Book picks similar to
Sunrise Over Texas by M.J. Fredrick


Shooter's Cross

Colby Jackson - 2010
     While up in the mountains, he discovered a wilderness plagued by nature and haunted by superstition, but one that he thought he could tame with his experience and strong back. He didn't know he was going to have to kill to keep the home he planned for his family, but he didn't let that stop him. Sam had been looking for a home for his family for years. That search had been interrupted by the Civil War. Now Sam is putting down roots, and not even the Devil himself can stand in the way.


Nora Roberts - 1989
    Sarah Conway was something else again. She was every inch an Eastern lady, yet she was determined to make Lone Bluff her home.Jake was annoyed to find himself playing guardian angel to this tantalizing innocent--even more disgusted to find he liked it. Little did he suspect that beneath Sarah's ladylike demeanor beat the heart of a frontier woman ant that her body yearned for his hard embrace, her heart for his words of love .. . .

The Sheriff and the Innocent Housekeeper

Lynda Chance - 2011
    Mesmerized immediately with his raw masculinity and sinewy strength, her fascination turns to love as the years pass and his honest integrity is revealed. Jake Cooper manages to ignore his pretty, little orphaned housekeeper for three long years. But when she begins a subtle metamorphosis from girl to woman, he can’t control his consuming need for her any longer. It has been his job to protect the town all these years, but who will protect her from him? Excerpt: Becky clutched the plate to her mid-section, standing as still as a rabbit caught in a predators sight, when she saw the way he stood at the door, watching her. Her hands began the all too familiar shaking, and she heard a roaring sound in her ears and a crashing, splintering noise at her feet. She looked down at the broken plate and in her confusion quickly bent down to retrieve it. A sharp pain in her hand jerked her upright again. The spell was broken when his deep voice intruded on her consciousness. “Goddammit!” Becky stood immobile as he pushed off the door and was quickly upon her. He picked up her hand in his. “Becky, what the hell?” She looked down at his hands holding hers and saw a stream of blood running from a cut on her finger. She realized she had compounded her mistake by cutting her finger. The plate was in shards on the floor. She knew those plates had belonged to his mother. Tears welled in her eyes. “I’m sorry, Sheriff.” He pulled her to the kitchen and his large body crowded her against the counter as he held her hand where it was bleeding. His arms wrapped around her from behind, his chest pressed into her back as he held her bleeding finger in the pail of cold water. The water turned pink as she tried not to faint. His mouth moved to her ear. “You’re more trouble than you’re worth.” He growled the words in her ear. His warm breath caressed her face. “I’m sorry about your m-mother’s china.” Her voice wobbled from the impact of his nearness. He reached around and tugged her chin up and around so he could look into her eyes. “You know this isn’t about the goddamn china, don’t you, Becky?”

Wild Ecstasy

Cassie Edwards - 1992
    Echohawk is the handsome, daring Chippewa brave sworn to avenge the wrongs done to his father and his people. But when Mariah and Echohawk meet, something wonderful happens: suddenly their bloodlines do not seem to matter, their differences are swept away. The two are inseparable...until a fiercely guarded secret is revealed and the shattering truth tears them apart. A future together would seem impossible, yet nothing can diminish the smoldering heat of their desire...the pure intensity of their passion that propels them over all barriers and lifts them to a love that defies all odds.

Spring House

Mary Ellen Taylor - 2019
    With the help of her fiancé’s caring best friend, it’s sure to draw much-needed tourist revenue to Cape Hudson, a town rich in southern history.However, it’s Spring House, the caretaker’s cottage on the grounds, that holds the most intriguing history for Megan. In a cache of old letters, she’s drawn into the captivating life of a young woman who embarked on her own dream adventure a century ago. With each one, Megan is swept away into her enthralling world—and all its secrets. But Megan has secrets too.Now, as one woman’s past unfolds in each revealing letter, Megan will discover more about herself and about the emotional tides of family that can be weathered with those you love and trust the most.


Delores Fossen - 2001
    It would take a lot of work. Easy enough to change her own appearance --- to make herself seem more ladylike than perhaps she was, to present herself as the type of girl a man might want to marry --- but to get Rio to do everything she wanted, she'd have to resort to a lie. Or two. And if she wanted to save her sister from the Apaches and keep her inheritance for her own, this half-Comanche gunslinger was the only answer. Still, while Abbie was relatively wily when it came to getting what she wanted, there were a few things that could throw her for a loop ... Like what would happen when her handsome husband realized he'd been tricked? Abbie had a feeling it'd be like riding a bucking bronco --- and part of her shivered in pleasure at the thought.

Embers of Love

Tracie Peterson - 2010
    Unexpectedly, her best friend, Lizzie Decker, accompanies her back home--fleeing a wedding and groom she has no interest in. Deborah, the determined matchmaker, puts her sights on uniting her brother and dear friend in a true love match.Deborah soon meets Dr. Christopher Clayton, a much-needed addition to the town. As their lives intersect, Deborah realizes that she has a much greater interest in medicine and science than the bookkeeping she was trained in. But when typhoid begins to spread and Lizzie's jilted fiance returns, Deborah wonders if true love can overcome such obstacles...for those dearest to her, and for herself.

A Desperate Bride For A Gloomy Sheriff

Evelyn Boyett - 2020
    Despite her disappointment, she decides to make the best of the situation. That’s what she’s been taught to do.Sully always wanted to be a sheriff. When the old sheriff in Deep Well retired, he ran for sheriff and was elected by a landslide. Despite his bravery, he feels gloomy and insecure.He was in love once but, he wasn’t brave enough to tell her. After she married someone else, he had to find a mail order bride to alleviate the wound.But then he discovers that once he starts having real feelings for Geneva, the exact same issues are coming up. Will he be brave enough to tell her and risk having her break his heart? If he doesn't, they’ll never be able to have the deep and truly loving relationship that they both long for.

Love Will Follow

Bailey Bristol - 2011
    Now, as a frightened 18-yr-old, she must flee or die at the hands of the man who never saw her as a daughter, only as his woman. With no funds and little hope of succeeding in her flight, Kittie finds meager work in Mounthaven, Ohio, the only place she remembered her own parents speaking of with fond memories. And there she hides. Her brother, Penn Thornton, had watched his little sister leave the train station with a family of five. Thinking she'd be better off with them now, he joined up with another 12-year-old and headed north. As young men, Penn and Jake Kannady rose in the ranks of the Cavalry, until Penn and his beautiful Indian wife were killed at Wounded Knee. Devastated, Jake leaves the carnage with Penn and Two Hearts' infant son strapped to his back and a single obsession to honor his best friend's dying words. "Find my sister, Jake. Take my son to Kittie." With nothing to go on except the name of the Kansas town where they last saw Kittie, Jake carries the baby on a relentless search. In Mounthaven he loses the trail. And loses his heart. With murder in his eyes, the son of the depraved Kansas farmer stalks Jake, certain he'll lead him right to Kittie. After all, she was his woman now that Kittie had killed his old man. Rich with poignant, mystical dream scenes and glimpses of what family can truly be, Bailey Bristol weaves a tail of danger and endurance, loss and depravity, honor and trust...and a love that blurs the lines between hope and the spirit world.

The Beginning

Cassie Hayes - 2014
    Not willing to return to her father's restrictive home — or face the arduous six-month voyage back to Boston — she hatches a plan to start her own business. She'll never have to trust her future to a man again. Jack Dalton struck it rich in the Sierra Nevada and is having a mighty fine time spending his gold at dance halls and saloons in town. He can't for the life of him figure out why so many of his drinking buddies are signing up for ads in the matchmaking paper that snooty 'Miss Priss' is starting up. The last thing he wants to do is to settle down. When an unscrupulous charlatan threatens to shatter Delilah's dream, Jack takes pity and steps in to lend a helping hand. Then he gets suckered into partnering with the very woman he desperately wants to avoid. Long hours working together force them to face their deepest fears and admit they're drawn toward one another. Can they let go of their pasts and find hope for their future or will they let their fears tear them apart?

To Love a Lady

Cynthia Sterling - 2000
    But when the future Earl, Charles Worthington, goes to Texas to oversee land the family has purchased – and stays there – Cecily decides the only thing to do is to track him down. Arriving in Texas with her lady’s maid and all the determination she can muster, Cecily sets out to conquer both the new world and her reluctant fiancé. She captivates her new neighbors and shows Charles that the one thing that’s been missing from his adventurous life is her. Originally published in 2000 under the title Nobility Ranch, To Love a Lady is the first volume in the Titled Texans series about a family of English nobility who set out to tame the American west. With humor, romance and authentic historical detail, To Love a Lady takes readers on a romantic journey to 1880s Texas.


Ana Leigh - 2004
    Spying handsome Clay Fraser, she puts her flirty plan into action and wakes, the next morning, with a wedding band on her finger.Clay Fraser, a former Confederate soldier, is horrified to discover that he somehow got married last night -- and worse, to a Yankee. Worst of all, his new wife refuses to share his bed Sparks fly and attraction burns as the wagon train heads west, but it will take a love as expansive as the Western sky to show Rebecca and Clay how to claim the passionate new life that is their destiny....

Paper Roses

Amanda Cabot - 2009
    Leaving the past behind in Philadelphia, mail-order bride Sarah arrives in San Antonio ready to greet her groom, Austin Canfield, a man she has never met but whose letters have won her heart from afar. But there is one problem--he has died. And Sarah cannot go back East.As Sarah tries to reconcile herself to a future that is drastically changed, Austin's brother, Clay, struggles with his own muddled plans. Though he dislikes working on the family ranch and longs for a different life, Clay is driven to avenge his brother's death. But something between them is growing and neither Clay nor Sarah is ready to admit it. Book 1 of the Texas Dreams series, Paper Roses will sweep readers into the Hill Country with a tale of love and loss, closed doors and beautiful possibilities that will leave them wanting more.

The Anonymous Bride

Vickie McDonough - 2010
    When three mail-order brides are delivered to Luke a month later, he’s in an uncomfortable predicament. How will he ever choose his mate? Rachel Hamilton’s long-time love for Luke is reignited with his return to town. So when three mail-order brides appear, she panics. Will she find the courage to tell Luke that she loves him? Or take an anonymous part in the contest for his hand?

Wild Montana Sky

Debra Holland - 2011
    To escape the new mistress of the house, Elizabeth accepts the invitation of her best friend to journey to Montana.The dirt streets and wooden storefronts of Sweetwater Springs and the hardships of ranch living are worlds away from the refinements of Gilded Age Boston, yet Elizabeth is filled with new hope—and buoyed by a wealthy banker’s attentions. Yet it’s cowboy Nick Sanders who slowly awakens her heart and helps her recognize her strengths. And when a deadly influenza epidemic strikes, Elizabeth will fight for those she loves—and the life she’s ready to claim.A USA Today bestseller and winner of Romance Writers of America’s Golden Heart Award, Wild Montana Sky is historical romance at its best—a warm, uplifting story of new love and second chances.The Montana Sky series:Wild Montana SkyStarry Montana SkyStormy Montana SkyMontana Sky ChristmasPainted Montana SkyMail-Order Brides of the West: Trudy