Growing Gills: How to Find Creative Focus When You’re Drowning in Your Daily Life

Jessica Abel - 2017
     If you feel like you’re floundering in the deep end (Not waving, drowning!), and anxiety over the complexity and enormousness of your creative projects overwhelms you, stop scrambling to fit everything in and feeling stretched thin. DIVE DEEP AND SWIM Sustain the energy you feel when thinking of how awesome your projects could be. Value your own creative work as highly as work you do for other people. Build a reusable structure and process that will consistently get you to the finish line. Blast through your stuck-ness. Focus. Finish. Move on to the next project. You’re a creative person. Even if you have a hard time calling yourself a “writer” or an “artist” in public, making your creative work is core to who you are and how you see the world. You may be harboring a big, ambitious idea for a project. Possibly a lot of them. And it’s killing you. You lie awake thinking about it…and hating yourself for not doing more to make it real. And then in the morning you’re exhausted, and you can’t believe you “wasted” more time on this stupid idea. Who ever told you you were creative anyway? You try to shove your idea away, to forget it. But your creative work is what keeps you sane. You can’t not do this. So you live with guilt and anxiety all the time. You’ve tried to carve out the time and attention you need to devote to your creative work. You’ve made ambitious goals, you’ve written lists, you’ve scheduled calendars…you’ve installed shackles on your desk chair. But chaining yourself to your work only seems to make you more distractible and more miserable. (And those unsightly leg sores!) Maybe you've even tried to borrow time-management tips from the business world. Get things done! Build seven habits! Eat that frog! But following business-minded productivity systems just doesn’t work for you. The issue isn’t simply getting “things” done, it’s allowing yourself to devote precious time and attention to the vital, self-generated creative work that builds toward your vision for the future. The problem is, the life you’re living is already full. You’ve made a lot of promises, to yourself, your family, your friends, and your community, that you’ll be there for them. You probably have a job; you may have kids. You may well have many competing ideas for your creative work. Where, exactly, can you find that mythical Creative Focus Unicorn? In Growing Gills, you’ll discover that the power is already within you to make your work. The biggest obstacles to your getting your important creative work done lie in the unknowns you’re facing. Growing Gills takes you step by step through the process of pinning down exactly what’s stopping you from finishing your beautiful, inventive, and potentially game-changing projects. Using the power of conscious decision, you’ll build your own unique system for fitting creative work into your existing life, taking into consideration how you work best.

Profit Hacking: The Web Entrepreneur's 3 Part Formula For Maximizing Success

Steven Daar - 2014
    In fact, almost every entrepreneur & business owner at some point or another has fallen into the trap of investing themselves into a complete WOMBAT (Waste Of Money, Brains, And Time). The majority of the time when a well-intentioned entrepreneur falls into a WOMBAT, it happens when they lose sight of the Profit Hacking Formula. The 3 parts of the formula are the only things you can focus on improving that will increase your profits. There are sections in Profit Hacking dedicated to showing you exactly how to ‘hack’ and subsequently scale each of those 3 Pillars. You will also discover the leverage points “hidden” in your business (the places where just a little bit of effort and improvement yield massive gains) & the fastest way to double your monthly profits. Whether you’re a seasoned business owner, a brand new entrepreneur, or work in digital marketing, Profit Hacking will help you grow the bottom line. In this no-fluff, highly-actionable book, Steve Daar shows how you can turn your business into a machine that attracts prospects & leads like a magnet, effectively converts them into buyers, and convinces them to become lifelong customers + advocates for your company. Pulling from years as an entrepreneur, investing thousands of hours & tens of thousands of dollars into self-directed marketing education, and managing over $1,300,000 in online advertising spend for Fortune 500-level businesses, he reveals to the reader how to reach the full profit potential of their business. Through this book, you will learn: • The ‘Secret’ To Significant Traffic Increases…and it almost certainly isn’t what you’re thinking • Tips for Massive Scale & Growth in your business • The Undeniable Formula for hacking your profits Profit Hacking shows you PRECISELY how to maximize every marketing activity you do from this day forward. How to maximize the value of each visitor, prospect, lead, customer, and client your business attracts (and how to get more of them). Banish the WOMBATs. Stop wasting your time, money, and effort on ineffective tactics & strategies. Learn how to grow your business faster & more effectively than ever before through the Profit Hacking principles.

Writer Dad

Sean Platt - 2013
    She bought him a Macbook, and told him to get started doing what she knew he was supposed to do.Cindy gave Sean the unparalleled gift of her unflagging support, fueled by the unflinching belief that he was born to tell stories.Writer Dad is a love letter to Cindy and Sean's family, but also to the craft of writing. It chronicles his first painful but necessary years, through his eventual successful as a bestselling indie author.Writer Dad is for fans of Sean's work, those curious about the everyday reality of a growing writer's life, and those seeking inspiration for their own journeys forward.

Word Painting: A Guide to Writing More Descriptively

Rebecca McClanahan - 1999
    With her thoughtful instruction and engaging exercises, you'll learn to develop your senses and powers of observation to uncover the rich, evocative words that accurately portray your mind's images. McClanahan includes dozens of descriptive passages written by master poets and authors to illuminate the process. She also teaches you how to weave writing together using description as a unifying thread.

The Artful Edit: On the Practice of Editing Yourself

Susan Bell - 2007
    Brimming with examples, quotes, and case studies that include an illuminating discussion of Max Perkins's editorial collaboration with F. Scott Fitzgerald on The Great Gatsby, this book proves how fundamental editing is to great writing. Bell also offers strategic tips and exercises for self-editing, and a series of remarkable interviews, that take us into the studios of established authors such as Michael Ondaatje, Tracy Kidder, and Ann Patchett to learn from their various approaches to shaping their work after its initial creation. Much more than a manual, The Artful Edit inspires readers to think about both the discipline and the creativity of editing and how editing can enhance their work. A vigorous investigation into the history and meaning of the edit, this book, like The Triggering Town and The Elements of Style, is a must-have companion for every writer.

The Introvert Writer: Being Your Creative Best By Being Your Truest Self

Jamie Arpin-Ricci - 2016
     Many of the most celebrated and successful authors are introverts, yet there remains a negative stigma around introversion. "The Introvert Writer" invites those who identify as introvert and have passion for the art and business of writing to discover their natural strengths while learning to overcome common obstacles. From our best writing comes from our truest selves and this book will help the introvert writer thrive. Jamie Arpin-Ricci, an established author in both the traditional and self-publishing worlds, has spent more than 20 years working with non-profits around personality and team dynamics. In this one of a kind resource, he applies his decades of expertise to the field of writing. This is the ultimate "How To" for every introvert writers collection

The Book In A Box Method: The New Way to Quickly and Easily Write Your Book (Even If You're Not a Writer)

Tucker Max - 2015
     Maybe you start, but can’t find the time to continue. Or you’re frustrated with the writing process. And when you seek advice, people tell you, “It’s all about discipline”, or they talk about what writing software to use. But that doesn’t help you actually write your book. So you never finish your book, the world never gets the benefit of your wisdom, and you never get the benefits of being an author. Isn’t there an easier way? Now there is. In The Book In A Box Method, Tucker Max and Zach Obront show you the exact steps you can follow to go from idea to finished manuscript, in an easy, quick way -- even if you’re not a writer. Using the same methods, processes, and templates that they use for their authors at their company, Tucker and Zach show you exactly how to: Crystallize your book idea Create your book outline Create all the content for your book Edit that content into a great manuscript With The Book In A Box Method, you’ll be able to write a better book - in less time - than you ever thought possible.

You Are A Writer (So Start Acting Like One)

Jeff Goins - 2012
    In You Are a Writer, Jeff Goins shares his own story of self-doubt and what it took for him to become a professional writer and best-selling author—and the principles he’s learned from seeing many others do the same. He gives you practical steps to improve your writing, get published, and build a platform that puts you in charge. This book is about what it takes to be a writer in the 21st Century. You will learn the importance of passion and discipline and how to show up every day to do the work. You Are a Writer will help you fall back in love with writing and build an audience who shares your love. It’s about living the dream of a life dedicated to words.

How To Write Descriptions of Eyes and Faces

Val Kovalin - 2011
     (Note: both books (1) How to Write Descriptions of Eyes and Faces and (2) How to Write Descriptions of Hair and Skin are now available in a single, unabridged volume for readers interested in both buying both books together at a cheaper price than buying them individually: How to Write Descriptions of Eyes, Faces, Hair, Skin. ASIN: B00670OUGW.) Here, you get more help than you could possibly imagine on describing eyes and faces. Each section centers on a type of description, such as Eye Color (for example, "Crystal blue eyes"), or Appearance of the Eye (for example, "Beady eyes," or "Bedroom eyes"), or Actions Involving the Eyes (for example, "Darting eyes" or "Gawking"). Each section lists its descriptive terms alphabetically with full explanations. You can read the lists to learn new terms, or you can look up a specific term. The eye section starts with the location of colors in the iris. Through examples, you learn how physical description starts with an accurate, detailed picture of everything you see, which you condense for your fiction. You learn about the appearance of the eyes, actions involving the eyes, and how to describe eyelids, eyebrows, and eyelashes. All of this leads into more than 2,000 words explaining 82 different color names to assign to eyes that are black, blue, brown, gray, green, hazel, or violet. The face section shows how to describe facial shapes, forehead, ears, cheekbones, nose, lips, chin, and facial hair, if any. You learn about facial expressions, such as simpering or sneering, and things like the differences between a frown and a scowl. You also get a section on how the face shows different emotions. For example, you can look up "Anger" and read about common physical signs of anger such as blood rising beneath the skin, the forehead tightening, the eyes narrowing, and the nose wrinkling in disgust. Who may benefit from this book? Anyone who wants a quick prompt or idea so as not to lose his writing momentum. Readers for whom English is a second language may enjoy the in-depth explanations of American English terms. Authors in genres that demand much physical description (for example, fantasy fiction and romance fiction) may also find this book useful. How to Write Descriptions of Eyes and Faces is about 15,000 words in total. Thank you for reading.

The Author's Guide to Working with Book Bloggers

Barb Drozdowich - 2013
    Based on survey answers from over 700 bloggers, this book contains down to earth, basic information that will help every author understand the book blogger world. Although there are many sources of book reviews, this book will focus specifically on the benefits the online reader world can bring to you and your book.In this book you’ll learn about who book bloggers are and where to find them as well as learn all about these essential promotional tools: The Query The Review The Giveaway The Guest Post The Book Blurb/Cover Graphic Feature The Cover Reveal…and so much more!Discover how to move comfortably in the blogging world, putting your best foot forward. Learn to introduce yourself to coveted reviewers to obtain valuable reviews and promotion of your book.Whether you are a new author or have many titles under your belt, let the award-winning The Author’s Guide to Working with Book Bloggers demystify the promotion of your book.Pick up a copy today!

Your Guide To Scrivener

Nicole Dionisio - 2013
    Allowing you to combine the various elements that make up your writing project, from outlines to research to note, Scrivener helped author Nicole Dionisio write two novels in a single year. Our manual outlines how to use Scrivener to make your writing better, and is useful for writers of all stripes – which includes you. It is 48 hours before your dissertation is due and, despite the chaos, you are trying to complete the final edits, because it’s the only choice you have.There is one problem — and it isn’t the pile of unclean dishes housing sea-green mold and chatty-vermin that has become your sink — it is your computer and it is time. You should be going faster then this, you put your blood-shot pounding head in your hands and groan, “Why am I going so slow? This computer is brand new... what is the problem?”It isn’t your computer’s specs. It is your writing process. It is because you have not yet started using Scrivener.It is opening up a new webpage or PDF every 15 minutes to fact-check research. It is switching back and forth be- tween this research, your outline, your bibliography, and your draft. It is waiting for your files to load, bouncing be- tween them, and getting lost in the quantity of windows on your computer screen or document.Scrivener has two key features: it loads all documents at once and it has many visual organizational tools. Scrivener has optimum productivity, thus it gives writers more time to actually write and accomplish their goals.This manual outlines: -Planning your manuscript-Importing existing documents into Scrivener-Collecting your notes-Organizing files and documents within Scrivener-Keeping track of your characters for fiction writing-Bringing it all together and writing your manuscript-The editing process, including sharing with beta readers.-Publishing your masterpiece online

The Kindle Publishing Bible

Tom Corson-Knowles - 2012
    But you can outrank them on Amazon search every time! Why? Because 99% of Kindle authors don't know how to increase their search engine rankings in Amazon and Google. But I do - and I'm going to show you how in this book (it won't cost you a dime to implement these strategies by the way).Most authors (even the ones with publishers and big marketing budgets) have no idea how to do keyword research, tag their book, add the right search keywords when they publish their book or insert keywords in their book description without it sounding like it was written by a robot.For New Authors: Step-By-Step Instructions With Picture TutorialsIf you're a first-time Kindle publisher or technologically challenged then this book is for you! I even had my Grandma Ann Knowles follow the instructions step by step and she gave it a big thumbs up for easy to use instructions. The playing field has been leveled with ebook publishing - and if my Grandma can do it, I guarantee you can too!For Existing Authors: How To Sell More Books In 5 Days Than You Did Last MonthI'm going to share with you my KDP Select Free Promotion Marketing Formula for getting tens of thousands of readers to download your book in just 5 days. All you have to do is read the Marketing Formula instructions and follow them (it takes about 3 hours of work to get thousands of new readers).How To Sell On Kindle Using Your Book DescriptionIf you think your book is going to sell itself, think again! If you're a fiction author or novelist, you have to show your readers the story and engage them in it or they won't buy a book from an unknown author. And if you're a non-fiction author, you have to tell potential readers how your book is going to help them solve their problem fast or they'll click away, never having even downloaded your book. I'm going to show you the Show And Tell system for selling more books on Kindle by giving you readers what they want and overcoming objections in your book description!Kindle marketing isn't about having a big marketing budget or publisher behind you - but you still need exposure and a great offer. This book will help you with get more exposure with Amazon search and other great marketing tips.You also have to make buying your book an irresistible offer so that when browsers get done reading your book description they say, "I have to buy this book!" You can't do that without a strategic plan and a well-written book description.Bonus! Video interviews with best-selling Kindle authors as they share their coveted book marketing strategies.

The Screenwriter's Bible: A Complete Guide to Writing, Formatting, and Selling Your Script

David Trottier - 1994
    A standard by which other screenwriting books are measured, it has sold over 200,000 copies in its twenty-year life. Always up-to-date and reliable, it contains everything that both the budding ... Available Screenwriter's Bible, 6th Edition: A Complete Guide to Writing, Formatting, and Selling Your Script (Expanded & Updated) PDF by David TrottierRead The Screenwriter's Bible, 6th Edition: A Complete Guide to Writing, Formatting, and Selling Your Script (Expanded & Updated) PDF from Silman-James Press,David TrottierDownload David Trottier’s PDF E-book The Screenwriter's Bible, 6th Edition: A Complete Guide to Writing, Formatting, and Selling Your Script (Expanded & Updated)

The Essential Guide to Freelance Writing: How to Write, Work, and Thrive on Your Own Terms

Zachary Petit - 2015
    Great! But now you're faced with a laundry list of questions: Should I freelance full time or part time? Should I write for magazines, newspapers, or online markets? How do I dream up the perfect article idea, and how do I pitch it successfully? How do I negotiate contracts, foster relationships with editors, and start getting steady work while avoiding financial panic attacks and unpleasant ulcers?The Essential Guide to Freelance Writing answers all of these questions--and much more. From breaking in to navigating the basics of the business, this book is your road map to a fruitful and rewarding freelance life. You'll learn how to:Dig into various markets, including consumer magazines, trade journals, newspapers, and online venues.Make your digital mark and build your writing platform.Pitch like a pro and craft solid query letters that get responses.Conduct professional interviews in person, by phone, or by e-mail.Write and structure various types of articles, from front-of-the-book pieces to profiles and features.Quit your lackluster day job, and live the life you've always wanted.Filled with insider secrets, candid advice, and Zachary Petit's trademark humor and blunt honesty, The Essential Guide to Freelance Writing won't just show you how to survive your freelancing writing career--it will teach you how to truly thrive.

The Copyeditor's Handbook: A Guide for Book Publishing and Corporate Communications, with Exercises and Answer Keys

Amy Einsohn - 2000
    Addressed to copyeditors in book publishing and corporate communications, this thoughtful handbook explains what copyeditors do, what they look for when they edit a manuscript, and how they develop the editorial judgment needed to make sound decisions.This revised edition reflects the most recent editions of The Chicago Manual of Style (15th ed.), the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.), and Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (11th ed.).