Best of
Indian Polity
M. Laxmikanth - 2009
Laxmikanth needs no introduction. It is one of the most popular and comprehensive books on the subject and has been a consistent bestseller for many years. It has become a must-read book for aspirants appearing in various competitive examinations especially the civil services examinations. The wide range and scope of issues that it covers, also make it valuable to postgraduates, research scholars, academicians, researchers and general readers who would like to be well informed of the country's political and constitutional issues.
Security Analysis, Part III - Senior Securities With Speculative Features
Benjamin Graham - 2009
Now the Sixth Edition updates the masters' ideas and adapts them for the 21st century's markets. This second edition, which was published in 1940 and still considered the definitive edition, has been updated by a dream team of some of today's leading value investors. Featuring a foreword by Warren E. Buffett (in which he reveals that he has read the 1940 masterwork "at least four times"), this new edition of "Security Analysis" will reacquaint you with the foundations of value investing--more relevant than ever in the tumultuous 21st century markets.
Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2018 E-Book: 5 Books in 1 (Ferri's Medical Solutions)
Fred F. Ferri - 2009
The renowned "5 books in 1" format organizes vast amounts of data in a user-friendly, accessible manner, allowing quick retrieval of essential information. You’ll find guidance on diseases and disorders, differential diagnoses, and laboratory tests– updated annually by experts in key clinical fields. Medical algorithms and clinical practice guidelines round out the core content. Updated content by experts in key clinical fields helps you keep pace with the speed of modern medicine. Popular "5 books in 1" format includes cross-references, outlines, bullets, tables, boxes, and algorithms to help expedite search. Features 30 all-new topics, including Zika virus, hepatitis E, asthma-COPD overlap syndrome, drug-induced parenchymal lung disease, binge eating disorder, hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome, transient global amnesia, and more. Updates 900 topics with the latest developments in medicine over the past year. Contains significantly expanded coverage throughout, including nearly 200 new illustrations, more than 100 new tables and boxes, 50 new differential diagnoses, and 30 new algorithms.
Cannibal Metaphysics
Eduardo Viveiros de Castro - 2009
Along the way, he spells out the consequences of this anthropology for thinking in general via a major reassessment of the work of Claude Lévi-Strauss, arguments for the continued relevance of Deleuze and Guattari, dialogues with the work of Philippe Descola, Bruno Latour, and Marilyn Strathern, and inventive treatments of problems of ontology, translation, and transformation. Bold, unexpected, and profound, Cannibal Metaphysics is one of the chief works marking anthropology’s current return to the theoretical center stage.
Oxford Word Skills Advanced
Ruth Gairns - 2009
Short, clear presentations and lots of opportunity for practice give students the confidence to use new vocabulary. 80 units at each level mean they cover a huge range of topics and everyday situations. Extra practice and interactive activities on CD-ROM.
History of Modern India
Bipan Chandra - 2009
History Of Modern India is a book that is written by renowned historian, Bipan Chandra. The contents of this book are a result of Chandra’s research on the subjects of colonialism and nationalism in the country. Apart from his research, Chandra has also drawn from the works of renowned historians during that time in history.In total, there are 14 chapters in this book that cover different periods in Indian history. Some of the chapters in this book include Indian States And Society In The Eighteenth Century, Religious And Social Reform After 1858, The Struggle For Sawaraj, The Nationalist Movement, European Penetration And The British Conquest, Social And Cultural Awakening In The First Half Of The Nineteenth Century, The Decline Of The Mughal Empire, and The Revolt Of 1857. Some other chapters include The Nationalist Movement: 1858-1905, Administrative Changes After 1858, and Administrative Organisation And Society And Cultural Policy.This book doesn’t focus on the political factors during that period, but deals with the economic, religious, and social history of India. Through the course of this book, Chandra provides insight on several events in modern Indian history such as the establishment of the British East India Company, which led to a tightened grip of the British over India. Chandra also explains that the major reason behind the colonial rule was to exploit India by means of investment and trade. The chapters in this book are arranged in chronological order, starting from the British Rule to the independence of the country. This piece of literature provides its readers with loads of information on the nationalist movement, throwing light on the contributions made by several different individuals. This book is a must-have for history students as well as for those who want to gain insight into the history of modern India.
Fundamentals Of Digital Circuits
A. Anand Kumar - 2009
It is well balanced between theory and practice and covers topics from binary numbers and logic gates to K-maps, variable mapping, counter design etc. Each chapter includes several worked out examples to give studentsa thorough grouding in related design concepts
Frances Partridge: The Biography
Anne Chisholm - 2009
She was born in 1900, the daughter of a progressive mother and architect father whose friends included Henry James and Arthur Conan Doyle. After studying Moral Sciences and English at Cambridge, Frances worked in Francis Birrell and Bunny Garnett's bookshop in London. She soon became part of the Bloomsbury group encountering Virginia Woolf, Lytton Strachey, the Bells, Roger Fry, Maynard Keynes, Dora Carrington and Ralph Partridge. She and Ralph fell in love and married in 1933. During the Second World War they were committed pacifists and opened their house, Ham Spray, to numerous waifs and strays of war. After it was over they enjoyed the happiest times of their lives together, entertaining friends such as E.M. Forster, Robert Kee, and Duncan Grant. Frances' life changed abruptly with two sudden and unexpected deaths. Ralph had a heart attack in 1960 and three years later their only son, Burgo, died aged 28 from a brain hemorrhage. However, she survived—indeed, prospered—for another four decades, showing an astonishing appetite for life. Her diaries chronicle her life from the 1930s onwards. Their publication brought her recognition and acclaim, and earned her the right to be seen not as a minor character on the Bloomsbury stage but standing at the center of her own.
Morning Meditation Prayers
Dayananda Saraswati - 2009
Key Readings in Criminology
Tim Newburn - 2009
It provides students with convenient access to a broad range of excerpts (over 150 readings) from original criminological texts and key articles, and is designed to be used either as a stand-alone text or in conjunction with the same author's textbook, Criminology.This volume can be used in a number of ways in support of the study of criminology:as a source of both key and supplementary reading for lectures; as the basis for organized reading in advance of seminars and tutorials; as the basis for classroom discussion and analysis; as a broad source of reading for exam revision; in addition it provides students with access to a broad range of materials with which to follow up their reading of their main textbook; it includes readings that include more recent summaries of particularly important criminological issues, as well as excerpts from criminological classics; it also introduces students not only to criminological argument and debate, but also encourages them to read primary as well as secondary or summary sources."
The Works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Social Contract, Confessions, Emile, and Other Essays (Halcyon Classics)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 2009
Rousseau was a major Swiss philosopher, writer, and composer of the eighteenth-century Enlightenment, whose political philosophy influenced the French Revolution and the development of modern political and educational thought.This ebook is DRM free and includes an active table of contents.
Principles of Synthetic Intelligence: Psi: An Architecture of Motivated Cognition
Joscha Bach - 2009
These architectures and their implementation have several lessons for other architectures and models. Most notably, the PSI architecture includes drives and thusdirectly addresses questions of emotional behavior. An architecture including drives helps clarify how emotions could arise. It also changes the way that the architecture works on a fundamental level, providing an architecture more suited for behaving autonomously in a simulated world. PSI includesthree types of drives, physiological (e.g., hunger), social (i.e., affiliation needs), and cognitive (i.e., reduction of uncertainty and expression of competency). These drives routinely influence goal formation and knowledge selection and application. The resulting architecture generates new kindsof behaviors, including context dependent memories, socially motivated behavior, and internally motivated task switching. This architecture illustrates how emotions and physical drives can be included in an embodied cognitive architecture.The PSI architecture, while including perceptual, motor, learning, and cognitive processing components, also includes several novel knowledge representations: temporal structures, spatial memories, and several new information processing mechanisms and behaviors, including progress through types ofknowledge sources when problem solving (the Rasmussen ladder), and knowledge-based hierarchical active vision. These mechanisms and representations suggest ways for making other architectures more realistic, more accurate, and easier to use.The architecture is demonstrated in the Island simulated environment. While it may look like a simple game, it was carefully designed to allow multiple tasks to be pursued and provides ways to satisfy the multiple drives. It would be useful in its own right for developing other architecturesinterested in multi-tasking, long-term learning, social interaction, embodied architectures, and related aspects of behavior that arise in a complex but tractable real-time environment.The resulting models are not presented as validated cognitive models, but as theoretical explorations in the space of architectures for generating behavior. The sweep of the architecture can thus be larger-it presents a new cognitive architecture attempting to provide a unified theory of cognition. It attempts to cover perhaps the largest number of phenomena to date. This is not a typical cognitive modeling work, but one that I believe that we can learn much from.--Frank E. Ritter, Series EditorAlthough computational models of cognition have become very popular, these models are relatively limited in their coverage of cognition-- they usually only emphasize problem solving and reasoning, or treat perception and motivation as isolated modules. The first architecture to cover cognition morebroadly is PSI theory, developed by Dietrich Dorner. By integrating motivation and emotion with perception and reasoning, and including grounded neuro-symbolic representations, PSI contributes significantly to an integrated understanding of the mind. It provides a conceptual framework thathighlights the relationships between perception and memory, language and mental representation, reasoning and motivation, emotion and cognition, autonomy and social behavior. It is, however, unfortunate that PSI's origin in psychology, its methodology, and its lack of documentation have limited itsimpact. The proposed book adapts Psi theory to cognitive science and artificial intelligence, by elucidating both its theoretical and technical frameworks, and clarifying its contribution to how we have come to understand cognition.
Gog and Magog in Early Eastern Christian and Islamic Sources: Sallam's Quest for Alexander's Wall
Emeri Johannes van Donzel - 2009
Connected with this theme is the quest for Alexander s wall."
Reading the World: Cormac McCarthy's Tennessee Period
Dianne C. Luce - 2009
Luce explores the historical and philosophical contexts of Cormac McCarthy's early works crafted during his Tennessee period from 1959 to 1979 to demonstrate how McCarthy integrates literary realism with the imagery and myths of Platonic, gnostic, and existentialist philosophies to create his unique vision of the world.Luce begins with a substantial treatment of the east Tennessee context from which McCarthy's fiction emerges, sketching an Appalachian culture and environment in flux. Against this backdrop Luce examines, novel by novel, McCarthy's distinctive rendering of character through mixed narrative techniques of flashbacks, shifts in vantage point, and dream sequences. Luce shows how McCarthy's fragmented narration and lyrical style combine to create a rich portrayal of the philosophical and religious elements at play in human consciousness as it confronts a world rife with isolation and violence.
The 200 Most Frequently Asked Legal Questions for Educators
Nathan L. Essex - 2009
Through the accessible Q&A format, teachers and school leaders can read sequentially or browse for immediate answers on topics such as religious issues, individuals’ rights, disciplinary practices, morality, teacher dismissal, liabilities, MCLB, and more. Practical and concise, this guide provides a list of relevant court cases pertaining to each question and answer, legal references to guide teachers’ and school leaders’ actions, a glossary of legal terms, a list of selected federal statutes, and summaries and conclusions at the end of each chapter. The 200 Most Frequently Asked Legal Questions for Educators contains invaluable information to assist educators in performing their duties effectively and in accordance with the law.
Civilians in a World at War, 1914-1918
Tammy M. "Gagne" Proctor - 2009
The 1914-18 conflict witnessed the first aerial bombing of civilian populations, the first widespread concentration camps for the internment of enemy alien civilians, and an unprecedented use of civilian labor and resources for the war effort. Humanitarian relief programs for civilians became a common feature of modern society, while food became as significant as weaponry in the fight to win.Tammy M. Proctor argues that it was World War I--the first modern, global war--that witnessed the invention of both the modern "civilian" and the "home front," where a totalizing war strategy pitted industrial nations and their citizenries against each other. Civilians in a World at War, 1914-1918, explores the different ways civilians work and function in a war situation, and broadens our understanding of the civilian to encompass munitions workers, nurses, laundresses, refugees, aid workers, and children who lived and worked in occupied zones, on home and battle fronts, and in the spaces in between. Comprehensive and global in scope, spanning the Eastern, Western, Italian, East African, and Mediterranean fronts, Proctor examines in lucid and evocative detail the role of experts in the war, the use of forced labor, and the experiences of children in the combatant countries.As in many wars, civilians on both sides of WWI were affected, and vast displacements of the populations shaped the contemporary world in countless ways, redrawing boundaries and creating or reviving lines of ethnic conflict. Exploring primary source materials and secondary studies of combatant and neutral nations, while synthesizing French, German, Dutch, and English language sources, Proctor transcends the artificial boundaries of national histories and the exclusive focus on soldiers. Instead she tells the fascinating and long-buried story of the civilian in the Great War, allowing voices from the period to speak for themselves.
Emergence and Embodiment: New Essays on Second-Order Systems Theory
Mark B.N. Hansen - 2009
In Emergence and Embodiment, Bruce Clarke and Mark B. N. Hansen focus on cybernetic developments that stem from the second-order turn in the 1970s, when the cyberneticist Heinz von Foerster catalyzed new thinking about the cognitive implications of self-referential systems. The crucial shift he inspired was from first-order cybernetics’ attention to homeostasis as a mode of autonomous self-regulation in mechanical and informatic systems, to second-order concepts of self-organization and autopoiesis in embodied and metabiotic systems. The collection opens with an interview with von Foerster and then traces the lines of neocybernetic thought that have followed from his work.In response to the apparent dissolution of boundaries at work in the contemporary technosciences of emergence, neocybernetics observes that cognitive systems are operationally bounded, semi-autonomous entities coupled with their environments and other systems. Second-order systems theory stresses the recursive complexities of observation, mediation, and communication. Focused on the neocybernetic contributions of von Foerster, Francisco Varela, and Niklas Luhmann, this collection advances theoretical debates about the cultural, philosophical, and literary uses of their ideas. In addition to the interview with von Foerster, Emergence and Embodiment includes essays by Varela and Luhmann. It engages with Humberto Maturana’s and Varela’s creation of the concept of autopoiesis, Varela’s later work on neurophenomenology, and Luhmann’s adaptations of autopoiesis to social systems theory. Taken together, these essays illuminate the shared commitments uniting the broader discourse of neocybernetics.Contributors. Linda Brigham, Bruce Clarke, Mark B. N. Hansen, Edgar Landgraf, Ira Livingston, Niklas Luhmann, Hans-Georg Moeller, John Protevi, Michael Schiltz, Evan Thompson, Francisco J. Varela, Cary Wolfe
First Grade Reading Skill Builders (Sylvan Workbooks)
Sylvan Learning - 2009
Each lively and engaging activity inside the book focuses on a skill needed to become a superstar reader. From phonics to sentences to stories, First Grade Reading Skill Builders will help your child with the foundation needed to succeed throughout elementary school. Why Sylvan Products WorkSylvan Learning Workbooks won a 2009 Honors Award from the National Parenting Publications Awards (NAPPA) as a top book series for children in the elementary-aged category. The NAPPA is the nation’s most comprehensive awards program for children’s products and parenting resources, and has been critically reviewing products since 1990. The Award recognizes Sylvan Learning Workbooks as some of the most innovative and useful products geared to parents.
Sylvan's proven system inspires kids to learn and has helped children nationwide catch up, keep up, and get ahead in school. Sylvan has been a trusted partner for parents for thirty years, and has based their supplemental education success on programs developed through a focus on the highest educational standards and detailed research. Sylvan’s line of educational products equips families with fun, effective, and grade-appropriate learning tools. Our workbooks and learning kits feature activities, stories, and games to reinforce the skills children need to develop and achieve their academic potential. Students will reap the rewards of improved confidence and a newfound love of learning.
Western Political Thought: From Plato to Marx
Shefali Jha - 2009
Analysing political philosophies chronologically, this book offers valuable insights into the political structures of societies across the ages, and presents a wide perspective on the various social and political ideologies. Each of the 12 chapters has boxes with excerpts from the original works by the philosophers, a comprehensive reading list and thought provoking questions on the philosophies discussed in the book.
Deleuze and the Cinemas of Performance: Powers of Affection
Elena del Rio - 2009
Drawing on Gilles Deleuze's philosophy of the body, and on Deleuze-Spinoza's relevant concepts of affect and expression, Elena del R�o examines a kind of cinema that she calls 'affective-performative'. The features of this cinema unfold via detailed and engaging discussions of the movements, gestures and speeds of the body in a variety of films by Douglas Sirk, Rainer W. Fassbinder, Sally Potter, Claire Denis, and David Lynch. Key to the book's engagement with performance is a consistent attention to the body's powers of affection. Grounding her analysis in these powers, del R�o shows the insufficiency of former theoretical approaches in accounting for the transformative and creative capacities of the moving body of performance.Deleuze and the Cinemas of Performance will be of interest to any scholars and students of film concerned with bodily aspects of cinema, whether from a Deleuzian, a phenomenological, or a feminist perspective.Key Features*The first study of the interface between Deleuzian theory and film performance.*A sustained consideration of the links between the body of performance and the body of affect.*A reevaluation of central concepts in earlier film theory-from fetishistic spectacle and performativity to Brechtian distanciation, sadomasochism, and narcissism.*An analysis of the relation of the performative body to a feminist politics.*New readings of classical melodramas as well as contemporary independent cinemas.
Suspended Apocalypse: White Supremacy, Genocide, and the Filipino Condition
Dylan Rodríguez - 2009
Culling from historical, popular, and ethnographic archives, Dylan Rodríguez provides a sophisticated analysis of the Filipino presence in the American imaginary. Radically critiquing current conceptions of Filipino American identity, community, and history, he puts forth a genealogy of Filipino genocide, rooted in the early twentieth-century military, political, and cultural subjugation of the Philippines by the United States.Suspended Apocalypse critically addresses what Rodríguez calls "Filipino American communion," interrogating redemptive and romantic notions of Filipino migration and settlement in the United States in relation to larger histories of race, colonial conquest, and white supremacy. Contemporary popular and scholarly discussions of the Filipino American are, he asserts, inseparable from their origins in the violent racist regimes of the United States and its historical successor, liberal multiculturalism.Rodríguez deftly contrasts the colonization of the Philippines with present-day disasters such as Hurricane Katrina and Mount Pinatubo to show how the global subjection of Philippine, black, and indigenous peoples create a linked history of genocide. But in these juxtapositions, Rodríguez finds moments and spaces of radical opportunity. Engaging the violence and disruption of the Filipino condition sets the stage, he argues, for the possibility of a transformation of the political lens through which contemporary empire might be analyzed, understood, and perhaps even overcome.
Exploration in the Age of Empire, 1750-1953
Kevin Grant - 2009
This title offers coverage of European exploration and imperial expansion in Africa and Asia, using three themes to recount the experiences and achievements of individual explorers.
Haram in the Harem: Domestic Narratives in India and Algeria
Mohanalakshmi Rajakumar - 2009
During each of these periods the subject of women, their behavior, bodies, and dress were discussed by male scholars, politicians, and revolutionaries. The resonating theme amongst these disparate events is that women were believed to be best protected when they were ensconced within their homes and governed by their families, particularly male authority, whether they were fathers, brothers, or husbands. The threat to national identity was often linked to the preservation of womanly purity. Yet for the writers of this study, Ismat Chughtai (1915-1991), Assia Djebar (1936-), and Khadija Mastur (1927-1982), the danger to women was not in the public sphere but embedded within a domestic hierarchy enforced by male privilege. In their fictional texts, each writer shows how women resist, subvert, and challenge the normative behaviors prescribed in masculine discourse. In their writings they highlight the different ways women negotiated private spaces between intersecting masculine hegemonies of power including colonialism and native patriarchy. They demonstrate distinct literary viewpoints of nation, home, and women's experiences at particular historical moments. The choice of these various texts reveals how fiction provided a safe space for female writers to contest traditional systems of power. Bringing into focus the voices and experiences of women - who existed as limited cultural icons in the nationalist discourse - is a common theme throughout the selected stories. This book showcases the fluidity of literature as a response to the intersections of gender, race, and nation.
Mathematics and Music
David Wright - 2009
If nothing else, both involve counting. There is, of course, much more to the association. David Wright's book is an investigation of the interrelationships between mathematics and music, reviewing the needed background concepts in each subject as they are encountered. Along the way, readers will augment their understanding of both mathematics and music. The text explores the common foundations of the two subjects, which are developed side by side. Musical and mathematical notions are brought together, such as scales and modular arithmetic, intervals and logarithms, tone and trigonometry, and timbre and harmonic analysis. When possible, discussions of musical and mathematical notions are directly interwoven. Occasionally the discourse dwells for a while on one subject and not the other, but eventually the connection is established, making this an integrative treatment of the two subjects. The book is a text for a freshman level college course suitable for musically inclined or mathematically inclined students, with the intent of breaking down any apprehension that either group might have for the other subject. Exercises are given at the end of each chapter. The mathematical prerequisites are a high-school level familiarity with algebra, trigonometry, functions, and graphs. Musically, the student should have had some exposure to musical staffs, standard clefs, and key signatures, though all of these are explained in the text.
Tillie Olsen: One Woman, Many Riddles
Panthea Reid - 2009
She relocated to California in 1933 and lived most of her life in San Francisco. From 1962 on, she sojourned frequently in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Santa Cruz, and Soquel, California. She was a 1920s "hell-cat"; a 1930s revolutionary; an early 1940s crusader for equal pay for equal work and a war-relief patriot; an ex-GI's ideal wife in the later 1940s; a victim of FBI surveillance in the 1950s;a civil rights and antiwar advocate during the 1960s and 1970s; and a life-long orator for universal human rights.The enigma of Tillie Olsen is intertwined with that of the twentieth century. From the rebellions in Czarist Russia, through the terrors of the Depression and the hopes of the New Deal, to World War II, the Nuremberg Trials, and the United Nations' founding, to the cold war and House Un-American Activities Committee hearings, to later progressive and repressive movements, the story of Olsen's life brings remote events into focus.In her classic short story "I Stand Here Ironing" and her groundbreaking Tell Me a Riddle, Yonnondido, and Silences, Olsen scripted powerful, moving prose about ordinary people's lives, exposing the pervasive effects of sexism, racism, and classism and elevating motherhood and women's creativity into topics of study. Popularly referred to as "Saint Tillie," Olsen was hailed by many as the mother of modern feminism.Based on diaries, letters, manuscripts, private documents, resurrected public records, and countless interviews, Reid's artfully crafted biography untangles some of the puzzling knots of the last century's triumphs and failures and speaks truth to legend, correcting fabrications and myths about and also by Tillie Olsen.
Africa: The Politics of Suffering and Smiling
Patrick Chabal - 2009
In Africa: the Politics of Suffering and Smiling Patrick Chabal approaches this question differently by reconsidering the role of theory in African politics. Chabal discusses the limitations of existing political theories of Africa and proposes a different starting point; arguing that political thinking ought to be driven by the need to address the immediacy of everyday life and death. How do people define who they are? Where do they belong? What do they believe? How do they struggle to survive and improve their lives? What is the impact of illness and poverty? In doing so, Chabal proposes a radically different way of looking at politics in Africa and illuminates the ways ordinary people 'suffer and smile'. This is a highly original addition to Zed's groundbreaking World Political Theories series.
Economics of Creativity: Art and Achievement Under Uncertainty
Pierre-Michel Menger - 2009
But our understanding of the dynamics and market for creative work--artistic work in particular--often relies on unexamined clich s about individual genius, industrial engineering of talent, and the fickleness of fashion. Pierre-Michel Menger approaches the subject with new rigor, drawing on sociology, economics, and philosophy to build on the central insight that, unlike the work most of us do most of the time, creative work is governed by uncertainty. Without uncertainty, neither self-realization nor creative innovation is possible. And without techniques for managing uncertainty, neither careers nor profitable ventures would surface.In the absence of clear paths to success, an oversupply of artists and artworks generates boundless differentiation and competition. How can artists, customers, entrepreneurs, and critics judge merit? Menger disputes the notion that artistic success depends solely on good connections or influential managers and patrons. Talent matters. But the disparity between superstardom and obscurity may hinge initially on minor gaps in intrinsic ability. The benefits of early promise in competition and the tendency of elite professionals to team up with one another amplify and disproportionately reward even small differences.Menger applies his temporal and causal analysis of behavior under uncertainty to the careers and oeuvres of Beethoven and Rodin. The result is a thought-provoking book that brings clarity to our understanding of a world widely seen as either irrational or so free of standards that only power and manipulation count.
Boys at Home: Discipline, Masculinity, and "The Boy-Problem" in Nineteenth-Century American Literature
Ken Parille - 2009
While most studies of nineteenth-century boyhood have focused on post-Civil War male novelists, Parille explores a broader archive of writings by male and female authors, extending from 1830-1885.Boys at Home offers a series of arguments about five pedagogical modes: play-adventure, corporal punishment, sympathy, shame, and reading. The first chapter demonstrates that, rather than encouraging boys to escape the bonds of domesticity, scenes of play in boys’ novels reproduce values associated with the home. Chapter 2 argues that debates about corporal punishment are crucial sources for the culture’s ideas about gender difference and pedagogical practice. In chapter 3, “The Medicine of Sympathy,” Parille examines the affective nature of mother-daughter and mother-son bonds, emphasizing the special difficulties that “boy-nature” posed for women. The fourth chapter uses boys’ conduct literature and Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women – the preeminent chronicle of girlhood in the century – to investigate not only Alcott’s fictional representations of shame-centered discipline but also pervasive cultural narratives about what it means to “be a man.” Focusing on works by Lydia Sigourney and Francis Forrester, the final chapter considers arguments about the effects that fictional, historical, and biographical narratives had on a boy’s sense of himself and his masculinity.Boys at Home is an important contribution to the emerging field of masculinity studies. In addition, this provocative volume brings new insight to the study of childhood, women’s writing, and American culture. Ken Parille is assistant professor of English at East Carolina University. His articles have appeared in Children’s Literature, Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature, Papers on Language and Literature, and Children’s Literature Association Quarterly.
Documentary Media: History, Theory, Practice
Broderick Fox - 2009
Fox provides balanced and accessible coverage of the historical, critical, and the practical aspects of documentary media without mandating specialized skills sets in students or access to costly technology. For practitioners and students alike, Documentary Media lays out fundamental concepts and production processes needed to contribute to the contemporary production of non-fiction media in the digital age. Each chapter engages students by challenging traditional assumptions about documentary form and function, posing critical and creative questions, and offering historical and contemporary examples. Additionally, each chapter closes with an "Into Practice" section that assists readers in applying the chapter's concepts. Fox aims to help the student establish a complete treatment, aesthetic plan, and pre-production strategy for their own documentary project.
International Law for International Relations
Başak Çalı - 2009
International Law for International Relations
provides comprehensive coverage of the different ways to approach the study of international law. Drawing upon the work of internationally renowned academics and practitioners, this cutting-edge anthology identifies key issues within the field.Marked by its lucid presentation of the complexities of international law, this reader is ideal for students who have not who have not previously studied law. It is also suitable for graduate students who are tackling international law for the first time.FEATURES* Explains the role and place of non-state actors in international law* Maps out the different patterns of interaction between law and politics* Expands on a wide variety of compliance issues* Supplemented by a Companion Website ( containing resources for both students--including a flashcard glossary, lists of key points, problem-solving questions, and weblinks--and instructors (PowerPoint-based lecture slides and a password-protected Test Bank)
William Wickham, Master Spy: The Secret War Against the French Revolution
Michael Durey - 2009
It follows Wickham's career to narrate the rise and fall of his secret service community.