Best of
No Greater Love
Mother Teresa - 1997
A collection of inspirational writings includes reflections on love, prayer, giving, service, poverty, forgiveness, and Jesus.
Faith, Hope, Love
Josef Pieper - 1997
Each of these treatises was originally published as a separate work over a period of thirty-seven years, and here they are brought together in English for the first time.The first of the three that he wrote, On Hope, was written in 1934 in response to the general feeling of despair of those times. His "philosophical treatise" on Faith was derived from a series of lectures he gave in the late 1950s and early 1960s. His most difficult work, one that he struggled with for years - and almost abandoned - was his work On Love. Pieper now feels that this is the most important book he has written. He discusses not only the theological virtue of caritas-agape, but also of eros, sexuality, and even "love" of music and wine.
The Art of Loving God
Francis de Sales - 1997
Learn to avoid the distractions that trouble and weary your soul, and you'll soon be able to focus your energy simply on loving God!
Catholic Prayers
Traditional Sources - 1997
Contains over 100 carefully selected prayers, ranging from prayers all Catholics should know by heart, to prayers invoking the saints, to morning and evening offerings.This is the essential collection of the most popular prayers that have formed the core of Catholic tradition for centuries. Catholic Prayers is a must-have for all Catholics.Catholic Prayers is divided into four sections of distinct prayers for different occasions:Beloved Prayers, including basic prayers such as the Our Father and Hail Mary, and classic prayers like the Acts of Faith, Hope, Charity, and more.Powerful Prayers for special needs, like the Novena to Our Lady of Good Remedy; Prayer to St. Jude, the Patron of Hopeless Cases; and prayers to Saints Joseph, Rita, Anthony, Philomena, and many others!Favorite Prayers that have been used by Catholics for centuries, such as Morning Offerings, litanies, the Prayer of St. Francis, the Offering of St. Ignatius, and other favorites.Special Prayers for specific petitions, such as the prayers to St. Gerard Majella for motherhood, St. Peregrine for the healing of cancer, St. Raphael for purity, the Fatima prayers, and dozens more! You will return to it again and again as you turn to God in prayer. Catholic Prayers, compiled by Thomas A. Nelson, is a truly essential book. The perfect size to fit into a pocket, purse, or the palm of your hand, this packed prayer book is an constant, essential part of your prayer life.
On Being Catholic
Thomas Howard - 1997
The book's chapters take the form of lay meditations on Catholic teaching and practice, opening up in practical and simple terms the richness at work in virtually every detail of Catholic prayer, piety, liturgy and experience.
The Gift of Peace
Joseph Bernardin - 1997
Joseph Cardinal Bernardin's gentle leadership throughout his life of ministerial service had made him an internationally beloved figure, but the words he left behind about his final journey would change the lives of many more people from all faiths, from all backgrounds, and from all over the world.In the last two months of his life, Joseph Cardinal Bernardin made it his ultimate mission to share his personal reflections and insights as a legacy to those he left behind. The Gift of Peace reveals the Cardinal's spiritual growth amid a string of traumatic events: a false accusation of sexual abuse; reconciliation a year later with his accuser, who had earlier recanted the charges; a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and surgery; the return of cancer, now in his liver; his decision to discontinue chemotherapy and live his remaining days as fully as possible. In these pages, Bernardin tells his story openly and honestly, and shares the profound peace he came to at the end of his life. He accepted his peace as a gift from God, and he in turn now shares that gift with the world.
Set Your Heart Free (30 Days With A Great Spiritual Teacher)
Francis de Sales - 1997
Drawn from Francis's immensely popular writings, this prayer resource for individuals or groups emboldens readers to encounter God and pray in their own unique way.Each book in the 30 Days with a Great Spiritual Teacher series provides a month of daily readings from one of Christianity's most beloved spiritual guides. For each day there is a brief and accessible morning meditation drawn from the mystic's writings, a simple mantra for use throughout the day, and a night prayer to focus one's thoughts as the day ends. These easy-to-use books are the perfect prayer companion for busy people who want to root their spiritual practice in the solid ground of these great spiritual teachers.
I Want to See God
P. Marie-Eugene - 1997
Marie-Eugene opens up the paths of contemplation and holiness to all, in the midst of ordinary life. This is a classic for all interested in Carmelite spirituality.
Maximilian Kolbe: Saint of Auschwitz
Elaine Murray Stone - 1997
Here is the first English biography for middle graders on Maximilian Kolbe, the Polish Franciscan who, at Auschwitz, offered himself in exchange for the life of a man with two children. The biography covers Kolbe's early life, his work as a journalist, and his founding of Niepokalanow, the world's largest friary. Kolbe's act of love and faith teaches young readers important lessons that Christianity means more than just going to church, that the Holocaust actually happened, and that saints can be as real and modern as the person standing next to you in line. For first-hand research, the author traveled to Poland to visit where Kolbe lived and to interview people who actually knew him, including his cousin, his secretary, and one of his students. In addition, the foreword is by Ted Wojtkowski, a fellow camp prisoner and now a well-known Polish American who was standing close to Kolbe when he made his offer of self-sacrifice. Kolbe's story is ideal for children of Polish descent, parochial schools, parish libraries, classes in cultural diversity, and classes on World War II or the Holocaust. And, while written simply enough for children, this book will move all readers showing just how much the human spirit can achieve. +
Pocket Book of Catholic Prayers
Lawrence G. Lovasik - 1997
The prayers in this Saint Joseph Edition Pocket Book of Catholic Prayers will enhance participation in the Mass, deepen the experience of receiving the Sacraments, intensify the celebration of the Mysteries of Salvation, and encourage more knowledgeable and confident prayer throughout the liturgical year. With a flexible maroon cover, this Pocket Book of Catholic Prayers is designed to strengthen the bond between those who pray with it and God. Pocket Book of Catholic Prayers incorporates dozens of favorite Catholic prayers plus the order of Catholic Mass in a handy, very portable format. This title includes full-color illustrations and full-color photographs to enhance the reader's prayerful experience. Categories of prayers included in this title are: The Mass - Our Greatest PrayerDaily PrayersMorning PrayersNight PrayersConfession PrayersPrayers Before CommunionPrayers After CommunionPrayers for Every Day of the WeekPrayers for Liturgical TimesPrayers to Our Blessed MotherPrayers from the PsalmsPrayers from the GospelsPrayers from the Epistles
The Meaning of Vocation
Pope John Paul II - 1997
The question of vocation is close to the heart of Pope John Paul II.In this book we have taken excerpts from the talks and addresses of the Holy Father regarding the meaning of vocation and how a person ought to respond to God's calling, the calling that embraces God's mission for each one of us, and how we ought to strive to carry it out successfully.The Pope's words are a sure way of discovering, in the depths of our heart, just what God wants from us.
The Cure of Ars: The Priest Who Out-Talkd the Devil
Milton Lomask - 1997
Jean-Marie Vianney, a farm boy born during the French Revolution, longed to become a priest. But he could not learn Latin, and it seemed as if the humble, lovable, slow-thinking Jean-Marie would never be ordained. He did at last become a priest, and such a holy one that St. Jean-Marie Vianney is invoked as the patron saint and model of parish priests everywhere. To many he is known, not by name, but simply as "the Curé of Ars," the parish priest who devoted his life to the little village of Ars and so successfully led his people to sanctity that he became a prime target of the devil.
The Amazing Secret of the Souls in Purgatory: An Interview with Maria Simma
Sister Emmanuel - 1997
The Amazing Secret of the Souls in Purgatory is such a book. Maria Simma, lived humbly in the mountains of Austria. When shew as twenty-five, Maria was graced with a very special charism - the charism of being visited by the many souls in Purgatory - and being able to communicate with them! In her words, Maria shares with us some amazing secrets about the souls in Purgatory. She answers questions such as:What is Purgatory?How do souls get there?Who decides if a soul goes to Purgatory?What are the sins that most lead to Purgatory?How can we help get a soul released from Purgatory?Are there religions which are bad for the soul?Are there children in Purgatory?How can I avoid Purgatory?This is a remarkable interview on after-death realities, a true revelation for those who have lost a dear one!
Mysteries, Marvels and Miracles: In the Lives of the Saints
Joan Carroll Cruz - 1997
Fascinating, hard to put down, and helpful to strengthen one\'s faith. This world CANNOT be all there is -- and this book helps to make that truth more REAL to each one of us! An excellent gift book, suitable for all ages. Impr. 597 pgs 77 Illus, PB.
Journeys Home
Marcus GrodiRosalind Moss - 1997
These men and women discovered Jesus Christ in some branch of Protestantism, yet in each case, their desire to follow Christ, and to remain faithful to the truth He taught and the Church He established, led them to consider the claims of the Catholic Church. They listened to the voice of truth speaking through history, theology, tradition, Scripture, and personal testimony.
Humility: Wellspring of Virtue
Dietrich von Hildebrand - 1997
. . and the most sorrowful: it cuts the Christian off from God, estranges him from others, and leaves him lost and unhappy. This book shows readers how to drive pride from the soul and discover the incredible strength and joys of humility today.
The King's Good Servant but God's First: The Life and Writings of Saint Thomas More
James Monti - 1997
He presents a fresh portrait with new insights on the deep spiritual convictions of this Lord Chancellor of England, as well as the tumultuous times in which he lived.
I Am a Daughter of the Church
P. Marie-Eugene - 1997
Marie-Eugene opens up the paths of contemplation and holiness to all, in the midst of ordinary life. This is a classic for all interested in Carmelite spirituality.
The Divine Life of the Most Holy Virgin: Abridgement from The Mystical City of God
Mary of Agreda - 1997
It includes Our Lady's participation in the events of Our Lord's Passion and death. It shows how the Angels served the Blessed Virgin, how the devils waged war against her, the special graces she received--such as, continual Eucharistic presence of Our Lord after she received Communion, frequent visits to Heaven during her life on earth, etc. Impr. 430 pgs, PB
Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Truth: The Catholic Church and God's Plan for You
Catholic Answers - 1997
You may have heard challenges to the Catholic Church’s claim to be the interpreter and safeguard of the teachings of Jesus Christ.Such challenges come from door-to-door missionaries who ask, “Are you saved?”, from peer pressure that urges you to ignore the Church’s teachings, from a secular culture that proclaims “There is no God.” You can’t deal with these challenges unless you understand the basics of the Catholic Faith. This booklet introduces them to you.
In the Presence of Our Lord
Benedict J. Groeschel - 1997
For centuries, Catholics have answered Christ's plea by placing themselves before His presence in the Blessed Sacrament. Now, for the first time, the theological, historical, and psychological reasons for Eucharistic devotion are revealed. Unlike books that merely present the technical aspects of setting up Eucharistic devotion in a chapel or parish, In the Presence of Our Lord: The History, Theology, and Psychology of Eucharistic Devotion focuses on how the Blessed Sacrament has been a source of comfort and faith for countless Christians. A book that will inspire as well as educate and inform, In the Presence of Our Lord is an invaluable guide for all who would keep watch with Christ. I believe that the authors of this fine work have made a penetrating reflection on the great gift of the Eucharist and the history of adoration with which the Church has responded to such a gift. It has tremendous possibilities as an aid in preaching on the Eucharist and untold probabilities concerning the deepening of one's faith in the Lord's presence in this great gift. -Most Reverend Harry J. Flynn, D.D., Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis About the Authors:World renowned lecturer and retreat master Father Benedict J. Groeschel is professor of pastoral pyschology at St. Joseph's Seminary in New York. The director for the Office of Spiritual Development of the Archdiocese of New York, he is also a founding member of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. A prolific author and regular guest on EWTN, he is founder of Trinity Retreat, a center for prayer and study for the clergy. James Montis is an experienced researcher and writer on topics of Catholic historical interest. He is the author of Our Sunday Visitor's The Week of Salvation, a comprehensive treatment of Holy Week and historical, liturgical, and cultural events.
Simple Truths: Thinking Life Through with Fulton J. Sheen
Fulton J. Sheen - 1997
Brimming with rich and life-changing words of wisdom from one of this century's most beloved Catholic writers, this book touches on virtually every aspect of the human condition.Paperback
Christian Meditation: Your Daily Practice
Laurence Freeman - 1997
It is especially useful to those exploring the basic teaching on Christian Meditation as a way to depth and meaning in their life. Laurence Freeman deals clearly and usefully with the simple but sometimes puzzling questions such as: What is prayer? How do we pray? How do we look at progress on this journey? The newcomer to meditation will be encouraged to start on the journey of meditation. The practising meditator will find this book a way of refreshing their practice as well as of sharing it with others.
Crossing the Tiber: Evangelical Protestants Discover the Historical Church
Stephen K. Ray - 1997
In addition to a moving account of their conversion that caused Ray and his wife to cross the Tiber to Rome, he offers an in-depth treatment of Baptism and the Eucharist in Scripture and the ancient Church. Thoroughly documented with hundreds of footnotes, this contains perhaps the most complete compilation of biblical and patristic quotations and commentary available on Baptism and the Eucharist, as well as a detailed analysis of Sola Scriptura and Tradition.
Favorite Prayers to St. Joseph
Traditional Sources - 1997
Joseph obtains favors of any kind, but particularly in family problems, financial needs, purity, dangers, work, housing and a happy death. He is the universal patron---whatever our petition is, you can pray to St. Joseph with confidence. He was the foster father of Jesus Christ on earth, and Jesus still obeys his requests in heaven! God chose St. Joseph over all other men to represent the fatherhood of God Himself in the Holy Family. This book contains all the famous prayers: Novena for a Special Favor, Litany, 30 Days\' Prayer, Memorare, for Purity, Conversion, a Happy Death, etc. Priced for wide distribution! Impr. 72 pgs, PB Also available in Large Print edition.
Dominum et Vivificantem: On the Holy Spirit in the Life of the Church and the World
Pope John Paul II - 1997
Piąta encyklika Jana Pawła II, ogłoszona 18 maja 1986 roku, poświęcona Duchowi Świętemu.
For Altar and Throne: The Rising in the Vendee
Michael Treharne Davies - 1997
For Alter and Throne documents the uprising by the Catholics of the Vendee region, who waged war to defend their religion and their king.
The Letters of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque: Apostle of the Sacred Heart
Margaret Mary Alacoque - 1997
Margaret Mary provides a most perfect example of that mysterious, mystical connection between suffering and Divine Love which all Saints confirm. She was driven by a desire to be unknown and by an eagerness for pure love - for totality in loving God. THE LETTERS OF ST. MARGARET MARY ALACOQUE is a treasury which reveals the hidden depths of Christ's love and His desire to enflame souls with the same Dive Love.
Mornings with Fulton Sheen: 120 Holy Hour Readings
Fulton J. Sheen - 1997
Includes 120 readings, each with a passage from the Book of Proverbs.
A Handbook on Guadalupe
Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate - 1997
This handbook on Our Lady of Guadalupe assembles historical, anecdotal, devotional, and theological commentary on the "Mother of the Americas.
Marriage: A Path to Sanctity
Javier Abad - 1997
Authors Javier Abad and Eugenio Fenoy examine marriage as a vocation, the nature of spousal love, the true nature of responsible parenthood, chastity in marriage, and the sanctification of matrimony. They also take on the hard questions: contraception, sexuality, and more making this a complete guidebook for married couples and those preparing for or thinking about marriage.