Best of
On Being a Theologian of the Cross: Reflections on Luther's Heidelberg Disputation, 1518
Gerhard O. Forde - 1997
Gerhard O. Forde here provides an introduction to this theological perspective through an analysis of Luther's Heidelberg Disputation of 1518, the classic text of the theology of the cross. The book first clarifies the difference between a theology of glory and a theology of the cross and explains how each perspective shapes the very nature of being a theologian. The main body of the book provides commentary on the Heidelberg Disputation — the only complete analysis of this document currently available. Underlying Forde's exposition is the contention that one ought not speak of the theology of the cross as merely another item among a host of theological options; instead, one must pursue what it means to be a theologian of the cross and to look at all things through suffering and the cross.
A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs: A Reference Guide to More Than 700 Topics Discussed by the Early Church Fathers
David W. Bercot - 1997
The quotes include comments on 700 theological, moral, and historical topics from prominent figures such as Origen, Clement of Alexandria, Clement of Rome, and Hippolytus. Some entr
On Living Simply: The Golden Voice of John Chrysostom
Robert Van De Weyer - 1997
In the Presence of Our Lord
Benedict J. Groeschel - 1997
For centuries, Catholics have answered Christ's plea by placing themselves before His presence in the Blessed Sacrament. Now, for the first time, the theological, historical, and psychological reasons for Eucharistic devotion are revealed. Unlike books that merely present the technical aspects of setting up Eucharistic devotion in a chapel or parish, In the Presence of Our Lord: The History, Theology, and Psychology of Eucharistic Devotion focuses on how the Blessed Sacrament has been a source of comfort and faith for countless Christians. A book that will inspire as well as educate and inform, In the Presence of Our Lord is an invaluable guide for all who would keep watch with Christ. I believe that the authors of this fine work have made a penetrating reflection on the great gift of the Eucharist and the history of adoration with which the Church has responded to such a gift. It has tremendous possibilities as an aid in preaching on the Eucharist and untold probabilities concerning the deepening of one's faith in the Lord's presence in this great gift. -Most Reverend Harry J. Flynn, D.D., Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis About the Authors:World renowned lecturer and retreat master Father Benedict J. Groeschel is professor of pastoral pyschology at St. Joseph's Seminary in New York. The director for the Office of Spiritual Development of the Archdiocese of New York, he is also a founding member of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. A prolific author and regular guest on EWTN, he is founder of Trinity Retreat, a center for prayer and study for the clergy. James Montis is an experienced researcher and writer on topics of Catholic historical interest. He is the author of Our Sunday Visitor's The Week of Salvation, a comprehensive treatment of Holy Week and historical, liturgical, and cultural events.
Journey to Zion: Voices from the Mormon Trail
Carol Cornwall Madsen - 1997
Politics, Religion and the British Revolutions: The Mind of Samuel Rutherford
John Coffey - 1997
Its main purpose is to provide a thorough discussion of Rutherford's religious and political ideas, and their role in the ideology of the Scottish Covenanters whose rebellion against Charles I marked the beginning of the British troubles in the mid-seventeenth century. The book also constitutes an important multidisciplinary case study in the Calvinist and Puritan traditions.
The Celebration Hymnal: Songs and Hymns for Worship
Tom Fettke - 1997
Ellen White on the Humanity of Christ: A Chronological Study
Woodrow W. Whidden II - 1997
Church of Rome at the Bar of History
William David Webster - 1997
Focusing on major issues and in a non-polemical way, William Webster raises questions about doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church that current Catholics claim as part of a changeless creed, but which were not held by predecessors.
Remember; The Willie and Martin Handcart Companies and Their Rescuers - Past and Present
Riverton Wyoming Stake - 1997
Hungering for God: Selected Writings
Augustine of Hippo - 1997
The devotional writings of Augustine are referenced by an appendix on how to read them fruitfully and how to apply the writer's spiritual insights to daily life.
Lion of the Covenant
Maurice Grant - 1997
As preacher, public figure and popular leader, he epitomized the steadfastness of a people in the face of a bitter and protracted persecution. Such was the impact of his life that, even in his own day, his name came to be synonymous with uncompromising adherence to a cause, a cause that was of the very essence of civil and religious freedom.
Victorious Christians You Should Know
Warren W. Wiersbe - 1997
But how much do we know about these amazing men and women such as: Luther, Crosby, Taylor, Havergal, and others?
German Calvinism in the Confessional Age: The Covenant Theology of Caspar Olevianus
Lyle D. Bierma - 1997
An in-depth study of covenant in the writings of the so-called founder of covenant theology.
The New Religious Image of Urban America: The Shopping Mall as Ceremonial Center
Ira G. Zepp Jr. - 1997
First published in 1986, it has been updated and expanded to include a new chapter on airports and ballparks as forms of the mall, and it also now includes a critical response.
The Wilderness of God
Andrew Louth - 1997
S. Eliot, the desert has occupied a special place in the Christian tradition. The Wilderness of God is a classic exploration of desert spirituality by one of Europe's most distinguished theologians, showing that the desert can be experienced as a place of real inspiration as well as of torture and desolation.
Studying the Parables of Jesus
Peter Rhea Jones - 1997
This book offers helps for pastors, students, and teachers studying the parables.
In Search of the Loving God: Resolving the Past Traumas of Christianity, and Bringing to Light Its Healing Spirit
Mark Mason - 1997
It gives the insight into the church needed to overcome the guilt and fear of God Christianity has instilled in us, it shows how to build a personal relationship with the loving God through meditation, and concludes with a simple but effective meditation technique all can use. The first part of the book takes a fresh, incisive, look at the history of Christianity and the development of the Bible -- information you need to know in order to understand the religion which so extensively underpins our society and culture. The second part examines some of the issues which are bringing Christianity into disrepute, and suggests reforms which could, finally, bring the religion centered on Jesus into line with the teachings of Jesus. This book can liberate you from the guilt you grew up with, and the underlying fear that maybe you just might end up in everlasting punishment in hell. And it can show you how to find God's love. You can read two complete chapters from this book, and other shorter excepts as well, for free, at the author's website at:
Gospel Remission
Jeremiah Burroughs - 1997
He begins with an exposition of Psalm 32:1, "Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven." Burroughs points out the dishonor done to God by not resting on this mercy, and also gives the evidences of remission.
The Gospel of the Reformation
William Webster - 1997
A positive presentation and defense of the gospel of the Reformation in light of the truth of Scripture and the present day assualts of legalism and antiniomianism.
Faith Adoring the Mystery: Reading the Bible with St. Ephraem the Syrian
Sidney H. Griffith - 1997
Presbyterian Pluralism: Competition in a Protestant House
William J. Weston - 1997
The Presbyterian example, William J. Weston argues, shows clearly that competition is the only effective kind of pluralism for a church - one that leads neither to institutional paralysis nor to irreconcilable division. Much of the current literature in the sociology of religion sees intradenominational conflict in terms of culture wars between two great factions or parties. However, in the competition model that Weston posits in this book, it is actually a third party - the loyalist center - that holds the power and that ultimately determines the outcome of the struggle. Essential reading for sociologists and historians of religion, Presbyterian Pluralism reaches important conclusions that will engage anyone concerned with conflict inside organizational structures and how it might be contained.
Triumphs Of The Spirit In Russia
Donald Nicholl - 1997
In a study of tremendous colour and historical depth, he throws light on the unique contribution made by Russian spirituality to the Christian tradition.He looks first at the deeds and teaching of four of the nation's spiritual heroes: Saint Seraphim, the purity of his prayer and the miracles that characterised his life as a hermit; the radical thinker Fyodorov who, not content to understand the world as it was, strove to change it to how it ought to be; the great writer Dostoevsky, the catalyst for a new era of forgiveness and reconciliation in Russia, and the scientist Florensky, who sought to reconcile science and theology but was tragically executed for his faith. The author then looks at the spirituality of the simple people, drawing on folk-tales and songs of the Russian peasantry. The book is completed by a fascinating anthology of small, revealing incidents from the post-1917 Soviet Union.Triumphs of the Spirit in Russia proves that there is much we can learn today from the lessons of another country's past. It evokes the humour, grittiness, honesty and compassion of a nation transformed by the Spirit.
Bishop Gerasimos of Abydos: The Spiritual Elder of America
Peter A. Chamberas - 1997
They remembered his zeal for learning and theological inquiry; his quality as a devout and loyal priest and bishop, especially his service to the Diocese of Boston (1962-1967) and the Diocese of Pittsburgh (1967-1977) of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America; his wisdom as a spiritual father, which was sought by so many; and especially his love for the students o Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, where he resided from 1978 until his repose.Among his few personal belongings, papers were found with the title "My Life," as well as a study of the hierarchical prayer of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of John. These works by the blessed bishop are included here along with a biography by his nephew, Stylianos G. Papadopoulos, Professor at the University of Athens, and a reflection by Fr. Ambrose Zographos, now the Metropolitan of Korea, one of his spiritual children.