Questions to a Zen Master: Political and Spiritual Answers from the Great Japanese Master

Taisen Deshimaru - 1985
    True religion is the highest Way, the absolute Way: zazen."Here, Deshimaru, the author of True Zen, offers practical suggestions for developing unitary mind-body consciousness through the principles of zazen (translated literally as "seated meditation"). Advice is given on posture, breathing, and concentration, and concepts such as karma and satori are clearly explained.

The Four Noble Truths

Ajahn Sumedho - 1992
    A small booklet of edited talks given by Ajahn Sumedho on the central teaching of the Buddha: that the unhappiness of humanity can be overcome by spiritual means.

Shamanic Voices: A Survey of Visionary Narratives

Joan Halifax - 1979
    Shamans, the physical and spiritual healers who are the central figures of many tribal cultures, share eloquent testimonies including harrowing tales of initiatory rites, vivid accounts of visionary journeys, and revealing expressions of their unique position as the link between the tribe and the cosmos.


Andy Kessler - 2010
    In this comic novel a band of hacker-geeks load state-of-the-art artificial intelligence, including working eyes, ears, spy software, and a smart mouth, into a bunch of old Furby dolls, re-christened Grumbies, network them together, sell millions, become rich and famous and make enemies/allies of Mossad, the CIA, Google, Microsoft, IRS, Goldman Sachs, the guys from Google, and Steve Jobs.

Seeker After Truth

Idries Shah - 1982
    It is precisely because of the unreliability of vision, of memory, of wanting to believe, of induced belief ... that the Sufis say that an objective perception must be acquired before even familiar things can be seen as they are. "Seeker After Truth" goes beyond the familiar "first do this, then do that" style of handbook, transporting the reader to new ranges of perception, according to his or her capacity. Among the many assumptions questioned are: the objective worth of deep emotional feelings; the superiority of man's social habits over those of rats, and the origin of those habits; the evils of deceit ... The magazine Literary Review said about it: "This book ... is food for many different kinds of study - a book unlike anything our society has produced until recently, in its richness, its unexpectedness, its capacity to shock us into seeing ourselves as others see us, both personally and as a society."

The Authentic Life: Zen Wisdom for Living Free from Complacency and Fear

Ezra Bayda - 2014
    Ezra Bayda has good news: life’s challenges aren’t obstacles to our path—they are the path. Understanding that liberates us to use every aspect of what life presents us with as a way to live with integrity and authenticity—and joy.  In this, as in all his books, Ezra’s teaching is Zen made wonderfully practical, in a way that can apply to anyone’s life. Meditation is the foundation, but it doesn’t stop there. It’s about learning to take the practice of presence we cultivate in meditation to all the rest of our complicated lives. Doing that empowers us to navigate our journey with the integrity and authenticity that are what a satisfying life is all about.

Animal-Wise: The Spirit Language and Signs of Nature

Ted Andrews - 1999
    From the author of the best-selling Animal Speak comes the next step in understanding the meaning and language of animals. Discover the meaning of animals in dreams and life. Learn how to interpret the signs of nature. Find your animal guardians and messengers and awaken the inner totem pole. Through this book, you truly will become animal-wise.

The Origins of Christianity and the Quest for the Historical Jesus Christ

D.M. Murdock - 2011
    In the West particularly, sizable tomes have been composed speculating upon the nature and historical background of one of the main characters of Western religions, Jesus Christ. Many have tried to dig into the precious few clues as to Jesus's identity and come up with a biographical sketch that either bolsters faith or reveals a more human side of this godman to which we can all relate. Obviously, considering the time and energy spent on them, the subjects of Christianity and its legendary founder are very important to the Western mind and culture, and increasingly to the rest of the world as well.Despite all of this literature continuously being cranked out and the significance of the issue, in the public at large there remains a serious lack of formal and broad education regarding religion and mythology, and most individuals are highly uninformed in this area. Concerning the issue of Christianity, for example, the majority of people are taught in most schools and churches that Jesus Christ was an actual historical figure and that the only controversy regarding him is that some people accept him as the Son of God and the Messiah, while others do not. However, whereas this is the raging debate most evident in this field today, it is not the most important. Shocking as it may seem to the general populace, the most enduring and profound controversy in this subject is whether or not a person named Jesus Christ ever really existed.ContentsIntroductionThe ControversyHistory and Positions of the Debate"Pious Fraud"The ProofThe GnosticsBiblical SourcesNon-Biblical SourcesThe CharactersThe Major PlayersBuddhaBuddha's BirthBuddhist CrucifixionHorus of EgyptMithra, Sun God of PersiaMithra's "Virgin" Birth?Mithra and the TwelveKrishna of IndiaKrishna's "Virgin" Birth?The Names of Krishna and ChristKrishna's Solar NaturePrometheus of GreeceThe Creation of a MythThe "Son" of God is the "Sun" of GodEtymology Tells the StoryThe Book of Revelation is Egyptian and ZoroastrianThe "Patriarchs" and "Saints" are the Gods of Other CulturesThe "Disciples" are the Signs of the ZodiacWas Jesus an Essene Master?Qumran is Not an Essene CommunityWas the New Testament Composed by Therapeuts?ConclusionBibliographyEndnotes

Seven Planes of Existence: The Philosophy of the ThetaHealing Technique

Vianna Stibal - 2015
    Using a theta brain wave, which until now was believed to be accessible only in deep sleep or yogi-level meditation, the practitioner is able to connect with the energy of All That Is – the energy in everything – to witness healings of the physical body, and to identify and change limiting beliefs. This book is for those who have already started to experience the magic of this energy healing modality, and wish to deepen their understanding of the Seven Planes of Existence – the philosophy behind the creation of ThetaHealing.       Vianna presents exciting new information to help you take your skill with this work to the next level, and brings the reader into dimensions that she believes to be the beginnings of life itself, on a journey that leads outward, past the universe, to transform beliefs, showing that with a theta state of mind it is possible to connect to a Divine Energy before it becomes anything in this universe.

Daring To Ask For More

Melody Mason - 2014
    In Daring to Ask for More, Melody Mason has shone the light of God’s Word on the path to true revival—Holy Spirit-inspired, daring, audacious prayer. I know this book will be a tremendous blessing to many.Doug Batchelor, President and Speaker, Amazing Facts If prayer is “the key in the hand of faith to unlock heaven’s storehouse” as Steps to Christ declares, then Melody Mason’s new book is long overdue. Daring to Ask for More is precisely God’s strategic appeal to this generation living on the edge of eternity. Daring to Ask for More indeed! May our hearts be stirred up as never before to seek God through prayer as never before, while there is still time.Dwight K. Nelson, Senior Pastor, Pioneer Memorial Church, Andrews University Melody Mason’s new book, Daring to Ask for More, is driving me to my knees. My needs are so great and my resources so few, what self-righteousness it is to pray so little. Thank you for that push!Frank Fournier, President, ASI

Cave and Cosmos: Shamanic Encounters with Another Reality

Michael Harner - 2013
    In this long-awaited sequel, he provides new evidence of the reality of heavens. Drawing from a lifetime of personal shamanic experiences and more than 2,500 reports of Westerners’ experiences during shamanic ascension, Harner highlights the striking similarities between their discoveries, indicating that the heavens and spirits they’ve encountered do indeed exist. He also provides instructions on his innovative core-shamanism techniques, so that readers too can ascend to heavenly realms, seek spirit teachers, and return later at will for additional healing and advice. Written by the leading authority on shamanism, Cave and Cosmos is a must-read not only for those interested in shamanism, but also for those interested in spirituality, comparative religion, near-death experiences, healing, consciousness, anthropology, and the nature of reality.Praise for Michael Harner and The Way of the Shaman   “What Yogananda did for Hinduism and D. T. Suzuki did for Zen, Michael Harner has done for shamanism—namely, bring the tradition and its richness to Western awareness.” —from Higher Wisdom, by Roger Walsh and Charles S. Grob   “Wonderful, fascinating.… Harner really knows what he’s talking about.” —Carlos Castaneda, best-selling author of The Teachings of Don Juan and The Active Side of Infinity   “An intimate and practical guide to the art of shamanic healing and the technology of the sacred. Michael Harner is not just an anthropologist who has studied shamanism; he is an authentic white shaman.” —Stanislav Grof, author of The Adventure of Self-Discovery   “Harner has impeccable credentials, both as an academic and as a practicing shaman. Without doubt (since the recent death of Mircea Eliade) the world’s leading authority on shamanism.” —Nevill Drury, author of The Elements of Shamanism   “Michael Harner is a great shaman. He also proves that a person can be both a scientist and a shaman.” —Bo Bair Rinchinov, Siberian Buryat shaman

21 days to Improve Communicating with your Angels

Doreen Virtue - 2011

We Don't Die: A Skeptic's Discovery of Life After Death

Sandra Champlain - 2012
    The goal of “We Don’t Die” is to have people believe that their deceased loved ones are still near them, help them navigate through the grieving process and educate that we are ‘eternal souls having a human experience. It is unique because it teaches people about the grieving process, keeping relationships whole, gives awe inspiring exercises that the reader experiences that we must be ‘more than our bodies.’ It gets readers in touch with the purpose of their lives and gets them on the path to producing results. Readers will no longer fear death, their pain of losing someone will be lessened, they will have hope, faith, and powerful access to live a successful life.

Henri Nouwen: Writings Selected with an Introduction

Henri J.M. Nouwen - 1988
    ""Touching, inspirational, thought-provoking.""--Senator Mark O. Hatfield

Connect to Your Higher Self - Be Your Own Guardian Angel

Anama Miller - 2014
    Have you ever observed a baby only a few days or weeks old? He is completely peaceful and quiet - he is present and connected. This baby is connected to his higher self and most of the time he is in that dimension rather than here. That is part of the magic we feel when we see such a small baby. We are drawn to him like a magnet; because he has that endless quality of the other dimensions we once had too. This book is designed to give you techniques and to teach how to open the bridge to this connection with your Higher Self and your inner guidance, so that you will live a more connected and happier life.