Binding Krista

Jory Strong - 2005
    The Council scientists have found a match in Krista Thomas—a genetically compatible human. By Council rules Krista must be willing and the binding must be done immediately before she is brought back to their world, because once she accepts the bond, she will know that Adan and Lyan are not natives of Earth. For the warriors, it's a simple quest—go to Earth, bind their mate to them, then return home.There's only one catch—Krista is on the run and she's afraid to involve anyone else in her life.


Amanda Milo - 2019
    One human woman. Both are abducted and held captive in a very unsterile environment. What more could go wrong? ~ Simmi: I’ve broken free and I’ve also freed the human who was held captive with me. But I don’t know where we are, and I don’t know where my home is. The local wildlife may be smaller than I am, and maybe they don't have fangs near as large as mine, but I’m still terrified. My issues with germs--and my uncompromising avoidance of all the things that I’m afraid of coming into contact with--is going to get me killed in this wilderness. Thankfully, Aurora lets me follow her. Thankfully, she seems to know the way out of this endless and inhospitable woodland and desert biome. But by the end of our journey, she’ll suspect she’s harboring a contagion. I have no way to know it, but she’s afraid to tell me. Afraid of how I’ll react once I find out what she’s carrying. ***Note: This 40K, Standalone story is intended for readers 18+ due to romantic elements and adult themes. There is no cheating. There is one really germphobic alien. Thankfully, there's also a really understanding woman who is starting to fall for him. Spoiler: They're totally gonna have a Happily Ever After... just as soon as they can get off this planet that’s trying to kill them.

Booty Hunter

K.C. Cross - 2019
    Bounty hunter, Serpint, has just returned to Harem Station with a prize addition to his brother’s elite collection of Cygnian princesses. But Serpint sacrificed a lot to bring this little gift home and now all he wants is some no-strings sex with a simple, obedient girl and a bottle of whiskey. Enter Princess Lyra. She’s any filthy-minded rebel’s one-night-stand erotic dream. If you don’t mind her bad attitude and lack of… luster. Not quite the obedient girl Serpint was craving. But Cygnian princesses are hard to pass up. Even one with dark secrets. Because they have a very special, very specific, sexual talent. They glow when they climax. Lyra thinks she’s one of the strong ones. If anyone can resist an overzealous alpha like Serpint, it’s her. But his touch makes her light up like the sun. And she has never been with an Akeelian before… They have two—yes two—super big, super thick, super long… ***** How long can she resist that? Sci-Fi Alien Romance.


Amelita Rae - 2016
    Terrified, alone and rapidly running out of oxygen, the young man waits to die until a bright light suddenly appears and sucks him into it.For a moment, Hisao thinks he HAS died, but his adventure has only just begun.Aboard the alien vessel, Hisao encounters a monster straight from his worst nightmares. Katashi is the name his alien ‘rescuer’ calls himself and he is the perfect predator; towering over the little human at ten-feet tall, with carbon-plated armor for skin, a mouth full of razor-sharp fangs, super-human strength, acidic blood, venomous saliva and dozens of semi-autonomous tentacles. Poor Hisao fears the worst but fortunately for him (or unfortunately) the powerful creature sees the pretty little human not as prey to be consumed, but rather as the perfect little broodmare for the many offspring he wishes to sire. He feels no guilt about altering Hisao’s body without his consent and no qualms about breeding the beautiful young man against his will. The alien is utterly rational, but simultaneously devoid of human conscience or morality. Will Katashi ever learn to respect and treat his mate as an equal, despite the human’s physical inferiority? Can Katashi come to understand the importance of free will to Hisao? Will Hisao ever be able to forgive Katashi for what he has done? Can true love blossom after such a difficult start?It is an interspecies romance for the ages, that will change the fate of the universe because what neither Katashi nor Hisao realize is that their love and their children may just turn out to be the saving grace for both of their worlds. This strange, space-age ‘Beauty and the Beast’ style story by Amelita Rae explores issues of free-will, consent, and what it means to be human, in the midst of some of the most graphic erotica you will ever encounter. The content is explicit and extreme and includes such sexual taboos as multiple penetrations, Mpreg, oviposition, minor scatology, tentacle sex, erotic birth, prolapse play and more. It may be quite disturbing for some readers so please enjoy responsibly!~34,000 words


Penelope Fletcher - 2014
    When she is weak, I shall be her strength. She was stolen from her world by our captors. Now her survival is my responsibility. It is her duty to endure my lust, respect my nest mates and honour our union with offspring. I revere this giver of life, as is the way."~ Venomous One, formerly of Rök, enslaved gladiator "Six things a woman should not have to deal with: 1) More than one barbaric alien lover/life mate. 2) Long term stay on a slave planet where you’re one female amongst thousands of 'needy' males. 3) Killer space pirates. 4) Psychotic mother-in-law. 5) Putting your alien lover/life mates’ species under the threat of annihilation because you ticked off the wrong Slave Chieftain. 6) A marauding overlord with a harem four hundred strong who is determined to make you concubine number four hundred and one. My name is Lumen. I am stranded in a galaxy far, far away and here be huge f***ing aliens."~ Lumen Young, formerly of Earth, lost in space Abducted from Earth and transported to a slave planet in an unknown galaxy, Lumen finds herself, shackled, naked and put on display before an alien horde. Told the males will battle for the right to slake their lusts with her body, she would become the slave of slaves. Venomous One, a proud warrior enslaved, has given up hope of returning to his home world and finding a life mate. When a female is tossed into the arena his soul demands he claim her. Winning his mate by Right of Might, he vows to protect Lumen and be a good provider, no matter how ugly her human appearance. Rescued by Venomous’ people, the couple face space pirates, the condemnation of an alien government, galactic war, and a deadlier threat from within the warrior’s own kindred. Warning: violence, profanity and sexual situations with multiple partners.

Toxic Desire

Robin Lovett - 2018
    She should want to kill him. But everything on Fyrian is an aphrodisiac. So she just wants to have him. Now.Revenge. That’s all commander Oten has wanted against humans for more than a century, ever since they tried to destroy his kind. He never thought he’d end up in bed with one. But the desire the sex planet stokes for this human female is eating him alive. Keeping his hands, his mouth, and his vampiric fangs to himself proves impossible—especially when she’s begging him to touch her.Nemona has no idea what endless sex with a Ssedez will do to her. But Oten knows all too well. They need to get off this planet. Before their coupling stirs an alien mating bond that neither of their hearts can withstand.


Shelly Crane - 2011
    She's eighteen, works for a tabloid newspaper in Chicago and has a brother, Danny who is a lazy mooch. They live a pretty normal dull life with hippie parents and a normal existence. Then the moon dissapears and people start to go missing only to reappear later, but different. Sherry has an abusive ex-boyfriend who shows up and claims to be one of these beings that have been showing up around the world. He's no longer the same person in that body. He tells her he has come to protect her and her brother and takes her underground, against her will to save her, where they meet others like them. She begins to unravel the truth about Merrick, about what he's really doing here, about the way he looks at her, about the crazy dangerous world they live in. Can he convince her that he's here to help? Will she like what she finds when she opens up to the truth? Will he be the one to love her when everyone else has failed her? Will he be able to protect her?


Mara Frost - 2015
    I'm lost. And my captor is a big alien who has no sense of humor and glows when he's horny. Who knew that alien abduction could be so terrifying? Or blue and sexy? Now, I just need to find a way to get back home before I become someone's dinner or worse - fall for the jerk who stole me. *Please Note: Alien Space Pirates is an ongoing serial (like a TV show!). Below are the release dates for the remaining books!*Upcoming releases in series:Alien Space Pirates: Sold (Book 2) - January 5 2016Alien Space Pirates: Saved (Book 3) - Upcoming January Release


Sylvia Day - 2005
    But Sable is a bounty hunter, which makes him direct competition in the capture of wanted criminals. Despite the obvious attraction between them, she won't give him a chance and after two years, he's tired of waiting for her to come around. So he's got a plan to give them both what they want...each other.


A.M. Hargrove - 2012
    Now read about how their parents, Rowan and Annalise met in Beginnings, the novella prequel to The Guardians of Vesturon. Learn more about Rowan and how Annalise unwittingly captured his heart and how his chance meeting of her took him on a journey of forbidden love.

Renegade Leo

Delores Diamond - 2016
    Explore the ruins of a dead civilization. Take everything worth selling. Buy myself status and an easy life. How hard could it be? Turns out, Kartak is very much alive… and the inhabitants are the stuff of nightmares. When I crash land on Kartak, I lose all my supplies and my only friend. With an inhospitable environment, violent natives, and an apocalyptic cult hunting me… death stalks me at every turn. My only chance to survive is by taking shelter with a brutal alpha lion shifter. Deadly but irresistible, he declares me his fated mate… and leaves me walking on the knife’s edge between pleasure and fear. In the struggle to save my own life, I will have to choose: the danger of a fierce, frightening mate… or certain death without his protection. Renegade Leo is a standalone romance novel set in the Shifter Kings of Kartak universe. No cliffhangers and a sexy happy ending guaranteed!