Best of
The Compelling Community: Where God's Power Makes a Church Attractive
Mark Dever - 2015
But such a community can be enjoyed only when it relies on the power of God in the gospel.In The Compelling Community, pastors Mark Dever and Jamie Dunlop cast a captivating vision for authentic fellowship in the local church that goes beyond small groups. Full of biblical principles and practical advice, this book will help pastors lead their congregations toward the kind of community that glorifies God, edifies his people, and attracts the lost.
Honest Evangelism: How to talk about Jesus even when it's tough (Live Different)
Rico Tice - 2015
The first is painful, the second is wonderful, and Rico Tice is honest about both. Short, clear, realistic and humorous, this book will challenge you to be honest in your conversations about Jesus, help you to know how to talk about him, and thrill you that God can and will use ordinary people to change eternal destinies.
Who Is Jesus?
Greg Gilbert - 2015
A man violently rejected by some and passionately worshipped by others, Jesus remains as polarizing as ever. But most people still know very little about who he really was, why he was really here, or what he really claimed.Intended as a succinct introduction to Jesus's life, words, and enduring significance, Who Is Jesus? offers non-Christians and new Christians alike a compelling portrait of Jesus Christ. Ultimately, this book encourages readers to carefully consider the history-shaping life and extraordinary teachings of the greatest man who ever lived.
The Case for Grace Student Edition, The: A Journalist Explores the Evidence of Transformed Lives
Lee Strobel - 2015
You’ll encounter racists, addicts, and even murderers who have found new hope and purpose. You’ll meet once-bitter people who have learned to forgive those who have harmed them—and, equally amazing, people mired in guilt who have discovered that they can even forgive themselves.Through it all, you will see how God’s grace can change your eternity and relationships…starting today.
Revival in the Hebrides
Duncan C. Campbell - 2015
Also includes a rebuttal of Owen Murphy's "When God Stepped Down From Heaven," a book that Duncan Campbell repudiated but which is back in circulation today.Revival in the Hebrides is a book that you may read in a day, but might return to again and again.
Where Only God Could Lead: The Life Story of Don Sisk
Cary Schmidt - 2015
Don Sisk reads something like a novel with surprises at every turn. In truth, it is simply the story of walking by faith. It is a record of the faithfulness of God in a surrendered life.Even in hindsight, it’s difficult to wrap your mind around the magnitude of what God has allowed Don Sisk to accomplish in six decades of ministry. From a tiny, rural town to a worldwide ministry with eternal impact, the Lord has led Don and Virginia Sisk step by step on paths of faith.These pages speak to the divine work of God—in a life and through a life. They speak to the providence of God to lead a man from the mountains of Kentucky, to the orient, to travel the globe, and to the backside of the desert—and to bless him and make him a blessing every step of the way. They speak to the ways of God in blessing a husband and a wife who are faithful to each other through over sixty years of marriage, faithful to their family, and faithful to their God.In short, these pages tell a record of God’s grace developed in and channeled through a man yielded to follow wherever God leads.
Exodus: Myth or History?
David Rohl - 2015
An Archaeological and historical investigation into the biblical legends of the Israelite sojourn in Egypt, the Exodus from Egypt, and the conquest of the Promised Land.
The Last of the Giants: How Christ Came to the Lumberjacks
Harry Rimmer - 2015
Men were employed as lumberjacks and worked like beasts, only to be tossed aside like used equipment when no longer needed. The grand forests were raped for their prime timber, the balance burned wastefully. The men were coarse and hard, but they had to be to survive. More than any other people that ever lived in our land, these old-time lumberjacks could truthfully say, “No man cared for my soul.” That is, until God sent three men to the great Northwoods of our country ¬– Frank Higgins, John Sornberger, and Al Channer. These men blazed new trails of the Spirit and founded an empire for God. They reached a sector of humanity for which no spiritual work had ever been done before, storming the Northwoods with a consuming passion for Christ. And with that passion, they also brought a heart as big as all outdoors, a love for men that burned like a flame, and a desperate desire to see these men saved.
Gospelize Your Youth Ministry
Greg Stier - 2015
Greg Stier unpacks the model found in the book of Acts, unveiling the key ingredients within the early Church, and shows you how you can blend them together today to create a gospelized youth ministry that results in dynamic kingdom growth. So if you are looking to spice up your ministry...gospelize it! Discover the joy, excitement and transformation you've been longing to see-and that Jesus promised!But beware, once you get a taste, nothing else will satisfy.
Fool's Talk: Recovering the Art of Christian Persuasion
Os Guinness - 2015
Yet many Christians still rely on cookie-cutter approaches to evangelism and apologetics. Most of these methods assume that people are open, interested and needy for spiritual insight when increasingly most people are not. Our urgent need, then, is the capacity to persuade to make a convincing case for the gospel to people who are not interested in it. In his magnum opus, Os Guinness offers a comprehensive presentation of the art and power of creative persuasion. Christians have often relied on proclaiming and preaching, protesting and picketing. But we are strikingly weak in persuasion--the ability to talk to people who are closed to what we are saying. Actual persuasion requires more than a one-size-fits-all approach. Guinness notes, "Jesus never spoke to two people the same way, and neither should we." Following the tradition of Erasmus, Pascal, G. K. Chesterton, C. S. Lewis and Malcolm Muggeridge, Guinness demonstrates how apologetic persuasion requires both the rational and the imaginative. Persuasion is subversive, turning the tables on hearers' assumptions to surprise them with signals of transcendence and the plausibility of the gospel. This book is the fruit of forty years of thinking, honed in countless talks and discussions at many of the leading universities and intellectual centers of the world. Discover afresh the persuasive power of Christian witness, from one of the leading apologists and thinkers of our era."
Why Trust the Bible? (9Marks)
Greg Gilbert - 2015
But this leads to an inescapable question: why should we trust the Bible? Written to help non-Christians, longtime Christians, and everyone in between better understand why God's Word is reliable, this short book explores the historical and theological arguments that have helped lead millions of believers through the centuries to trust the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Written by pastor Greg Gilbert, author of the popular books What Is the Gospel? and Who Is Jesus?, this volume will help Christians articulate why they trust the Bible when it comes to who God is, who we are, and how we're supposed to live.
Foundations: Four Big Questions We Should Be Asking But Typically Don't
Peter Mead - 2015
But the fact is we all have a working version of the answers. Our answers to these questions shape our lives. So it makes sense to give some time to thinking about these issues more explicitly. Nothing matters more than getting them right. But where to start?Instead of speculating about who God is, Peter Mead invites us to begin with the claim that God has revealed himself in Jesus.You may not be a Christian. And you may not like the answers proposed in this book. You may not be convinced. But it’s worth exploring. It’s worth giving it a go. You’ve got nothing to lose – except an hour or so of your time – and possibly everything to gain.Or you may be a Christian. Perhaps you take the answers for granted. But Mead invites us to push beyond our assumptions and discover a deeper, richer reality. He suggests we start with the triune God. And if the answer to the god-question is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, then everything else changes. (Taken from the Foreword by Tim Chester.)
Identity Thief: Exposing Satan's Plan to Steal Your Purpose, Passion and Power
Robby Dawkins - 2015
. . but we live as though we're powerless. We were made in the image of a limitless God . . . but we walk through our daily lives as though we're inadequate.God has an amazing plan for us. And the enemy is short-circuiting it.When we don't recognize who we really are, we limit God. But when we grasp the truth of who we are in Christ, we can walk with authority into the realm of power reserved for each of God's children. We can heal the sick, cast out demons and deliver the captives. We can see miracles and make a lasting impact for the Kingdom.Don't settle for the glass ceiling constructed from the enemy's lies. Break through it. Exchange fear and doubt for a life of radical possibility. Reclaim your true identity . . . and change the world.
The Heart of the Gospel: God's Son Given for You
Sinclair B. Ferguson - 2015
In the atonement, we behold the Father who refused to spare his own Son—and the Son who was obedient in being delivered up on our behalf. If this is the kind of God we have, and if this is what he has already shown us of himself, then we can confidently say he is for us
By Canoe and Dog Train: The Adventures of Sharing the Gospel with Canadian Indians
Egerton Ryerson Young - 2015
It meant nearly freezing when sleeping outside in 50-below-zero weather. It meant canoeing upstream for hundreds of miles to reach remote Indian villages. It meant eating wild cat and other stranger things, or eating nothing for days at a time. But it also meant you were privileged to present the good news of the true Great Spirit to those who were often misunderstood and mistreated. The adventures in this book are rivaled only by the incredible conversions of those who saw the Creator in nature and then worshipped Him too. You will be challenged and inspired by the results of one man who went where the Lord led, with little regard for himself. About the Author Egerton Ryerson Young was a teacher, pastor, author, and a brave missionary to remote Canadian Indians. Young’s mother died in 1842, and consequently he was raised by his stepmother, Maria Farley. After a brief stint as a school teacher, Young was ordained and called to a pastorate of the First Methodist Church in Hamilton. In 1868, however, he was invited to become a missionary to the natives of Rupert’s Land. After praying over this with his new wife, Elizabeth, he asked her what she thought about this call. “I think it is from God and we will go,” was her reply. What happens next is the compelling story of this book.
Adventures in Saying Yes: A Journey from Fear to Faith
Carl Medearis - 2015
This exciting, entertaining account of a Christian family's life in the Middle East offers an inspiring dare to live boldly wherever you are.
Staying is the new Going; Choosing to love where God places you
Alan C. Briggs - 2015
From city planning gurus to soccer moms to church leaders everyone seems to desire a return back to the ordinary places where we already live. In a world looking for the extraordinary, how do we live faithfully present in the ordinary moments and places? This is a call to reconsider the old paradigm of "Go Forth!" and instead trade it for staying forth. Part confessional, part narrative, part challenge this book is both encouraging and challenging. A far cry from the "do more and God will love you" message we often tell ourselves, this book simplifies mission and tells stories of others who are living faithfully present in small and unique ways. Join other fellow strugglers in a journey that might just take you nowhere.
Effective Discipling in Muslim Communities: Scripture, History and Seasoned Practices
Don Little - 2015
Often conversion and discipleship are framed by individualistic Western models that do not acknowledge the communal cultural forces that constrain and shape new believers. Effective discipleship requires a more relational, holistic process of Christian identity development and spiritual formation in community. In this comprehensive resource, missiologist Don Little engages the toughest theoretical and practical challenges involved in discipling believers from Muslim backgrounds. He draws on New Testament principles, historical practices and interviews with seasoned disciplers ministering in a dozen countries across the Muslim world. Addressed here are key challenges that believers from Muslim backgrounds face, from suffering and persecution to spiritual warfare and oppression. Also included are implications for the role of disciplers in church planting among Muslims.
Taking Men Alive: Evangelism on the Front Lines
Jim Wilson - 2015
Navy officer, and a door-to-door evangelist, Taking Men Alive shares Jim Wilson's extensive wisdom on evangelism. Jim's insights have been gleaned from a huge variety of personal interactions and straightforward (yet surprising) exegesis of biblical accounts of evangelism.Entertaining and intensely practical, Taking Men Alive is an inspiring evangelistic meditation and powerful handbook for determining what spiritual state your neighbor is in and how you should approach taking his heart for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Great Commission, Great Compassion: Following Jesus and Loving the World
Paul Borthwick - 2015
Jesus commands it, and the world needs it. Word and deed go together. One without the other is not enough. We follow Jesus into all the world, and we follow his example in all we do. Mission mobilizer Paul Borthwick shows how proclamation and demonstration of the gospel go hand in hand. God gives us the Great Commission, Matthew 28's call to go wherever Jesus sends us, making disciples and proclaiming good news to all nations. And we become people of his Great Compassion, Matthew 25's vision for treating others as we would treat Jesus himself, caring for the needy and living justly. Borthwick offers practical ways for us to live out the Great Commission and Great Compassion in every sphere of our lives. Holistic discipleship means learning and looking, praying and giving, welcoming the stranger, simplifying our lives and standing with and for others on God's behalf. Small steps can make a big difference in the mission of God. Will you answer the call?
Four Kinds of Christmas
Glen Scrivener - 2015
Which are you? You can take the test at and find out!On one level, it’s just a bit of fun. On another level it’s about something deeper – our approaches to life. How do we view the world? How do we view the future? How do we view ourselves? And where do we look to find answers?This Christmas, billions of people will stop to honour the birth of history’s central figure. Maybe Jesus can make sense of things. Have a read and see what you think. An excellent little evangelistic book ideal to give away this Christmas that looks at four different ways to understand Christmas. Which way do you see it?Four Kinds of Christmas is a great introduction to the Christmas message. It will make people laugh. And it will make people think… about themselves and about Jesus. Tim Chester, author and pastor of Grace Church, Boroughbridge
Engaging with Muslims: Understanding their world; sharing good news
John Klaassen - 2015
This short book is designed to help both Christians and whole churches understand more about the variety of Muslims there are living in the West, and to reach out to them with the good news of the gospel. Written at a level that everyone can understand, this book emphasizes the the importance of forming loving relationships—something that all Christians are able to do.
When Cancer Interrupts
David A. Powlison - 2015
It is a hard and threatening jolt. Perhaps you are still in shock. Still trying to wrap your mind around the new reality of your diagnosis and what it means for your present and future. Is it possible to walk by faith on this difficult journey?David Powlison, speaking both as a counselor and as someone who has been diagnosed with cancer four times, describes the uncertainty, the physical pain, and the emotional and spiritual struggles that come with a cancer diagnosis. There are no easy answers or quick fixes when you have cancer. But the presence and purposes of Christ make a decisive difference. He is the one who knows you, loves you, and promises to be with you as you walk through a valley of the shadow of death.
Live Life on Purpose
Claude Hickman - 2015
God has given us the direction we need to make our lives count and leave our mark on eternity. When we find it, we move from merely existing to truly living life on purpose. Claude Hickman is the assistant director for The Traveling Team, a national missions mobilization movement. He and his wife Rebecca travel ten months of the year, speaking to thousands of students at college campuses, conferences, and churches in the U.S., casting vision for the evangelization of the world.
The Partying God: Discovering the God of Extravagant Celebration
Robert Herber - 2015
He Himself bore our sins on his body ... so that we could be saved. His joy is to free us. To bring us home. And as we come to our senses and behold the depth of our sins, confessing our need to Him, crying out for freedom, He comes running, picks us up, and throws us a party. You will learn that: * Heaven and Earth were created for our enjoyment * The party that God invites us to is so much better than anything the world has to offer * You win people to Jesus with a partying attitude * At the end of our days, there is an unimaginable party awaiting us in Heaven ABOUT THE AUTHOR Robert Herber loves telling people about the goodness of God. He is the lead pastor of All Peoples Church, San Diego. From its inception, with just a few transplanted friends, the church has grown rapidly, and has become a multi-ethnic, economically diverse family, where homeless meet businessmen, ex-gangsters rub shoulders with urban artists, and suburban families befriend refugees from around the world. People are regularly meeting Jesus and the church is noted for its party-like atmosphere. Robert serves on the Overseers Team of the Antioch International Movement of Churches, an organization determined to fulfill the Great Commission by planting churches around the world. He and his wife Stefanie have four children - Hallie, Hudson, Joshua, and JohnMark. PRAISE FOR 'THE PARTYING GOD' "I have enjoyed and benefited from the ministry of Robert Herber. He is a prayerful, faithful, and committed to loving people.This new book by him is a welcome arrival. I am excited to read it." --Max Lucado, New York Times Best-selling Author "I love Robert Herber s new book, The Partying God. Robert is a great story-teller whose writing is so authentic. This book is a refreshing read that inspired me to be more and more radical for God! When you read this book, expect to be stretched and changed by the God who loves a party. There is one caution, however, to be aware of. When you start reading The Partying God, you will not be able to put it down." --Larry Kreider, International Director of DOVE Christian Fellowship Int'l "Jesus was a man of joy above all others. From years of knowing Robert, I can say that his daily life is a reflection of this deep conviction: God is throwing a party in heaven and on earth, and He has invited you to be a part of it. In The Partying God, my dear friend Robert Herber not only shares how he has experienced this joy, but how you can have it too!" --Jimmy Seibert, Pastor - Antioch Community Church, Waco, TX; President, Antioch Ministries International "I love Robert Herber s new book, The Partying God. Robert is a great story-teller whose writing is so authentic. This book is a refreshing read that inspired me to be more and more radical for God! When you read this book, expect to be stretched and changed by the God who loves a party. There is one caution, however, to be aware of. When you start reading The Partying God, you will not be able to put it down." --Larry Kreider, International Director of DOVE Christian Fellowship Int'l "Jesus was a man of joy above all others. From years of knowing Robert, I can say that his daily life is a reflection of this deep conviction: God is throwing a party in heaven and on earth, and He has invited you to be a part of it.
Loving the Stranger: Welcoming Immigrants in the Name of Jesus
Jessica A. Udall - 2015
Loving the Stranger addresses these fears in an understanding way, answers these concerns in a way that will resonate regardless of people's political convictions, and lays out simple ways to begin welcoming immigrants in the midst of our busy lives by simply welcoming them into our lives. "I highly recommend this book to whoever is seeking to minister to the nations living among us. Each page beats with the heart and love of God for the strangers. Readable, digestible, practical, Scripturally centered, Gospel driven, and concludes with an applicational focus. A must read." -Rev. Rick Brawner, RUF-I Pastor for Internationals at Clemson University