Best of
GURPS Basic Set: Campaigns
Steve Jackson - 2004
. . or literally anything else! GURPS has been the premiere universal roleplaying game for almost two decades. The new Fourth Edition makes it even better!GURPS Basic Set: Campaigns combines information from the Third Edition GURPS Basic Set and GURPS Compendium II�plus our new core setting, with infinite possibilities for timeline-hopping adventure! (You don't have to play in the core setting�there isn't some game-altering metaplot�but it's there if you want it.)
Paranoia XP
Allen Varney - 2004
This 256 page book brings back one of the greatest roleplaying games ever produced, in a fabulous new edition utilizing many of the original design team that made Paranoia great.
Dogs in the Vineyard
D. Vincent Baker - 2004
Sometimes, Dog, sometimes you have to cut off the arm to save the life.Does the sinner deserve mercy?Do the wicked deserve judgement?They're in your hands.DOGS IN THE VINEYARDRoleplaying God's Watchdogsin a West that never quite was.
GURPS Basic Set: Characters
Steve Jackson - 2004
. . or literally anything else! GURPS has been the premiere universal roleplaying game for almost two decades. The new Fourth Edition makes it even better! GURPS Basic Set: Characters combines information from the Third Edition GURPS Basic Set and GURPS Compendium I, plus hundreds of new and updated rules! This 336-page, full-color hardcover contains everything you need to create and play a GURPS Fourth Edition character.
Gary Gygax's Extraordinary Book of Names: For a Gygaxian Fantasy World: The Essential Tool for Name Creation
Malcolm Bowers - 2004
A veritable host of nationalities and cultures are covered from Indian, Korean, and Mongol to Aztec and Mayan. From Medieval English to Spanish, from the fantastic to the mundane, from Italian, Jewish, Polynesian, and more, this extraordinary collection covers it all. Furthermore, a whole chapter is dedicated to place names and another to epithets. For the d20 enthusiast, a new core class, the Onomancer, comes to life with new rules on the magic of names and the naming conventions used by your world's powerful magi.
Iron Kingdoms Character Guide: Full-Metal Fantasy, Volume One
J.M. Martin - 2004
This is the official Iron Kingdoms character guide, with new and exciting character classes and prestige classes, heaps of new skills, feats, weapons and gear. Expansive details on magic and mechanika, and new races like Gobbers, Ogrun and Trollkin. To make full use of this book you also need the D&D Player's Handbook and Dungeon Master's Guide.
The Burning Wheel: Monster Burner (The Burning Wheel, Book 3)
Luke Crane - 2004
Inside the Monster Burner are the detailed guidelines you need to understand and manipulate the Burning Wheel character burning system.
The Book of Familiars
Casey Christofferson - 2004
Carefully balanced rules allow players to acquire familiars for any character class they play. Rogues, Fighters, Clerics - all have the opportunity to acquire a familiar companion. Paladins are treated in great detail with rules on heroic, intelligent weaponery, spirit familiars, and more. Bards can become acquainted and companions with the Muse that gives them the gift of song and so much more. All classes are treated carefully for game balance.
Trigun D20
Michelle Lyons - 2004
Only two things ever happen to those who catch up to Vash, however: they either crawl away wounded, or they stagger away in disbelief that such a dork could possibly be the man they are looking for! Welcome to the techno-western setting supplement for the smash-hit anime RPG, BESM d20! This guide covers the entire Trigun anime series with detailed episode summaries, in depth character profiles, setting and theme analysis, and BESM d20 role-playing character sheets.
Iron Kingdoms Character Guide: Full Metal Fantasy, Vol. 1
Iron Kingdoms - 2004
This is the official Iron Kingdoms character guide, with new and exciting character classes and prestige classes, heaps of new skills, feats, weapons and gear. Expansive details on magic and mechanika, and new races like Gobbers, Ogrun and Trollkin. To make full use of this book you also need the D&D Player's Handbook and Dungeon Master's Guide.
Slaves of the Moon: The Essential Guide to Lycanthropes (Races of Legend) (PCI1107) (Races of Legend)
Mike Mearls - 2004
Designed to put the power of Lycanthropy into the hands of D20 players, each of the various wereraces are explored in depth and provided with an option for play from first level onward. Gamemasters will also benefit from in-depth cultural information and challenging NPC options.
Castles & Crusades Players Handbook
Davis Chenault - 2004
Enter a world of heroism and epic adventure in Castles & Crusades! Here, stalwart knights battle ancient dragons, powerful wizards duel one another with mighty magics, and the brave-of-heart rescue mystic artifacts from the clutches of evil villains! With its quick character creation, fast-paced combat rules, and simplified spell effect application, the Player's Handbook is the perfect tool to introduce players, new and old, to the customizable fantasy roleplaying game Castles & Crusades!
Joseph Goodman - 2004
Built on the foundation of a traditional fantasy campaign, DragonMech is easy to integrate into any ongoing game, or it can be used on its own. It features extensive rules for fantasy mechs powered by machinery, magic, and manual labor, fully integrated with a host of new classes, feats, skills, and items specially designed for a mech-based fantasy campaign.
Mythic Vistas: Sidewinder: Recoiled (Mythic Vistas)
Bradley W. Hindman - 2004
Capture the cinematic action and adventure of your favorite western movies, novels, and TV shows using this complete set of rules. Create courageous gunslingers, low-down rustlers, or high stakes gamblers and test your mettle out on the frontier. Sidewinder: Recoiled takes the d20 Modern rules and customizes them for Wild West action. This rulebook contains everything you need for active gameplay, including: Complete basic classes, skills, and feats. Weapons and equipment for the real Wild West, from tomahawks and dynamite to Colt Peacemakers and Winchester rifles. 19 new advanced classes, like bounty Hunter, Desperado, Maverick, and Tin Star. Complete rules for combat and critters. Excerpts from Bat Masterson's Famous Gun Fighters of the Western Frontier so you can learn about the Wild West from a man who lived it Sidewinder: Recoiled is the definitive d20 treatment of the Wild West. Beware of fool's gold So saddle up, strap on your hog-leg, and pull your hat down low. You're fixin' to ride into the REAL Wild West of Sidewinder: Recoiled Requires the use of the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Rifter (Your Guide to the Megaverse, 26)
Various - 2004
A good collection of palladium games articles
BESM Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Black Rose Saga
Michelle Lyons - 2004
Hundreds of full-color images from the series. Covers episodes 14-26.
BESM Revolutionary Girl utena: The Rose Collection
Emily Dresner-Thornber - 2004
Hundreds of full-color images from the series. Covers episodes 1-13.
Under the Shadow (Midnight)
Iain J. Brogan - 2004
This sourcebook contains dozens of organizations, NPCs and location descriptions for the city of Baden's Bluff, maps, adventure hooks, and local rumors to incorporate into any Midnight campaign, new feats, prestige classes, charms, and equipment for eluding the hunters of the dark lord and fighting the tyrants of the shadow using more subtle, but no less heroic, methods.