Mantras: Words of Power

Sivananda Radha - 1980
    This helpful guide to the practice of chanting is useful for both the beginner and the experienced yogi.Mantras: Words of Power, now in its beautiful third edition, teaches how Mantra practice can be used to focus the mind and increase awareness. Each chapter of the book builds on learning from the previous chapter, beginning with an explanation about what Mantra is, how to practice, and then giving specific instruction for twelve mantras. It also includes chapters on Mantra and Healing, and Mantra and Initiation.

Sigils of Power and Transformation: 111 Magick Sigils to Change and Control Your Life

Adam Blackthorne - 2017
    When you work with the sigils in this book, you throw out all the confusing magickal garbage and get straight to the power of change. Sigils provide you with a visual code that unlocks the essence of magick. This book does not contain anything to do with witchcraft, spellcasting, kabbalistic ritual, evocation or any other method of magick that you might be familiar with. A sigil is nothing more than a drawing, but in this case, the drawing is so much more than you can imagine. These drawings bypass the conscious mind, connecting you to a stream of pure magick. This is not dark magick, but magick of light. You can do no harm with this magick, to yourself or to others. The magick works because you have access to one hundred and eleven secret sigils, handed down from ancient times. Every one of them can work wonders in the modern world. You will discover: The Magick of the Mind Inspiring Others Extended Perception Fortune Love and Friendship Breakthrough Magick Spiritual Magick Personal Strength Peace Magick Protection Magick Personal Healing Health Magick Wisdom and Education Business and Finance Employment Magick The magick presented here is not bound to any religion, and it requires no magick words. You don't have to learn any difficult pronunciations or say a single word out loud. The magick requires no visualization and no equipment. You won't light a candle or wave a wand. All you need is this book, your own strong desire and the will to carry out the instructions.

Mantra Meditation: Change Your Karma with the Power of Sacred Sound

Thomas Ashley-Farrand - 2004
    Mantras are sacred sound syllables that can effect changes to your inner psyche and the external world. Today, Thomas Ashley-Farrand—one of the foremost authorities on Vedic and Buddhist Sanskrit mantras in the West—makes these sacred sounds widely available.According to traditional practice, "When you begin to chant these ancient formulas," teaches Ashley-Farrand, "the petals on the chakras begin to resonate, and they begin to pull in minute amounts of spiritual energy." Over days, weeks, and months, larger and larger amounts of energy accumulate bringing health, radiance, and eliminating karma, which allows desires to be fulfilled. Mantra Meditation teaches: How to use mantras for feng shui to create healing energy flow in your home and workplace Ways to integrate the powers of Kubera—guardian of wealth and keeper of mantras—into your own life

The Book of Kindness: How to Make Others Happy and Be Happy Yourself

Om Swami - 2019
    Even a word of encouragement, a compliment, a helping hand can be equally, if not more, profound. Make such acts a habit and Nature will reciprocate in kind.' In his latest book, bestselling author Om Swami suggests a definitive means to achieving true happiness: through kindness. In his signature candid style, he clarifies that the only way one can be successful in the quest to achieve happiness for oneself is to first spread happiness and show kindness to others. With real, inspiring, life-changing anecdotes, Om Swami goes on to illustrate how compassion and gentleness are intrinsically connected with humanity. The Book of Kindness will help you understand, practice and master kindness, the key to inner bliss and fulfilment, and the only means to attain the happiness that you seek.

We are human angels

Human Angels - 2011
    The 7 keys to live with the heart in service of others.

How To Hear God's Voice Easily And Effectively

Adam Houge - 2014
    He shows us the Father’s will on a constant basis and leads us down every path of righteousness. But how can we be led by Him unless we understand His voice? How can we understand His voice unless we take the time to sensitize ourselves to it? In this book you’ll learn how to understand God’s voice and the various ways He speaks to you. You’ll learn how to discern God’s will and how to apply it to your life. Through practicing the principles outlined in this book you’ll gain a more fulfilling relationship with God as you learn how to effectively communicate with Him.

They Lived With God: Life Stories Of Some Devotees Of Sri Ramakrishna

Chetananda - 1989
    It is interesting to note that these lay disciples even after Swami Ramakrishna's death continued to live the same transformed lives. They accepted him as as a Divine Incarnation, as God manifest in human form. This Books presents a more complete picture of Ramakrishna himself, including many new stories about life which have never been recorded in English.

Vedanta: A Simple Introduction

Pravrajika Vrajaprana - 1999
    A concise, and delightful introduction to Vedanta, the philosophical backbone of Hinduism.Written with verve and charm by a Western nun for a Western audience, this brief book gives a comprehensive overview of Vedanta philosophy while emphasizing its practical Western application.

Life and Teaching Of The Masters Of The Far East, Vol 1

Baird T. Spalding - 1983

Clear Home, Clear Heart: Learn to Clear the Energy of People Places

Jean Haner - 2017
    This, along with difficult experiences in your past that still weigh you down, can keep you from being a creative force in your life.Clearing is a gentle but powerful way to release the old stress you’re still carrying from your life history, as well as transform how you’re affected by the energy around you each day. Many people experience immediate shifts in their energy during a clearing, and significant change often unfolds in the days and weeks afterward. In fact, clearing has even been described as “accelerated meditation” because it can lead to a sense of calm and happiness that typically results only after years of a mindfulness practice.In this simple, elegant guide, Jean Haner teaches you, in easy-to-follow steps, how to clear your own energy or that of any person, as well as bring harmony to the energy of the spaces you inhabit, so you can reclaim your vitality and joy, and open up infinite new possibilities in life. Healers, intuitives, energy workers, highly sensitive people, and anyone who just wants to optimize their energy and live their best life will find this to be the perfect training. Jean refines energy clearing to its pure essence—the power of the compassionate heart!

Pineal Gland and Third Eye: Develop Your Higher Self

Jill Ammon-Wexler - 2011
    Included is a fascinating illustrated brief history of the third eye.The book totally de-mystifies the third eye, reveals its true nature in the brain, and explains why it serves as the gate to our inner realms of higher consciousness. It even guides you to a great 9-minute video that gives you a DIRECT EXPERIENCE OF EXACTLY HOW IT FEELS when you open your third eye.This information-packed Kindle version has been re-formatted from a 108-page fully illustrated bound printed book. It is a lean, easy-reading, well-organized professional book that respects the challenges of Kindle reading, and is totally free of unnecessary “fluff filler.”

Five Steps to Communicating with Spirit: Book 1: Open the Door to the Spirit World in 5 Easy Steps!

Clare McNaul - 2012
     - The difference between spirit guides and your loved ones in spirit - yes, there is a difference! - The importance of Intention and Meditation. - The TRUTH about Protection. What it is and what it is NOT. This is important information that everyone who wants to nurture his or her relationship with the spirit world must know. - The significance of symbols. - The two most powerful steps that will make all the difference to your development and success! …and more! Five Steps to Communicating with Spirit has been designed to support, encourage and help those who are just starting out on their journey to connecting with spirit. It offers safe and sound guidance from an experienced, natural born medium who has been in your shoes. While aimed at beginners, those who have already begun their development and are looking for ways to improve their skills or add to their practice will also find this book valuable. You are just a few pages away from knowing exactly how to start developing and nurturing your ability to communicate with spirit! Don't miss Five MORE Steps to Communicating with Spirit Book 2: Mobilize Your Medium Within! available on Amazon NOW. Get your copy today!

ThetaHealing: Diseases and Disorders

Vianna Stibal - 2009
    The perfect reference tool for those already familiar with the step-by-step processes of ThetaHealing, this comprehensive work contains all of the programs, belief systems, intuitive insights, remedies, and supplements that Vianna Stibal has found to be of value for treating certain diseases and disorders, based on more than 47,000 sessions with clients. Alphabetized for quick reference, this book addresses an extensive and varied list of ailments and points the way to a revolutionary path of healing.     With growing scientific evidence that toxic emotions can contribute to disease; and increased awareness that emotions, feelings, and the power of thought have a direct bearing upon one’s physical health, more and more people are now realizing that changing how their minds influence their bodies can be of huge value in creating optimal health. This book represents a valuable contribution to the new paradigm that is emerging in the world of healing!

How to Meditate

Eknath Easwaran - 2011
    Easwaran taught meditation for over forty years, and his instructions are practical and clear. He shows you how to choose a spiritual text, or passage, from the world's great traditions that embodies your highest ideals. With regular practice, meditation becomes your lifeline, taking you to the source of wisdom deep within and guiding you through all the challenges of daily life.This short ebook is an extract from Passage Meditation by Eknath Easwaran.

Prayers of Honoring Voice

Pixie Lighthorse - 2016
    Play with me for a moment: if you were to consider the mind a machine, say, a telegraph in service to the heart, then the heart gives the first dictation. The mind then translates vital information in the form of language to the speaker system of voice, which will hopefully transmit the communications as the heart intended, if that is the priority. It is a good time to ask yourself what your priorities of communication are. What is motivating you?A short journey from heart to mind and back down to the throat takes mere seconds, but a mighty many detours are taken en route. This may be because the fear residing in the mind is like a highwayman, waylaying our genuine matters of the heart and causing havoc as it tries to make its simple way out of the human body. There are other desperados who lure the vulnerable traveler off-path: insecurity, anxiety, self-consciousness, the fragile ego-but nearly all are unmasked first cousins to fear when flushed out of the shadows. Some fears are linked to primal traumas which may yet be unearthed. These deserve special attention when working with voice.I think the greatest of all distractions between heart and throat might be faithlessness, because reigning religious institutions have effectively redirected the focus from faith to matters of righteousness, wrongness and "policies". Faith in love, and what it can do, has taken a particularly destructive back seat to the priorities of massive organizations with other things in mind than loving kindness, peaceful communication, fair resolutions, wellness and the expressive voices of living, breathing people.For today's spiritually traumatized, broken-hearted and soul-wounded, the process of revealing what rests on the heart can be a paralyzing challenge. To clear the path of negative imprint, one must declare the intention to speak to what matters most and set about the task of discerning what that is. One can make a choice now to stand up to the fears that mangle the truth into expressions more palatable for others, cause explosions of rage, freezing up, or cut-and-run behavior.To love the truth more than anything else is a tall order.