Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments

Geerhardus Vos - 1948
    Vos handles this under three main divisions: the Mosaic epoch of revelation, the prophetic epoch of revelation, and the New Testament. Such an historical approach is not meant to supplant the work of the systematic theologian; nevertheless, the Christian gospel is inextricably bound up with history, and the biblical theologian thus seeks to highlight the uniqueness of each biblical document in that succession. The rich variety of Scripture is discovered anew as the progressive development of biblical themes is explicated.

1 Peter

Wayne Grudem - 1988
    Grudem's work on the Epistle of I Peter is a contribution to the Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, a popular series designed to help the general Bible reader understand clearly what the text actually says and what it means, without overdue dependence on scholarly technicalities.


Darrell L. Bock - 2007
    Bock provides a substantive yet highly accessible commentary on Acts in this latest addition to the acclaimed BECNT series. With extensive research and thoughtful chapter-by-chapter exegesis, Bock leads readers through all aspects of the book of Acts--sociological, historical, and theological. His work blends academic depth with readability, making it a useful tool for students, teachers, scholars, and pastors alike. A user-friendly design with shaded text and translations of the Greek text make this commentary engaging and easy to use. The result is a guide that clearly and meaningfully brings this important New Testament book to life for contemporary readers.

The Epistle to the Romans

Karl Barth - 1918
    Barth--who remains a powerful influence on European and American theology--argues that the modern Christian preacher and theologian face thesame basic problems that confronted Paul. Assessing the whole Protestant argument in relation to modern attitudes and problems, he focuses on topics such as Biblical exegesis; the interrelationship between theology, the Church, and religious experience; the relevance of the truth of the Bible toculture; and what preachers should preach.

The Message of the New Testament: Promises Kept

Mark Dever - 2005
    The nation of Israel had many hopes: hope for a deliverer, hope for restored fellowship with God, and hope for the world to be put right. The New Testament explains how those promises were kept and how, if we are Christians, they are kept in us as well.Mark Dever surveys the historical context, organization, and theology of each New Testament book, in light of God's Old Testament promises. His message is that of the New Testament itself, one of hope fulfilled.

A Harmony of the Gospels: New American Standard Edition

Robert L. Thomas - 1978
    This resource encourages a deeper understanding of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ by harmonizing the accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John so as to assemble as many details as possible into a chronologically meaningful sequence.

Apologetics Study Bible for Students

Anonymous - 2010
    Up to 66% of them leave church altogether. The Apologetics Study Bible for Students works against that trend by helping this audience begin to better articulate its beliefs. In addition to the complete HCSB text and dozens of articles collected from today’s most popular youth leaders, including general editor Sean McDowell, this new study Bible also includes:• Two-color design-intensive layout on every page for the visual generation• Sixty “Twisted Scriptures” explanations• Fifty “Bones & Dirt” entries (archaeology meets apologetics)• Fifty “Notable Quotes”• Twenty-five “Tactics” against common anti-Christian arguments• Twenty “Personal Stories” of how God has worked in real lives• Twenty “Top Five” lists to help remember key apologetics topics

End Times Fiction: A Biblical Consideration of the Left Behind Theology

Gary DeMar - 2001
    Tim LaHaye contends that his bestselling Left Behind series (with Jerry Jenkins) is ""the first fictional portrayal of prophetic events that are true to the literal interpretation of Bible prophecy." " Gary DeMar takes issue with this bold claim, contending that the theological premise the series is based upon is only one interpretation of the book of Revelation.DeMar examines the series in four distinct sections: The Left Behind Sensation; Putting Tim LaHaye's Literalism to the Test; the Theology Behind Left Behind; and What Does it Mean and What Does it Matter? Readers will learn to develop a simple method of Bible interpretation and to assess the impact of "Left Behind" on the future of the church and our society.

The Book of Giants: The Watchers, Nephilim, and The Book of Enoch

Joseph B. Lumpkin - 2014
    The Book of Giants, like the Book of Enoch, concerns itself with the Nephilim, which are the offspring of fallen angels, who are called the Watchers. Two main versions of the text exist. The Dead Sea version is written in Aramaic. Another version has been found written in middle Persian, adapted from the Aramaic to fit into the Manichean religion. Both versions will be examined. Following theories speculating that the Book of Giants was once part of the Book of Enoch, we will attempt to place the two texts back together to render the complete story of the Watchers and the Nephilim. We will discover the history and contributions of these ancient scrolls and look carefully at their content and meaning. Throughout the combined texts of the Book of Giants and the Book of Enoch we will examine all the biblical and apocryphal references and parallels within the text and compare passages from books such as Jubilees, Jasher, and other apocryphal works. The result is an in-depth and panoramic view of the Angels, the Watchers, and the Nephilim, and how one of the giants of the Nephilim race may have survived the flood intended to cleanse the Earth of their horror.

Life Lessons: Book of Ephesians: Where You Belong

Max Lucado - 1998
    Paul's letter celebrates the beauty of the church. Ephesians gives us wonderful examples and basic overviews of a Christian life. Paul shows us how to walk worthy of Christ as we live our life for God. Paul's focus on the beauty of the church reminds us that through salvation we become a part of God's family: a place where we can experience true belonging.The Lucado Life Lessons series brings the New Testament to life in twelve lessons filled with intriguing questions, inspirational storytelling, profound reflections, and space for journaling. Revised and updated, Lucado Life Lessons continues to be one of the best-selling study guide series available for small groups and individuals.

Coming Soon: Unlocking the Book of Revelation and Applying Its Lessons Today

Michael Barber - 2005
    In the midst of so much discussion about the end times, what does Revelation teach us about living in the present moment, with our eyes focused on the heavenly Jerusalem? Michael Barber's Coming Soon explores these questions by taking a detailed look at Revelation and its rich tapestry of prophecy, history, and biblical allusion. Barber explores the profound link between the Mass celebrated here on earth and the eternal reality of heaven, demonstrating that the Apocalypse reveals truth that has practical implications for today and points to a firm hope in tomorrow. Coming Soon is a verse-by-verse commentary on the Book of Revelation using the Revised Standard Version: Catholic Edition of the Bible. Barber provides a Catholic interpretation, which sees the liturgical background of this book of Scripture-a perspective missing in many Protestant commentaries.

Faithful God: An Exposition of the Book of Ruth

Sinclair B. Ferguson - 2005


Iain M. Duguid - 2008
    More than moral lessons or a prophetic timetable, this commentary explores both the familiar and unfamiliar in its study of Daniel--and ultimately points us to Christ.

How the Gospel Brings Us All the Way Home

Derek W.H. Thomas - 2011
    Derek W.H. Thomas explores Romans 8, which he calls “the best chapter in the Bible.” Here he finds an exposition of the steps through which God leads His people in the process of their salvation, but also loving counsel on such topics as prayer and resisting the Devil, as well as exhortations and comforts for weary pilgrims. Dr. Thomas begins at Romans 8:1 with “the best news imaginable”—believers’ just and deserved condemnation before God has been taken away by Jesus Christ’s work on the cross. He then contrasts earthly minded and spiritually minded people, showing that only those who are spiritually minded know life.In Romans 8:29–30, he explores several steps in the process of salvation—foreknowledge, predestination, calling, justification, and, finally, glorification—which show God’s invincible purpose in redemption. Finally, he unfolds the powerful promise of the final few verses of Romans 8: nothing can separate those God has redeemed from His saving love. How the Gospel Brings Us All the Way Home is a powerful exploration of the manifold gifts the heavenly Father has lavished upon His people–and a preview of the greater inheritance that lies ahead.

God's Glory in Salvation Through Judgment: A Biblical Theology

James M. Hamilton Jr. - 2010
    James Hamilton Jr. contends that from this passage comes a biblical theology that unites the meta-narrative of Scripture under one central theme: God's glory in salvation through judgment.Hamilton begins in the Old Testament by showing that Israel was saved through God's judgment on the Egyptians and the Caananites. God was glorified through both his judgment and mercy, accorded in salvation to Israel. The New Testament unfolds the ultimate display of God's glory in justice and mercy, as it was God's righteous judgment shown on the cross that brought us salvation. God's glory in salvation through judgment will be shown at the end of time, when Christ returns to judge his enemies and save all who have called on his name.Hamilton moves through the Bible book by book, showing that there is one theological center to the whole Bible. The volume's systematic method and scope make it a unique resource for pastors, professors, and students.