The Principles Of Masonic Law: A Treatise On The Constitutional Laws, Usages And Landmarks Of Freemasonry

Albert G. MacKey - 2003
    From that period, the regulations adopted by the Grand Lodge of England ceased to have any binding efficacy over the craft in this country, while the laws passed by the American Grand Lodges lost the character of general regulations, and were invested only with local authority in their several jurisdictions.Before concluding this introductory section, it may be deemed necessary that something should be said of the "Ancient Landmarks of the Order," to which reference is so often made.Various definitions have been given of the landmarks. Some suppose them to be constituted of all the rules and regulations which were in existence anterior to the revival of Masonry in 1717, and which were confirmed and adopted by the Grand Lodge of England at that time. Others, more stringent in their definition, restrict them to the modes of recognition in use among the fraternity. I am disposed to adopt a middle course, and to define the Landmarks of Masonry to be, all those usages and customs of the craft--whether ritual or legislative--whether they relate to forms and ceremonies, or to the organization of the society--which have existed from time immemorial, and the alteration or abolition of which would materially affect the distinctive character of the institution or destroy its identity. Thus, for example, among the legislative landmarks, I would enumerate the office of Grand Master as the presiding officer over the craft, and among the ritual landmarks, the legend of the third degree. But the laws, enacted from time to time by Grand Lodges for their local government, no matter how old they may be, do not constitute landmarks, and may, at any time, be altered or expunged, since the 39th regulation declares expressly that "every annual Grand Lodge has an inherent power and authority to make new regulations or to alter these (viz., the thirty-nine articles) for the real benefit of this ancient fraternity, provided always that the old landmarks be carefully preserved." Download The Principles Of Masonic Law Now!

The 95-5 Code: for Activating the Law of Attraction

Richard Dotts - 2015
    All is well and good, but an important question remains unanswered: What do you do during the remainder of your time when you are not actively using these manifestation techniques? How do you live? What do you do with the 95% of your day, the majority of your waking hours when you are not actively asking for what you want? Is the “rest of your day” important to the manifestation process? It turns out that what you do during the 95% of your time, the time NOT spent visualizing or affirming, makes all of the difference . In The 95-5 Code for activating the Law of Attraction, bestselling author and spiritual explorer Richard Dotts explains why the way you act (and feel) during the majority of your waking hours makes all the difference to your manifestation end results. Most of us mistakenly believe that the mere application of manifestation techniques results in outer manifestations. Yet, as Richard points out, the actual time spent engaging in meditation, visualization or affirmations constitutes only a very small percentage of our waking hours. Compared to what we do for the rest of our day, the time spent on those activities is minuscule! No wonder most people get little or no results from the application of these techniques at all! It is not because the techniques do not work or are done wrongly, but because most people are expecting their outer realities to change by changing the way they think and act for only 5% of the time… while neglecting the other 95% that also has an effect on our creations. Once Richard recognized this fallacy in his own thinking, he immediately re-examined his past actions and found the exact reasons why certain manifestations have been so long in coming, and why he felt so much frustration during the early days of his manifestation journey. He was trying to do the impossible by expecting 5% of his efforts to make 100% of the changes in his life! Learn as Richard Dotts shares an empowering new understanding of manifestations in The 95-5 Code, and reveals how everything changes the moment we look at manifestations and the creative process from this new perspective. While you may think of manifestations as something grandiose or even miraculous, Richard gently guides the reader to help them realize that the only journey they’ll ever have to make, to achieve anything they want in life, is really on the inside. If certain manifestations have been long in coming for you, or if you have had little success with various manifestation techniques, this new understanding in The 95-5 Code could make all of the difference.

How to Think Clearly: A Guide to Critical Thinking

Doug Erlandson - 2012
    Dr. Doug Erlandson draws on concrete examples of good and bad reasoning from the political and social realm and everyday life to make his points in a sometimes lighthearted but always meaningful way. Here's a Preview of What's in the Book Identifying the differences between good and bad arguments Avoiding fallacies Creating good explanations Assessing probabilities Recognizing that statistics and numbers can lie ˃˃˃ Here's How You Benefit How to Think Clearly gives you the tools you need to critically assess the claims and counterclaims with which you are bombarded by politicians, pundits, commentators and editors, as well as coworkers, friends and family, and will aid you in developing skills to present your view in ways that are clear, coherent, sensible and persuasive. ˃˃˃ Suitable as a classroom text and for independent study How to Think Clearly is easy to understand and suitable for independent study. At the same time it offers the content and intellectual rigor that you would expect in a text for an introductory college-level course in critical thinking. ˃˃˃ What Others Are Saying About How to Think Clearly: A Guide to Critical Thinking Dr. Erlandson has given a wonderful introduction to good critical thinking: how to recognize good and bad arguments, helpful and non-helpful explanations, the ways that numbers can be manipulated. You can tell that he must be a good teacher. (G. Feltner)The author offers a refuge of reason within our culture of disregard for open-mindedness and rational discourse where the popular debate of serious issues or ideas is often a shouting match from the margins. (Cubs Fan)A great read for anyone who is new to logic and critical thinking, or someone who just wants to review and refresh their knowledge. (Paul D.) Scroll up and grab a copy today.

Ikigai: The Japanese Life Philosophy

Alan Daron - 2018
    In this short book, I'll share with you what Ikigai is, why you should learn and pursue it, and how to go about discovering your Ikigai. By the end of the book, you'll be in a very good position to start discovering and pursuing your Ikigai en route to a life of joy and fulfillment. Scroll up and click "Buy now with 1-Click" to download your copy now! © 2017 All Rights Reserved!Tags: ikigai, ikigai book, ikigai kindle, ikigai the japanese secret, book ikigai, about ikigai, finding your ikigai.

The Art of Being Rational : Charlie Munger

Oxana Dubrovina - 2019
    Find out what he has to say! Charlie Munger is one of the most successful businessmen in the world. He is worth more than a billion dollars and has spent his career not only honing his own business decision-making abilities but also teaching others to do the same. Now, all of his wisdom and insight into wealth management is collected in one place. Author Oxana Dubrovina wants to give you a crash course in Munger’s life-changing philosophy. This success self-help guide and motivational biography will put you on the road to a bright financial future by using Munger, as well as other inspirational leaders like Benjamin Franklin, Lee Kuan Yew, and even Jesus Christ, to illustrate important messages about how to live a good, honest, and successful life.

Bereolaesque: The Contemporary Gentleman & Etiquette Book for the Urban Sophisticate

Enitan O. Bereola II - 2009
    THIS TIME IT'S SEXY! The old-fashioned, repressed, bland man has been banished to the Himalayas and a new breed is taking center stage. He is a man of style, sophistication, and security, just as strong and confident as his predecessor, but far more diverse in his interests, his tastes, and, most importantly, his self-image. He may be seen at an NBA game one night and an art gallery opening the next. Bereolaesque is that much needed fusion between being a gentleman and being sexy. This savoir-faire man's guide walks every man through the stages of ordinary to excellence in just two hundred pages. Perfect for that coffee table discussion, Bereolaesque lends quality information to everyday people and celebrities alike. Beyond the book's mysteriously eye capturing cover are innovative and appealing ways to maneuver through life's crazes, while keeping cool and maintaining manners. In the midst of a world plagued with economic turmoil, tasteless politics and dark behavior, the gentleman is refreshing and necessary. Bereolaesque is for every man and every woman who believe that chivalry is NOT dead, and individuals who are willing to learn exactly how far something as simple as being a gentleman and proper etiquette can get you in life. Not to mention, ladies are always quite pleased to meet a real gentleman...

At the Eleventh Hour: The Biography of Swami Rama (Revised)

Pandit Rajmani Tigunait - 2001
    This book tells the story of Swamiji through the eyes of Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD, his devoted student and successor as the spiritual head of the Himalayan Institute. As you read Pandit Tigunait's account of life with his master, you will gain insight into the guru-disciple relationships Swami Rama had both with his master and with his own students.This book serves as a guide to some of the more esoteric practices of tantra not commonly known or understood in the West. It brings you to holy places in India, to the source of the Himalayan Tradition, revealing why these sacred sites are important and how to go about visiting them. The wisdom in these stories penetrates beyond the power of words. Discover the legacy of a true Himalayan master and the nature of the yogic wisdom he shared. Purchase your copy of At the Eleventh Hour today!

Life Sentence

Christie Blatchford - 2013
    When Christie Blatchford wandered into a Toronto courtroom in 1978 for the start of the first criminal trial she would cover as a newspaper reporter, little did she know she was also at the start of a self-imposed life sentence. In this book, Christie Blatchford revisits trials from throughout her career and asks the hard questions--about judges playing with the truth--through editing of criminal records, whitewashing of criminal records, pre-trial rulings that kick out evidence the jury can't hear. She discusses bad or troubled judges--how and why they get picked, and what can be done about them. And shows how judges are handmaidens to the state, as in the Bernardo trial when a small-town lawyer and an intellectual writer were pursued with more vigor than Karla Homolka. For anyone interested in the political and judicial fabric of this country, Life Sentence is a remarkable, argumentative, insightful and hugely important book.

On Tuesdays I'm a Buddhist: Expeditions in an in-between world where therapy ends and stories begin

Michael Harding - 2017
    All of a sudden, he found himself falling back into the old religious devotions of an earlier time. The meaning he had found through years of engagement with therapy began to dissolve. Here, in On Tuesdays I'm a Buddhist, Harding examines the search for meaning in life which keeps him fastened to the idea of god. After many therapy sessions focused on an effort to uncover personal truth, and long solitary months on the road with a one man show, Harding is finally led to an artists' retreat in the shadow of Skellig Michael.Mixing stories from the road with dispatches from his Irish Times columns, On Tuesdays I'm a Buddhist is a spell-binding and powerful book about the human condition, the narratives we weave around the self, and the ultimate bliss of living in the present moment. 'What happens between one story and the next? That's the really interesting part. That's the space where we find bliss; where we float sometimes, suspended, and only for a brief moment. Perhaps only for a few scarce moments in an entire life.'

Lawyer X

Patrick Carlyon - 2020
    It took the police a decade to curtail the violence and bring down criminal kingpins Carl Williams, Tony Mokbel and their accomplices. When the police finally closed the case file, just how they really won the war, with the help of an unlikely police informer, would become a closely guarded secret and its exposure, the biggest legal scandal of our time.Lawyer X is the scandalous, true story of how a promising defence barrister from a privileged background broke all the rules - becoming both police informer and her client's lover - sharing their secrets and shaping the gangland war that led to sensational arrests and convictions. The story of how Nicola Gobbo became Lawyer X, and why, is a compelling study in desperation and determination.Lawyer X is the definitive story of Melbourne's gangland wars and its most glamorous and compelling central character, based on the ground-breaking work of investigative journalists Anthony Dowsley and Patrick Carlyon, who broke the story for the Herald Sun in 2014, and their five-year struggle to reveal the truth about the identity of Lawyer X.

The Tao of Poo: Legend of Li Chang

Dirk McFergus - 2011
    This outrageous and inventive short story is not just focused solely on crap itself, but the spirituality of crap. This parody of the Tao Te Ching begs the question: Is everything crap? McFergus translates Li Chang's master work from an ancient roll of toilet paper, a minor Chinese national treasure purchased on eBay, to uncover the lost legend of Li Chang.DISCLAIMER: There is no Winnie the Pooh bear in this story. There is no piglet. The only honey pot in this story has crap in it. THIS IS NOT THE TAO OF POOH.

Sharia Law for Non-Muslims

Bill Warner - 2010
    Sharia law is based on entirely different principles than our laws. Many of these laws concern the non-Muslim.What does Sharia law mean for the citizens of this state? How will this affect us? What are the long-term effects of granting Muslims the right to be ruled by Sharia, instead of our laws? Each and every demand that Muslims make is based on the idea of implementing Sharia law in America. Should we allow any Sharia at all? Why? Why not?How can any political or legal authority make decisions about Sharia law if they do not know what it is? Is this moral?The answers to all of these questions are found in this book.

A Fair Cop. Michael Bunting

Michael Bunting - 2008
    It was Michael Bunting's life ambition to follow in his father's footsteps & become a police officer. But six years after his family watch him pass out & begin his life's dream, he is serving a sentence for a crime he didn't commit. This is his story.

Shackled: A Journey From Political Imprisonment To Freedom

Adam Siddiq - 2017
    Following a grand betrayal, Khaled's father and uncles, the respected right-hand men to the King of Afghanistan, become targets of the new regime. Khaled's father is exiled, his uncles are executed, and their families are locked away in a forgotten corner of Kabul. So begins a decades-long struggle in captivity where Khaled faces the hardship of prison life while enduring tragedies as more of his loved ones are executed and succumb to diseases. Despite the tribulations he experiences, Khaled never gives up hope, choosing to make the most of his time by studying five different languages, advanced literature, and philosophy. Eventually, Khaled and his family are released from prison, but are they truly free? Forbidden from leaving the country, one thing continues to haunt Khaled: a longing to reunite with his father. SHACKLED is a raw, heart-opening story about resilience. It follows the Charkhi family from the 1932 coup to the 1979 Soviet invasion. Amidst national and personal upheaval, Khaled finds his freedom by choosing to lead a life of optimism, kindness, joy, and love. Adam Siddiq is the grandson of Khaled Siddiq. Adam wrote SHACKLED alongside his grandfather, Khaled—a shared journey they hope will inspire others to become more involved in the sacred bond between the youth and their elders.

The Holy Book of Luck

Ahmad Saed Alzein - 2021
    He argues that luck plays a major role in your success, and you can’t do anything about it.THE HOLY BOOK OF LUCK is the book which takes you on a pleasant journey to really change your perspective forever about luck and hard work.