—ready to challenge adventurers in any Pathfinder game!Cover art by Tyler Walpole
Jason Morningstar - 2012
Players in Durance assume the dual roles of convicts and guards trying to survive on an outrageously hostile planet. The thin veneer that separates the two classes tends to erode during play, raising questions about corruption, justice and mercy.
Sid Meier's Civilization V: Gods & Kings Official Strategy Guide
Brady Games - 2012
A host of new civilizations, ranging from Pachacuti’s Incas to the Hunnic Empire of Attila, are poised to stake their claim as the most dominant civilization in the history of the world. Focus the energies of your civilization by acquiring Technology, deciding when to create Buildings, Wonders, or Projects, and mustering Military Units. THE PRINCIPLES OF VICTORY This chapter sets you on the path of conquest, starting with early exploration tips and ending with your civilization ruling the world. MULTIPLAYER CIVILIZATION Tactics for gaining an edge against human opponents! TOTAL COVERAGE Get the revised and updated Civilization V guide, as well as coverage of the new features introduced through downloadable content and the Gods & Kings expansion in one convenient guide! New information includes: •New Units, Buildings, and Wonders •Religion & Espionage mechanics •Scenarios •Mercantile & Religious City-States
Cultists Under the Bed
Andy Klosky - 2012
Some deluded bastards worship these gods, trading obeisance for power or magic or the privilege of getting eaten last when the world ends. Cults are like cockroaches, breeding in the shadows, gnawing at the walls of society, fearful of the light... and bloody hard to kill.
Mythic Iceland - Legend & Adventure in Viking-Age Iceland
Pedro Ziviani - 2012
They found an island of striking beauty, with inland valleys, richly grassed and forested lowlands, massive glaciers, and impressive volcanic mountain ranges. They also found a land teeming with spirits of nature and mythic creatures.In Mythic Iceland, all the creatures of myth and all the magical aspects of life really do exist, and they play a major role in people's lives. The elves, or hidden folk, exist hidden from the eyes of the common folk, and sometimes meddle in their affairs. Those travelling through the highlands risk being attacked by trolls, and often curses and spells are laid on neighbors and enemies. This is a game related sourcebook for a tabletop role-playing game system called “Basic Roleplaying.”
Pathfinder Module: No Response from Deepmar
Stephen S. Greer - 2012
A month ago, all contact with the penal colony ceased, and now someone must discover what mysterious fate has befallen the prisoners and guards of this isolated mining operation. The abandoned colony shows no signs of struggle yet something is clearly not right: Herds of animals lie mutilated in the surrounding fields. The savage beasts of the island have run amok inside the compound. And the silent, gaping mines—each named for a different layer of Hell—lead to new threats beyond anyone's imagining. As the PCs explore the island in search of the missing miners and their jailers, what they discover may unhinge their very minds. If left unchecked, the new masters of Deepmar could bring about a new era of madness for all of Cheliax—and beyond.No Response From Deepmar is an adventure of horrifying dungeon-and-wilderness exploration for 8th-level characters, written for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and compatible with the 3.5 edition of the world's oldest RPG. The adventure also includes a gazetteer of the island of Deepmar, a detailed description of the abandoned penal colony, and a brand-new monster, all of which can be easily adapted for use in any campaign setting.Cover art by Ralph Horsley
Crypts & Things: A Swords & Sorcery Roleplaying Game
Newt Newport - 2012
Be a wild Barbarian, a deadly Fighter, a soul-torn Magician or a sword sharp canny Thief, fighting evil Tyrants, foul Sorcerers and demons in a world rapidly dying and heading towards its final Nemesis.Using a modified version of Swords and Wizardry, which in itself is a tribute to the earlier versions of the world’s most popular fantasy roleplaying game, as well as its Swords and Sorcery flavour it also draws from the darkly heroic British games and game books of the 70s/80s.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Night
Tork ShawDenman Rooke - 2012
Will you vanquish the blood-sucking villains that seek to rule the streets beneath the cover of darkness? Or will your undead heritage prove that you are more monster than mortal? While others sleep, you find renewed vigor beneath the starlit sky, and whether you seek the blood of the living or the dead, one thing remains certain: the hunt is on.Blood of the Night contains everything a player needs to play a vampire, a dhampir, or a hunter of these foul beings. Every Pathfinder Player Companion includes new options and tools for every Pathfinder RPG player. These are just some of the features you’ll find inside this book:- A thorough dissection of vampirekind, including tactics for encountering these undead fiends and properly sending them back to the grave.- Advice and guidelines on playing vampire characters in a vampire-focused campaign, as well as new traits for every type of vampire.- Traits and alternate heritages for dhampirs—the half-undead, half-mortal progeny of vampires.- New feats, equipment, and spells to vanquish undead foes and compel the living to submit to your sanguine will.- A new rule system capturing the hunger of vampire characters, who must sup on the living in order to survive.Cover art by Michal Ivan