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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player's Guide

Jason BulmahnSean K. Reynolds - 2010
    Whether you're designing your own monstrous helpers as an enigmatic summoner, brewing up trouble with a grimy urban alchemist, or simply teaching an old rogue a new trick, this book has everything you need to make your heroes more heroic.The Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide is a must-have companion volume to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 10 years of system development and an Open Playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into the new millennium.The 336-page Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide includes:- Six new base classes: the monster-hunting inquisitor, the explosive alchemist, the noble cavalier, the prophecy-haunted oracle, the monster-crafting summoner, and the hex-weaving witch.- More than a hundred innovative new feats and combat abilities for characters of all classes, including Steal, Point-Blank Master, and Bouncing Spell.- Variant class abilities, rules subsystems, and thematic archetypes for all 11 core classes, such as the antipaladin, the hungry ghost monk, and the urban ranger- Hundreds of new spells and magic items, from phantasmal revenge to the Storm King's Cloud Castle.- A wealth of fantastic equipment, such as fireblast rods and fortune-tellers' cards.- New prestige classes like the Master Chymist and the Battle Herald.... and much, much more!Cover art by Wayne Reynolds

Apocalypse World

D. Vincent Baker - 2010
    In the golden age of legend, when there was enough to eat and enough hope, when there was one nation under god and people could lift their eyes and see beyond the horizon, beyond the day. Children were born happy and grew up rich.Now that's not what we've got. Now we've got this. Hardholders stand against the screaming elements and all comers, keeping safe as many as they can. Angels and savvyheads run constant battle against there's not enough and bullets fly and everything breaks. Hocuses gather people around them, and are they protectors, saviors, visionaries, or just wishful thinkers? Choppers, gunluggers and battlebabes carve out what they can and defend it with blood and bullets. Drivers and operators search and scavenge, looking for that opportunity, that one perfect chance. Skinners remember beauty, or invent beauty anew, cup it in their hands and whisper come and see, and don't worry now about what it will cost you. And brainers, oh, brainers see what none of the rest of us will: the world's psychic maelstrom, the terrible desperation and hate pressing in at the edge of all perception, it is the world now.And you, who are you? This is what we've got, yes. What are you going to make of it?

Legend of the Five Rings RPG

Shawn Carman - 2010
    Bushido’s staunch and unyielding code of conduct binds samurai to duty, strengthening their character and defining their choices. While some samurai serve the greater good, others use the strictures of Bushido to manipulate the lower ranks and advance their own power.Eight Great Clans form the heart of Rokugan’s culture. Each is defined by its own principles, values, and agendas. Each sees the Code of Bushido in its own way. Each seeks to serve the Emperor with its own unique talents. Take up the soul of your ancestors — the samurai’s daisho — and fight for the glory and honor of your family and Clan. Now is the time for heroes, in a world where Honor is a force more powerful than Steel.The Fourth Edition of L5R is the ultimate edition of the award-winning role-playing game. Inside this tome, you will find:• A game unlike any you’ve played elsewhere. Honor and service are valued more than magic swords taken from wandering ogres. Prepare for the glorious life of the samurai!• A unique Character Sheet. Legend of the Five Rings rules have never been more easy to learn and to play. No more need to flip through pages of rules while fighting your enemies!• A toolbox approach to role-playing in Rokugan. Fourth Edition encourages gamemasters of Legend of the Five Rings to customize their game, adding or removing from their campaigns as they see fit, customizing the game to fit their story lines and players.• A broad history of the Emerald Empire and the beliefs of all the Great Clans, with play options not only the major clans but also for outlying groups such as Imperials, Minor Clans, and the infamous Spider Clan.Draw your blade and join the fight for Rokugan.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 2

Wolfgang BaurJames Jacobs - 2010
    Within this collection of creatures you'll find undead dragons and mischievous gremlins, shrieking banshees and unstoppable titans, the infamous jabberwock, and so much more! Yet not all these monsters need to be foes, as new breeds of otherworldly guardians, living shadows, and vampires all might take up adventure's call. In addition, new rules for customizing and advancing monsters and an expanded glossary of creature abilities ensure that you'll be prepared to challenge your heroes wherever adventure takes them!The Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 is the second indispensable volume of monsters for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and serves as a companion to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook and Pathfinder RPG Bestiary. This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 10 years of system development and an Open Playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into the new millennium.The 320-page Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 includes:- More than 300 different monsters.- Creatures both new and familiar, drawing upon the best-known beasts of legend, literature, and Pathfinder RPG adventures.- Challenges for any adventure and every level of play.- Hosts of new templates and variants, including simple templates for on-the-fly creature customization.- Numerous lists of monsters to aid in navigation, including lists by Challenge Rating, monster type, and habitat.- New rules for creating and running high-level menaces.- Expanded universal monster rules to simplify special attacks, defenses, and qualities.- New familiars, animal companions, and other allies.... and much, much more!Cover art by Wayne Reynolds

The Burning Wheel: Adventure Burner

Luke Crane - 2010
    It provides a system for setting up and running sessions, adventures and campaigns. Examples are provided in the form of three ready-to-run scenarios - The Sword, Trouble in Hochen, and Thelon's Rift - and 42 sample characters.In addition, this volume provides extensive insight into the Burning Wheel system. 150 pages of commentary guide the reader through the game and its application in play. A handful of new and clarified rules complete the book.

Delta Green: Targets of Opportunity

Warren Banks - 2010
    They think they’re saving the world from horrific evil. But are they just saving it for something worse.Delta Green: Targets of Opportunity is a conglomeration of evils, many of them whispered in hints and rumors since the earliest days of Delta Green.BLACK COD ISLAND: An inhuman menace rises from the frigid waters of southern Alaska. Three hundred years ago the Haida Indians fought to stamp it out. They failed. Can Delta Green fare any better?M-EPIC: A top-secret Canadian agency with a nationwide charter. Few of its members know its long history of using supernatural methods to battle the supernatural itself. Even fewer comprehend the terrible consequences that they face.DISCIPLES OF THE WORM: Humanity has always quested for a means to defeat death. For some, it’s an all-consuming obsession. For Delta Green, a loathsome 25-year-old case still demands an answer to a crucial question: When immortality is at hand, exactly what price is too high?THE DEMONTE CLAN: Hurricane Katrina was one of the most devastating storms ever to strike the United States. It ravaged New Orleans and left the proud city a flooded wreck. For its victims, Katrina was an unspeakable tragedy. For Delta Green, Katrina was a chance to strike at a long-festering horror. The target is an old and influential family whose people are something other than human, who see New Orleans plight as an opportunity of their own- and who have become quite skilled at destroying merely human enemies.THE CULT OF TRANSCENDENCE: For centuries a cult of Nyarlathotep, the mind and soul of the Outer Gods, has conspired to change the world from behind the scenes, spreading its influence into the halls of power. Today its goals are more subtle and sinister than ever, guessed only vaguely even by its loyalest adherents. It may be the deadliest threat Delta Green has ever faced.PLUS: A wealth of tools to add depth and horror to your Delta Green games: Combat Options, Stress Disorders, Background Options, DNA Analysis, and tips for running Delta Green.

GURPS Low-Tech

William H. Stoddard - 2010
    Low-Tech starts with the basics that suit any setting . . . and adds lots of culturally specialized inventions to support your campaign's particular flavor. For game masters, the discussions of past technologies – based on up-to-date historical and archaeological research – will be valuable no matter what system is used. For GURPS players, this book also covers the skills and traits that let adventurers make the best use of their equipment.Whether the heroes are cavemen taking their first steps toward civilization, pirates on the Seven Seas, or anything in between, GURPS Low-Tech has the technology they need!GURPS Low-Tech replaces GURPS Low-Tech for Third Edition, the TL4 parts of GURPS High-Tech for Third Edition, and the rules for equipment from many historical sourcebooks for Third Edition, from the TL0 tools in GURPS Dinosaurs to to the TL4 gear in GURPS Swashbucklers.

Pathfinder Chronicles: Classic Horrors Revisited

James JacobsScott Purdy - 2010
    Each creature also includes information on new and deadly creature variants, such as nosferatu vampires, corpse chill mummies, gemstone gargoyles, host corpse zombies, and phantasmagoric ghosts. What’s more, each chapter provides several new and notable examples of each creature, as well as a fully statted and ready-to-run sample monster, whether it’s a flesh golem barbarian, a derro magister, a ghoul necromancer, a hag water-witch, or a lycanthrope-hunting werewolf.Whether your campaign is a standard fantasy monster hunt, a gothic romance, or an exercise in terror, Classic Horrors Revisited provides both historical insight and fresh new spins on these traditional icons of fear!Cover art by Dan Scott

Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Misfit Monsters Redeemed

Colin McCombMike Corriero - 2010
    Yet as with any idea, not every monster can be a winner. Or can it?With Misfit Monsters Redeemed, Paizo Publishing has taken 10 of the most notoriously bad monsters in RPG history—the lamest, most hated, and flat-out silliest creatures in the genre—and attempted to make them fun allies and adversaries for players and Game Masters alike. Each monster comes complete with updated statistics for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, lengthy ecologies explaining how the monsters behave and why they are the way they are, tips on how Game Masters can use them in a campaign, notes on how to fit the monsters into the world of the Pathfinder campaign setting or your own home game, and more.Inside this 64-page book, you'll find monsters such as:- Flumphs, everyone's favorite flying jellyfish monster, come from the stars to warn innocent civilizations of the cosmic horrors lurking in the darkness.- Disenchanters, the blue-furred camels who live to prey on adventurers' magical gear.- Flail snails, the magic-warping gastropods who weave slowly through the subterranean Darklands, writing epic poetry with their slime trails.- Doom-screeching dire corbies, the bird-headed terrors of the darkest caverns.- Lurking rays, the stealthy ambush predators that are really three manta-like monsters in one: the executioner's hood, the trapper, and the lurker above.- Adherers, those sticky, mummy-like monstrosities whose wrappings of flayed skin are the scarred relics of a horrible experiment by phase spiders from the Ethereal Plane.- Other loveable losers like the delver, the lava child, the tojanida, and of course, the infamous wolf-in-sheep's-clothing!Cover art by Vinrod Rams

Fundamentals of World Building

Jessie Verino - 2010
    Use a simple blueprint method to lay the foundation, then complete the story.Beginning writers in the genre can learn to identify potential pitfalls. More complex concepts are included for intermediate to advance level authors.Use the extensive worksheet and get started world building today!

Blood & Honor RPG

John Wick - 2010
    Blood & Honor uses the Houses of the Blooded system to tell stories in Old Japan. You do not need to own a copy of Houses of the Blooded to play Blood & Honor.This is the pre-order exclusive limited edition, hardback in full colour.

The Time Traveller's Companion (Doctor Who Rpg)

Nathaniel Torson - 2010
    Whether accidentally creating paradoxes, upsetting the course of history or trying to Put Things Right, you're going to need to know your way around the Vortex. You need a guide... a companion. This supplement for Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space gives more information on Time Lords, temporal mechanics and time machines. It also takes an in-depth look at earth's important role in time and space, covering prehistory to the 51st Century - a vital aid for running historical campaigns at any time in earth's colourful history.

Bookhounds of London

Kenneth Hite - 2010
    I remember when I found it – in a dimly lighted place near the black, oily river where the mists always swirl.- The BookForbidden TomesBookhounds of London is a brand new campaign setting for Trail of Cthulhu, packed with period detail, where the Investigators seek out books about horror and strangeness and become, seemingly inevitably, drawn into the horror themselves. It provides in-depth material on London in the 1930s, carefully slanted towards Mythos investigators.An Ancient CityBookhounds’ London is a city of cinemas, electric lights, global power and the height of fashion. It’s about the horrors – the cancers – that lurk in the capital, in the very beating heart of human civilization. A Templar altar might well crouch, mostly forgotten, in the dreary Hackney Marshes, but altars to false gods tower over the metaphorical swamps of Fleet Street and Whitehall. And as for lost, prehuman ruins … who’s to say what lies under London, if you dig deep enough?Terrible ChoicesThe PCs aren’t stalwart G-men or tweedy scholars exploring forbidden frontiers. Instead, they acquire maps (and maybe guidebooks) to those forbidden frontiers from fusty libraries and prestigious auction houses. They are Book-Hounds, looking for profit in mouldy vellum and leather bindings, balancing their own books by finding first editions for Satanists and would-be sorcerers. They may not quite know what they traffic in, or they may know rather better than their clientele, but needs must when the bills come in. This volume includes:• 32 authentic full-colour maps with unique new street index of London in the 1930s, and plans of major buildings.• A Mythos take on London in the 1930s, packed with contacts, locations and rumours.• New abilities such as Document Analysis, Auction and Forgery, as well as new occupations and drives.• Full statistics for a host of new and horrible Mythos creatures to pit against the Bookhounds.• Whitechapel Black-Letter, a brand new adventure which takes Bookhounds through the bleak East End of London on the trail of a powerful 15th century grimoire.With Bookhounds, Kenneth Hite creates a rich sandbox full of dusty tomes, crooked dealers and dark alleys, a perfect setting for any Mythos investigation.A Detailed Guide to London in the 1930sBookhounds of London also features  a complete, indexed street map of London, recreated and adapted from original sources, packed with over 200 locations essential to Investigators. Whatever system you play, this is an essential resource for Mythos roleplayers. The PDF version is fully cross-referenced. The cartography in Bookhounds won a silver ENnie award.

Chronica Feudalis

Jeremy Keller - 2010
    Envisioned and enjoyed by medieval monks of some long-forgotten priory, their game will take you back in time to portray the brave knights, cunning outlaws, determined clerics, bold peasants, and brash barons of their age. Explore the British isles and the European continent as they were in the feudal era. Turn the tides of wars and scheme for political power in old kingdoms. Join a crusade, survive the inquisition, become the monarch that the annals of time forgot. History is now yours for the re-telling.Renowned medievalist and RPG scholar Jeremy Keller has assembled this manuscript from its scattered fragments and translated it from its Middle English script. The text has been lovingly interpreted and re-forged into a game system ready to run the historical adventures you have always imagined the Middle Ages could be full of. Dubbed Chronica Feudalis, the system allows for characters that range from peasants to princes and gives them the tools to set forth on daring adventures, engaging in combat, parley, subterfuge and chases.

Rifter #52

Kevin Siembieda - 2010

Smallville Role Playing Game

Josh Roby - 2010
    The Smallville Roleplaying Game lets you experience all the super-powered action and coming-of-age drama of the hit show on the CW Network. Whether you're struggling against your heritage, your humanity, or your heroic responsibility, you'll need the support of friends and family in order to embrace your destiny. Players may choose to take on the role of Clark, Chloe, Lois, Oliver, or their own original characters in the world of Smallville.

The Armitage Files

Robin D. Laws - 2010
    Players seize on clues presented in the ten mysterious documents.They choose which leads to track down. The Keeper, using clearly broken down step-by-step techniques introduced in this volume, improvises suitably mind-blasting mysteries in response to their choices. Weave these together into an epic campaign of madness, dread and danger.Terror Between the Lines!Mystery takes on written form when pages from a disturbing manuscript fall into the investigators' hands. Can your mind correlate the awful beauty of 10 stunningly distressed handouts realized by acclaimed illustrator Sarah Wroot? A series of scrawled messages, comprising a free-floating cacophony of facts, speculations, and fevered imaginings, portends cryptic doom. Preliminary inquiries reveal that they are written in the hand of Dr. Henry Armitage, director emeritus of the Mistakonic University Library.Components of Calamity!Combine the documents with pre-prepared elements such as supporting characters (in sinister, heroic or in between versions), organizations, locations and artifacts to create your unique version of the Armitage Files. An article on improvising GUMSHOE, by Steve Dempsey, shows you how.With clear advice to players and Keepers on improvisation, extensive examples and advice, following the Trail of Cthulhu Will Never Be the Same Again!

Pathfinder Adventure Path #37: Souls for Smuggler's Shiv

James JacobsClaudio Casini - 2010
    If they’re to have any hope of escaping the notorious pirates’ graveyard, the survivors will need to band together to outwit the isle’s strange beasts and legendary menaces. But can the PCs unite the swift-to-squabble castaways, especially when several seem to have mysterious goals of their own? And does Smuggler’s Shiv hide secrets even deadlier than its desperate denizens?This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path launches the Serpent’s Skull Adventure Path and includes:- “Souls for Smuggler’s Shiv,” a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 1st-level characters, by James Jacobs.- A detailed look at the personalities marooned on Smuggler’s Shiv, by James Jacobs.- Revelations into the history, ways, and world-spanning schemes of the serpentfolk, by Clinton Boomer.- An introduction to the wisdom and dangers of the jungle in the Pathfinder’s Journal, by Robin Laws.- Five new monsters, by James Jacobs and F. Wesley Schneider.Cover art by Kerem Beyit

D&D Gamma World Expansion: Famine in Far-go: A D&D Genre Supplement

Robert J. Schwalb - 2010
    The apocalypse hasn’t exactly made the world a better place. It’s survival of the fittest. Time to build a new food chain. This game expansion presents a menagerie of mutant creatures and a ready-to-play adventure. The monsters presented herein can also be pulled over and used in the Dungeons & Dragons® Fantasy Roleplaying Game. This product includes: • 160-page adventure book, including new mutant monsters• 4 sheets of die-cut mutant monster tokens• 2 fold-out battle maps - double sided

City Builder: A Guide to Designing Communities

Michael J. Varhola - 2010
    It is a universal resource that is not specific to any particular game system and is intended to be compatible with the needs of almost any ancient, Dark Ages, Middle Ages, Renaissance, fantasy, or other role-playing milieu. This comprehensive, fully-illustrated book is divided into 14 sections and includes: * An Introduction that describes the scope of the book and how to use the material it contains; * A chapter on Communities that examines the Characteristics of Communities, including thorps, hamlets, villages, towns, cities, military bases, and plantations, along with regional and racial influences on their development; Buildings; the Physical Characteristics of Cities, including fortifications, lighting, and conditions on, above, and below city streets; and Disasters. * Chapters devoted to 10 specific sorts of places, including Craftsman Places, Entertainment Places, Professional Places, Tradesman Places, Mercantile Places, Service Places, Scholarly Places, Religious Places, Governmental Places, and Underworld Places. * Descriptions of nearly 70 different sorts of places, including eight created specifically for this book that have never before appeared elsewhere. * One to four Adventure Hooks tying in with each described sort of place. * An appendix on Guilds that discusses Guild Organization and Common Guild Regulations and includes a series of tables for Random Guild Generation. City Builder has also been written so as to be fully compatible with the various Skirmisher Publishing LLC d20 publications, including Experts v.3.5, Warriors, and Tests of Skill v.3.5. The contents of City Builder were initially released in 11 different volumes and these have been combined and expanded in this unified edition of the book. "City Builder is one of the most useful city building tools to come around in this half of the decade," DriveThruRPG staff reviewer Nathan Collins wrote of the individual volumes. "Strong writing accompanies fantasy element nicely. Whether you need to develop one isolated building the PCs are set to encounter, or a city that needs to 'pop up' quickly, there is something in this set that will greatly help you.

Mike Pondsmith Games: Cyberpunk 2020, Mekton, Teenagers From Outer Space, Castle Falkenstein, Cybergeneration

Books LLC - 2010
    Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 35. Not illustrated. Free updates online. Purchase includes a free trial membership in the publisher's book club where you can select from more than a million books without charge. Excerpt: Cyberpunk 2020 is a cyberpunk role-playing game written by Mike Pondsmith and published by R. Talsorian Games. This role-playing game is based on the works of William Gibson, Bruce Sterling, and other authors of the "Mirrorshades group." The game includes a number of elements now associated with the 1980s, such as the idea of "style over substance" and glam rock. The fictional timeline, trying to depict an early 21st century from a 1980s perspective contains some anachronisms such as not foreseeing the adoption of cell phones as the preferred mode of communication. The game tends to emphasize some aspects of the source material more than others, with much attention being paid to combat, high tech weaponry and cybernetic modification, while both performance enhancing and recreational drug use is either played down or discouraged, and Artificial Intelligence, genetic engineering, and cloning being barely mentioned in the core rulebook, albeit being reprised in later add-ons such as the chromebook manuals. The range of characters players can adopt is very diverse, ranging from hardwired mercenaries with psycholinked weapons and boosted reflexes, to Armani-wearing corporate mega-yuppies who make and break national economies with the stroke of a pen. Cyberpunk 2020 is the second edition of the original game, Cyberpunk 2013, often just called "Cyberpunk." It was originally published as a boxed set in 1988, and R. Talsorian released a few supplements for this edition, including Rockerboy, Solo of Fortune, and Hardwired, the latter based on the Walter Jon Williams novel of the same name. The second edition featured rules up...More: http: //

Hirelings: Into the Wild

Crystal Frasier - 2010
    Inside are full write-ups for four different hirelings: the camp follower, the guide, the porter, and the steward. This fully illustrated PDF also includes rules and helpful hints for using hirelings in your campaign.

Pathfinder Chronicles: Heart of the Jungle

Todd StewartDiana Martinez - 2010
    Underneath the steaming jungle canopy, the lost ruins of ancient giants shelter isolated tribes, bloodthirsty predators, and screaming hordes of demon-worshiping apes. Sites of ancient magic lie almost forgotten to the outside world, and a steady stream of bold explorers ventures into the trackless wilderness after legendary fountains of youth and cities of gold, never to return. For the jungle is a living, breathing entity, and it’s always hungry... Heart of the Jungle is the perfect supplement for any jungle campaign.Inside this 64-page book, you’ll find:- New rules for adventuring in the jungle, including hazards like diseases, fungi, poisonous plants, insect swarms, quicksand, and more.- Nine new jungle cities, from the colonial trade town of Bloodcove to the cyclopean astrologer-fortress of Jaha, complete with full statistics and maps.- Information on the many cultures of the Mwangi Expanse, encompassing both the major human tribes and the jungle’s more alien and monstrous denizens.- A detailed gazetteer of some of the Expanse’s most legendary adventure sites, from the crashed flying city of Kho to the City of Hungry Spires.- More than a dozen new maps of cities and jungles, each one highly detailed for GM reference or artistically rendered for player handouts.- Five new monsters, including the flesh-eating botfly, the ancient jungle treant, and the terrifying ape-men known as angazhani.- Massive random encounter tables for multiple jungle adventure terrain types.Cover art by Vinod Rams

Pathfinder Module: The Witchwar Legacy

Greg A. Vaughan - 2010
    But one queen was unwilling to relinquish her rule, and led a doomed rebellion against the Mother of Witches. Afterward, Baba Yaga entombed her wayward daughter in an icy necropolis known as the Veil of Frozen Tears, along with a powerful artifact called the Torc of Kostchtchie, hiding them both far from mortal eyes.Now, almost 500 years later, the tomb has been found, and the race is on to plunder its treasures. Will the PCs follow Elvanna, the current queen of Irrisen, in her attempt to recover the Torc, or will they join forces with the demon lord Kostchtchie? What secrets does the Veil of Frozen Tears conceal? Can the PCs reclaim the lost artifact and keep it from those who also seek its power, or will they fall victim to the denizens of the tomb and end up as eternal guardians themselves?The Witchwar Legacy is an adventure for 17th-level characters, written for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and compatible with the 3.5 edition of the world's oldest RPG. The adventure features an icy necropolis frozen in time, cursed dragons, twisted giants, and the fell magics and devious riddles of the Queen of Witches herself! It also includes a description of the frost giant fortress of Holvirgang, and a new monster, the extraplanar scions of the titans called the Abyss gigas.This adventure is set in the northern reaches of the wintry land of Irrisen in the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can be easily adapted for any game world.Cover art by Alex Aparin

Stars Without Number: Free Edition

Kevin Crawford - 2010
    The contents are compatible with most old school clones and are designed to be easily imported to your own favorite gaming system. In addition to a complete pre-made stellar sector, Stars Without Number offers GMs and players the tools to create their own sandbox-style adventures in the far future.

Labyrinth Lord: Advanced Edition Companion

Daniel Proctor - 2010
    Play the race and class possibilities from the "advanced" first edition 1978 rules. Introduce the essential first edition monsters, spells, and magic items to your Labyrinth Lord game. All of these options are fully compatible with the core Labyrinth Lord rules, so that you can continue to play race-classes right along with all of the advanced classes and races.