The Outcast Child

Jacobo Priegue - 2019
    When she discovers Kevin, an abandoned two-year-old boy injured and on the verge of starvation, Laura thinks she has finally found a purpose and decides to devote herself to saving the child.However, what looks like a case of neglect turns out to be something much darker, and Laura finds out very soon that to save Kevin she will have to fight ignorance and superstition, not only in the slum in Cusco but also back in England.In her search of happiness for her and her family, Laura’s life becomes an eternal struggle against prejudice and ignorance that makes her doubt about everything she knows, only to discover that the greatest obstacle in her way is none other than she herself.

Wounded Animals

Jim Heskett - 2015
    Do it now, before they kill him. WOUNDED ANIMALS is a 2015 Foreword Reviews INDIEFAB Book of the Year Award Finalist.... While nursing some drinks after a terrible day at work, Candle spits out his rum and coke when a stranger across the bar turns water into wine. But did he? Or was it just an alcohol-induced trick of the light? This stranger has a warning for Candle: skip your planned business trip tomorrow. If you go, I won’t be able to protect you any longer. With a clear head the next morning, Candle resumes his normal life, working for a company that’s about to lay him off. That barroom huckster couldn’t have been magical, or prophetic. He was just some washed-up weirdo with a few tricks. But when Candle comes back from his trip to find his pregnant wife missing and a dead man’s blood seeping into his bathroom floor, the washed-up weirdo’s counsel doesn’t seem so foreign now. Cops, friends, family… Candle doesn’t trust anyone. As he searches for his wife, people around him keep turning up murdered. If he can’t find her and uncover the mystery driving the chaos, the stranger’s words might come true, after all. This novella (the first in the Whistleblower Trilogy) combines the action-packed chase conspiracy thriller style with an amateur sleuth mystery, all told through protagonist Tucker Candle's unique and funny voice. Scroll up and click Buy Now today to get your copy of this fast-paced thriller novella, full of action and surprises! Here's what some readers have had to say about WOUNDED ANIMALS: • "If you want a real page-turner with an intriguing story and interesting characters, you should try this book." - JD • "From start to finish it's GO-GO-GO! This was truly a mystery and impossible to figure out (for me, at least). Seems like it was one big chase scene during the entire book. EXCELLENT!!!" - Zee • "From the git-go, I was sucked into this novel and couldn't let go til the last page. Crazy, twisty and waaay enjoyable. I loved this book." - Jmac55

Cicero's Dead

Patrick H. Moore - 2014
    His daughter, Jade, has also just learned that her mom has committed suicide and now her brother, Richie, is missing. She hires Nick Crane to find him and to track down whoever murdered their father, but as the old saying goes, 'be careful what you wish for' because 300 million dollars cuts an awful lot of family ties.

Trust No One

L.J. Breedlove - 2013
    Mac Davis likes being a reporter.No one shoots at him, he eats real meals regularly -- what's not to like? Then someone kidnaps his friends, and tries to kill him. Mac doesn't know who or why, but he plans to find out. And make them pay.First book of the Mac Davis thrillers.

The Cannibal's Daughter

Mitchell Nelson - 2014
    She’s a nobody. And that’s the way she likes it. Her father, on the other hand — Hank Keeling, the serial killer and occasional cannibal better known as the Pork Chop Killer — has just gone viral. Thanks to a prison guard’s error, a cell phone video of Keeling’s botched execution is quickly becoming an internet sensation. After watching her father die in all his pixelated glory, Caroline is taken off-guard when Keeling himself shows up at her front door, looking very much not dead. And he has a plan. A plan involving Caroline. A plan Caroline is going to take part in whether she wants to or not. Success means wealth beyond her dreams. Failure means death. Soon Caroline is whisked away from her bland life to face down killers, gangsters and a well-meaning cop in a hunt for long-lost fortune. Deceit, avarice and unrelenting violence collide in a coming-of-age story like none you’ve ever read.

Flight of the Crow

Howard A. Schwartz - 2014
    Sustaining severe injuries, he reluctantly takes early retirement fromthe police force. Estranged from his ex-wife and young son, but desperate to return to their affections, Crow tries to rebuild his life. In a struggle to regain his former independence, strength and purpose, he starts a private investigation practice. ​ ​ ​To bring some muscle to the operation, Crow teams up with his old school friend and former college football player, Don Hanson. Don’s colorful personality contrasts with Crow’s no-nonsense approach to make a unique team. Like most new companies, business starts slowly but then quickly takes flight when a public figure hires him to find a missing person. Find a missing person? Simple enough, especially with his experience, but it soon becomes apparent that they're out of their depth.​Tony Crow pits his small team against a formidable opposition, as he becomes aware of dark secrets and hidden agendas that could bring them down without a trace, and affect the future of America.

Nobody's Safe Here

Bill Percy - 2016
    Meanwhile, Deputies Andi Pelton and Boyd Ordrew clash as they investigate Jared Hansen, a boy caught with rifles and a paranoid plan to kill his schoolmates. Their problem? Jared, a great kid, a school leader, has no previous problems. Ordrew’s convinced Jared’s a mass shooter-in-waiting, but Andi’s not. Ed joins their search for whatever caused his radical transformation from great kid to psychotic killer. It’s a race against time: Magnus grows more irrational and homicidal, Jared's insanity may not be controlled before it’s too late, and Ed’s risky plan to save the boy may destroy his relationship with Andi. Nobody’s Safe Here, a psychological thriller, tells the story of a community of ordinary, decent people facing terrifying mysteries.

When the Man Comes Around

Bradley Wright - 2018
    He's become a monster. Losing your wife, your daughter, and spending ten years behind bars will do that to a man. Especially an innocent one.Now Lawson's life sentence has been pardoned, and the people that conspired to put him away are desperately scrambling to bury their little secret in the Las Vegas desert once and for all.They know he's smart, they trained him. They know he's dangerous, he almost caught them. What they don't understand is that when the law he swore to protect failed him, the rules no longer apply. And when a well trained man, with nothing to lose, who's endured years of suffering comes for you, all the money and power on earth can't save you. But having the one thing left in the world that he is willing to die for, just might do the trick."Jack Reacher meets John Wick."

Don't Close Your Eyes

Lawrence Kelter - 2005
    The first is a teenage girl whose asthma suffocates her while sleeping. The second is a man shot on the tram that connects Roosevelt Island to Manhattan. Lying next to the man is the real puzzle: a woman who might appear to have died of natural causes if not for the handwritten note stuffed in her mouth that simply reads "Look back." Murder mystery thrillers are often driven by tough, fast-talking, streetwise detectives with a sad story about their past and a penchant for nabbing perps. The cop on the case in "Don't Close Your Eyes" is all these things and more. Meet Stephanie Chalice. She's a smart, beautiful, 28-year-old NYPD homicide detective whose acerbic repartee is like an arsenal of nuclear missiles--it convinces her male colleagues that she means business. Behind all the bluster, though, is a young woman with fierce passions who shows the same tremendous dedication to her ill mother as she does her job. Chalice is an excellent detective, but it comes at a cost. She suffers recurring nightmares, and obsesses that the diabetes that killed her father and weakens her mother will one day come for her. When a second woman is found dead with a rag in her mouth and another cryptic note nearby, Chalice realizes a serial killer stalks Manhattan's Upper East Side. Her detective work combines intelligence, persistence, a skilled partner, and well-connected friends. Secret allies also work on her behalf to thwart dangers that lie just beyond her periphery. As she follows a trail of clues and corpses to the murderer, she also pursues her own demons, uncovering startling truths about who she really is.

Book Of Secrets

D.F. Hart - 2019
    The gripping first installment of the Vital Secrets Series.They survive a nightmare – but they don't escape unscathed.A harrowing ordeal puts FBI profiler Nathan Thomas and girlfriend Bella Amsel face to face with pure evil.Little do they know – it’s only the beginning.The psychopath obsessed with Bella isn’t giving up that easily.Will Nathan sacrifice everything he stands for to keep Bella safe?

The Worried Man (Q.C. Davis Mystery #1)

Lisa M. Lilly - 2018
     Police point to his failed medical career and past alcoholism as evidence of suicide or accidental overdose. His ex-wife agrees. Marco’s son insists his father was stable, sober, and excited about his future with Quille. Suspicious of the police based on bitter experience, Quille vows to find the truth and help Marco’s son. Using her skills as an attorney and former stage actress, she investigates a world filled with fraud and corrupt Chicago politics. The closer she gets to the truth, though, the less likely she is to survive to tell it…. The Worried Man is perfect for fans of Sara Paretsky, Jonathan Kellerman, and Elly Griffiths. Preorder The Worried Man Today.

Mind Secrets

Jane Killick - 2016
    Drawn into their battle to stay free of the cure which threatens to strip them of their powers, he searches for the person who stole his past. As the tension between perceivers and norms erupts into violence, Michael pieces together the shocking truth behind the origin of their power. To save his friends from destruction, he must face Cooper and confront the painful revelations of his forgotten secrets. A gripping science fiction thriller set on the streets of London, Mind Secrets takes an exciting and dangerous journey into intrigue, friendship and deception.Previously published under the author name Chris Reynolds and the title Perceivers.

Depraved Difference

J. Robert Kennedy - 2011
    A cell phone video of her vicious murder, callously released on the Internet, its popularity a testament to today's depraved society, serves as a trigger, pulled a year later, for a killer.Emailed a video documenting the final moments of a woman's life, entertainment reporter Aynslee Kai, rather than ask why the killer chose her to tell the story, decides to capitalize on the opportunity to further her career. Assigned to the case is Hayden Eldridge, a detective left to learn the ropes by a disgraced partner, and as videos continue to follow victims, he discovers they were all witnesses to the vicious subway murder a year earlier, proving sometimes just watching is fatal.From the author of The Protocol comes Depraved Difference, a fast-paced murder suspense novel with enough laughs, heartbreak, terror and twists to keep you on the edge of your seat, then knock you flat on the floor with an ending so shocking, you'll read it again just to pick up the clues.

Ten Seconds to Dead

L.A. Clayton - 2020
    She molds herself into becoming exactly what the CIA is looking for---and captures their interest, both personally and professionally. But before she can finish the CIA process, Kate is offered a position as an espionage agent in another highly secretive government agency, which she accepts.While completing her agency training, Kate is catapulted into a shadowy world where wealth and power are the ultimate goal, and those in charge will stop at nothing to get it. While on the job, Kate uncovers secrets that, if revealed, would cost her life, but if kept, could bring down a nation. Isolated and unsure of who to trust, she brings in a fellow agent, but pulling him into the web of conspiracy and lies puts a target on both their backs - and it will take every skill they’ve ever learned as agents to stay alive long enough to stop the enemy no one else can see.

Death's Door: A Palm Court Detectives thriller

David Reichart - 2015
    But he’s not a regular guy. He’s an elite warrior, battle tested to the max in Iraq and Afghanistan, first in Marine Special Ops and later as a Navy SEAL. When he finally decides to walk away from the military, Yates isn’t planning on making further use of his extreme training and lethal skills. But somebody else is. Palm Court Detectives, a skyrocketing new agency run by a laicized Jesuit priest in a refashioned vintage motel, needs a guy exactly like Yates to add clout to its roster. His first assignment for the detective agency based in Mobile, Alabama, takes Yates under cover at a trucking company that has been targeted by hijackers. Jesse’s civilian naiveté allows him to be drawn quickly into a turf war between hijackers who he likes, outlaw bikers who like him (or what he can do for them), and a drug cartel renegade who has a severe Jesse Yates problem and a chilling plot in the works. Joining the eclectic, fun-loving team at Palm Court Detectives as a private investigator in training turns out to be everything Yates had hoped for and more—more excitement, more camaraderie, and more chances to die.