Best of
Amplified Bible
Anonymous - 1965
No working knowledge of Greek or Hebrew is required—just a desire to know more about what God says in his Word. With its unique system of brackets, parentheses, and italics, the Amplified Bible defines and expands key words and phrases right in the text. Verse by verse, the deeper meaning behind the message of Scripture unfolds as you read. This Bible features other study tools to help you to more clearly understand God’s Word:• Uses a unique system of punctuation, italics, references, and synonyms to unlock subtle shades of meaning as found in the original Bible languages• Footnotes provide concise historical and archaeological information and devotional insights, plus hundreds of references to select sources and authors• Introductions and outlines for every Bible book • Bible reading plan• Bibliography of the sources cited in the study notes• Glossary of the most frequent amplifications in the text• Comprehensive concordance with 25,000 entries• 8 pages of full-color maps• Double-column format• Presentation page
Techniques of the Selling Writer
Dwight V. Swain - 1965
It gives the background, insights, and specific procedures needed by all beginning writers. Here one can learn how to group words into copy that moves, movement into scenes, and scenes into stories; how to develop characters, how to revise and polish, and finally, how to sell the product.No one can teach talent, but the practical skills of the professional writer's craft can certainly be taught. The correct and imaginative use of these kills can shorten any beginner's apprenticeship by years.This is the book for writers who want to turn rejection slips into cashable checks.
A Reverence for Wood
Eric Sloane - 1965
Charmingly illustrated with author Eric Sloane's own sketches, the text illuminates with rare insight the enormously varied and useful qualities of wood.Covering such topics as the aesthetics of wood, wooden implements, and carpentry, Sloane remarks expansively and with affection on the resourcefulness of early Americans in their use of this precious commodity. From cradle to coffin, the pioneer was surrounded by wood. It was used to make tools, fence the land, and build barns. People sat at wooden tables on wooden chairs and ate from wooden dishes. Charcoal, one of the many by-products of wood, was used to preserve meat, remove offensive odors, and produce ink. The bark of various trees was processed to make medicine. An entertaining, factual, and historically accurate book, A Reverence for Wood will delight woodcrafters and lovers of Americana. It is "one of Eric Sloane's best books." — Library Journal
A Treasury of Great Recipes
Vincent Price - 1965
Selected from London's The Ivy, Madrid's Palace Hotel, New York's Sardi's, and other legendary establishments, the recipes are accompanied by witty commentaries, while colour photos and atmospheric drawings by Fritz Kredel make this one of the most beautiful books of its kind.
Drawing the Human Head
Burne Hogarth - 1965
In 300 extraordinary drawings, Hogarth shows how to draw the head from every angle, age the face from infancy to old age, and delineate every feature and wrinkle.
The Study of Counterpoint
Johann Joseph Fux - 1965
J. S. Bach held it in high esteem, Leopold Mozart trained his famous son from its pages, Haydn worked out every lesson with meticulous care, and Beethoven condensed it into an abstract for ready reference.
The Wit and Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln: A Book of Quotations
Abraham Lincoln - 1965
From the most eloquent of American presidents, nearly 400 astute observations on subjects ranging from women to warfare: "Bad promises are better broken than kept"; "Marriage is neither heaven nor hell; it is simply purgatory"; "Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally."
Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals
Richard P. Feynman - 1965
Feynman starts with an intuitive view of fundamental quantum mechanics, gradually introducing path integrals. Later chapters explore more advanced topics, including the perturbation method, quantum electrodynamics, and statistical mechanics. 1965 edition, emended in 2005.
My Book House, Volumes 1-12
Olive Beaupré Miller - 1965
Set includes In the Nursery, Story Time, Up One Pair of Stairs, Through the Gate, Over the Hills, Through Fairy Halls, the Magic Garden, Flying Sales, The Treasure Chest, From the Tower Window, In Shining Armor, and Halls of Fame.
Calculus On Manifolds: A Modern Approach To Classical Theorems Of Advanced Calculus
Michael Spivak - 1965
The approach taken here uses elementary versions of modern methods found in sophisticated mathematics. The formal prerequisites include only a term of linear algebra, a nodding acquaintance with the notation of set theory, and a respectable first-year calculus course (one which at least mentions the least upper bound (sup) and greatest lower bound (inf) of a set of real numbers). Beyond this a certain (perhaps latent) rapport with abstract mathematics will be found almost essential.
20,000 Years of Fashion: The History of Costume and Personal Adornment
François Boucher - 1965
A definitive study featuring each epoch and region, clearly discussed so that the novice can enjoy this volume as well as the scholar. A must for any student of the arts or anyone interested in how fashion has evolved.
Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student
Edward P.J. Corbett - 1965
Presenting its subject in five parts, the text provides grounding in the elements and applications of classical rhetoric; the strategies and tactics of argumentation; the effective presentation and organization of discourses; the development of power, grace, and felicity in expression; and the history of rhetorical principles. Numerous examples of classic and contemporary rhetoric, from paragraphs to complete essays, appear throughout the book, many followed by detailed analyses. The fourth edition of Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student features a new section on the Progymnasmata (classical composition exercises), a new analysis of a color advertisement in the Introduction, an updated survey of the history of rhetoric, and an updated section on External Aids to Invention.
Northwest Coast Indian Art: An Analysis of Form
Bill Holm - 1965
The painted and carved wooden screens, chests and boxes, rattles, crest hats, and other artworks display the complex and sophisticated northern Northwest Coast style of art that is the visual language used to illustrate inherited crests and tell family stories.In the 1950s Bill Holm, a graduate student of Dr. Erna Gunther, former Director of the Burke Museum, began a systematic study of northern Northwest Coast art. In 1965, after studying hundreds of bentwood boxes and chests, he published "Northwest Coast Indian Art: An Analysis of Form." This book is a foundational reference on northern Northwest Coast Native art. Through his careful studies, Bill Holm described this visual language using new terminology that has become part of the established vocabulary that allows us to talk about works like these and understand changes in style both through time and between individual artists' styles. Holm examines how these pieces, although varied in origin, material, size, and purpose, are related to a surprising degree in the organization and form of their two-dimensional surface decoration.The author presents an incisive analysis of the use of color, line, and texture; the organization of space; and such typical forms as ovoids, eyelids, U forms, and hands and feet. The evidence upon which he bases his conclusions constitutes a repository of valuable information for all succeeding researchers in the field
Fashions in Hair: The First Five Thousand Years
Richard Corson - 1965
This revised edition has 16 new pages by fashion historian Caroline Cox to bring hair fashions up to the present day. The first to attempt a comprehensive historical survey of men's and women's hair styles through the ages, from Ancient Egypt through Greece, Egypt, Rome, and Anglo-Saxon times to recent trends in fashion, this book is now an essential work of reference. Drawing on many years of research by the author, this is an essential handbook for theatrical designers, hair artists, illustrators, and beauty consultants as well as all those interested in the changing fashions in hair. Guaranteed to entertain and educate the general reader as well as historians of fashion, this is the perfect companion piece to both Fashions in Make-Up and Fashions In Eyeglasses.
The First Jewish Catalog: A Do-It-Yourself Kit
Richard Siegel - 1965
A true classic! When no one else can answer your questions on celebrations, ceremonies, customs, and rituals, The First Jewish Catalog can.
Vox Latina: A Guide to the Pronunciation of Classical Latin
W. Sidney Allen - 1965
In the second edition the text of the first edition is reprinted virtually unchanged but is followed by a section of supplementary notes that deal with subsequent developments in the subject. The author also added an appendix on the names of the letters of the Latin alphabet and a select bibliography.
The Gospel and Epistles of John: A Concise Commentary
Raymond E. Brown - 1965
Father Brown has thoroughly revised, updated, and adjusted the commentary to the 1986 revised NAB translation of the Bible, making this edition of his best-selling book virtually a new work.
Handbook of Mathematical Functions: with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables
Milton Abramowitz - 1965
A classic resource for working with special functions, standard trig, and exponential logarithmic definitions and extensions, it features 29 sets of tables, some to as high as 20 places.
Action Cook Book
Len Deighton - 1965
I learned a lot about food from playing Harry Palmer' Michael CaineIf you look carefully at Harry Palmer's kitchen in the classic film ‘The Ipcress Files’ you will notice a newspaper pinned on the wall. This is one of Len Deighton's classic cookstrips, the series that ran for two years when he was the Observer food writer. Because before he became famous as the thriller writer of his generation, Len Deighton had trained as a pastry chef. He was also a brilliant graphic artist (his credits include the first ever UK cover for Kerouac's ‘On The Road’). ‘The Action Cookbook’ is the perfect mix of these two passions, created for the hero of his third passion.‘The Action Cook Book’ was once an instructional book for the bachelor male – a guide to sophisticated cooking for the would-be Harry Palmer. It now has a great following as a fabulous piece of nostalgia as well as retaining real credibility as a genuinely useful cook book.If you need to create the basic wine cellar (basic to Len Deighton – decidedly aspirational to the rest of us), or to learn how to cook full-bodied meals with a seductive touch (how could you resist brain soufflé? – ‘brains are a very good constituent for a souffle. They are delicious fried, or in any of the piquant wine sauces’), then this is the book for you.
The Special Theory of Relativity
David Bohm - 1965
Yet for Bohm the implications of the theory were far more revolutionary both in scope and impact even than this. Stepping back from dense theoretical and scientific detail in this eye-opening work, Bohm describes how the notion of relativity strikes at the heart of our very conception of the universe, regardless of whether we are physicists or philosophers.
The Treasure Chest
Charles L. Wallis - 1965
A Heritage Album Containing 1064 Familiar and Inspirational Quatations, Poems, Sentiments, and Players From Great Minds of 2500 Years
Shemirath Shabbath
Yehoshua Y. Neuwirth - 1965
In response to this challenge, the classic Shemirath Shabbath Kehilchathah was compiled by Rav Yehoshua Y. Neuwirth. The complete English edition covers all aspects of Shabbos observance, with hundreds of practical applications and halachic rulings. This essential edition places proper Sabbath observance within every Jew's grasp. 3-volume gift-boxed set. Sold as a set only. (Individual volumes not sold separately.)
The Oxford History of the American People
Samuel Eliot Morison - 1965
Politics are not lacking; but my main ambition is to re-create for my readers American ways of living in bygone eras. Here you will find a great deal on social and economic development; horses, ships, popular sports, and pastimes; eating, drinking, and smoking habits. Pugilists will be found cheek-by-jowl with Presidents; rough-necks with reformers, artists with ambassadors."More…than in other histories will be found on sea power, on the colonial period in which basic American principles were established, on the American Indians, and the Caribbean. I am offering fresh, new accounts of the Civil War and the War of Independence. A brief account of the parallel history of Canada, so near and dear to us, yet so unknown in her historical development to most citizens of the United States, has been attempted." -- from the Preface
Larousse World Mythology
Pierre Grimal - 1965
The book analyzes the expression of such serious concerns as the creation of the universe and of human life, the evolution of society, and agricultural fertility cycles.
Ma Cuisine
Auguste Escoffier - 1965
This collection of incomparable recipes--classic soups, sauces, fish and shellfish, meat, poultry, game, sandwiches, salads, vegetables, sweets, jams, and beverages--reflects a lifetime of skill and experience. Among the sublime tastes elegantly presented here: a Chicken Velouté Sauce with Cream; Sole Poached in White Wine, Butter, and Tomatoes; Hot Lobster Mousse; Fillet of Beef with Truffles and Madeira; Potatoes Nana; Chestnut Croquettes; and Meringue with Custard Cream. Introduction by the distinguished founder of the International Wine & Food Society.
The Dance Language and Orientation of Bees
Karl von Frisch - 1965
"The Dance Language and Orientation of Bees" is his masterwork--the culmination of more than fifty years of research. Now available for the first time in paperback, it describes in non-technical language what he discovered in a lifetime of study about honeybees--their methods of orientation, their sensory faculties, and their remarkable ability to communicate with one another. Thomas Seeley's new foreword traces the revolutionary effects of von Frisch's work, not just for the study of bees, but for all subsequent research in animal behavior. This new paperback edition also includes an "Appreciation" of von Frisch by the distinguished biologist Martin Lindauer, who was Frisch's protege and later his colleague and friend.
Introduction to Geometry
H.S.M. Coxeter - 1965
The Second Edition retains all the characterisitcs that made the first edition so popular: brilliant exposition, the flexibility permitted by relatively self-contained chapters, and broad coverage ranging from topics in the Euclidean plane, to affine geometry, projective geometry, differential geometry, and topology. The Second Edition incorporates improvements in the text and in some proofs, takes note of the solution of the 4-color map problem, and provides answers to most of the exercises.
In the Shade of the Quran Vol. 1 (Surahs 1 & 2)
Sayed Qutb - 1965
It is an earnest, sincere, and sober look at man's contemporary achievements and difficulties in the light of the message of the Qur'an. It is an effort to vigorously explore its rich wisdom, and expand its invaluable guidance for the benefit of an increasingly 'sophisticated', yet highly perplexed modern society. The work, which is by far Sayyid Qutb's largest and most profound, spans the whole of the text of the Qur'an. It was written, and party re-written over a period of more than 15 years, most of which the author had spent in Egyptian prisons, during the 1950s and 1960s. In it is embedded Sayyid Qutb's insight, highly esteemed intellectual vigor, and his widely-acclaimed literary prowess.In the Shade of The Quranhas been universally recognised as an outstanding contribution to Islamic thought and scholarship, to which students and scholars, as well as contemporary Islamic revivalist movements all over the world, owe a great deal. Now that it is available in English, it will continue to enlighten and inspire millions more. It will take its rightful place as an indispensable work of reference for a proper understanding of contemporary Islamic thinking.
Schaum's Outline of General Topology
Seymour Lipschutz - 1965
You also get hundreds of examples, solved problems, and practice exercises to test your skills.
The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Vol. 1
Francis James Child - 1965
The few published ballad editions that existed were unreliable, filled with unacknowledged editorial changes and distortions of the original manuscripts. Professor Child compiled all the extant ballads with all known variants, and made them available for the first time — together with his invaluable commentary that prefaces each work — in a single source that maintained absolute fidelity to the original texts. Published between 1882 and 1898, the original ten-part study became the definitive collection of popular ballads in the English language, never to be superceded. To this day, scholars and devotees speak of "The Child Ballads" with the awe and respect generated by few other literary works. Volume 1: Parts I and II of the original set, ballads 1-53 including "Edward," "Lord Randal," "Tam Lin," "Lady Isabel and the Elf-Knight," "Earl Brand," "Thomas Rymer," more. Biographical sketch of Child by Prof. Kittredge, Child's portrait, additions and corrections.
The Modern Tradition: Background of Modern Literature
Richard Ellmann - 1965
Nostra Aetate: Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions
Second Vatican Council - 1965
Bastien Piano Literature: Volume 1
Jane Smisor Bastien - 1965
Includes these songs: A Winter Tale (Bartok) Dance (Kabalevsky) Ecossaise In G [Beethoven, Ludwig Van] Little Song [Kabalevsky, Dmitri] March [Shostakovich, Dmitri] March In D Major (Notebook For Anna Magdalena Bach) [Bach, Johann Sebastian] Minuet In F Major [Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus] Minuet In G [Bach, Johann Sebastian] Minuet In G Minor [Bach, Johann Sebastian] Quick March (Kabalevsky) Soldiers' March [Schumann, Robert] Sonatina (Fritz) Sonatina In G (Beethoven) The Lonely Traveler (Bartok) The Merry Farmer Op.68 No.10 [Schumann, Robert] The Wild Horseman Op.68 No.8 (Album For The Young) [Schumann, Robert] Waltz [Kabalevsky, Dmitri]
Structure In Art And In Science
Gyorgy Kepes - 1965
The Lyrics of Noël Coward
Noël Coward - 1965
Songs such as A Room with a View, The Stately Homes of England, Mad Dogs and Englishmen and Mrs Worthington are known, sung and loved the world over. This edition gathers together over 250 of Coward's lyrics, arranged in chronological order and grouped by show. In addition, these masterpieces of verse are accompanied by an introduction and notes from the Master himself.
A History of Political Thought: The Middle Ages (Pelican)
Walter Ullmann - 1965
Discourses of the Prophet Joseph Smith
Alma P. Burton - 1965
The Reader's Encyclopedia
William Rose Benét - 1965
s/t: An Encyclopedia of World Literature and the ArtsReference book on the symbols, movements, genres, characters & individuals found in Arts & Literature--as well as disciplines which are effected, or are alluded to, in these fields.
British Inn Signs and their Stories
Eric R. Delderfield - 1965
British Inn Signs And Their Stories
Dickens' Oliver Twist (Cliffs Notes)
Harry Kaste - 1965
The infant's father is unknown, and the orphan is placed in a private juvenile home. After nine years of mistreatment, the boy is returned to the workhouse for even more abuse. After representing his fellow sufferers in an attempt to get more food, Oliver is punished and is apprenticed to Sowerberry, an undertaker. Noah Claypole, a charity boy working for Oliver's master, goads Oliver to rebellion, for which Oliver is savagely flogged. Consequently, Oliver runs away and heads for London.
The Ghost-Dance Religion and the Sioux Outbreak of 1890
James Mooney - 1965
He visited Wovoka, the Ghost Dance prophet, at his home in Nevada and traced the progress of the Ghost Dance from place to place, describing the ritual and recording the distinctive song lyrics of seven separate tribes. His classic work (first published in 1896 and here reprinted in its entirety for the first time) includes succinct cultural and historical introductions to each of those tribal groups and depicts the Ghost Dance among the Sioux, the fears it raised of an Indian outbreak, and the military occupation of the Sioux reservations culminating in the tragedy at Wounded Knee. Seeking to demonstrate that the Ghost Dance was a legitimate religious movement, Mooney prefaced his study with a historical survey of comparable millenarian movements among other American Indian groups. In addition to his work on the Ghost Dance, James Mooney is best remembered for his extraordinarily detailed studies of the Cherokee Indians of the Southeast and the Kiowa and other tribes of the southern plains, and for his advocacy of American Indian religious freedom.
Ian Nairn - 1965
Its coastal resorts are particularly distinguished, nowhere more so than at Brighton where Nash's orientalizing Pavilion sets the tone. Elsewhere castles and fortified town walls along the coast attest to Sussex's military past; Chichester cathedral and Battle Abbey to its medieval endowments. In East Sussex, 12th century churches are important survivals in villages also rich in the timber-framed houses for which Sussex is famous. On a grander scale, there are atmospheric country houses such as Petworth House and Uppark. The 20th century makes its mark in the sober and dignified Festival Theatre at Chichester, the exhilarating De la Warr Pavilion at Bexhill, and the uncompromising forms of the University of Sussex campus.
The Art of Irish Cooking
Monica Sheridan - 1965
Nearly 200 recipes for traditional Irish fare.
Folk Guitar with Laura Weber: A Series of Beginning Lessons
Laura Weber - 1965
Farm Journal's Complete Pie Cookbook: 700 Best Dessert and Main-Dish Pies in the Country
Nell B. Nichols - 1965
Includes meat & chicken pies, dessert pies, and several pie crust recipes, with detailed instructions.
Trademark Designs of the World
Yusaku Kamekura - 1965
Includes the work of John Buckland Wright, Raymond Loewy Associates, Paul Klee, Joseph Binder, and hundreds of others. Preface. Bibliography. 699 trademarks.
German Made Simple
Eugene Jackson - 1965
Void of all nonessentials and refreshingly easy to understand, German Made Simple includes:• Basics of German grammar• Modern German vocabulary• German pronunciation guide• German reading exercises• German economic information• Common German expressions• Review exercises• Complete answer key• German-English dictionary
Aerodynamics of Wings and Bodies
Holt Ashley - 1965
Fluid mechanics, constant density inviscid flow, singular perturbation problems, viscosity, thin-wing and slender body theories, drag minimalization, and other essentials are addressed in a lively, literate manner and accompanied by diagrams.
Modern Chess Openings: 10th Ed. (MCO 10)
Larry Evans - 1965
Now it has been enlarged and updated by International Grandchessmaster Larry Evans, and edited by Chessmaster Walter Korn, who maintains continuity with his previous editions of this classic. indispensable part of correspondence play...nothing but praise for the new Modern Chess Openings and the staggering amount of work which has been put into it for the benefit of chess players." -Correspondence Chess "Modern Chess Openings holds its unchallenged place as the most comprehensive and up-to-date opening guide in the English language." - British Chess Magazine.
Famous Artists Painting Course
Albert DornPeter Helck - 1965
The Painting and Illustration & Design courses, which are still offered, consisted of 24 lessons, with a new lesson mailed to the student upon completion of the previous lesson. When a student completed and returned the assignment, it was critiqued by a professional artist who sent suggestions back to the student. The original 1948 price for the three-year course was $200, payable in monthly installments, and veterans could use the GI Bill.[3] By the 1950s the price was $300, plus an estimated $11.55 for basic oil painting supplies.[4]Famous Artists School has offered correspondence courses in art since it was founded in 1948 in Westport, Connecticut, U.S.A. The idea was conceived by members of the New York Society of Illustrators, but due to the society's legal status, could not be operated by it. Society member Albert Dorne led the initiative to set up a separate entity, and recruited the support of Norman Rockwell, who was also a society member. For the founding faculty, Dorne recruited John Atherton, Austin Briggs, Stevan Dohanos, Robert Fawcett, Peter Helck, Fred Ludekens, Al Parker, Norman Rockwell, Ben Stahl, Harold von Schmidt and Jon Whitcomb. All were making more than US$ 50,000 a year at the time. Later faculty included Cowboy Artist Harvey W. Johnson and cartoonists Roger Vernon, Al Capp, Milt Caniff and Rube Goldberg. Advisory faculty for the school later included Stuart Davis, Ben Shahn, Fletcher Martin, Ernest Fiene, Arnold Blanch and Doris Lee. The Famous Artists School was acquired by Cortina Learning International of Wilton, Connecticut in 1981. In 2014 the archives were donated to the Norman Rockwell Museum.[1][2]
Book of Isaiah: Chapters 1-18 v. 1
Edward J. Young - 1965
Book by Young, Edward J.
I Chronicles
Jacob M. Myers - 1965
I Chronicles begins with the famous genealogical lists from Adam to David, continues with an account of David's reign, in which the chronicler emphasizes David's efforts to restore the religion of Israel, & concludes with the accession of Solomon to the throne of Judah. A crucial book for historians of the biblical period & for students of the Bible, I Chronicles is to be neither accepted as a faithful narrative of the Davidic period nor dismissed as a fanciful, imaginative recreation of that history. It must be taken as an important clue to the biblical process. For here we find the Bible quoting itself--sometimes directly, sometimes in paraphrase. Prof. Myers meticulously analyzes important aspects of the Chronicler & his work--his method of composition, his conviction that to rebuild the nation of Israel one had to restore & strengthen her traditional religion, his significantly post-Exilic perspective. The book also examines the vast literature on Chronicles to find what it yields toward a better understanding of the Chronicler & a fuller appreciation of his work. Finally, it compares--in exhaustive detail--I Chronicles with the other books in the Bible to which it is parallel. The volume Myers has produced is no less than a definitive treatment of the subject.
Boy Scouts of America - 1965
Includes instructions on building a radio and on morse code. Although dated, this collectible booklet is interesting reading for those interested in radio and electronics. Illustrated. 36 pp.
Guide for the Jewish Homemaker
Shonie B. Levi - 1965
The new homemaker develops confidence from simple, relevant advice based on a blending of time-honored and modern observance. The experienced homemaker will value its practical advice on such topics as developing menus, planning a wedding, finding new books and records for cultural enrichment, meeting obligations in the community. All subjects are united by the underlying theme of the role of the woman in carrying on a meaningful tradition.
Fashion: From Ancient Egypt to the Present Day
Mila Contini - 1965
For fashion is far more than the wearing of clothes; the primitive caveman with his blue paint, the Cretan ladies who left their bosoms bare, the hair styles on Roman statues......"
A Modern Introduction to Philosophy: Readings from Classical and Contemporary Sources
Paul Edwards - 1965
The Phenomenological Movement: A Historical Introduction
Herbert Spiegelberg - 1965
It may suitably be opened by the following excerpts from a review which Herbert W. Schneider of Columbia University, the Head of the Division for International Cultural Cooperation, Department of Cultural Activities of Unesco from 1953 to 56, wrote in 1950 from France: The influence of Husserl has revolutionized continental philosophies, not because his philosophy has become dominant, but because any philosophy now seeks to accommodate itself to, and express itself in, phenomenological method. It is the sine qua non of critical respectability. In America, on the contrary, phenomenology is in its infancy. The average American student of philosophy, when he picks up a recent volume of philosophy published on the continent of Europe, must first learn the "tricks" of the phenomenological trade and then translate as best he can the real impon of what is said into the kind of imalysis with which he is familiar . . . . No doubt, American education will graduaUy take account of the spread of phenomenological method and terminology, but until it does, American readers of European philosophy have a severe handicap; and this applies not only to existentialism but to almost all current philosophical literature. ' These sentences clearly implied a challenge, if not a mandate, to all those who by background and interpretive ability were in a position to meet it.
Diary of a Nightmare: Berlin 1942-1945
Ursula von Kardorff - 1965
Several of her friends were involved in the 20 July plot to kill Hitler.
Wiring Simplified: Based on the 2014 National Electrical Code
Frederic P. Hartwell - 1965
Encouraging readers to tackle jobs small and large, the guide covers everything from repairing a table lamp to wiring a whole house. After introducing the basics—standards, codes, safety practices, and an overview of how electricity is measured and delivered—chapters show how to design a layout for lights, switches, and receptacles; run a line from a utility pole; install wires, circuits, and grounds; and handle special projects such as replacing old wiring and wiring detached garages and accessory buildings. The do-it-yourselfer appreciates the detailed instructions and drawings, the homeowner working with a contractor gains insight into how to communicate with the professional about the problems to be solved, and students and teachers appreciate the range and depth of the subject matter and the accompanying student workbook.
English Words from Latin and Greek Elements
Donald M. Ayers - 1965
Its second edition, published in 1986, has confirmed that vocabulary is best taught by root, not rote. The importance of learning classical word roots is already acknowledged by vocabulary texts that devote chapters to them. Why a whole book based on this approach? Ayers' text exposes students to a wider range of roots, introduces new English words in context sentences, and reinforces vocabulary through exercises. It promotes more practice with roots so that students learn to use them as tools in their everyday encounters with new words. English Words is written from the standpoint of English; it neither attempts to teach students Latin or Greek nor expects a knowledge of classical languages on the part of instructors. Its success has been demonstrated at both the secondary and college levels, and it can be used effectively with students in remedial or accelerated programs. An Instructor's Manual (gratis with adoption) and a Workbook are also available.
A First Course in Partial Differential Equations: with Complex Variables and Transform Methods
Hans F. Weinberger - 1965
Topics include one-dimensional wave equation, properties of elliptic and parabolic equations, separation of variables and Fourier series, nonhomogeneous problems, and analytic functions of a complex variable. Solutions. 1965 edition.
The Passion and Death of Christ
Charles Haddon Spurgeon - 1965