The Open Secret

Tony Parsons - 1998
    One day that possibility became a reality, and it was simple and ordinary, magnificent and revolutionary. It is the open secret that reveals itself in every part of our lives. But realisation does not emerge through our attempts to change our lives, it comes as a direct rediscovery of who it is that lives. "The Open Secret" is a singular and radical work which speaks of the fundamental liberation that is absolutely beyond effort, path, process or belief.

Mindfulness Without Meditation: Creating Mindful Habits That Actually Stick

Shea Matthew Fisher - 2015
    Do you want the calm, clarity, and focus of mindfulness without the trappings of formal meditation practice? This book will provide you with a set of tips and techniques that can guide you in infusing your daily life, as it already is, with exactly that.

Understanding the Highly Sensitive Child: Seeing an Overwhelming World through Their Eyes

James Williams - 2014
    Nor is it always easy to raise, care for, guide and teach a highly sensitive child. Because the highly sensitive child experiences the world a little differently, and that can be difficult to understand. This book aims to help you experience the world from the child’s perspective, so that you can better understand them and help them to grow and thrive. In this simple, concise guide I distil the reams of information available on the highly sensitive child so that you can get the knowledge you need quickly and easily. Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche wrote: ‘And those who were seen dancing were thought to be crazy by those who could not hear the music.’ The highly sensitive child isn’t crazy. Nor are they slow, or weak, or just ‘not tough enough’. They simply dance to a tune that not everyone can hear. This book helps you hear the music to which the highly sensitive child dances. Once you know the tune exists, and you listen for it carefully, you’ll find it’s beautiful, moving, powerful music.This is what Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D. thought of the book. Elaine is the author of the worldwide bestsellers The Highly Sensitive Person and The Highly Sensitive Child she has pioneered the research into Highly Sensitive People.“As the author of this truly brilliant little book, Jamie Williamson explains that he is not an academic or a psychologist. I am simply a man who feels very passionately about the subject. He is highly sensitive and so is one of his daughters, and he writes about sensitivity with both simplicity and depth. His sensitivity also shows in his book’s briefness. Caregivers of children need an author to get to the point so they can go get groceries, pick up the kids etc. Jamie’s book can be read in an hour, yet it has charming examples as well as great suggestions and a full, scientifically accurate description of the trait. Jamie is reaching out to all parents, carers and teachers of sensitive children and whether through this book or on his website, he is a wonderful resource.” – Elaine N. Aron.

The Laughing Cherub Guide to Past-life Regression: A Handbook for Real People

Mary Elizabeth Raines - 2010
    The author explains how a typical past-life regression differs from those shown on TV or even in most books on the subject, and offers readers a look at various theories of karma and reincarnation, allowing them to draw their own conclusions.Past-life regression is about more than uncovering an interesting story from the past. The process gives us a richer understanding of why we are the way we are, why certain events happen in our lives, and how there is ultimately perfect justice in the universe. Raines reveals how past-life regression has the potential to heal and transform, and illustrates this with numerous stories of people who have used past-life regression to resolve and heal bewildering patterns, responses, and relationships.In looking at the process of past-life regression, Raines introduces readers to hypnosis, the primary technique used to help people access past lives. She details the kinds of experiences people are likely to have during a past-life regression, including what can go wrong, and a failsafe solution for those who have blocks. The reader is guided step by step through a typical past-life regression session. At the end of the book are fascinating transcripts of three actual past-life regressions.

The Rosicrucian Mysteries An Elementary Exposition of Their Secret Teachings

Max Heindel - 1911
    You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

The Power of the Blood

H.A. Maxwell Whyte - 1971
    A. Maxwell Whyte in this revealing exploration of the blessings to be found in Christ’s blood. As you delve deep into this newly revised and expanded version of Whyte’s classic best seller, you will find out how to…Experience God’s complete forgivenessBecome spiritually empowered, equipped, and energizedBreak the terrifying grip of fear and tormentCreate an atmosphere for miraclesDefeat oppression, addictions, and sickness Astounding results can take place in your life once you learn the value of this vital yet little-wielded weapon in the believer’s arsenal and how God wants us to use it in coping with life’s difficult situations. Discover the wonder-working power of the blood for yourself!

The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying

Sogyal Rinpoche - 1992
    In its power to touch the heart, to awaken consciousness, [The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying] is an inestimable gift.”—San Francisco Chronicle A newly revised and updated edition of the internationally bestselling spiritual classic, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, written by Sogyal Rinpoche, is the ultimate introduction to Tibetan Buddhist wisdom. An enlightening, inspiring, and comforting manual for life and death that the New York Times calls, “The Tibetan equivalent of [Dante’s] The Divine Comedy,” this is the essential work that moved Huston Smith, author of The World’s Religions, to proclaim, “I have encountered no book on the interplay of life and death that is more comprehensive, practical, and wise.”

The Essence of Buddhism

E. Haldeman-Julius - 2008
    It offers a vast variety of insightful selections from various literature and provides a lifetime of ideas and images to contemplate and evolve with you.

Letters to Children

C.S. Lewis - 1985
    Lewis received thousands of letters from young fans who were eager for more knowledge of his bestselling Narnia books and their author. Here are collected many of his responses to those letters, in which he shares his feelings about writing, school, animals, and of course, Narnia. Lewis writes to the children - as he wrote for them - with understanding and respect, proving why he remains one of the best-loved children's authors of all time.

Five Lives Remembered

Dolores Cannon - 2009
    Travel back with us to that time when the words reincarnation, past-lives, regression, walk-ins, New Age were unknown to the general population. This is the story of two normal people, who accidentally stumbled across past-lives while working with a doctor to help a patient relax. It began so innocently, yet it crossed the boundaries of the imagination to open up an entirely new way of thinking at a time when such a thing was unheard of. It went totally against the belief systems of the time. It was so startling that they should have stopped, but their curiosity demanded that they continue to explore the unorthodox. The experiment changed the participants and everyone involved, and their beliefs would never be the same. Dolores Cannon is now a world-renowned hypnotherapist who has explored thousands of cases in the forty years since 1968, and has written fifteen books about her discoveries. Her books are translated into more than 20 languages. She is teaching her unique form of hypnosis all over the world. When she lectures people ask, How did you get started on all of this? This is the story of her beginnings. The book was written in 1980, her very first book. It has laid dormant, gathering dust, until now, waiting. Now is the time for it to come forth. Enjoy the adventure!

Your Present: A Half-Hour of Peace: A Guided Imagery Meditation for Physical Spiritual Wellness

Susie Mantell - 2000
    Loeser MD, American Pain Society“Terrific corporate gift!”          —Ann T. Buivid, President, Remington“The Best!”                            —Canyon Ranch Living Essentials“As Good As It Gets” Issue    —Town & Country With a voice described as "liquid,” award-winning stress relief expert Susie Mantell has created a uniquely soothing guided meditation experience. Like an easy chair, Mantell’s exquisite narration carries listeners into soft, effortless relaxation, gently releasing worry, anxiety, depression and pain. An oasis from a busy day, or prelude to deep, restful sleep, this clinically approved mindfulness meditation CD is elegantly packaged; a thoughtful stress relief gift. Soft music enhances the warm meditation narration

True Stories of Messages from Beyond

Julie Aydlott - 2007
    True Stories of Messages From Beyond tells 14 different personal stories of the bond we all share with those we love a bond never broken, not even by death. Each story was written by an ordinary person living an ordinary life, who was touched, changed, comforted, and even transformed by their own unique extraordinary encounters with those they love on the other side. Each encounter, whether a smell, a touch, a message in a song or another form of communication are touching, emotional and give hope to those who read them. Dennis passed away in a hospital bed in the bedroom we shared. I was with him, holding his hand, when he peacefully passed. My best friend was the first person to arrive at my house and she made all of the necessary calls for me. I remained in the room with Dennis, not able to leave his side. My friend had stepped outside for a few minutes and then the excitement began. Suddenly, everyone was calling for me to come outside. I replied that I didn't want to leave Dennis. The hospice nurse then came into the room and told me that I would forever regret not going outside. When I got outside, many of my neighbors were lining my street to see this amazing thing happening.The day of the visitation was here. It was the day I dreaded the most. Today I would have to see my daughter in a casket. I asked God to help me get through this day. He did. The funeral director gently opened the lid and we stepped forward. The next twenty minutes were a total blur. There was my girl. She looked beautiful. Only a small bruise on the bridge of her nose gave a clue to the trauma her body had undergone. It was as though time stood still. I began to cry as I have never cried before. It was a deep guttural cry that came from deep within my soul.I finally got out of bed about 6:30 a.m. and started getting ready to go to the airport. I did everything I possibly could to keep back the tears. Packing my suitcase was so hard. I walked down the stairs and my mom was sitting on the couch looking just as disappointed as I was. I cried hugging her and holding her, telling her I would be back in a few weeks: I promise Mom! I kept telling her, Don t worry I ll be back! I loaded the car, and pulled out of the driveway knowing that was the last time I would see my mom standing in the door waving goodbye to me. She was crying too. We both knew, this was it; if I made it back in a few weeks, everything would be different. I never cried so hard in my life. I believe that leaving that morning was the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life. I had to go, with my mom standing there alive, still able to communicate, and I wouldn't ever get to see her like that again.Often the most influential evidence of life after death comes in the form of messages from loved ones who have passed on. Sometimes these messages are relayed by very convincing messages images or visuals, while other times they come as voices, slight touches and even written notes. Messages from the other side, are most often thoughts of comfort and tranquility, and often evidence that someone is still watching over us. In some of the most amazing cases, loved ones who have passed on communicate messages that are highly personal, often very important, and at times even life saving. If you have ever experienced an amazing message from a loved one after they have passed on, you don't want to miss this book! It is filled with true stories from normal people who shared their love, laughter, pain and experience through their story. After you are finished reading these amazing stories, you will feel an enormous amount of contentment with spiritual existence after death. Make sure you get your copy today! These stories are very personal, and touch on the life and death of the writers loved one.

Seven Valleys

Bahá'u'lláh - 1994
    Written in the mystical tradition of the Sufi poets, this book recounts the odyssey of the human soul as it travels from the world of creation to the sphere of the absolute, its ultimate goal being reunion with God.

A Pagan Book of ABCs

Shanddaramon - 2009
    Such learning tools should be simple, easy, and have plenty of colorful images to help young minds remember the concepts introduced. This book helps introduce children to their ABCs but it also introduces some basic Pagan concepts as well. Besides having bright and colorful images of things that are represented by each letter of the alphabet, the text and pictures also introduce young children to ideas such as the eight Sabbats, the four Elements, the four quarters (or directions), male and female deities, and the pentagram. Other important learning tools are stressed as well including shapes, colors, and numbers. Letters from some different alphabets have also been added to the book to promote an acceptance of other systems of communicating through language. The end of the book includes fun and interesting activities based on the concepts introduced throughout. With this book, young Pagans can learn and have fun.

New Catholic Answer Bible

Paul Thigpen - 2005
    The New Catholic Answer Bible now has double the number of answers to questions about Catholic beliefs, practices, and their foundation in Scripture.The New Catholic Answer Bible is still the right choice for those who want to: Learn more about the Catholic Faith Increase their knowledge of Scripture and deepen their appreciation for it Better respond when others ask them about the Catholic Church and its teachings The New Catholic Answer Bible is a wonderful gift for a family member or friend who is in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) or has recently joined the Church.