Wisdom of the Rishis: The Three Upanishads: Ishavasya, Kena & Mandukya

Sri M. - 2005
    They raise direct questions regarding the source of thought, the essence of our being and are as relevant today as they were 2000 years ago.The Isavasya proclaims the all-pervasiveness of this totality of consciousness which is here called Isha, the Lord, and urges one to let go the narrow and self-centered identity we are caught up in and rejoice in the flow of the infinite wholeness of Life.The word Kena means Who. This Upanishad concerns itself with the question of ones ID. Is there a separate I or is it merely a term used to describe the totality of cognizance. Is there an I beyond the limited, self-centered ID?The Mandukya examines the same idea but in a different way, exploring the states of consciousness all human beings experience namely, the waking state, the dream state and the deep sleep state, and postulates that there is a common experiencer in all these states, a witness, not affected by the states and which is the totality of consciousness called Turiya represented by the Pranava, OM.PrefaceThe Upanishads represent the high watermark not only of Hindu Philosophy but of spiritual literature anywhere in the world. These marvellous discourses and dialogues between self-realized seers, known as Rishis, and one or more disciples, contain powerful and eloquent statements regarding the ultimate reality in its multifarious facets. They have been well described as providing an ‘ecstatic slide show of reality, a privileged glimpse of the unitive vision in which all thing are one in a world aflame with God’. They contain some of the most eloquent passages such as – ‘I have seen that Great Being shining like a thousand suns beyond the darkness; it is only by knowing that being that we can achieve immortality’ and again, ‘Hear O children of immortal bliss, you are born to be united with the Divine; follow the path of the illumined ones and be united with the Supreme Being’.The universal truths articulated in the Upanishads have formed the basis for numerous commentaries down through the centuries, beginning with the luminous insights of Adi Shankaracharya. In our own times Sri Aurobindo, Sri Krishnaprem, Dr Radhakrishnan, Swami Ranganathananda, Eknath Ishwaran and other great seers and sages have produced commentaries and interpretations on various Upanishads. The Upanishads are enduring and unfailing sources of inspiration, and their impact grows with each successive reading. One of my favourites is the Mundaka which I have translated and upon which I have attempted a short commentary.The author of this book, Sri Mumtaz Ali, popularly known as ‘M’, has spoken extensively upon the Upanishads, based on his personal experience. The fact that a person born a Muslim should have such a deep insight into the Hindu tradition proves once again that the spiritual path accepts no boundaries. The three Upanishads upon which M has commented are among the most important – the Ishavasya, which is always given pride of place in any list of Upanishads, the Mandukya which expounds the deeper symbolism of the sacred symbol Aum, and the Kena where we have the marvellous allegory of the Devas who thought they had won a victory, whereas actually it was the victory of the divine Brahman. In this Upanishad we come across Shiva and Yaksha, whose identity the Devas are unable to comprehend, and are also introduced to Uma, Haimavati, the many splendoured daughter of the Himalayas, who appears as the mediator between the Devas and the Supreme Brahman.In these talks M has expounded in a clear and cogent fashion various aspects of these three great texts. I have pleasure in commending this book to spiritual seekers and students of Hinduism around the world.

Awakening Your Psychic Powers: Open Your Inner Mind And Control Your Psychic Intuition Today

Henry Reed - 1988
    Now you can harness the power of your inborn psychic awareness.In his lifetime, American visionary Edgar Cayce introduced thousands to the wonders of psychic awareness. Now his carefully preserved writings are illuminated by well-known psychologist Henry Reed, Ph.D. In the words and spirit of Edgar Cayce, this guide will give you the knowledge you need to build a foundation for ESP and unlock the secrets of heightened awareness, including:-Psychic sensitivity-a natural part of perception-Exercises to develop your psychic intuition-Experimenting with clairvoyance, telepathic suggestion, and open channeling-Meditation and recognizing the patterns that can change your life

The Love Never Ends: Messages from the Other Side

Sunny Dawn Johnston - 2014
    The constant theme she receives from all of these divine entities and loved ones is this: Love never ends; fear exists only in this world.In her new book The Love Never Ends: Messages from the Other Side, Sunny shares a selection of true and amazing stories from her experience as a psychic medium and intuitive. These encounters with the other side prove without a doubt that the universe is full of love.Sunny shows readers how to: find and follow their personal spiritual path learn to listen to their own inner truth and intuition recognize and own their natural spiritual gifts cultivate a spiritual connection with loved ones who have passed on Readers will learn how to overcome the biggest obstacle to seeing Love as the central force in the universe: their own lack of self-love. Through her inspirational stories and teachings, Sunny reminds readers that even in moments of adversity, we are not alone; our angels, guides, and loved ones who have crossed over are here to help us.

Wisdom from the Five People You Meet in Heaven

Brandon Gilvin - 2005
    It also offers some pretty important insights into the lives we lead in the here and now. Using the Wisdom Traditions of the Bible as a backdrop, Wisdom from the Five People You Meet in Heaven brings us into a discussion of what might truly be important in life. Illustrating biblical concepts with examples from Albom's novel, this study guide for individuals or groups parallels the characters in The Five People You Meet in Heaven with the themes and insights from Wisdom Literature. Wisdom from the Five People You Meet in Heaven explores the orientation of Wisdom Literature toward life, sharing its teachings on issues of fairness, sacrifice, forgiveness, love, suffering, and what we can learn about our own character. From the Popular Insights series.

Thank You for Being Such a Pain: Spiritual Guidance for Dealing with Difficult People

Mark Rosen - 1998
    By embracing four fundamental premises and putting into practice the author's many helpful and practical suggestions, you'll acquire the skills and insights necessary for turning around even the most troublesome relationship. What you need to keep in mind is that: (1) nothing in your life happens randomly and your difficulties have a deeper purpose; (2) frustration and even emotional pain are as necessary for your personal and spiritual growth as love and joy; (3) transforming enmity and completing unfinished business may be the most important skills you can learn in life; and (4) when you make an effort to work on your inner self, your outer relationships will be transformed.        This groundbreaking book draws upon state-of-the-art psychological principles and timeless spiritual practices from all traditions. Filled with enlightening exercises and entertaining stories, Thank You for Being Such a Pain will forever change the way you see the difficult people in your life . . . as well as the way you see yourself.

A Beginner's Guide to Creating Reality

Ramtha - 1997
    This teaching covers the introduction given to students commencing their study and training at Ramtha s School of Enlightenment. Special Content: Foreword by JZ Knight, Introductory Essay to Ramtha s Teachings by Jaime Leal-Anaya, Diagrams, Workbook, Glossary and detailed Index.

The Magical Jump

Kyle Fuhrer - 2013
    anywhere on earth and anywhere in space. Join Smallfridge on a flight of imagination as he discovers the wonders that await him ... in the universe and right here at home at bedtime.Intended for children of all ages.

Rumi Poetry: 101 Quotes Of Wisdom On Life, Love And Happiness (Sufi Poetry, Rumi Poetry, Inspirational Quotes, Sufism)

John Balkh - 2015
     Rumi’s popularity has gone beyond national and ethnic borders. He is considered to be one of the greatest classical poets, by the speakers of Persian language in Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan. His poetry is still read worldwide today and has been translated into a wide variety of languages including Turkish, Persian, Russian, Asian, English and Spanish languages. Likely due to the pure universal natural themes in his poetry, Rumi’s works are simplistic and beautiful at the same time. A collection of 101 quotes of wisdom from Rumi on life, love and happiness. "Anyone who genuinely and consistently with both hands looks for something, will find it. " "Now is the time to unite the soul and the world. Now is the time to see the sunlight dancing as one with the shadows." "Gamble everything for love, if you’re a true human being. If not, leave this gathering." “Let the lover be disgraceful, crazy, absentminded. Someone sober will worry about things going badly. Let the lover be.” "Why should I be unhappy? Every parcel of my being is in full bloom." ............... Download this book now to experience essential wisdom from the timeless Rumi.

Superbrain Yoga

Choa Kok Sui - 2005
    SuperBrain Yoga is a scientifically validated method to help super-energize the brain and enhance its sharpness and clarity. This simple and easy to do technique develops and increases intellectual capacity and sharpens memory & concentration. Included in this book are preliminary scientific studies on the SuperBrain Yoga Exercise showing dramatic improvements in children diagnosed with Autism, ADD, and ADD/ADHD. SuperBrain Yoga can be a part of an effective routine to help people with Dyslexia, Autism, ADHD, Learning Difficulties, Alzheimers and Poor Memory and Retention.

Experience the Now: How to Increase Your Level of Consciousness

Sullins Stuart - 2012
    “Experience the Now” is a lecture delivered by spiritual teacher Sullins Stuart, author of the Amazon Top 100 spiritual best seller "Living in Conscious Harmony: A Spiritual Guide to Being in the Now."Stuart begins by briefly sharing how he met his spiritual teacher, and then addresses two key elements to experiencing the Now: understanding the different levels of consciousness andexplaining tools and techniques you can utilize to raise your level of consciousness and awareness."Experience the Now" is an invaluable resource for anyone desiring to live in the Now.

The Fakir The Journey Continues

Ruzbeh N. Bharucha

The Light Between Us: Stories From Heaven, Lessons for the Living

Laura Lynne Jackson - 2015
    In The Light Between Us, she tells her story of how she struggled with her abilities, and even denied them, for many years. She explains how she ultimately found peace through a scientific understanding of her gift, and discovered that she could help people come to terms with loss. And she shares the deeply affecting lessons she has learned in her work, teaching us what she has come to understand about the universe in order to help us live better lives in the here and now.

Nutrition for Intuition

Doreen Virtue - 2015
    . . and your physical health! Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves, N.D., share practical ways for you to enhance your spiritual gifts by making simple dietary changes and additions. You’ll read about how to monitor the life-force energy within your daily meals, drinks, and lifestyle habits so that you can supercharge your intuition and manifestation efforts.        In this handy book, Doreen and Robert combine good dietary practices with energizing spiritual techniques. Inside, you’ll discover:How intuition works energetically and physiologically—and the chakras and endocrine systems underlying clairsentience, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and claircognizanceExactly what to eat and drink to honor your uniqueness and sharpen your psychic senses (with recipes for smoothies, snacks, and more to open up your intuitive channels)The spiritual applications of specific herbs and nutritional supplementsThe special signature vibration of each day of the week (and why starting a new eating plan on Monday rarely works)       Nutrition for Intuition offers you an array of tools for activating your psychic and healing abilities. As you make these conscious nutritional adjustments, you will clearly perceive the messages and guidance you’re receiving from Heaven and your higher self!

Crooked Lines

Holly Michael - 2014
    Two cultures. Two souls seek hope and a future.On the shores of Lake Michigan, Rebecca Meyer seeks escape. Guilt-ridden over her little sister’s death, she sets her heart on India, a symbol of peace.Across the ocean in South India, Sagai Raj leaves his tranquil hill station home and impoverished family to answer a higher calling. Pushing through diverse cultural and religious milieus, he labors toward his goals, while wrong turns and bad choices block Rebecca from hers.Traveling similar paths and bridged across oceans through a priest, the two desire peace and their divine destiny. But vows and blind obedience at all costs must be weighed…And buried memories, unearthed.Crooked Lines, a beautifully crafted debut novel, threads the lives of two determined souls from different continents and cultures. Compelling characters struggle with spirituality through despair and deceptions in search of truth.

Growing Up Psychic: From Skeptic to Believer

Michael Bodine - 2010
    It includes amazing true stories- a dangerous ghost friend with a hidden agenda, the hodgepodge of psychics who gathered in his mother's kitchen, ghost hunting misadventures, spirit messages, possession- along with an inspiring account of his successful battle against chemical dependancy as he learned to accept his unusual gift.