Best of


Pygmalion / My Fair Lady

George Bernard Shaw - 1956
    Then, Aphrodite, taking pity on this man whose love could not reach beyond the barrier of stone, brought the statue to life and gave her to Pygmalion as his bride. Centuries later, George Bernard Shaw captured the magic of this legend in his celebrated play, Pygmalion. Pygmalion became Henry Higgins, a professor of phonetics, his statue an untutored flower girl from the streets of London, and the barrier between them is class.. Shaw expected Eliza to end up with Freddy and run a flower shop.In My Fair Lady, Alan Jay Lerner takes the legend one step further—the barrier is swept away and Higgins and Eliza are reunited as the curtain falls on one of the loveliest musical plays of our time—winning seven Tonys® for its original Broadway production, and seven Oscars® for its film adaptation.--back cover

Palace Walk

Naguib Mahfouz - 1956
    A national best-seller in both hardcover and paperback, it introduces the engrossing saga of a Muslim family in Cairo during Egypt's occupation by British forces in the early 1900s.

Till We Have Faces

C.S. Lewis - 1956
    Lewis reworks the classical myth of Cupid and Psyche into an enduring piece of contemporary fiction. This is the story of Orual, Psyche's embittered and ugly older sister, who posessively and harmfully loves Psyche. Much to Orual's frustration, Psyche is loved by Cupid, the god of love himself, setting the troubled Orual on a path of moral development.Set against the backdrop of Glome, a barbaric, pre-Christian world, the struggles between sacred and profane love are illuminated as Orual learns that we cannot understand the intent of the gods "till we have faces" and sincerity in our souls and selves.

Italian Folktales

Italo Calvino - 1956
      Filled with kings and peasants, saints and ogres—as well as some quite extraordinary plants and animals—these two hundred tales bring to life Italy’s folklore, sometimes with earthy humor, sometimes with noble mystery, and sometimes with the playfulness of sheer nonsense.   Selected and retold by one of the country’s greatest literary icons, “this collection stands with the finest folktale collections anywhere” (The New York Times Book Review).   “For readers of any age . . . A masterwork.” —The Wall Street Journal   “A magic book, and a classic to boot.” —Time

The Adventures of Robin Hood

Roger Lancelyn Green - 1956
    He takes refuge with his Merrie Men in the vast Sherwood Forest, emerging time and again to outwit his enemies with daring and panache. This book presents the story of social justice and cunning.

In My Father's Court

Isaac Bashevis Singer - 1956
    This rememberance of Singer's pious father, his rational yet adoring mother, and the never-ending parade of humanity that marched through their home is a portrait of a magnificent writer's childhood self and of the world, now gone, that formed him.

Long Day's Journey into Night

Eugene O'Neill - 1956
    First published by Yale University Press in 1956, it won the Pulitzer Prize in 1957 and has since sold more than one million copies. This edition includes a new foreword by Harold Bloom.The action covers a fateful, heart-rending day from around 8:30 am to midnight, in August 1912 at the seaside Connecticut home of the Tyrones - the semi-autobiographical representations of O'Neill himself, his older brother, and their parents at their home, Monte Cristo Cottage.One theme of the play is addiction and the resulting dysfunction of the family. All three males are alcoholics and Mary is addicted to morphine. They all constantly conceal, blame, resent, regret, accuse and deny in an escalating cycle of conflict with occasional desperate and half-sincere attempts at affection, encouragement and consolation.

One Hundred Poems from the Chinese

Kenneth Rexroth - 1956
    Across the centuries—Tu Fu lived in the T'ang Dynasty (731-770)—his poems come through to us with an immediacy that is breathtaking in Kenneth Rexroth's English versions. They are as simple as they are profound, as delicate as they are beautiful.Thirty-five poems by Tu Fu make up the first part of this volume. The translator then moves on to the Sung Dynasty (10th-12th centuries) to give us a number of poets of that period, much of whose work was not previously available in English. Mei Yao Ch'en, Su Tung P'o, Lu Yu, Chu Hsi, Hsu Chao, and the poetesses Li Ch'iang Chao and Chu Shu Chen. There is a general introduction, biographical and explanatory notes on the poets and poems, and a bibliography of other translations of Chinese poetry.

The Fall

Albert Camus - 1956
    His epigrammatic and, above all, discomforting monologue gradually saps, then undermines, the reader's own complacency.

Four Plays: Summer and Smoke / Orpheus Descending / Suddenly Last Summer / Period of Adjustment

Tennessee Williams - 1956
    "The innocent and the damned, the lonely and the frustrated, the hopeful and the hopeless . . . (Williams) brings them all into focus with an earthy, irreverently comic passion."--Newsweek.

The Roots of Heaven

Romain Gary - 1956
    When he fails, do like me: think about free elephant ride through Africa for hundreds and hundreds of wonderful animals that nothing could be built—either a wall or a fence of barbed wire—passing large open spaces and crush everything in its path, and destroying everything—while they live, nothing is able to stop them—what freedom and! And even when they are no longer alive, who knows, perhaps continue to race elsewhere still free. So you begin to torment your claustrophobia, barbed wire, reinforced concrete, complete materialism imagine herds of elephants of freedom, follow them with his eyes never left them on their run and will see you soon feel better ... "For the novel The Roots of Heaven, Gary received the Prix Goncourt for fiction. Translated and republished in many countries around the world, the novel was finally published in Bulgarian. A film version by John Huston starring Juliette Gréco, Errol Flynn, and Howard Trevard was released in 1958.

The Hunters

James Salter - 1956
    Four decades later, it is clear that he also fashioned the most enduring fiction ever about aerial warfare.Captain Cleve Connell arrives in Korea with a single goal: to become an ace, one of that elite fraternity of jet pilots who have downed five MIGs. But as his fellow airmen rack up kill after kill--sometimes under dubious circumstances--Cleve's luck runs bad. Other pilots question his guts. Cleve comes to question himself. And then in one icy instant 40,000 feet above the Yalu River, his luck changes forever. Filled with courage and despair, eerie beauty and corrosive rivalry, The Hunters is a landmark in the literature of war.

Saint Francis

Nikos Kazantzakis - 1956
    He was the author of poetry, plays, articles and novels, including The Last Temptation of Christ, Zorba the Greek and The Greek Passion.

The Story of a Life

Konstantin Paustovsky - 1956
    This universally acclaimed memoir gives us an extraordinary picture of Russia during the tumultuous first two decades of the twentieth century. Here are startlingly vivid vignettes of country life, poignant remembrances of the disintegration of the writer’s family, and anecdotes from his student days. Here too are devastating eyewitness reports of the horrors of pogroms, searing visions of towns ravaged by disease, hunger, and violence, and what will stand as the definitive account of the chaos and passion of a nation in the throes of revolution.

The Outsider

Colin Wilson - 1956
    First published over forty years ago, it made its youthful author England's most controversial intellectual. The Outsider is an individual engaged in an intense self-exploration-a person who lives at the edge, challenges cultural values & "stands for Truth." Born into a world without perspective, where others simply drift thru life, the Outsider creates his own set of rules & lives them in an unsympathetic environment. The relative handful of people who fulfilled Wilson's definition of the Outsider in the 1950s have now become a significant social force, making Wilson's vision more relevant today than ever. Thru the works & lives of various artists--including Kafka, Camus, Eliot, Hemingway, Hesse, Lawrence, Van Gogh, Nijinsky, Shaw, Blake, Nietzsche & Dostoyevski--Wilson explores the psyche of the Outsider, his effect on society & society's effect on him. Wilson illuminates the struggle of those who seek not only the transformation of Self but also the transformation of society as a whole. The book is essential for everyone who shares his conviction that "a new religion is needed".

The Grass Harp, Including A Tree of Night and Other Stories

Truman Capote - 1956
    AS they pass sweet yet hazardous hours in a china tree, The Grass Harp manages to convey all the pleasures and responsibilities of freedom. But most of all it teaches us about the sacredness of love, "that love is a chain of love, as nature is a chain of life."This volume also includes Capote's A Tree of Night and Other Stories, which the Washington Post called "unobstrusively beautiful...a superlative book."

Selected Short Stories

William Faulkner - 1956
    Most of the pieces in this collection are drawn from the greatest period in his writing life, the fifteen or so years beginning in 1929, when he published The Sound and the Fury. They explore many of the themes found in the novels and feature characters of small-town Mississippi life that are uniquely Faulkner’s. In “A Rose for Emily,” the first of his stories to appear in a national magazine, a straightforward, neighborly narrator relates a tale of love, betrayal, and murder. The vicious family of the Snopes trilogy turns up in “Barn Burning,” about a son’s response to the activities of his arsonist father. And Jason and Caddy Compson, two other inhabitants of Faulkner’s mythical Yoknapatawpha County, are witnesses to the terrorizing of a pregnant black laundress in “That Evening Sun.” These and the other stories gathered here attest to the fact that Faulkner is, as Ralph Ellison so aptly noted, “the greatest artist the South has produced.”

The Temple of the Golden Pavilion

Yukio Mishima - 1956
    While an acolyte at the temple, he fixates on the structure’s aesthetic perfection and it becomes the one and only object of his desire. But as Mizoguchi begins to perceive flaws in the temple, he determines that the only true path to beauty lies in an act of horrendous violence. Based on a real incident that occurred in 1950, The Temple of the Golden Pavilion brilliantly portrays the passions and agonies of a young man in postwar Japan, bringing to the subject the erotic imagination and instinct for the dramatic moment that marked Mishima as one of the towering makers of modern fiction. With an introduction by Donald Keene; Translated from the Japanese by Ivan Morris.(Book Jacket Status: Jacketed)

The Orwell Reader: Fiction, Essays, and Reportage

George Orwell - 1956
    The selections in this anthology show how Orwell developed as writer and as thinker; inevitably, too, they reflect and illuminate the history of the time of troubles in which he lived and worked. “A magnificent tribute to the probity, consistency and insight of Orwell’s topical writings” (Alfred Kazin). Introduction by Richard H. Rovere.

The Last Hurrah

Edwin O'Connor - 1956
    Curley, portrays its Irish-American political boss as a demagogue and a rogue who nonetheless deeply understands his constituents. The book was later made into a John Ford film staring Spencer Tracy.

The Seventh Seal

Ingmar Bergman - 1956
    This book contains the script to the film, as well as an introduction by writer/director Ingmar Bergman and several B&W stills from the film.The screenplay in this book is identical to that used in the film, except that some sequences did not make it into the final version of the film.

The Eighth Day of the Week

Marek Hłasko - 1956
    The Eighth Day of the Week, his first novel, caused a sensation in Poland in 1956 and then in the West, where Hlasko was hailed as "a Communist James Dean."Two young people search for a place to consummate their relationship in a world jammed with strangers and emptied of all intimacy. Their yearning for the redemptive power of authentic love is thwarted by the moral and aesthetic ugliness around them. The Eighth Day of the Week memorably depicts the tension between the degradation to which the characters are forced to submit and the preservation of an inner purity which they refuse to relinquish.

The Sibyl

Pär Lagerkvist - 1956
    He is turned away but not before learning that one of the most adept of the old priestesses, or sibyls, lives in disgrace in the mountains above the temple. In her rude goat-hut he seeks the meaning of his disastrous brush with the son of God. She reveals that she, too, has been touched by the son of a god, a very different son, not quite human, born of her own body. He dwells with her as a constant reminder of the betrayal of her mystical and erotic union with the divine, her punishment, and perhaps her redemption.

The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces

Maynard MackFrancis Abiola Irele - 1956
    Like all Norton Anthologies, the Expanded Edition in One Volume of The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces is foremost a teaching anthology, edited to meet the needs of today's students discovering a range of literary traditions for the first time.

Spring in Fialta

Vladimir Nabokov - 1956
    Шигаева (Pamyati L.I. Shigaeva); English translation: In the Memory of L.I. Shigaeva (1934)• Посещение музея (Poseshchenie muzeya); English translation: The Visit to the Museum (1931)• Набор (Nabor); English translation: Recruiting (1935)• Лик (Lik); English translation: Lik (1939)• Истребление тиранов (Istreblenie tiranov); English translation: Tyrants Destroyed (1938)• Василий Шишков (Vasiliy Shishkov); English translation: Vasiliy Shishkov (1939)• Адмиралтейская игла (Admiralteyskaya igla); English translation: The Admiralty Spire (1933)• Облако, озеро, башня (Oblako, ozero, bashnya); English translation: Cloud, Castle, Lake (1937)• Уста к устам (Usta k ustam); English translation: Lips to Lips (1932)'Spring in Fialta is cloudy and dull'. With his senses wide open, Victor wanders the streets. He meets Nina. Again. For fifteen years, their fleeting, chance encounters have made Nina a faint but constant presence in the margins of his life. As they happen upon one another once again, his mind wanders back into the past and relives each brief memory: their kiss in Russia, when she met his wife, when he met her husband, their affair in Paris. Each time she captivated him, each time she seemed to almost forget him, each time he noticed a lurking sense of apprehension that began to grow.

ചെമ്മീൻ | Chemmeen

Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai - 1956
    Unable to live with the man she loves, Karutthamma marries Palani, who, despite the scandal about his wife's past, never stops trusting her, a trust that is reaffirmed each time he goes to sea and comes back safe since the 'sea-mother' myth among the fishermen community goes that the safe return of a fisherman depends on the fidelity of his wife. Then, one night, Karutthamma and Pareekkutty meet and their love is rekindled while Palani is at sea, baiting a shark ... The hugely successful novel was adapted into a film of the same name, and won critical acclaim and commercial success. Anita Nair's evocative translation brings this classic of Indian literature to a new generation that hasn't had the opportunity to savour this tale of love and longing.

Perrine's Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense

Thomas R. Arp - 1956
    Written for students beginning a serious study of literature, the text introduces the fundamental elements of fiction, poetry, and drama in a concise and engaging way, addressing vital questions that other texts tend to ignore, such as "Is some literature better?" and "How can it be evaluated?" A remarkable selection of classic, modern, and contemporary readings serves to illustrate the elements of literature and ensure broad appeal to students of diverse backgrounds and interests.

Miserable Miracle

Henri Michaux - 1956
    By means of words, signs, drawings. Mescaline, the subject explored." In Miserable Miracle, the great French poet and artist Henri Michaux, a confirmed teetotaler, tells of his life-transforming first encounters with a powerful hallucinogenic drug. At once lacerating and weirdly funny, challenging and Chaplinesque, his book is a breathtaking vision of interior space and a piece of stunning writing wrested from the grip of the unspeakable.Includes forty pages of black-and-white drawings.

Boy in Darkness and Other Stories

Mervyn Peake - 1956
    Disturbingly atmospheric, these stories are told with the force and simplicity of allegory. This special volume includes rare stories as well as some never-before-seen illustrations.

A Walk on the Wild Side

Nelson Algren - 1956
    As Algren admitted, it wasn't written until long after it had been walked... I found my way to the streets on the other side of the Southern Pacific station, where the big jukes were singing something called "Walking the Wild Side of Life." I've stayed pretty much on that side of the curb ever since".Perhaps his own words describe the book best: The book asks why lost people sometimes develop into greater human beings than those who have never been lost in their whole lives. Why men who have suffered at the hands of other men are the natural believers in humanity, while those whose part has been simply to acquire, to take all and give nothing, are the most contemptuous of mankind.Cover Photograph: Jason Fulford

The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces: Volume 1

Sarah N. Lawall - 1956
    Most major works, from Homer's Odyssey to Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart, are offered complete or in substantial, readable excerpts. New authors and works abound, including pieces by Plautus, Lucian, Ariosto, de Vega, Shakespeare, Joyce, O'Connor, Munro, and Silko, and new sections of Medieval lyrics and tales, Romantic poetry in translation, and Dada-Surrealist poetry. Informative period introductions and author headnotes guide readers through the cultural and historical contexts surrounding the literature.


Paul Valéry - 1956
    Many consider the prose masterpieces Eupalinos and Dance and the Soul as the fullest and most characteristic expression of his genius. The dialogue form, "the most supple of the forms of expression, " was natural to Valery. "I found I was talking to myself in two voices, and began to write accordingly, " he said. His imagination and his philosophical mind found in his major dialogues the common ground they were always seeking. In the present volume, all the formal imaginary dialogues are brought together for the first time.

No-No Boy

John Okada - 1956
    He attended the University of Washington and Columbia University. He served in the US Army in World War II, wrote one novel and died of a heart attack at the age of 47. John Okada died in obscurity believing that Asian America had rejected his work. In this work, Okada gives the perspective of a no-no boy, a Japanese-American man who would neither denounce his Japanese heritage nor fight for the U.S. Army during WWII. This novel takes place after the main character spent two years in a Japanese internment camp, and two years in prison after saying no when asked to join the U.S. Army. Okada's novel No-No Boy shows the internal and external struggles fought by Japanese-Americans in that time period, be they no-no boys or not.

The Brave Cowboy: An Old Tale in a New Time

Edward Abbey - 1956
    A man out of time, he rides a feisty chestnut mare across the New West — a once beautiful land smothered beneanth airstrips and superhighways. And he lives by a personal code of ethics that sets him on a collision course with the keepers of law and order. Now he has stepped over the line by breaking one too many of society's rules. The hounds of justice are hot in his trail. But Burnes would rather die than spend even a single night behind bars. And they have to catch him first.

Points of View: An Anthology of Short Stories

James MoffettCynthia Marshall Rich - 1956
    Now its contents have been updated and its cultural framework enlarged by the orginal editors. Many of the 44 stories come from a new writing generation with a contemporary consciousness, and this brilliant blending of masters of the past and the brightest talents of the present achieves the goal of making a great collection even greater.

The Structure Of Modern Poetry: From The Mid Nineteenth To The Mid Twentieth Century

Hugo Friedrich - 1956

The Blue-Nosed Witch

Margaret Embry - 1956
    On Halloween night, a young witch meets a group of children and has such a good time with them that she almost misses the witches' annual meeting.

Six Feet of the Country

Nadine Gordimer - 1956
    Seven stories of South Africa deal with a missing body, a mysterious Rhodesian visitor, a pass law protest, a white geologist and his Black secretary, and a pair of childhood sweethearts.

The Castle/The Trial

Franz Kafka - 1956
    As the villagers & the Castle officials block his efforts at every turn, K’s consuming quest–quite possibly a self-imposed one–to penetrate the inaccessible heart of the Castle & take its measure is repeatedly frustrated. Kafka once suggested that the would-be surveyor in The Castle is driven by a wish “to get clear about ultimate things,” an unrealizable desire that provided the driving force behind all of Kafka’s dazzlingly uncanny fictions. The Trial: Written in 1914, The Trial is the terrifying tale of Josef K, a respectable bank officer who is suddenly arrested & must defend himself against a charge about which he can get no information. Kafka’s nightmare has resonated with chilling truth for generations of readers.

A Scarcity of Love

Anna Kavan - 1956
    As in 'Ice', Kavan discards such aids to realism as geography and mundane physical facts - even time seems to have halt in a menacing country of the emotions where the very ground is uneasy with seismic-like threats. 'A Scarcity of Love' tells the story of a young girl, rejected by her narcissistic and vengeful mother, whose life thereafter is a continuing series of betrayals that can lead only to the dead end of madness and death. Like Sylvia Plath, Anna Kavan was capable of nearly perfect control over language as she strove to describe, in the simplest and most ordinary of terms, her bizarre and hallucinatory landscape of derangement.

The Janitor's Girl

Frieda Friedman - 1956
    Sue and her family are excited about moving into a new apartment but as the daughter of a building superintendent, she unexpectedly has to cope with class prejudice from the snobby girls at school.

Diana at Her Bath / The Women of Rome

Pierre Klossowski - 1956
    While attentive to the historical interpretations of the mythical meeting of Diana and Actaeon, and the sexual rituals of ancient Rome, Klossowski's studies bring to the reader the affinity the author has for his subject matter.

The Voice at the Back Door

Elizabeth Spencer - 1956
    When Lacey's fair-haired boy, Duncan Harper, is appointed interim sheriff, he makes public his private convictions about the equality of blacks before the law, and the combined threat and promise he represents to the understood order of things in Lacey affects almost every member of the community. In the end, Harper succeeds in pointing the way for individuals, both black and white, to find a more harmonious coexistence, but at a sacrifice all must come to regret. In The Voice at the Back Door, Mississippi native Elizabeth Spencer gives form to the many voices that shaped her view of race relations while growing up, and at the same time discovers her own voice - one of hope. Employing her extraordinary literary powers - finely honed narrative techniques, insight into a rich, diverse cast of characters, and an unerring ear for dialect - Spencer makes palpable the psychological milieu of a small southern town hobbled by tradition but lurching toward the dawn of the civil rights movement. First published in 1956, The Voice at the Back Door is Spencer's most highly praised novel yet, and her last to treat small-town life in Mississippi.

Tierra del Fuego

Francisco Coloane - 1956
    These nine stories of adventure, exploration and voyage are peopled with ravenous explorers, fortune hunters, foreign revolutionaries, ill-fated seafarers, intrepid ship's captains, and ruthless smugglers.

English Romantic Poetry and Prose

Russell Noyes - 1956
    This work is designed to provide representative readings and an adequate critical apparatus for the student undertaking his first long excursion in the literature of the English Romantic movement.


Alexander Trocchi - 1956
    The book gives us Gertrude Gault, the Grand Painmistress, and follows her career from the ghettos of Glasgow to her rebirth as Carmenicita de Las Lunas, greatest of all painmasters, before finally ending in a conclusion, staggering in its originality, imagination, and explicitness. Additional kudoes to Trocchi for his ability to remain on topic throughout an entire work.

The Family Treasury of Children's Stories: Book 1

Pauline Rush Evans - 1956
    Nicholas (The Night Before Christmas)The Real Princess (The Princess and the Pea)Hansel and GretelA KiteThe Three SilliesRumpelstiltskinApril Rain SongBed in SummerCan Men be Such Fools as all ThatThe Ugly DucklingRainThe Adventures of a Brownie...The brownie and the CookThe Peterkin Papers...Mrs. Peterkin Wishes to go to a DriveWinnie-the-Pooh...Pooh Goes VisitingWhere go the Boats?The Little TurtleThe Little ElfmanThe 500 Hats of Bartholomew CubbingBoats Sail on the RiversThe King's Breakfast

Selected Stories of Sholom Aleichem

Sholom Aleichem - 1956

The Reader's Companion to World Literature

Lillian Herlands Hornstein - 1956
    An all-in-one reference volume, it will enhance the reading pleasure of anyone who wants to understand writers in their historical setting and relate them to their predecessors, contemporaries, and successors. Its analysis of literary works focus on content, importance, style, and the relationship to other writing. From the myths and poems of the ancients to the radical works that changed the course of modern thought, The Reader's Companion to World Literature charts a map of the human condition as rich, fascinating, and diverse as the world itself. The Reader's Companion to World Literature Includes A-to-Z Listings on Authors--supplies dates of life and works in critical evaluations of everyone from Herodotus to Hemingway. Titles--describes in detail the most important, mentioning pertinent movements and influences from Beowulf to Cherry Orchard. Literary Movements--defines aims, techniques, styles, and settings of classicism, Impressionism, and many others. Historical Periods--explains background, ideals, and settings for authors and works from classical antiquity to the Renaissance. Technical Terms and Phrases--essential tools for students to understand and use in their study of literature, from "assonance" to "trope."

Kipling: A Selection of His Stories and Poems Volume I

Rudyard Kipling - 1956
    Includes Kim; The Jungle Book; Just So Stories; and Puck of Pook's Hill.

Old Tales of Japan

Yuri Yasuda - 1956
    The book is a collection of twelve traditional Japanese folk tales, legends, and fairy tales for children. They reveal the traditions and customs, and the aspirations and innermost feelings, of the Japanese.The stories include: The Story of Shitakirisuzume (The Tongue-cut Sparrow); The Story of Nezumi No Yomeiri (The Marriage of a Mouse); The Story of Urashima Taro (The Fisherman and the Tortoise), The Story of Kintaro (The Strong Boy), The Story of Sarukani Kassen (The Monkey-and-Crab Fight), The Story of Kaguyahime (The Luminous Princess), The Story of Momotaro (The Peach Boy), The Story of Kachikachiyama (The Kachi Kachi Mountain), The Story of Hanasaka Jijii (The Old Man Who Made Trees Blossom), The Story of Kobutori Jisan (The Old Men with Wens), The Story of Bunbuku Chagama (The Lucky Cauldron), and The Story of Issunboshi (The One-Inch Boy).

Land Without Justice

Milovan Đilas - 1956
    Introduction and notes by William Jovanovich. Translated by Michael B. Petrovich.

Jamie Is My Heart's Desire

Alfred Chester - 1956
    But does Jamie really exist, or is he merely Harry's fantasy, the illusion that makes his life endurable? Or does that even matter given the transforming powers of love?

Essential Welty: Why I Live at the P.O., A Memory, Powerhouse and Petrified Man

Eudora Welty - 1956
    In her sweetly vibrant Mississippi drawl, Ms. Welty deftly draws the listener in to the uproariously multilayered "Why I Live at the P.O.," the spontaneous "Powerhouse" and the insightful voice of women's truths in "Petrified Man." Ms. Welty's reading brings immediacy and resonance to these wonderful tales.

The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces: The Western Tradition, Volume 2

Sarah N. Lawall - 1956
    Maps, timelines, and pronouncing glossaries, all new to the Seventh Edition, help students read works with confidence and in context. With the Seventh Edition, the anthology continues to evolve--responding to the changing needs of instructors and students by adding new texts and new apparatus--while maintaining Norton's standards of reliability an excellence.