She Not Ready For A Savage Like Me

Amber Shanel - 2017
    Growing up she watched as her mother ran through many men and decided that she was saving herself. With an empty space in her heart to fill Dior hides behind a wall that she has built up herself, not letting any man in. That was until she met Sincere Williams. Sincere Williams seemed like the perfect package on the outside. Having good and steady income and being breath taking handsome but there was one problem, he was married. Sharee, is an upcoming model, that is sick of nearly killing herself trying to maintain an image for money. Day in and day out she spends the day watching what she eats, making sure to not gain too much wait afraid that she won't be accepted anymore. Through her troubles she meets Hunter. Lastly Sophia, with Sincere as an overbearing, older brother and parents that come and go, she doesn't have time for foolishness in her life. Sophia has dreams of taking her clothing designs to the next level. She just needs to come clean to her older brother, letting him know that she has been seeing one of his closest friends behind his back... Three different women, three different stories, could they be ready to fall in love with these Savages like they think they are?

A Cold Winter With A Hot Boy

S. Yvonne - 2020

No Matter What

Nicole Jackson - 2019
    When you want what you want no matter the consequences things can get quite sticky, and a young Nunnie will find out the hard way!

My Other Baby Mama Box Set: A Dope Boy Saga

Dani Littlepage - 2019
    It’s available right here for your reading pleasure. In this complete series, you’ll take an unforgettable ride with Author Dani Littlepage. She is signed to Cole Hart Signature and her writing is very clever, and this story is unputdownable. ***WARNING*** This is not your typical, Urban Romance, Dope Boy, Thug Love, or Kingpin Savage book. Heart pounding. Nail biting. Gritty. Unique. My Other Baby Mama A Dope boy Love Saga is about the life of a young man that is successful in the drug game with his own operation. While trying to stay clear of the cops and provide for his family, he also has to manage his love life between his main chick and his side chick. Ramsey, 26, is the man in the city of Philly and the most popular drug dealer in the game. His drug operation and his money are his main focus and if anything or anyone stands in the way of that, he won’t hesitate to put them down. Every drug dealer needs a rider and his has been holding him down for five years strong. Although he has love for his main chick, he found love with his side chick of three years. If things weren’t complicated for Ramsey already, when he impregnated both women at the same time and had his children five days apart, his love life only intensified. While his heart is with one woman, his love for money and the streets is greater which may cause him to lose the woman he truly loves. Baylynn, 24, is Ramsey’s ride or die and a woman with a scandalous past. She was a known thot in the streets of Philly and was proud of the reputation she had made for herself but when Ramsey came into the picture, she gave up her whorish ways for the man she loved but her path on the straight and narrow didn't last for long. Throughout their relationship, Baylynn had numerous affairs on Ramsey and is often questioned about the paternity of their daughter Brandi. With many skeletons in her closet, Baylynn does her best to keep them hidden but, it might not be enough to keep them hidden from Ramsey and his family. Cashmere, 22, is the side chick of Ramsey. A college graduate, bookstore owner, blogger and all around good girl. Drawn to Ramsey’s charm, Cashmere was swept off her feet. It wasn’t until she was six months into her relationship with Ramsey that she found out that she wasn't the only woman in his life. Not wanting to give up the man she loved, Cashmere played her role as the side chick and when their daughter, Cassi, was born she continued to be the secret no one but Ramsey’s family knew about. With promises of becoming number one in his life, Cashmere holds on and fights for her position but her patience is wearing thin. Sex, lies, secrets and betrayal are in the mix of this love triangle but when the truth is exposed, will Ramsey’s money and business continue to be his focus or will his heart lead him to a real love like no other? Find out how their story unfolds in the complete series of My Other Baby Mama!

Issa Hood Love Story: Storm & Antonio

Kevina Hopkins - 2018
    Some would say she is stupid or even gullible for putting up with him for so many years, but she sees it as a way to keep her family together. However, crossing paths with the infamous Antonio Anderson causes her to question whether keeping her family together is worth the hassle. Antonio is a business man by day and a dope boy by night. He finally has everything he’s ever wanted in life except a woman to share it with. All of that changes when he meets Storm. Something about her immediately draws her to him to the point that he wants to make her his. Does Antonio have what it takes to make Storm see her worth, or will she continue to be naive and wait for her baby’s father to get it together? Find out in Issa Hood Love Story, where lies and secrets are revealed.

The Beautii Behind Magic: An Original Love Story

Kyoshi - 2015
    Beautii is left to fend for herself after her parents die, and her brother Jordin is sent to prison. With a baby to take care of and no one to depend on but herself, she starts working at a strip club. Lauren Green is Beautii’s best friend and one of the only people that she can count on. But Lauren has her own sordid past that has turned her heart cold. Disowned by her parent’s after revealing a scandalous secret, the only person she has to turn to is Beautii. Javian “Teach” McKnight is the head boss on the streets of Miami, and is as ruthless as they come. A night out with his home boys unexpectedly leaves him infatuated with Lauren. Never one to have been in love, he doesn’t know what to make of his feelings. Will they be good for each other? Or, is this relationship doomed from the start? Carter “Magic” McKnight is new to the Miami area, just moving there from Texas to be closer to his brother Teach. Left to raise his daughter on his own when his girlfriend disappeared without a trace, Miami is a good move for him. His first day in town he meets Beautii and is momentarily left speechless. Their lives are entangled and these four form bonds that can’t be broken. But things change when Beautii’s brother is released from prison. Someone is out to get Magic, but who? For Beautii things aren’t as they seem and a blast from the past is lurking in the shadows. Lies, deceit, secrets, murder and more come to light. Will bonds be broken or will these couples be able to stand the test of time?

Hoodwives & Rich Thugs of Philly

Yona - 2018
    To take necessary precautions, her father forced her to relocate to the mean and gritty streets of Philly. Leaving behind a boyfriend, Alicia felt as though her life was over. It took months to adjust, but Alicia soon realized the move wasn't all bad, especially after meeting Tyson. As time goes on, she learns that nothing in her life is real and deep rooted secrets begin to unravel. Madisyn is young, vibrant, and beautiful. Her mother Jada tries her best to keep her away from the life she once lived as a hood wife. As with any young teenager, Madisyn wants to live her own life and love who she wants. Ryan is Madisyn's boyfriend and the neighborhood corner boy, but on the rise to a major come up. Madisyn keeps her relationship a secret but, once the secret her mother has kept comes out, it nothing longer matters to Madisyn. Best friends Ryan and Tyson have one other thing in mind, which is their come up. An opportunity presents itself and their left to make a serious decision. Will they luck up and become the rich thugs they've dreamt about with a hood wife on their arm? Or will the mean streets of Philly prove to be too much and tear them apart?

If We Ruled The World 2: An Atlanta Hood Affair

Nako - 2015
    As Antwon chases down his aspirations, he considers himself blessed to have his beautiful and headstrong fiancé Ella Sullivan holding his hand with pride. The two young ambitious moguls in the making grow and pray together as they mold each other into becoming a power couple. Trials and tribulations arise but because their union is solid, nothing can come against them. Antwon’s presidential campaign is ran with an iron fist. Readers are invited on the wild yet motivating ride to The White House, it was John F. Kennedy that said, “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.” It wouldn’t be too many years later before generations would be quoting the great Antwon Young as well.

Rotten Apples: Harlem's Finest

Sa'id Salaam - 2019
     Marley is a single mother struggling to make it past life's obstacles. Despite the fact that she is the biggest one in her path. Her bad parenting skills may come back and bite her. Jellissa may not be the cutest chick on the block but dudes love her nonetheless. Her shape and attitude more than make up for what she lacks in looks. Yasmeen is a confused young Muslim woman trying to live in two opposite worlds. They don't coincide so she'll eventually have to choose one. Mitzi's the Puerto Rican mami looking for love in all the wrong places. Meanwhile she's trying to raise her eight siblings as well as her childish mother. Fate forces their hands and causes them to do things to survive by every means necessary. Turn the page and see why these Rotten Apples are Harlem's Finest.

Yearning for A Savage's Love

Shaye B - 2018
    Finally fed up with her unfulfilling relationship; Violet starts to reevaluate her life. A job opportunity lands her in Dallas where she stumbled across Cesar. If quiet and boring is what she was running from back home, Cesar’s crazy unpredictable ways may be just what she’s looking for. A petty incident lands her in Cesar’s arms, and against all better judgment, she falls for him. Is this Savage the man of her dreams or a dangerous desire that will only lead to trouble? Sometimes what we want isn’t what we need and Cesar may be more than what Violet bargained for. After finding out a shocking secret about her boyfriend of 2 years, Albany Kaye is forced to start over for the first time in her young life. Step one is getting a roommate to help with the mounting bills. What started off as two strangers sharing a roof blossomed into a beautiful friendship when Violet moved in. Soon these new found friends discover that they have more in common than they least expect. Boundaries are tested, bonds are broken, and lives are left hanging in the balance when this small town beauty takes a ride on the wild side.