Best of
The Undefended Self: Living the Pathwork of Spiritual Wholeness
Susan Thesenga - 1994
In a schema not unlike the id, ego, and superego, Pathworkn incluidas.
Kiss, Bow, Or Shake Hands: The Bestselling Guide to Doing Business in More Than 60 Countries
Terri Morrison - 1994
With countries such as China and India taking on a more significant role in the global business landscape, you can't afford not to know the practices, customs, and philosophies of other countries.Now fully revised, updated, and expanded with over sixty country profiles, Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands, 2nd Edition provides invaluable information on how to handle common business interactions with grace, respect, and an appreciation for different cultures.
Duplex Planet
David Greenberger - 1994
Over 100 issues later, his magazine has inspired a poetry collection, a 5-vol. CD set, two documentaries, three plays, and this book. Illus.
The Promise of Mediation: The Transformative Approach to Conflict
Robert A. Baruch Bush - 1994
That volume first articulated the transformative model of mediation, which greatly humanized the vision of how the mediation process could help parties in conflict. In the past decade, the transformative model has proved itself and gained increasing acceptance. It is now being used in such diverse arenas as workplace, community, family, organizational, and public policy conflicts, among others. In this new edition, the authors draw on a decade of work in theory development, training, practice, research, and assessment to present a thoroughly revised and updated account of the transformative model of mediation and its practical application, includinga compelling description of how the field has moved toward increasing acceptance of the transformative model a new and clearer presentation of the theory and practices of transformative mediation, with many concrete examples a new case study that provides a vivid picture of the model in practice, with a commentary full of new information about how to use it effectively clarifications of common misconceptions about the model a vision for the future that shows how the model can coexist with other approaches and where the market for transformative mediation is emerging This volume is a foundational resource on transformative practice, for both readers of the first edition and new readers - including mediators, facilitators, lawyers, administrators, human resource professionals, policymakers, and conflict resolution researchers and educators. More generally, this book will strike a chord with anyone interested in humanizing our social institutions and building on a relational vision of society.
Intervention Skills: Process Consultation for Small Groups and Teams
W. Brendan Reddy - 1994
Plus, this guide shows youhow to help groups identify, diagnose, and resolve problems as theyoccur!Be an effective process consultant?this handbook helpsyou: * Determine the appropriate type and depth of an intervention * Realize the competencies required of the group-processconsultant * View the role, future, and ethical considerations ofgroup-process consultationYou'll get many real-world examples of how to make critical groupconcepts work. And you'll get responses to commonly asked questionsfrom working group-process consultants. Intervention Skills is amuch-needed guide for the professional consultant, as well as auseful resource for anyone who plays a role in the workings of asmall group.Find out why the first printing ot this classic sold out in twoweeks! Read this book and make your next group intervention morepotent and effective!
On the Origin of Languages: Studies in Linguistic Taxonomy
Merritt Ruhlen - 1994
Most linguists today believe that there is no good evidence that the Indo-European family of languages is related to any other language family, or even any other language. In like manner, the New World is deemed to contain hundreds of language families, among which there are no apparent links. Furthermore, it is claimed, there are no known connections between the languages of the Old World and those of the Americas. And finally, the strongest belief of all is that there is no trace of genetic affinity—nor could there be—among the world’s language families. The author argues that all of these firmly entrenched—and vigorously defended—beliefs are false, that they are myths propagated by a small group of scholars who have failed to understand the true basis of genetic affinity. Twentieth-century Indo-Europeanists (though not their nineteenth-century forebears) have confused the issue of genetic affinity, which derives from classification, with such traditional concerns of historical linguistics as reconstruction and sound correspondences. Once it is recognized that taxonomy, or classification, must precede these traditional concerns, the apparent conflict between the traditional view and that of Joseph Greenberg and his followers is seen to be illusory. And finally, a comparison of all the world’s languages in this new perspective leaves little doubt that all extant human languages share a common origin.
Fighting for Your Marriage: Positive Steps for Preventing Divorce and Preserving a Lasting Love
Howard J. Markman - 1994
Groundbreaking studies have found that couples can use the strategies of this approach to handle conflict more constructively, protect their happiness, and reduce the odds of breaking up. Based on twenty years of university research, this popular book will show you how to: * Talk more and fight less * Deepen and protect your friendship * Have a more intimate, sensual relationship * Keep the fun alive * Clarify and act on your priorities * Develop a vision for your future together
How to Resolve Conflicts
L. Ron Hubbard - 1994
How to Resolve Conflicts-All conflicts and their complete resolution, form arguments between friends to full scale wars, are explained by the one fundamental and natural law of human relations covered in this booklet.
Communication-Based Intervention for Problem Behavior: A User's Guide for Producing Positive Change
Edward G. Carr - 1994
Also included are case studies and checklists of things to do to ensure success.
Communication Research Measures: A Sourcebook
Rebecca B. Rubin - 1994
It presents the scales in their entirety, instructions for administration and scoring, and information in validity and reliability. For hands-on practicality, the measures are ordered alphabetically by title.
Making Social Worlds: A Communication Perspective
W. Barnett Pearce - 1994
Draws upon advances in research for the most up-to-date concepts in speech communication Defines the 'critical moments' of communication for students and practitioners; encouraging us to view communication as a two-sided process of coordinating actions and making/managing meanings Questions how we can intervene in dangerous or undesirable patterns of communication that will result in better social worlds
The Unseen Power: Public Relations: A History
Scott M. Cutlip - 1994
The author utilized the personal papers of John Price Jones, Ivy L. Lee, Harry Bruno, William Baldwin III, John W. Hill, Earl Newsom as well as extensive interviews -- conducted by the author himself -- with Pendleton Dudley, T.J. Ross, Edward L. Bernays, Harry Bruno, William Baldwin, and more. Consequently, the book provides practitioners, scholars, and students with a realistic inside view of the way public relations has developed and been practiced in the United States since its beginnings in mid-1900.For example, the book tells how: * President Roosevelt's reforms of the Square Deal brought the first publicity agencies to the nation's capital. * Edward L. Bernays, Ivy Lee, and Albert Lasker made it socially acceptable for women to smoke in the 1920s. * William Baldwin III saved the now traditional Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade in its infancy. * Ben Sonnenberg took Pepperidge Farm bread from a small town Connecticut bakery to the nation's supermarket shelves -- and made millions doing it. * Two Atlanta publicists, Edward Clark and Bessie Tyler, took a defunct Atlanta bottle club, the Ku Klux Klan, in 1920 and boomed it into a hate organization of three million members in three years, and made themselves rich in the process. * Earl Newsom failed to turn mighty General Motors around when it was besieged by Ralph Nader and Congressional advocates of auto safety.This book documents the tremendous role public relations practitioners play in our nation's economic, social, and political affairs -- a role that goes generally unseen and unobserved by the average citizen whose life is affected in so many ways by the some 150,000 public relations practitioners.
The Elements Of E Mail Style: Communicate Effectively Via Electronic Mail
David Angell - 1994
It is text-based but conversational and spontaneous, and it has its own special rules and restrictions. E-mail has the potential to reach instantaneously one or thousands of people worldwide, giving users incredible power and accessibility.
CrossTalk and Culture in Sino-American Communication
Linda W.L. Young - 1994
This book aims to clarify their misunderstandings by tracing the development of Chinese communicative strategies from Confucius to the boardrooms and streets of Hong Kong. Its formal analysis of taped interchanges and in-depth interviews reveals Chinese speakers' distinctive ways of communicating and relating, thus highlighting the pitfalls of hidden assumptions underlying talk.
Workplace Wars and How to End Them: Turning Personal Conflicts Into Productive Teamwork
Kenneth Kaye - 1994
This book is for anybody who is affected by or involved in personal vendettas, animosities, or grudges that can make a workplace environment pure hell. For these situations, where people work together daily and depend on each other but don't get along, ordinary conflict resolution isn't enough. The problem needs to be unearthed at its root level and cured.This book shows exactly how to do that. Filled with many insightful scenarios and examples, the book explains how to:* analyze the dispute and solve the real problem* educate those involved about the ""internal blinders"" that distort others' actions, words, and gestures* encourage honesty and toleration of differences* use conflict as an opportunity for growth* make a conflict-solving system part of the company culture"
Speak and Get Results: The Complete Guide to Speeches and Presentations That Work in Any Business Situation
Sandy Linver - 1994
Tells how to motivate listeners, handle questions, make an authoritative impression, and reduce audience resistance, and looks at specific business situations.
On the Sex of Fish and the Gender of Scientists: A Collection of Essays in Fisheries Science
Daniel Pauly - 1994
On the Sex of Fish and the Gender of Scientists comprises an edited and updated collection of 27 of Daniel Pauly's essays, spanning a great range of exciting and sometimes controversial topics, many of them breaking new scientific ground.
Beyond Dispute: The Invention of Team Syntegrity
Stafford Beer - 1994
The author discusses the theory of team syntegrity and the social technique of syntegration which works in practice, offering a potent management tool for developmental planning.