The Art of War and other Laws of Power

Sun Tzu
    In this newest translation of The Art of War readers will benefit from the interpretations from other translators and strategist, as well as the 50 strategic rules, including: -- How to look for strategic turns to meet the competition-- How to attain strategic superiority and crush the competition-- How to plan surprise and stay ahead of the game-- And more timeless wisdom that will allow you to compete and win in the dynamic business environment!Business managers around the world have tapped into this ancient wisdom; it is time to master The Art of War for Manager for the existence and growth of your business!

Yoga, Power, and Spirit: Patanjali the Shaman

Alberto Villoldo - 2007
    Written more than 2,000 years ago, this work is a map to the fast track to enlightenment. They derive from an ancient oral tradition, when Devi, the Divine feminine, was worshiped. Yet, today, the Yoga Sutra is taught by priests and scholars from a masculine Hindu tradition that obscures the simple wisdom in it. Yoga, Power, and Spirit shows us that the Sutra is pre-Hindu, and that the power of Devi and enlightenment are available to us at all times, without guru, temple, or decades of study.       Yoga is the direct path to enlightenment. Patanjali taught that all knowledge was acquired directly from the Source. This book reveals how the power of Devi can guide the practitioner of yoga to sure and inevitable self-realization. Alberto Villoldo is a shaman who has practiced Yoga for 25 years, and embraced the way of the Divine feminine. He has traveled to the source of India's holy rivers in the Himalayas to rediscover the wisdom of the Sadhu, India’s ancient shamans. He brings to life the spiritual teachings of yoga in a pure, practical, and irreverent way—stripped of dogma and brimming with poetry and spirit.

What Do We Do with the Bible?

Richard Rohr - 2018
    . . the list goes on. Still, we believe the Bible has something important to say. How can we read it in a contemplative and intelligent way?

The Secret of Imagining

Neville Goddard - 2014
    Why, then, should we be so incredulous? Life calls on us to believe not less, but more. The Secret of Imagining is the greatest of all problems, to the solution of which every one should aspire, for supreme power, supreme wisdom, supreme delight lie in the solution of this mystery.

Welcome to Islam: A Step-by-Step Guide for New Muslims

Mustafa Umar - 2012
    'Welcome to Islam' is a step-by-step guide to help people who have just accepted Islam. It teaches them the absolute basics of Islam that they should learn within their first month of being a Muslim. This work is not another introductory book on Islam but rather a step-by-step instruction manual that allows you to start practicing what you learn immediately. It also contains valuable advice on some common challenges that new Muslims often face.

Universal Laws: Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe: 7 Natural Laws of the Universe

Creed McGregor - 2016
    Looking up at the stars or witnessing a beautiful sunrise leaves us feeling like there has to be more to our existence. Is there more out there than this? Who am I? What is my purpose? The answers to these questions are hidden in the Natural Laws of the Universe. These Cosmic Laws govern ALL things and shape our inner and outer worlds. They do not leave uncertainty or doubt. They are the key to ALL things in existence and they can help you to achieve anything you desire out of life. Unlock the secrets of the universe to help open your mind to a more fulfilling life. What you will gain from this book: Learn that there is more to life than what there seems How to gain knowledge and anything you want in life Why we are not told about the laws and why they are hidden from us How the laws are the key to ALL existence How to stop struggling and start living a meaningful life The Law of Attraction is one of the best known universal laws. It can help manifest anything you desire, but combined with other valuable laws it will reshape your thinking and bring more meaning to your existence. Not only can you have anything you desire, you can increase your quality of life and make more sense of the world around you. This book could be the most life changing book you've ever read. You can be in complete control of your life and the world around you by understanding the laws that govern all things. Take advantage of the hidden secrets of the universe and start living the life you deserve. Scroll up and grab a copy now!

Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet and A Scandal in Bohemia: Official Edition

Arthur Conan Doyle - 2019
    Created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in the 19th Century, he lives dozens of adventures next to his friend and colleague Dr. Watson. "A Study in Scarlet" is the first story of the saga. Both characters meet each other for the first time and they resolve to fight evil together. "A Scandal in Bohemia" is the second story in their adventures, and it is here that we meet Irene Adler, the woman who fascinates Sherlock Holmes from thereafter. This book is an official edition since it contains both stories without forewords, external footnotes, or changes of any kind to the original text.

Bariatric Mindset Success: Live Your Best Life and Keep The Weight Off After Weight Loss Surgery

Kristin Lloyd - 2017
     Did you know that 40% of bariatric surgery patients regain weight within 5 years of having weight loss surgery? When it comes to long-term weight-loss surgery success, you've got to get a handle on your emotions and motivation. The food will always be there, and it’s not about knowing WHAT to eat, but instead, transforming your relationship with food. This is why conquering your MINDSET is essential. If you are not in the right head-space, you can slide backward and enter the danger zone of regaining weight. Unfortunately, the cravings, emotional impulses, and habits to eat whatever and whenever still pop up after surgery. Even with the knowledge of what to eat, you will also need to learn how to manage yourself and your mindset around food. Fancy meal plans won’t help you if you haven’t tackled the most difficult part of having weight loss surgery; your brain! After investing so much time to get your body where you want it, is having the wrong mindset worth the risk of sabotaging all you've worked hard to achieve? In Bariatric Mindset Success, you will be guided by Kristin, a professional psychotherapist and a successful gastric sleeve post-op patient through her most coveted weight loss surgery success strategies. She’ll guide you through the WLS basics as well as advanced mindset, motivation, and emotional techniques to help you stay focused and on track through the ups and downs of life. You’ll gain practical tools and techniques to create lifestyle habits that keep you focused on WLS success for life, not just in the short term. Also, she gives you tools to handle friendships and relationships after weight loss surgery in addition to giving you a compass for living your best life, beyond the weight loss. Ready to get started? Scroll up to the top of the page and click on the “Add to Cart” button.

The Path Of The Masters: The Science Of Surat Shabd Yoga: The Yoga Of The Audible Life Stream

Julian P. Johnson - 1980
    This is Seventeenth edition (revised) 2012

A Study Guide to Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

Jane Austen - 1994
    And certainly what Melville did for whaling Austen does for marriage--tracing the intricacies (not to mention the economics) of 19th-century British mating rituals with a sure hand and an unblinking eye. As usual, Austen trains her sights on a country village and a few families--in this case, the Bennets, the Philips, and the Lucases. Into their midst comes Mr. Bingley, a single man of good fortune, and his friend, Mr. Darcy, who is even richer. Mrs. Bennet, who married above her station, sees their arrival as an opportunity to marry off at least one of her five daughters. Bingley is complaisant and easily charmed by the eldest Bennet girl, Jane; Darcy, however, is harder to please. Put off by Mrs. Bennet's vulgarity and the untoward behavior of the three younger daughters, he is unable to see the true worth of the older girls, Jane and Elizabeth. His excessive pride offends Lizzy, who is more than willing to believe the worst that other people have to say of him; when George Wickham, a soldier stationed in the village, does indeed have a discreditable tale to tell, his words fall on fertile ground. Having set up the central misunderstanding of the novel, Austen then brings in her cast of fascinating secondary characters: Mr. Collins, the sycophantic clergyman who aspires to Lizzy's hand but settles for her best friend, Charlotte, instead; Lady Catherine de Bourgh, Mr. Darcy's insufferably snobbish aunt; and the Gardiners, Jane and Elizabeth's low-born but noble-hearted aunt and uncle. Some of Austen's best comedy comes from mixing and matching these representatives of different classes and economic strata, demonstrating the hypocrisy at the heart of so many social interactions. And though the novel is rife with romantic misunderstandings, rejected proposals, disastrous elopements, and a requisite happy ending for those who deserve one, Austen never gets so carried away with the romance that she loses sight of the hard economic realities of 19th-century matrimonial maneuvering. Good marriages for penniless girls such as the Bennets are hard to come by, and even Lizzy, who comes to sincerely value Mr. Darcy, remarks when asked when she first began to love him: "It has been coming on so gradually, that I hardly know when it began. But I believe I must date it from my first seeing his beautiful grounds at Pemberley." She may be joking, but there's more than a little truth to her sentiment, as well. Jane Austen considered Elizabeth Bennet "as delightful a creature as ever appeared in print". Readers of Pride and Prejudice would be hard-pressed to disagree. --Alix Wilber

Quotes To Enrich Life & Spirit - From Buddha through Gandhi to Zen

Anthony Morganti - 2011
    The book has two main sections with the first having the quotes divided by their topic such as Love, Happiness, Anger, etc. The second part of the book has specific quotes from Buddha, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, the Dalai Lama, Lao Tzu and Zen Quotations.

Heaven Is A Real Place: True Stories Of The Afterlife From A Psychic Medium

Gaynor Carrillo - 2016
    Here she reveals how her ability to see and communicate with Spirit has helped her to pass on Spirit messages to thousands of people from around the world, sharing her understanding of what it’s really like in the Spirit world.Gaynor has answered questions about Spirit and the Afterlife in her usual honest and down to earth way.What happens when we die?Is there really such thing as life after death?Where is Heaven?Are our Spirit loved ones happy?Do we meet our pets in Heaven?Do angels exist?Is Heaven a real place?This book will give you the answers to these questions and many more, along with a guided view of life after death and a clearer understanding of the place some call Heaven.

An Ordinary Dude's Guide to Meditation

John Weiler - 2017
    Many written by monks, and some written by hippies and spiritual gurus. But how many are written by an ordinary dude? Someone who is just like you: someone who has a day job, whose preferred outfit is jeans and a t-shirt, and enjoys knocking back a few beers on Friday night? I'm as ordinary as they come. The only difference...I've been meditating for over 13 years. And I want to show you how you can too—in a straightforward language that any ordinary dude or dudette can understand. Over a decade of practice, meditation has transformed my life, bringing more peace, calm and clarity into it than I could have ever imagined when I started at the age of 19. And now I want to share how meditation can do the same for you.

ZEN: A Simple Path to More Happiness, More Tranquility, and Less Problems

Andrew Daley - 2012
    It provides a useful introduction to Zen for people that have never had any previous experience of the subject matter, and it will provide a little something here and there for experienced Zen practitioners too, even if they are already very happy and very tranquil. The author's aim is to help people glide through life with maximum joy, and minimum fuss. Three of the central aspects of the Zen way of life that the author has found most useful for increasing happiness and tranquility are explored in detail. These are mindfulness, lifestyle and meditating. Between each of the three main chapters in this book are 'Zen tips', much shorter chapters of just a few paragraphs, giving information on a particular topic that the author has found especially useful in helping to maintain Zen tranquility and happiness. From the author: "This book isn't intended as a complete guide to all aspects of Zen culture, history or philosophy, but as an honest and insightful Zen based contribution to people's well being. I hope you enjoy it, and, more importantly, I hope you find it useful!"

Journey to Mindfulness: The Autobiography of Bhante G.

Henepola Gunaratana - 1998
    Ordained at twelve, he would eventually become the first Buddhist chaplain at an American university, the founder of a retreat center and monastery, and a bestselling author. Here, Bhante G. lays bare the often-surprising ups and downs of his seventy-five years, from his boyhood in Sri Lanka to his decades of sharing the insights of the Buddha, telling his story with the "plain-English" approach for which he is so renowned.