Best of
The Book of Indian Birds
Sálim Ali - 1941
This twelfth edition is revised, but retains Dr. Salim Ali's original text while describing and illustrating 240 additional species. Color prints are used in place of the black-and-white photographs of earlier editions. The book now illustrates in color, and succinctly describes the habits and habitats of 538 birds of the plains and foothills, and of the wetlands and sea-coast. The sequence of orders and families has been rearranged to facilitate reference to current ornithological literature. The book remains an indispensable field guide for everyone who wishes to enjoy the rich and varied bird life of the country.
The Holy Bible : Scofield Reference Bible
Anonymous - 1941
Scofield, that popularized dispensationalism at the beginning of the 20th century.
The New Testament LDS, King James Version
Anonymous - 1941
This is a stand-alone edition of the LDS edition of the Bible.
The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
Oxford University Press - 1941
Over 20,000 quotations from every era and every location bring you the wisdom of ages and the sound bites of today. The text is a browser's paradise that allows the reader to identify who said what, and when, and where. Here readers will find in one volume the wit and wisdom of humanity--the finest lines to be found from Shakespeare, the Bible, Mark Twain, Alan Greenspan, and hundreds of other writers, philosophers, political figures, and entertainers. This new edition contains over 200 new entries including sixty-one quotable Americans. This updated sixth edition encompasses current trends in politics and culture with quotations such as States like these constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world (George Bush), and It's a good thing (Martha Stewart). Many other new additions are older in origin, yet enlighten events of the twenty-first century. Each illuminating entry contains in-depth details of the earliest traceable source, biographical cross-references, birth and death dates, and a career brief. With both a thematic and keyword index, scholars and readers thumbing through the book will easily be able to find quotations for all occasions. Ranging from the profound, to cogent, to witty, these quotations will add spice to your writing and conversation. An ideal reference for any home or office library, The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations is a perennial source of entertainment and inspiration for public speakers, writers, or anyone else who enjoys a sparkling line or spirited reply.
The Visual Handbook of Building and Remodeling
Charlie Wing - 1941
In fact, earlier editions of this classic guide have sold over 250,000 copies.With its unique visual approach and over 1,600 full-color drawings, this new, expanded edition provides you with a clear, detailed look at every aspect of home construction-- and built-in systems. So you can visualize exactly how to tackle any building project or construction challenge.And, in addition to its user-friendly graphic presentation, you'll also appreciate the clear, straightforward language that gives you everything you need to get going.Here are just a few reasons why you'll want to pick up a copy of this new edition.It's chock full of new material with lots of essential information not included in earlier versions Over 400 new full-color drawings shed light on a wide range of additional materials, systems and details New chapters on energy-efficient green building practices and innovative storage solutions Over 1,600 drawings -- in total -- cover every aspect of home building and remodeling Over 300 tables offer quick access to critical data
The Audubon Backyard Birdwatcher: Birdfeeders and Bird Gardens
Robert Burton - 1941
It also addresses landscaping for birds, including planting advice, supplemental feeding, water in the garden, and a regional guide to plants and birds.
Walter Piston - 1941
By now it is plain that the book is different from what it used to be, but its essential approach and its basic substance remain as they were. The major departure of the fourth edition was the addition of seven new chapters, including four on the complicated subject of harmony after common practice, which had not been discussed in the first three editions. However, then as now, the core of the book remains the exhaustive treatment of common-practice harmony, the subject of most one-year or two-year courses in tonal harmony. In the present edition, the entire text has been carefully revised with a view to clarifying the language and illuminating the essential principles. Wherever possible, the text has been opened up to allow the reader to adopt a more leisurely pace through what had been a terse and detailed presentation. The results will also be perceived in the more spacious design of this edition. New exercises have been added to the early chapters as well as some fresh music examples. There is an entirely new chapter on musical texture that serves to clear up many difficult points encountered by the beginning student. Another innovation is the rearrangement of the chapters dealing with harmonic rhythm and the structure of the phrase as well as the inclusion of a short summary of analytical method. This book has long been known as an introductory textbook, but because of its comprehensive range, it also serves as an invaluable reference book. The acquisition of an consummate knowledge of composers' practice--the goal of any study of harmony--is admittedly an endless assignment. Ars longa, vita brevis, but consolation may be derived from the thought that intellectual and artistic rewards are to be found at all stages along the way.
From the Ground Up
Sandy A.F. MacDonald - 1941
Updated with American specifications, standards, and procedures in general aviation, it includes discussions of the airplane, theory of flight, aircraft engines, airports, airspace, air rules and procedures, meteorology and aviation safety, and human factors. An extensive glossary and index help pilots keep current with changing technology and regulations affecting the aviation industry.
The Patriot's Handbook: A Citizenship Primer for a New Generation of Americans
George Grant - 1941
K. Chesterton once quipped that America is the only nation ever founded on a creed. While other nations find their identity in geography, culture, ideology, or ethnic origin, America was founded on certain ideas about freedom, human dignity, and social responsibility. Early in the nineteenth century, American educators began to realize that if this great experiment in liberty was to be maintained, then an informed patriotism would have to be instilled in the young. The ideals that produced the nation needed to pass from one generation to the next; thus, these educators presented rising new citizens with a small handbook containing the essential elements of the American creed.
The Patriot's Handbook
is a twenty-first century version of that tradition. A concise introduction to the ideas, events, and personalities of American freedom, it is a valuable resource for anyone who wishes to understand the nation's identity as it has developed from its founding until now. Included are key documents: The Mayflower Compact The Declaration of Independence The Federalist Papers Speeches, poems, song lyrics, and profiles of the presidents and many of the leaders who have shaped the nation's history
Ryrie Study Bible Expanded Edition: King James Version
Anonymous - 1941
Charles C. Ryrie's years of study, teaching and writing make him exceptionally qualified to help readers grasp the Bible's fundamental truths. Every Ryrie Study Bible Expanded Edition has unique features that make it a best-seller year after year. Readers will especially appreciate the synopsis of Bible doctrine-a concise and easy-to-understand outline of the major doctrines found in Scripture. Comprehensive outlines of each book, 10,000 explanatory notes, full-color maps and timeline charts-plus wide margins for note-taking-further highlight this extraordinary Study Bible. You'll love the new expanded Ryrie more than ever. King James Version.
El pequeno Larousse ilustrado 2006
Larousse - 1941
With updated entries reflecting current events, the latest edition of this full-featured reference includes 90,000 entries with 200,000 definitions. More than 5,000 full-color photographs, maps, tables, and drawings enhance the written entries and make browsing a pleasure. The encyclopedia section covers a wide range of subjects, including the arts, architecture, nature, sports, history, science, and technology, all in a clear, easy-to-use layout. This is the one reference that every Spanish speaker and student of the Spanish language should have on his or her bookshelf.
The Concise Cambridge History of English Literature
George Sampson - 1941
The second edition had a substantial new chapter by R. C. Churchill on twentieth-century literature and appeared in 1961. This is a digital reprint of the 1970 edition, prepared by Mr Churchill, which provides a revision of the first thirteen chapters. Three very substantial chapters were added that had the effect of making this the only complete and up-to-date survey as of 1970 of world literature in English. The literature of the USA is surveyed in extenso and in its own right. The literatures in English of Ireland, India, Pakistan, Ceylon, Malaysia, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the West Indies, South Africa and the predominately English-speaking African states are also treated. Students and general readers will find this a comprehensive and lively-minded survey, guide and reference book to the world's literature in the English language.
The Oxford Companion to American Literature
James David Hart - 1941
Hart's The Oxford Companion to American Literature has been an unparalleled guide to America's literary culture, providing one of the finest resources to this country's rich history of great writers. Now this acclaimed work has been completely revised and updated to reflect current developments in the world of American letters.For the sixth edition, editors James D. Hart and Phillip Leininger have updated the Companion in light of what has happened in American literature since 1982. To this end, they have revised the entries on such established authors as Saul Bellow, Norman Mailer, and Joyce Carol Oates, and they have added more than 180 new entries on novelists (T. Coraghessan Boyle, Tim O'Brien, Louise Erdrich, Don De Lillo), poets (Rita Dove, Weldon Kees), playwrights (Wendy Wasserstein, August Wilson), popular writers (Stephen King, Louis L'Amour), historians (James M. McPherson, David Herbert Donald, William Manchester), naturalists (Aldo Leopold, Edward Abbey), and literary critics (Camille Paglia, Richard Ellmann). In addition, the Companion boasts more women's, African-American, and ethnic voices, with new entries on such luminaries as Charlotte Perkins Gilman, M.F.K. Fisher, William Least Heat-Moon, Ursula Le Guin, and Oscar Hijuelos, among many others.These additions represent only some of the revisions for the new edition. Of course, the basic qualities of the Companion that readers have grown to know and love over the years are as superb as ever. With over 5,000 total entries, The Oxford Companion to American Literature reflects a dynamic balance between past and contemporary literature, surveying virtually every aspect of our national literature, from the Pulitzer Prize to pulp fiction, and from Walt Whitman to William F. Buckley, Jr. There are over 2,000 biographical profiles of important American authors (with information regarding their styles, subjects, and major works) and influential foreign writers as well as other figures who have been important in the nation's social and cultural history. There are more than 1,100 full summaries of important American novels, stories, essays, poems (with verse form noted), plays, biographies and autobiographies, tracts, narratives, and histories. The new edition provides historical background and astute commentary on literary schools and movements, literary awards, magazines, newspapers, and a wide variety of other matters directly related to writing in America. Finally, the book is thoroughly cross-referenced and features an extensive and fully updated index of literary and social history.Ranging from Captain John Smith to John Updike, and from Anne Bradstreet to Anne Rice, the sixth edition of The Oxford Companion to American Literature is up to date, accurate, and comprehensive, a delight for both the casual browser and the serious student.
Writing and Thinking: A Handbook of Composition and Revision
Norman Foerster - 1941
The Complete Books
Charles Fort - 1941
His research appeared in four books: The Book of the Damned, New Lands, Lo!, and Wild Talents.In these four volumes Fort organized and commented on a wild host of phenomena: flying saucers seen in the sky before the invention of aircraft, flying wheels, strange noises in the sky; correlations between volcanic activity and atmospheric phenomena; falls of red snow; falls of frogs, fishes, worms, shells, jellies; finding of "thunderbolts"; discrepancies in the schedules of comets, sightings on Mars and the moon; infra-Mercurian planets; inexplicable footprints in snowfields; flat earth phenomena, disruptions of gravity; poltergeist phenomena; stigmata; surviving fossil animals; the Jersey devil; Kaspar Hauser; spontaneous combustion; and similar weird effects.While Charles Ford never actually explained the phenomena, beyond making vague hints of an organic universe and neo-Hegelianism, through the years his following has grown. At first his work was picked up by literary men such as Theodore Dreiser, Booth Tarkington, Clarence Darrow, Havelock Ellis, and Oliver Wendell Holmes. Later, "Fortean themes" influenced the development of science fiction, and today his work remains the great predecessor to all extraterrestrial speculations.
Plants of Northern British Columbia
Andy MacKinnon - 1941
More than 500 species of trees, shrubs, wildflowers, grasses, ferns, mosses and lichens are illustrated and described.
The Constitution of the United States: Its Sources and Its Application
Thomas James Norton - 1941
A handbook for citizens and public officials.
Let the People Think (New Thinker's Library)
Bertrand Russell - 1941
In this selection of his essays, first published in 1941 and long out of print, sparkling wit and crystal clarity combine with a profundity and deep humanity that single him out as one of the world's most formative thinkers. Among diverse subjects, this edition includes Russell's thoughts on the value of skepticism, free thought and propaganda, mental health, fascism, insects and comets.
Temples of the Most High
N.B. Lundwall - 1941
Pratt, Wilford Woodruff, Orson Hyde, John Taylor, Lorenzo Snow, Joseph F. Smith, Heber C. Kimball and others. The quality of this compilation will speak for itself and needs no comment. It is hoped that its pages will inspire many souls and that the downcast may be cheered by its message.
"I wish to notice this. We read in the Bible, that there is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars. In the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, the glories are called, telestial, terrestrial, and celestial, which is the highest. These are worlds, different departments, or mansions, in our Father's house. Now those men, or those women, who know no more about the power of God, and the influence of the Holy Spirit, than to be led entirely by another person, suspending their own understanding, and pinning their fate upon another's sleeve, will never be capable of entering into the celestial glory, to be crowned as they anticipate; they will never be capable of becoming Gods. They cannot rule themselves to say nothing of ruling others, but they must be dictated to in every trifle, like a child. They cannot control themselves in the least, but James, Peter, or somebody else must control them. They never can become Gods, nor be crowned as rulers with glory, immortality, and eternal lives. They never can hold scepters of glory, majesty, and power in the celestial kingdom. Who will? Those who are valiant and inspired with the true independence of heaven, who will go forth boldly in the service of their God, leaving others to do as they please, determined to do right, though all mankind besides should take the opposite course. Will this apply to any of you? Your own hearts can answer." –President Brigham Young
Mediterranean Front
Alan Moorehead - 1941
Yet, within a few months Africa had become a key theatre of war. In order to keep any hold on the Mediterranean, Britain needed to protect Egypt and Malta. Naturally, it was also preoccupied with the defence of its own shores. Mussolini seized the opportunity to annexe swathes of empire and in September, the Italian Tenth Army advanced into Egypt. Throughout the first shock retreat and then the counter-attack of Operation Compass, Moorehead was in the thick of the action. Flying in the few aircraft supporting the army, going out on daring night patrols and raids, he experienced the reality of desert war conducted on what he later called a ‘shoestring’ – 36,000 Allied soldiers attempting to hold out against 200,000 Italians. From Cairo, Moorehead reported on the airborne invasion of Crete and the ‘lowpoint for the fortunes of the British in the Middle East’. By the end of the summer, with Axis troops exhausted for the moment, Field-Marshal Wavell, with typical military understatement, summed up the year as ‘some setbacks, some successes’.
Greek Mathematical Works
Aristarchus of Samos - 1941
Volume I ("Loeb Classical Library no. 335") contains: The divisions of mathematics; mathematics in Greek education; calculation; arithmetical notation and operations, including square root and cube root; Pythagorean arithmetic, including properties of numbers; square root of 2; proportion and means; algebraic equations; Proclus; Thales; Pythagorean geometry; Democritus; Hippocrates of Chios; duplicating the cube and squaring the circle; trisecting angles; Theaetetus; Plato; Eudoxus of Cnidus (pyramid, cone); Aristotle (the infinite, the lever); Euclid.Volume II contains: Aristarchus (distances of sun and moon); Archimedes (cylinder, sphere, cubic equations; conoids; spheroids; spiral; expression of large numbers; mechanics; hydrostatics); Eratosthenes (measurement of the earth); Apollonius (conic sections and other works); later development of geometry; trigonometry (including Ptolemy's table of sines); mensuration: Heron of Alexandria; algebra: Diophantus (determinate and indeterminate equations); the revival of geometry: Pappus.
Scholarships, Grants and Prizes 2011
Peterson's - 1941
It contains detailed profiles of awards, based on ethnic heritage, talent, employment experience, military service, and other categories, that are available from private sources, such as foundations, corporations, and religious and civic organizations. SELLING POINTS:Scores of profiles include information on award amounts, eligibility requirements, application deadlines, contact information, and more Easy-to-use indexes allow you to search for awards by criteria like academic fields/career goals, sponsoring organizations, employment/volunteer experience, military service, nationality/ethnic heritage, corporate or religious affiliation, talent/interest area, and location of study Quick-reference chart lists awards providing $2,000 and higher in order of dollar amount Informative articles containing:- advice on avoiding scholarship scams - information on scholarship management organizations - strategies for searching for and finding awards
The Climate Near The Ground
Rudolf Geiger - 1941
But whoever reads it will discover that no three consecutive pages of text have been transferred unaltered. The enormous development that has taken place since 1950, particularly the surprising extension in the practical applica tions of micrometeorology, have made it necessary to rewrite the book. In producing this work, I had in mind two aims which were linked more closely to each other than I had at first dared to hope. The new edition was to be a clear and vivid textbook for those who were just taking up the study of microclimatology, and at the same time a ref erence work for those already familiar with the subject. For the fIrst task, I had in mind the students who would recoil with horror at the insurmountable barrier of an apparently unlim ited and ever-increasing pile of literature and thus were in need of assistance. In addition, I was thinking of colleagues working in related sciences, who have no time to study our liter ature."
The Social & Economic History of the Hellenistic World (Academic Monograph Reprint)
Michael Rostovtzeff - 1941
West Virginia: A Guide to the Mountain State
Work Projects Administration - 1941
N. on State 88, open May 30 to Sept. ... Annual Events: Easter sunrise service, Oglebay Park; Dog Show, Apr., ...
Los Angeles in the 1930s: The WPA Guide to the City of Angels
Work Projects Administration - 1941
Scott Fitzgerald were creating the images and associations—and the mystique—for which the City of Angels is still known. Many books in one, Los Angeles in the 1930s is both a genial guide and an addictively readable history, revisiting the Spanish colonial period, the Mexican period, the brief California Republic, and finally American sovereignty. It is also a compact coffee table book of dazzling monochrome photography. These whose haunting visions suggest the city we know today and illuminate the booms and busts that marked L.A.’s past and continue to shape its future.