The Hyperscape Project -Book One (Awakening)

Donald Swan - 2013
    It seemed as though the entire universe was holding its breath. Waiting. Whether waiting for the salvation of mankind or its demise was yet unclear.He set out to prove a theory. Now he’s racing to save the galaxy from his mistake.Along with his newly found, rag-tag band of alien friends, Nick Bannon battles to keep his devastating technology out of the hands of the biomechanoid race known as the Mok’tu.Nick is flung to a distant world when his hyperspace experiment goes awry. Technology can always be used for good or evil and now his peaceful experiment could become a horrific weapon of a malicious alien race. Every species in the galaxy is in danger of total annihilation and it may take one man’s greatest sacrifice to stop it.Full 86,000 word space opera novel! Official Website: TheHyperspaceProject.comSci-fi, Space Opera, Nanites, Hyperspace, Aliens, First Contact, Action, Adventure, Fun, Series, scifi, robot, mechanoid, prophecy, queen, battle, stargate, red shirts, takei, battle ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I found "The Hyperspace Project" to be an immensely enjoyable read. I kept picturing Harrison Ford, but with the Indiana Jones personality, but in a Blade Runner world as Nick Bannon. The pacing was great, Swan did an awesome job giving just enough desription of the new technology and alien races without dragging the story into a grinding halt. The story had a feel good sense that I got from watching "Guardians of the Galaxy" - where you get to know the characters to the point where you actually want to meet themand have a few drinks at a dive bar to hear more stories.The dialogue and writing were top notch - and it was clear that this story was thought out before Swan committed it to paper. With all of the rehashes (really - can we do a Spiderman reboot just one more time please.....) it is nice to meet some new characters in a new adventure - and it doesn't have to end here, since Swan already has book two on the shelves.Highly recommend this book for lovers of sci fi!!!" - Nathan Merceron⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "5 star sci-fi adventure - this book is FUN. The start of a new series, Book 1 : Awakenings does not disappoint. It has all the elements I desire in a good space adventure story - a reluctant hero fumbling his/her way through new alien space, interesting and unique aliens, exciting twists and turns, a good overall plot and a whole lot of fun. I am right on board the Hyperspace wagon, eagerly awaiting book 2, which means book 1 gets the OMGMOAR 5 star award from Tracing The Stars." ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "A lost Queen. An ancient prophecy. Worlds caught in an interstellar war between two malevolent alien races. Hyperspace, Nanites, Biomechanoids with a mysterious past. The Hyperspace Project is non-stop action and lots of fun." -John S.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "I really enjoyed this book. There is a lot of action, but it's well balanced. If you like Star Trek or shows like Stargate, then I think you'll like this book. Fun characters and a story that flows well. Some good futuristic science too. (Nanites, hyperspace, gadgets etc.) I only wish that the second book was already available. There is also an interesting extra chapter that can be unlocked with clues from the book. That added an extra bit of fun to it as well." -Sara,

Arnesto Modesto: The World's Most Ineffectual Time Traveler

Darren Johnson - 2018
    Of course, his much younger self may not be prepared to handle all that foreknowledge... Encouraged by his friend Pete, Arnesto attempts to use his limited recall to do some good — and winds up stumbling through some of the biggest events of the past quarter-century. Life isn't going to be easier the second time around.

His Robot Wife

Wesley Allison - 2011
    Then he purchased a Daffodil. Far more than regular robots, his Daffodil Patience, changed his life in ways that he had never thought possible. Now it is the year 2037, and Mike and Patience have been married for five years. Retired and enjoying life, Mike thought that all his troubles were behind him, but it seems as though they are creeping up again. California Proposition 22 proposes to define a person as a biological entity, thereby annulling marriages, like Mike’s and Patience’s, performed in other states. Battle lines have been drawn, at least as far as the proponents of the bill are concerned. Now Mike must muster his own support to defeat the measure. But there is more going on than just politics. Daffodil, the robot maker, is in the news again. Hardware issues are leaving robots across the globe unable to function. Is it only an antenna issue? Now Patience herself is behaving oddly. Is there something really wrong with her, or does she just need a software upgrade?

Clash of Heroes: Nath Dragon meets The Darkslayer (Book 1 of 5)

Craig Halloran - 2015
    Nath Dragon and company are called upon to recover them, but this quest will have dire consequences. Long ago, Nath and Brenwar crossed paths with a dangerous foe, Corzan the Necromancer. The goblin-like magic user has been simmering for decades and plotting vengeance on Nath Dragon. Now, harnessing the power of the Thunder Stones, the evil mage unleashes a trap that should dispatch Nalzambor's greatest hero forever. New adversaries surge in the world of Bish … Suffering one great loss after the other, the underlings unleash a drastic plan. Using their lethal arcane powers they attempt to summon a monster of incalculable power from the mystic realm beyond. Instead, Nath Dragon, with black scales from his arms to his neck, emerges from the portal, but without his memories. The underlings deceive Nath and turn him loose and send him to hunt down and kill the legendary Darkslayer. What will happen when these two titans of battle finally clash? Who will triumph in the end? Only one thing is for sure, this will be an awesome, unprecedented, one-of-a-kind adventure that you will never forget!

E.M.P.: The End Of The Grid As We Know It (All At Once Book 1)

Cal Wilson - 2016
    Not only has the electrical grid come crashing down, but all other critical infrastructures of the country have ceased to exist, leaving the country a vast wasteland, where only the ruthless and resourceful survive. Jim Burkett is stuck on a business trip when it all happens, and he must battle prison breaks, food riots, criminal gangs, looters, cannibals, terrorist sleeper cells, nuclear fallout, and otherwise total anarchy in his quest to get home to his family. Will he make it?

Condition Black (A novella)

Tom Barber - 2013
    Everyone around him is dead. He has no idea where he is, or who shot him and his squad down.He soon discovers he’s on one of the moons orbiting Mars, not far from the main colony and his transport back to Earth. Two members of a mining team stationed on the moon come out to investigate. They take Miller back to their base where he manages to send out a call for help.He has ninety minutes to wait for rescue.But those ninety minutes are going to feel like a lifetime.Miller quickly realises that something in the station is wrong.There seems to be more to this place than meets the eye.Strange and unsettling events suggest things are not quite as they appear.As the minutes until his rescue tick by and he begins to finally figure out what is going on, Miller is forced to confront echoes from his past as well as his deepest fears in a situation that is becoming more terrifying by the second.And he soon learns that some nightmares don’t stop when you wake up.


Ky Tyrand - 2016
    Imagine if you had the ability to change your appearance at will. To alter the color of your hair, eyes, lips, and nails; maybe even your skin? Perhaps give yourself a tan, freckles, or a tattoo. And then swap it again, all in the blink of an eye.What if you could change your clothes to anything you wanted – that dress you saw in the window; those boots you just couldn’t afford – all with a simple thought?Suppose your senses were perfect. Better than perfect. You could see and hear and smell more acutely than you ever thought possible. On occasion, you could even glimpse into the future.You were stronger. Healthier.You were a Princess. An heir to a Kingdom in a beautiful land.What if the most powerful warriors in the land wanted you dead, and would stop at nothing to kill you?In Princess of the Gods: Descendant, a peaceful Kingdom is turned upside down when a teenage Princess discovers her true lineage: She comes from an ancient bloodline that traces straight back to the Old Gods.But this makes her a threat to the New Gods.After an attack on her home destroys the world she knows, every moment of her life becomes a fight for survival.Armed with a pair of energy weapons powerful enough to cut into solid stone – and the ability to change her clothing and appearance with a simple thought – the girl fights back, knowing that it's the only way she’ll ever be able to save her Kingdom.But will her energy blades and superhuman powers be enough to save her from the forces that want her dead?

The 13

M.M. Perry - 2017
    If only her ship can make it there.Naomi has finally figured out how to permanently fix a deadly malfunction in the Magellan's engines. A sister ship is willing to give her the part she needs to get safely to their new home. But everything goes awry when the sister ship goes dark without warning.Mike is an obedient soldier. He's done his duty and kept the civilians safe on the Magellan. He thought he was the perfect soldier. Then he met Naomi and his world came crashing down.Mike and Naomi will travel to the Tereshkova together to learn what catastrophe has befallen their sister ship. What they find out in their journey together chills them to the bone. If he can't save the civilians left on the Tereshkova, Mike doesn't know how he'll keep Naomi from falling to a similar demise.

Harvester 7

Andy Lang - 2015
    Terrillia was a dying planet and nothing could be done to prevent the inevitable.Master Maulik carried the responsibilities of feeding his race with pride, and he performed his harvesting duties with diligence and compassion... yet his heart longed for adventure.But it is often dangerous to long, for sometimes the heart receives that which it desires most, and Maulik finds himself plunged into a game of political intrigue and brinkmanship that could alter the balance of power in his galaxy as rival species form an uneasy alliance.For the ultimate doom approaches.And as opposing factions draw together he finds himself a pawn in the great game, his only true ally, his new found friend, the Kressa.Discover how the story begins, the preparations for war, deceit and double dealing, plans within plans, the strangest of friendships... and an entire race reduced to the status of livestock.

Office Wars: The Mailroom Clerk

James G. Patton - 2017
    He sleeps in a real bed and eats real food and only jumps into Neuroma to work. All he wanted was to log in, work and log out and live in general obscurity. Getting the attention of a CEO, meeting a stranger in real life, and forced to play in a secret game of corporations were not penciled into his calendar. While that was bad, he started to question whether Odditek was still in control, or had their complacency created the noose tightening around their neck. Bran was not yet aware of the choice before him. He could no longer stand back and watch, and he had to pick a side and fight before he lost the ability to choose. Would he recognize the inevitable in time? Was it possible to make a ‘correct’ choice, or had the lines blurred so much that hero and villain were indistinguishable? This novel is part of an Odditek series and is a LitRPG novel. I realize it’s the first Odditek series, but more are coming. This series started as a companion series to a book called Lantern Online. I wanted a way to build up the world as it now exists, and to explain what Odditek is. Neuroma and Nerves are mentioned in Lantern Online, and I felt all that information was taking away from my story and is mostly not relevant, but good to know information. I took a lot of it out and added it to this series. Anyway, out of that came Office Wars. I hope it's different than most LitRPG you will read, and brings another dimension to the genre. Explicit language! I will not lie, there is a satirical nature to this story, and a lot of the language and scenarios are morally questionable on purpose. In this story and I use a lot of curse words and controversial commentary. Just look on Facebook or any half a dozen social media sites, and you will see similar language, conversations, and other nonsense. If we all moved into a digital world, this is how I view that world.

The Black Hole

Ray Hammond - 2017
    ‘We’re just coming up to Waterloo Bridge but there is nothing but water ahead for as far as I can see – no buildings at all...' American military scientists have secretly developed a new weapon of mass destruction, capable of producing an artificial black hole in miniature – a tiny area of such dense gravity that everything, including light, is sucked into it. This can completely devastate a target area but leave behind no radiation. But at its first live demonstration, the US President watches in horror as the ‘black hole’ continues growing beyond its designated limits, and they watch a complete mountain range crumble to dust beyond the desert valley. He instantly orders the project to be cancelled, all data and records destroyed. Twenty years later, British Intelligence starts picking up disturbing information that a rogue terrorist cult called the Brotherhood of Azrael is planning a new series of spectacular attacks against the West. As attempts are made to infiltrate this mysterious group, a series of atrocities commences around the world. With capital cities resorting to panic evacuation, an even more terrifying threat begins to emerge. For the Brotherhood – ‘the angels of death’ – have got possession of America’s darkest secret, and have it primed for total global destruction. Praise for Ray Hammond: 'Compelling, vivid and utterly terrifying... Be afraid, be very afraid.' - Daily Express 'This dazzling vision of global chaos explodes off the page with the dramatic force of a smart bomb.' - Daily Express Ray Hammond is a novelist, dramatist and non-fiction author. He is also a futurologist who lectures on future social and business trends for universities, corporations and governments. He lives in London and can be found on the web at


Tony Teora - 2014
    His body is enhanced for a special intergalactic mission. He suspects it might be a final mission—for him, his crazy team, and humanity! An interstellar war with the alien Greys has destroyed man’s nascent voyage into space. Ace and his team must save a group of scientists holed-up at a secret base doing studies on a virus they think can save mankind. But the virus is discovered to have an intriguing twist and the power destroy mankind. Can Ace and his unique ragtag Special Forces team fight off multiple enemies and overwhelming odds to save humanity? With a team comprised of a bipolar Russian who speaks to a teddy bear, a woman telepath and a partial cyborg--anything is possible.

Games Lovers Play

Mark Dunson - 2014
    When Rob's busy schedule leaves Shelia longing for love and affection she falls into the arms of Jason. Jason is the handsome and powerful heir to The Young Family Empire. He has been married to his beautiful wife Karen for three years. He loves her and treats her like a queen, but lately he seeks adventure. When he begins an affair with Sheila he finds out she’s just the adventure he needs. After they decide they will keep their affair going, Jason creates some rules. But when feelings began to develop and the rules get broken, drama begins. How far will Jason and Sheila go to protect their affair? Games Lovers Play is the first book in the Games Lovers Play Series. Each Book is about 30,000 words. This book contains page turning drama and explosive love scenes!

2042: The Great Cataclysm

Melisande Mason - 2011
    Australian oceanographer Nick Torrens working for the US government finds a massive new fault line in Pacific Ocean. These tectonic plates are about to subduct causing a global chain reaction of undersea earthquakes. A nuclear dump in the Bering sea threatens to escalate the disaster by creating huge underwater explosions, triggering the eruption of dormant volcanoes in the region, leading to the destruction of the North Pole. New islands rise from the seabed displacing the oceans creating huge tsunami and unprecedented sea levels that no amount of dykes can hold back. International press bans for seven days are ordered to allow governments to prepare evacuation plans before major panic begins. The CIA tries to prevent Nick from releasing the news prematurely. It’s a race against time as Nick escapes the CIA and has only a few days to return to Australia before all international flights are grounded. He joins his family and they are forced to experience the event when they are trapped by looters in a skyscraper on the oceanfront as massive tidal waves approach. The devastation is total and climates are changed as the earth tilts on it’s axis and people struggle to survive.

Bridge to Another Dimension

Roni Hila Talor - 2016
     A spiritual romance based on a true life-story Bridge to Another Dimension is an exceptional novel that dares take the reader beyond the familiar and well known. It will introduce you to a world hidden from view and broaden your consciousness to a message from the world beyond life. Souls can communicate, if our hearts are open to listen Based on a true story and was written with a genuine sense of mission, Bridge to Another Dimension is both an inspiring dive into the world of souls and other dimensions and a gripping love story, read with bated breath.