The Laughing Cherub Guide to Past-life Regression: A Handbook for Real People

Mary Elizabeth Raines - 2010
    The author explains how a typical past-life regression differs from those shown on TV or even in most books on the subject, and offers readers a look at various theories of karma and reincarnation, allowing them to draw their own conclusions.Past-life regression is about more than uncovering an interesting story from the past. The process gives us a richer understanding of why we are the way we are, why certain events happen in our lives, and how there is ultimately perfect justice in the universe. Raines reveals how past-life regression has the potential to heal and transform, and illustrates this with numerous stories of people who have used past-life regression to resolve and heal bewildering patterns, responses, and relationships.In looking at the process of past-life regression, Raines introduces readers to hypnosis, the primary technique used to help people access past lives. She details the kinds of experiences people are likely to have during a past-life regression, including what can go wrong, and a failsafe solution for those who have blocks. The reader is guided step by step through a typical past-life regression session. At the end of the book are fascinating transcripts of three actual past-life regressions.

Witchcraft and Devil Lore in the Channel Islands

John Linwood Pitts - 1886
    We specialize in bringing back to live rare, historical and ancient books. This includes manuscripts such as: classical fiction, philosophy, science, religion, folklore, mythology, history, literature, politics and sacred texts, in addition to secret and esoteric subjects, such as: occult, freemasonry, alchemy, hermetic, shamanism and ancient knowledge. Our books are available in both print and as digital books.All of our books have been revived by being scanned by people who have passion for knowledge, so there might be some minor formatting imperfections, but we are doing our best to cure them within the spirit of being loyal to the old manuscripts. By purchasing this book you are helping restoring a piece of history for many generations to come to enjoy the fine ancient knowledge that is made available through our modern technology. We sincerely hope you enjoy these treasures in the form of digital books.

Caste as Social Capital

R. Vaidyanathan - 2019
    The establishment and running of businesses tap into caste networks, both in terms of arranging finance and providing access to a ready workforce.By and large, caste has only been studied from a religious, social and political angle. Though it is widely accepted that caste has economic ramifications, any study of this aspect has been limited to looking at caste groups in terms of their per capita income, their representation in various professions, and other statistical details.Caste as Social Capital examines the workings of caste through the lens of business, economics and entrepreneurship. It interrogates the role caste plays in the economic sphere in terms of facilitating the nuts and bolts of business and entrepreneurship: finance, markets and workforce. Through this qualitative view of caste, an entirely new picture emerges of caste which forces one to view this age-old institution in new light.

The Power of the Blood

H.A. Maxwell Whyte - 1971
    A. Maxwell Whyte in this revealing exploration of the blessings to be found in Christ’s blood. As you delve deep into this newly revised and expanded version of Whyte’s classic best seller, you will find out how to…Experience God’s complete forgivenessBecome spiritually empowered, equipped, and energizedBreak the terrifying grip of fear and tormentCreate an atmosphere for miraclesDefeat oppression, addictions, and sickness Astounding results can take place in your life once you learn the value of this vital yet little-wielded weapon in the believer’s arsenal and how God wants us to use it in coping with life’s difficult situations. Discover the wonder-working power of the blood for yourself!

Keeping Heart on Pine Ridge: Family Ties, Warrior Culture, Commodity Foods, Rez Dogs, and the Sacred

Vic Glover - 2004
    Together, with humor and perseverance, they are strengthened as they try to overcome the social and political forces that threaten their community. Native and non-native alike will find a poignant honesty that grabs them from the opening line to the end. For some it will feel like familiar territory; for others, a heart-opening awakening to the struggles and spirit of The People.

A Guide to Celebrating the 12 Days of Yule (Heathen-style!): Folklore, Activities and Recipes For The Whole Family to Enjoy For 12 Days!

Jenn Campus - 2016
     For most Pagans of any denomination, Yule is a high holy season. The ancient festival was a 12 daylong celebration beginning on the eve of the Winter Solstice (known to most Pagans as Yule) and ending at the new calendar year. This celebration was so important in ancient times that it was converted by the Christians to the 12 Days of Christmas. Many Pagans, especially those devoted to the Norse and Anglo Saxon Gods and Goddesses try to find some way to keep these 12 days, yet many are unsure exactly how to celebrate. Social media blows up in the weeks leading up to the Solstice with questions like: How do you celebrate? What do you do exactly? What activities, what rituals, what prayers and celebrations? For the past several years I have been working on this guide in an attempt to answer some of those questions for my own family and for others. This guide is a result of creating family traditions for this special and most sacred (not to mention FUN!) time of year. I put it all together into one little, handy and easy to follow guide, so that you and your family can celebrate the 12 Days of Yule together, with a little inspiration from what our family has been doing. Please enjoy!

Mahabharata Unravelled: Lesser-Known Facets of a Well-Known History

Ami Ganatra - 2021
    But this history of our ancestors continues to fascinate us. Even today, we have passionate discussions about the people and their actions in the epic, fervidly defending our favourites and denouncing others. The number of works on the Mahabharata-adaptations, retellings and fiction-that still get written is a testimony to its enduring relevance.While the general storyline is largely known, a lot of questions and myths prevail, such as-What was the geographical extent of the war? Did Drona actually refuse to take on Karna as his disciple? What were Draupadi's responsibilities as the queen of Indraprastha? Did she ever mock Duryodhana? Were the women in the time of the Mahabharata meek and submissive? What were the names of the war formations during the time? What role did the sons of the Pandavas play? Does the south of India feature at all in the Mahabharata? What happened after the war? These and many other intriguing questions continue to mystify the contemporary reader.Author Ami Ganatra debunks myths, quashes popular notions and offers insights into such aspects not commonly known or erroneously known, based solely on facts as narrated in Vyasa's Mahabharata from generally accepted authentic sources. For a history of such prominence and influence as the Mahabharata, it is important to get the story right. So pick this book up, sit back and unveil the lesser-known facts and truths about the great epic.

Mitakuye Oyasin: "We Are All Related"

Allen C. Ross-Ehanamani - 1989
    It compares the myths and legends of the American Indian with the world's major philosophies and religions. The books is in its 5th printing. It is a bestseller in Europe with translations in French and German. The book is being used in 27 universities and 182 high schools. A few of the areas in which the book is being used are: Psychology, Comparative Religions, Native American Studies, Philosophy, Counseling and Guidance. A teacher's guide is also available. (Bear Publishing)

Arise O God: The Gospel of Christ’s Defeat of Demons, Sin, and Death

Andrew Stephen Damick - 2021

The Bible in a Nutshell

Casper Rigsby - 2014
    With an estimated word count of well over 700,000 words, the book is not an undertaking for the casual reader. The book can be a very tedious and boring read. This turns many people off from wanting to commit any time to understanding the foundational doctrine of Christianity. However, as atheists we really need to have at least a basic understanding of the Bible if we are going to make a judgment call about the religion. No matter which sect of Christianity someone subscribes to, the Bible is the foundation of Christian belief. This book is a mere 7,000 words to tell a slimmed down version of the basic story of the Bible. This book focused on the narrative rather than any underlying allegory or metaphor inherent in the narrative. The author attempts to challenge the notion of biblical literalism by showing that the story in its most basic form is simply too fantastic for any rational person to believe.

Seized by Truth: Reading the Bible as Scripture

Joel B. Green - 2007
    We are not reading someone else's mail--as though reading the Bible had to do foremost with recovering an ancient meaning intended for someone else and then translating its principles for use in our own lives. When we recall that we are the people of God to whom the Bible is addressed as Scripture, we realize that the fundamental transformation is not the transformation of an ancient message into a contemporary meaning, bur rather the transformation of our lives by means of God's Word. This means that reading the Bible as Scripture has less to do with what tools we bring to the task, however important these may be, and more to do with our own dispositions as we come to our engagement with Scripture. We come not so much to retrieve facts or to gain information, but to be formed and ultimately, transformed. Scripture does not present us with texts to be mastered but with a Word, God's Word, intent on mastering us, on shaping our lives.

An Intimate Note to the Sincere Seeker; Volume 4: July 30, 1998 to July 28, 1999: Weekly Knowledge from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar - 1999
    This book is a compilation of the fourth year of Weekly Knowledge from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, spiritual teacher and founder of the Art of Living Foundation. The Weekly Knowledge is sent around the world with precious words of wisdom for practical daily living.

Provocative Church

Graham Tomlin - 2002
    The basic theme is that we need provocative churches which raise the question asked by the onlookers in Acts 2:12: What does it all mean?

Walking Backwards to Christmas

Stephen Cottrell - 2014
    Using the simple device of telling the Christmas story backwards, Stephen Cottrell helps us encounter it as if for the first time.

Palo Mayombe -The Garden of Blood and Bones

Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold - 2011
    The original African faith is carried in chains across the abysmal waters of Kalunga and it flowers in Cuba as a New World Creole sorcery.This is an initiate's account of a much maligned religion and cult whose central mystery is the prenda, the cauldron containing the human skull or bones, re-animated by living spirits.The Garden of Blood & Bones gives explicit details of the workings of Palo Mayombe for good and ill: the method of divination, the herbs, animals, trees and plants, powders, baths and waters, the songs and chants. It presents a complete living system, one which embraces both the arts of healing and resurrection, and those that remove life.This is a serious study which confronts the sinister and violent aspects of the cult, but rather than purveying lurid sensationalism expresses the deep dignity and integrity of its nature.In drawing parallels with both the Ancient Greek practices of Necromancy and Nigromancy, and the grimoire tradition, Frisvold also illuminates the Western Tradition, showing what we have lost in our denial of the dead and the cult of the ancestors. Yet Palo Mayombe can only be truly understood in the light of a highly developed African cosmology. This is a book written from inside the cult, and will serve as a guide for practising Paleros and those seeking initiation. With access to rare materials, pamphlets, booklets and unpublished field notes, this is the most comprehensive study of Palo Mayombe to date.