Best of
Decoding Communication: A Complete Handbook for Effective Communication
Girish Jain
From day-to-day conversations to professional meetings, from candid talks to consequential discussions, the book explains the nitty-gritty of impactful communication.How to make the best of this book?Go in the chronological order, comprehending each chapter in-depth, and participating in the exercises. Make a note of important points of reference. Practice and rehearse the skills that you learnt. Once you complete all the chapters, following the same method, re-visit previous chapters if required. Involve in the activities suggested and have a real-life experience on showcasing the skills that you learn.
How to Have Your Best Year Ever
Jim Rohn
How far are you from that vision today? Whether you're a short step or a long journey away, the energizing and highly motivating video seminar will give you the tools and confidence you need to get all the way there - and then go miles beyond it! In How to Have Your Best Year Ever, Jim Rohn acts as your guide toward guaranteed personal and professional success. This four-DVD program delivers dozens of proven ways to transform your life fast, including how to: - Keep your priorities straight - Release yourself from the crowd of followers - Reverse failure by uncovering the essence of it - Make yourself more valuable - Discover the four "seasons" of opportunity and make them work for you - Ignite your ambition and launch yourself to the highest heights - And much more!
Communication Matters: "That's Not What I Meant!": The Sociolinguistics of Everyday Conversation
Deborah Tannen
These lectures address the various aspects and implications of what Professor Tannen calls “conversational style.” It also looks at the dynamics of specific situations such as the workplace and classroom where the role of conversational style is of particular importance.A person’s conversational style includes far more than the words that he or she speaks. Each conversation is composed of contextual cues, unspoken messages, body language, and the rhythms of speech. For the most part, people communicate without a conscious focus on the subtleties of language.Through this course, the complexities of language, and all that language entails, will become more apparent. A better understanding of language, of how we communicate, and of howour ways of communicating differ based on who we are talking to should lead not only to a better understanding of ourselves and of those with whom we have relationships, but should also lead to improved communication. Our language shapes our lives in numerous, complex ways. These lectures help us to make sense of our language and will help to improve our relationships withfriends, spouses, and coworkers.
What Can I Say?: How to Speak Up, Speak Out, Talk about Hard Things, and Be a Good Friend; 50 Social Skills Every Kid Can Learn
Catherine Newman
Mastering Influence
Anthony Robbins
Tony Robbins, who has been paid more than $1 Million for his personal coaching by international leaders and the world's top power brokers, uses the strategies of Mastering Influence in his own business. So no matter how much you have already achieved, Mastering Influence will help you get even more out of your business and your life.
Chris Voss teaches the Art of Negotiation
Chris Voss
Now he’s teaching you his field-tested strategies to help you in everyday negotiations, whether you’re aiming to improve your salary, the service you receive, or your relationships. Get stronger communication skills, game-changing insights into human nature, and more of what you want out of life.
Don’t Be a Stranger: Create Your Own Luck in Business through Strategic Relationship Building
Lawrence R. Perkins
Or to watch with envy as your boss chats on the phone, has long lunches, and clocks out early to do something fun with her friends. Meanwhile, you're stuck grinding away the hours at work, wondering how to leverage your skills and experience to take your career to the next level.In those moments, you ask yourself: What secret do they know that I don't?In Don't Be a Stranger, Lawrence Perkins answers that question. If you want to create your own luck in business—rather than relying on others to propel your career—then strategic relationship building should be your focus. You'll learn simple techniques for developing a community of people around you that will enrich your career as well as your life. We still do business with those we know, like, and trust, and in this social media age, nothing can duplicate the power of real-life relationships.
TeamWork: How to Build a High-Performance Team
Natalie Dawson
High-performance teams are built intentionally by leaders who understand the three essential components of growth: alignment, development, and transition.TeamWork breaks each of these components down into actionable processes, with steps you can take immediately to start making a difference today. Learn how to create teams that work the way you want them to. Then, discover ways to scale those teams, keeping them aligned with your objectives—and with each other—as your business grows.If you want your teams to excel, TeamWork can fast-track your path to a winning business with a thriving culture.
John Gielgud Directs Richard Burton In Hamlet:A Journal Of Rehearsals
Richard L. Sterne
Evolve with John Edward
John Edward
Anatomy Of Interrogation Themes: The Reid Technique Of Interviewing And Interrogation
John E. Reid
Edward Tufte (Beautiful Evidence / Visual Explanations / Envisioning Information / The Visual Display of Quantitative Information)
Edward R. Tufte
Includes:- The Visual Display of Quantitative Information [Hardcover] - Envisioning Information [Hardcover] - Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative [Hardcover] - Beautiful Evidence [Hardcover]
First Catilinarian Oration
Marcus Tullius Cicero
In light of existing textbooks, Karl Frerichs' edition has several important and distinguishing strengths: -- Clear, tripartite page layout for text, vocabulary and notes on facing pages-- Running vocabulary separate from notes and complete vocabulary at the end-- Introduction and Glossary of Terms and Figures of Speech provide basic biographical, historical, and rhetorical background-- Maps and illustrations
Treating People Well-Advanced uncorrected proof
Lea Berman and Jeremy Bernard
Success Through Communication Course
L. Ron Hubbard
Ring-type Notebook with inner 158-page workbook.
Speech can change your life;: Tips on speech, conservation and speechmaking (A Dell book)
Dorothy Sarnoff
Book offers over 200 ways to improve your total image.
Power Social Skills
Carlos Xuma
-Did You Know...?If you're a social introvert, that does not mean you're shy and socially clueless... it just means that you get your energy from being alone rather than being in a big group of people. Unfortunately, being an introvert can lead to being social handicapped later on, so its important to understand how to work with your personality type...The worst thing you can do to a socially manipulative person is expose them. If you do, most often they will find a way to retaliate, or cause you even more problems down the road. Which is why you must know the strategies I teach to handle them...There are only 6 types of social game player personalities, and that's ALL. Once you learn what they are, you can avoid being manipulated or hurt, and you can almost always get to a winning solution for both of you...If you understand these basic social skills, you create a "template" within your mind that allows you to handle any relationship - with any person...
Third Philippic (A Greek Prose Reading Course for Post-Beginners, Unit 3: Political Oratory)
Particular attention is paid to idiomatic usage (both in Greek and English), word order and the use of particles and particle-combinations, while practical guidance is given on mastering the verbal systems and other features of the language which beginners generally find problematic. The four units may be studied in succession as part of a progressive course, but each unit is sufficiently self-contained to permit the persuit of particular interests.