Buddhism for Dudes: A Jarhead's Field Guide to Mindfulness

Gerry Stribling - 2011
    Strib takes a good look at who the Buddha was, meditation, karma, and more. With good humor and without sentimentalism (plus a sprinkling of hilarious cartoons), he explains these down-to-earth insights in everyday language. Showing how Buddhism boldly approaches life’s problems head on, unflinching and alert—like a soldier in a forward listening post in the dark of night—Strib emphasizes the Buddhist call to moral action for the good of oneself and others.

Secrets The Secret Never Told You;Law of Attraction for Instant Manifestation Miracles: 5 Secrets Never Told on How to Use the Law of Attraction (Law of ... Instant Manifestation Miracles Book Book 2)

Linda West - 2014
    Direct your amazing mind power. Set your manifestation goals effectively. Attract the right people. And become more successful.You are already good at manifesting because your thoughts automatically attract what happens to you. So, the big issue with manifestation is the QUALITY of what you attract, and how you can achieve it.ANYONE CAN MANIFEST AND ATTRACT LOVE, SUCCESS and MORE OVER 20 POWERFUL TECHNIQUES AND STRATEGIES INCLUDING: What you need to know about vibrations and frequencies that may have been holding you back How to manifest in 5 easy step that won't fail! How to attract what you want within 24 hours or less How to manifest the career you love, simply by loving it How to draw you soulmate to you and keep them loving you How to become the most powerful and happy person you can be The trademarked process of THE TRIANGLE CHECK to eliminate blocks to your success. An inspirational technique that pulls your dream in from the astral realms today Why frequencies are the answer to all your problems and how to deal with them. How to stay in a high frequency and automatically attract what you want without affirmations or visualizations. Why vision boards only HALF work. Powerful step by step client studies working with the law of attraction to help you understand. The most simple book on mastering the law of attraction and making it work for you all the time. LOOK INSIDE!Download this book today and be on your way to having your dream tomorrow!Tags: Inspiration, law of attraction, frequency, manifest, soulmate, attract loveHave you struggled with making the Law of Attraction work for you? You can do it! I will show you how! Hundreds of clients have successfully used this method to produce the results they desire. Most likely you're reading this because there's something you really really want and you're wondering if you can use this book to get it. The answer is YES. After years of helping clients and attendees at my lectures learn to manifest their dreams, I developed a simple 5 step process to help you manifest right away. The secrets the Secret never told you. If I can do it, and they can do it, you can do it! Sometimes the process is just about getting out of the way. In any case can't wait to hear all your happy stories afterwards please do come back and share:)If you don't understand the science behind manifesting then you are leaving your life up for chance! Direct your destiny with frequency atttunment.Tags: Law of Attraction, Manifest Miracle, Attract Love How is this book different? I take you through step by step client stories from desiring something to manifesting it into their lives. You can easily see through their stories where you may be going awry in your own personal efforts.

Anxiety Rebalance: All the Answers You Need to Overcome Anxiety and Depression

Carl Vernon - 2015
    Don't waste another minute.' In this refreshingly honest and open book, Carl shares his personal experience and the principles he used to go from being housebound to helping others across the world overcome anxiety and depression. This step-by-step guide teaches you all the answers you need to know including: - The truth about anxiety and depression by exposing them for what they really are. - How to instantly reduce your stress and anxiety and feel immediate relief. - How by overcoming just one thing, you will overcome all anxiety related symptoms and disorders including panic attacks, social anxiety, OCD, and agoraphobia. - Why BALANCE is the only real solution for overcoming anxiety and depression, and the ten actions you need to take to achieve lifetime change.

An Introduction to A Course in Miracles

Miracle Distribution Center - 1989
    It presents the story of how the Course was written, a summary of its teaching, selected quotations from the material, frequently asked questions and answers, and a look at the impact the Course has had. An ideal way to introduce yourself or others to A Course in Miracles.

Yeah Dave's Guide to Livin' the Moment: Getting to Ecstasy Through Wine, Chocolate and Your iPod Playlist

David Romanelli - 2009
    What's not to love?David “Yeah Dave” Romanelli is kinda hip, kinda goofy, and occasionally really outrageous, an unlikely guru who is reinventing the quest for enlightenment. For Yeah Dave, the path to ecstasy doesn't require any previous experience with yoga, meditation, or wellness. He shows us how to find transcendence through everyday pleasures, like admiring the sunset or rocking out to your favorite band. “There is a place where the chocolate tastes sweeter, the music sounds better, the inspiration feels richer, and the visions look clearer,” writes Dave. “That place is the Moment.”Yeah Dave’s Guide to Livin’ the Moment offers an alternative to the crazy, over-stimulating, distracted world we live in today, a world in which we watch the news while eating, eye our email while conversing, and forget to notice the full moon while texting. On our mission for speed, movement, and stimulation, we risk missing our life. Yeah Dave’s book gives us our life back, one beautiful, delicious, and funny moment at a time.Yeah Dave’s Guide will make you laugh out loud while taking you someplace totally unexpected. Through hilarious vignettes about his dorky moves on the dance floor, his Crackberry addiction, and his tryst with Hot Horny Married Woman, he shares fresh and unforgettable wisdom. Without dogma or anything too “out there,” Dave makes you want to slow down the blur of modern life and find the full flavor, power, and passion that can only be found in the Moment.

Deep and Simple: A Spiritual Path for Modern Times

Bo Lozoff - 1999
    We all matter, we all count, and we are all able to make a difference.

Seven Sins for a Life Worth Living

Roger Housden - 2005
    “The purpose of this book,” says Housden, “is to inspire you to lighten up and fall in love with the world and all that is in it.” Reading it is a pleasure indeed.“When you die,God and the angels will hold you accountablefor all the pleasures you were allowed in life that you denied yourself.”Roger Housden, author of the bestselling Ten Poems series, presents a joyously affirmative, warmly personal, and spiritually illuminating meditation on the virtues of opening ourselves up to pleasures like being foolish, not being perfect, and doing nothing useful, the pleasure of not knowing, and even (would you believe it?) the pleasure of being ordinary.

Taming the Tongue: The Power of Spoken Words

Alex Uwajeh - 2014
    However, it's the way you use them that has the real power. When you have an optimistic frame of mind, you're far more likely to recognize opportunities when they arise. The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. The way you use and choose words defines who you are. Words have power. God created the world with words. The Bible plainly says, we shall decree a thing and it shall be established. Are you ready to harness the real power of spoken words?

Yoga Vasishta Sara

Vālmīki - 1973
    It is a dialogue between Sage Vasishta and Sri Rama, during which Advaita (the doctrine of non-duality) in its pure form of ajatavada (theory of non-origination) is expounded, with illustrative stories in between. This vast work was abridged some centuries ago by Abhinanda Pandita, a Kashmiri scholar, into 6,000 couplets, which go by the name of Laghu Yoga Vasishta. This is a masterpiece in itself, like the original Brihat.Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi used to refer to Yoga Vasishta frequently and has even incorporated six couplets from it in His Supplement to Forty Verses (verses 21 to 27).A further condensation of this work was made long ago, by an unknown author, into about 230 couplets, divided into ten chapters, as Yoga Vasishta Sara (Essence of Yoga Vasishta). By making this condensation the author has rendered a great service to all sadhaks. This is indeed a goldmine fit for repeated reading and meditation.

Help: The First Essential Prayer (Help, Thanks, Wow)

Anne Lamott - 2013
    Help. Thanks. Wow.' Readers of all ages have followed and cherished Anne Lamott's funny and perceptive writing about faith and prayer. And in Help, Thanks, Wow she has coalesced everything she's learned about prayer into these simple, transformative truths. These three simple prayers will get you through tough times, everyday struggles, and the hard work of ordinary life.It is these three prayers - asking for assistance, appreciating the good we witness, and feeling awe at the world - that get us through the day and show us the way forward. In Help, Thanks, Wow , Lamott recounts how she came to these insights, explains what they have meant to her over the years and how they've helped, and explores how others have embraced these ideas.Help is the first of three eBooks, each covering a single section of Anne Lamott's latest book, Help, Thanks, Wow. Insightful and honest as only Anne Lamott can be, this is a book that new Lamott readers will love and longtime Lamott fans will treasure.

The Tao Made Easy: Timeless Wisdom to Navigate a Changing World

Alan Cohen - 2018
    That wish has come true for us. Now what? In this radically illuminating book, Alan Cohen delves into one of the world’s most venerated wisdom texts for answers and brings the lofty and enigmatic concepts of the Tao Te Ching down to earth in fresh, easy-to-grasp language with practical, personal examples we can use to uplift our daily lives.Most other interpretations of the Tao march through the stanzas one by one. Here Alan Cohen calls forth the ancient verses around themes that are central to our modern lives —from love to work to the lessons we learn from pain. Then he brings each message to life in short vignettes where he imagines himself a student of Lao Tse and interacts with the master directly and intimately. He invites you to join the ancient sage and the contemporary seeker as they wend their way through the challenges and triumphs of the same journey you’re taking yourself.

The Beginner's Guide to Walking the Buddha's Eightfold Path

Jean Smith - 2002
    The eight steps on the path are: right understanding, thought, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, and concentration. Smith explains exactly what the Buddha had in mind, using translations of his own words and then elucidating them for us. Throughout the book are wonderful quotes from a broad range of Buddhist teachers, giving a taste of the very best each of them has to offer. The Beginner’s Guide to Walking the Buddha’s Eightfold Path is a prescription for happiness, not just for overcoming suffering, which is how many people think of Buddhism. Here is a book for Buddhists of every tradition.

The Course in Manifesting 3 Book Box Set: (Becoming Magic, Doing Magic & Advanced Magic)

Genevieve Davis - 2015
    In this course, I outline the exact steps that enabled me to move my own life from one of poverty and drudgery, to one of previously unimaginable wealth, purpose, abundance and joy. ‘But Magic? I do hope you are joking!’ That’s what I would have said, five or ten years ago. I once despised all things ‘New-Age’, all these spiritual types and their airy-fairy views, their bad science and their irrational beliefs. I read all the New Thought and Law of Attraction greats, Wallace Wattles, Anthony Robbins, Rhonda Byrne, Napoleon Hill, Esther Hicks and Wayne Dyer. But no matter how many books I read, or how closely I followed their instructions for manifesting money or love, I couldn’t make it work. It was only when I recognized, accepted and finally embraced that what I was doing was actually some kind of Magic that suddenly things began to fall into place. Once I realized that the power came from within me, it was as if the light had suddenly been switched on and my manifestations began to work. I learned how to manifest money and love, but I also learned how to be happy, truly happy. If you’re jaded by New Age spirituality and the whole Law of Attraction idea, or have become bored by its failure to deliver… these books are for you. It is my intention to lead you by the hand through a marvellous journey of wonder and adventure. BECOMING MAGIC (Book 1) Part one of this course, Becoming Magic, lays the groundwork for becoming a magical person, reawakening the power that lies within you. From here, the plan is to build your knowledge slowly, gradually, building on what has gone before, moving on to more complex techniques only once the basics are mastered. DOING MAGIC (Book 2) Book two, Doing Magic, offers concrete techniques and instructions for bringing wonderful things into your life. So many people fail with Magic and the Law of Attraction because they rush headlong into using techniques, trying to create enormous manifestations, making very simple but crucial mistakes. When they are disappointed, they imagine they have been duped. The sceptics are right. This is all a load of scammy nonsense. And they give up, declaring it just doesn’t work. I am telling you that it does work. And you can make it work. And this book will show you how. ADVANCED MAGIC (Book 3) And finally, we complete the journey with Advanced Magic. It’s time to think a little deeper, feel a little keener, experience a little more intensely, and so consolidate and strengthen your knowledge. This book is designed to increase the fledgling power that you discovered from the first two books of the course. We now need to build on what has gone before, boosting your success, increasing your Magical power and making your manifestations more reliable… and more spectacular. Be warned: if you want a quick fix of positive thinking, to be told that using Magic and the Law of Attraction is fast and simple, and anyone can master it with ease, I suggest you buy a different book.

The Secret, The Power, The Magic, Hero

Rhonda Byrne - 2015
    And the good news is that anyone can access its power to bring themselves health, wealth and happiness. Fragments of The Secret have been found in oral traditions, literature, religions and philosophies throughout the centuries. A number of the exceptional people who discovered its power went on to become regarded as the greatest human beings who ever lived. Among them: Plato, Leonardo, Galileo and Einstein. The Power You are meant to have an amazing life! This is the handbook to the greatest power in the Universe--The Power to have anything you want. Every discovery, invention, and human creation comes from The Power. Perfect health, incredible relationships, a career you love, a life filled with happiness, and the money you need to be, do, and have everything you want, all come from The Power. The Magic In The Magic a great mystery from a sacred text is revealed, and with this knowledge Rhonda Byrne takes the reader on a life-changing journey for 28 days. Step by step, day-by-day, secret teachings, revelations, and scientific law are brought together to form 28 simple practices that open the reader's eyes to a new world, and lead them to a dream life. Hero From Rhonda Byrne, creator of the international bestselling movie and book, The Secret, comes Hero, her latest world-changing project and the most important to date. Hero brings together the wisdom and insight of twelve of the most successful people living in the world today. By following their seemingly impossible journeys to success, Hero reveals that each of us was born with everything we need to live our greatest dream.

Small Miracles for Women: Extraordinary Coincidences of Heart and Spirit

Yitta Halberstam - 2000
    And sometimes fate steps in to miraculously change the lives of women in unforgettable ways, affecting them as wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, lovers, and friends. Could they be messages from a higher power? Whether these miracles come during times of difficulty or celebration, they represent extraordinary opportunities to explore the wonders life has to offer. One of the most popular books in the Small Miracles series, this beautifully repackaged and expanded volume collects 50 inspirational, unforgettable, and even divine stories of coincidence experienced by women from all walks of life.