Sleep Secrets: How to Fall Asleep Fast, Beat Fatigue and Insomnia and Get A Great Night's Sleep

Ronald M. Bazar - 2015
    Insomnia, sleep deprivation, snoring and sleep apnea — this comprehensive resource has it all. … Dr. Andrew Weil Andrew Thomas Weil is an American medical doctor, teacher, and best-selling author on holistic health. He is founder, professor, and director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona. * * * * * * * * After decades of research, author, Ronald M. Bazar, presents Sleep Secrets, an all-inclusive guide to discovering the underlying causes of your insomnia and how to cure it. From ancient time-proven sleep wisdom to cutting-edge products, from expert sleep-doctor advice to insightful tips, from new research insights to highly successful mind-body methodologies and breakthrough practices, this remarkable resource gives you all of the information you need to change your sleep habits forever. Bazar has had decades of direct experience in natural and alternative health solutions as well as manufacturing and retailing good-sleep products. In the author’s own words: My research in those fields has aided me in my pursuit to find as many pieces as I could to the puzzle of insomnia. What I realize from my research is that every one of us is unique and the problems that stand in our way of having a good night’s sleep are individual to each of us. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to solving your sleep difficulties. And that’s where my new book, Sleep Secrets, displays its strength. Sleep Secrets will give you the information you need to discover the underlying causes of your insomnia. As well, it will encourage you to choose the solutions that work for you, your lifestyle and your special requirements. Sleep Secrets is for you if: • You have trouble sleeping even when you are tired. • You worry instead of falling asleep. • You take more than 30 minutes to fall asleep. • You wake in the night and take more than 30 minutes to fall back to sleep. • You have sleep patterns that negatively affect your sex life. • You want to stop taking sleeping pills. • You wake up exhausted. • You are fatigued at work. • You are drowsy and have difficulty concentrating. • You are moody or depressed. • You suffer from increasing health issues. • You suffer from snoring or sleep apnea. • You realize lack of sleep is affecting your work, your relationships and possibly your physical safety. • You are young or old and suffer from sleep deprivation. Sleep Secrets is a comprehensive, educational, and entertaining resource guide designed to help you find your unique sleep solutions and enjoy deep, restful, rejuvenating sleep. Scroll back to the top of the page and select the Buy button.

Forks Over Knives—The Cookbook: Over 300 Simple and Delicious Plant-Based Recipes to Help You Lose Weight, Be Healthier, and Feel Better Every Day

Del Sroufe - 2012
    By avoiding meat, fish, eggs, dairy, and emphasizing whole, unrefined plant foods, millions of people have begun to notice staggering improvements to their physical fitness, weight, blood sugar and cholesterol levels, lifestyle, and overall health--including preventing, managing, or recovering from illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. Yes, the bestselling book "Forks Over Knives: The Plant-Based Way to Health" includes a solid foundation of recipes for anyone newly aware of the benefits to be gained from a plant-based diet. But home cooks are hungry for even more delicious, satisfying, from-scratch recipes full of whole plant foods like grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. That's what this cookbook provides: A full year's worth of meals for anyone hoping to cut out animal products, refined oils, and processed foods for the sake of their health. The recipes are eclectic, global, low fat, often gluten free, and simple to prepare, relying on common ingredients that anyone can find in their local grocery store. These recipes will take readers through an entire year with recipes that rely often on seasonal produce and always on the fundamental building blocks of a plant-based diet. Covering breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even desserts and ranging from everyday classics like Mac and Cheese and Baked Ziti to festive, holiday-ready dishes like Chard and Bean Stuffed Delicata Squash, these recipes will prepare readers to cook the plant-based way every day--starting this year and continuing through a long and healthy life.

Power Foods for the Brain: An Effective 3-Step Plan to Protect Your Mind and Strengthen Your Memory

Neal D. Barnard - 2013
    Neal Barnard’s simple 3-step plan to protecting your brain with your diet.Could your breakfast or lunch be harming your memory?Are you missing out on the foods that could prevent Alzheimer's disease?Everyone knows good nutrition supports your overall health, but few realize that certain foods-power foods-can protect your brain and optimize its function, and even dramatically reduce your risk of Alzheimer's Disease. Now, New York Times bestselling author, clinical researcher and health advocate Dr. Neal Barnard has gathered the most up-to-date research and created a groundbreaking program that can strengthen your memory and protect your brain's health.In this effective 3-step plan Dr. Barnard reveals which foods to increase in your diet and which to avoid, and shows you specific exercises and supplements that can make a difference. It will not only help boost brain health, but it can also reduce your risk of Alzheimer's disease, stroke, and other less serious malfunctions such as low energy, poor sleep patterns, irritability, and lack of focus. You'll discover: The best foods to increase cognitive functionDairy products and meats-the dangers they may pose to your memoryThe surprising roles alcohol and caffeine play in Alzheimer's riskThe latest research on toxic metals, like aluminum found in cookware, soda cans, and common antacids.Plus a detailed menu plan, recipes and time-saving kitchen tips

The Paleo Approach: Reverse Autoimmune Disease and Heal Your Body

Sarah Ballantyne - 2013
    If you're among them, you may know all too well how little modern medicine can do to alleviate your condition. But that's no reason to give up hope. In this groundbreaking book, Sarah D. Ballantyne, Ph.D., draws upon current medical research and her own battle with an autoimmune disorder to show you how you can become completely symptom-free—the natural way.The Paleo Approach is the first book ever to explain how to adapt the Paleo diet and lifestyle to bring about a full recovery. Read it to learn why foods marketed as "healthy"—such as whole grains, soy, and low-fat dairy—can contribute to the development of autoimmune conditions. Discover what you can eat to calm your immune system, reduce inflammation, and help your body heal itself. Find out which simple lifestyle changes—along with changes in diet—will make the biggest difference for your health.There's no need to worry that "going Paleo" will break the bank or require too much time in the kitchen preparing special foods. In The Paleo Approach, Dr. Ballantyne provides expert tips on how to make the switch easily and economically. Complete food lists with strategies for the day-to-day—how stay within your food budget, where to shop for what you need, how to make the most out of your time in the kitchen, and how to eat out—take all the guesswork out of going Paleo. Simple strategies for lifestyle adjustments, including small steps that can make a huge difference, guide you through the most important changes to support healing.Do you have a complicated condition that requires medical intervention, medication, or supplements? Dr. Ballantyne also walks you through the most useful medical tests, treatments, and supplements (as well as the most counterproductive ones) to help you open a dialogue with your physician.Features such as these make The Paleo Approach the ultimate resource for anyone suffering from an autoimmune disease. Why suffer a moment longer? Reclaim your health with The Paleo Approach!

The Louise Parker Method: Lean for Life

Louise Parker - 2016
    It contains over 80 effortless recipes to help you 'Eat Beautifully' and avoid being 'Organically Overweight'. Many of the recipes call for fewer than 8 ingredients and take just 8 minutes to prepare.For the first time, Louise shares her unique four-pronged approach to lasting success that has made her method the mecca for worldwide clients demanding the most intelligent, focused and practical solution to permanent weight loss and habit change. The book details four simple pillars that promise you can drop two dress sizes in six weeks without a chia seed in sight. Think Successfully - positivity, keeping inspiring company and making time for simple pleasures every single dayLive Well - de-cluttering your surroundings, a Digital Detox after 9pm every night, sleeping 7-8 hours a night and taking 20 minutes a day to 'brain nap'Eat Beautifully - eating 3 meals and 2 snacks daily from any of the 80 delicious recipes in the book Exercise Intelligently - achievable goals of walk a minimum of 10,000 steps, exercise for 30 minutes, following Louise's workouts or other exercises you enjoy

The Marie Antoinette Diet: Eat Cake and Still Lose Weight

Karen Wheeler - 2014
    Mabel Blades BSC RD. • A delicious and healthy way to lose weight • Discover the centuries-old secrets that help French women stay slim • No calorie counting • Transform your health with simple changes to your diet and lifestyle About the Book The Marie Antoinette Diet is based on the eating habits of the 18th-century French queen and generations of French women since. A recipe for painless and delicious weight loss, it is peppered with interesting snippets of French history and served up with a lot of modern science. It is packed with useful tips and information, not just about weight loss, but for improving your overall health with some simple lifestyle changes. The author, a cake-loving, former fashion and beauty editor, gained 10kg (1st 8lb) while living in France and was determined to lose it for health reasons. A light bulb moment occurred while reading a biography of Marie Antoinette. The French queen ate cake for breakfast and was fond of hot chocolate, but seems to have known instinctively what scientific studies have recently shown: for example, it is not what you eat, but when you eat it. Inspired by Marie Antoinette’s eating habits, and using a recipe for the health-boosting ‘wonder’ soup that the queen ate for dinner every evening, the author created a diet that allowed her to lose 10kg in 10 weeks – while eating normally most of the time. No calorie counting, no food groups excluded and yes – if you follow a few simple rules – you can eat cake. The Marie Antoinette Diet reveals: • Why eating cake for breakfast promotes weight loss • The benefits of a 12-hour night fast • How to rejuvenate and re-energize your body • Why diets that ban dessert are doomed to failure • What we can learn from the 18th-century diet • The centuries-old secrets of slimming à la française • The recipe for Marie Antoinette’s health-boosting ‘wonder’ soup • How to kill cravings for junk food • The simple changes that will transform your health • The ‘chill pill’ of the nutrient world • The (deeply unfashionable) meat that can help weight loss • The fats that you should be eating (they’re not the ones that you might think) •Nutritious and slimming soups for every season

Eat This, Not That!: The No-Diet Weight Loss Solution

David Zinczenko - 2007
    The secret? The revolutionary concept that the battle of the bulge is won not through deprivation and discipline, but by making a series of simple food swaps that can save you hundreds – if not thousands – of calories a day.  EAT THIS, NOT THAT! is the only book that holds the food industry accountable for the surreptitious loads of sugar, fat, and sodium stuffed into foods that were once reliable sources of lean nutrition. It arms you with the savvy tricks and insider information you need to eat well in today’s dangerous food landscape. With EAT THIS, NOT THAT! you're the expert in every eating situation, from the frozen food aisle to your favorite fast food joint to your local sports bar. You control your food universe--and lose the pounds you want--because, unlike every other customer, you'll know the smart choices to make--instantly!  Now get this: The pressure from EAT THIS, NOT THAT! is actually reshaping the food landscape to your benefit! Since it’s original publication in 2007, here’s how some restaurants have responded: · Baskin Robbins eliminated its 2,300-calorie Heath Bar Shake.· Outback Steakhouse downsized its Aussie Cheese Fries from 2,900 calories to 2,140 calories.· Macaroni Grill replaced the 1,120-calorie Kids’ Double Mac ‘n’ Cheese with a more reasonable 670-calorie version.· Restaurants such as Quiznos, Red Lobster, and Olive Garden began publishing nutritional information for the first time ever.· And that’s just to name a few!

The BBQ & Outdoor Grilling Cookbook: 110 Recipes for Everything from Appetizers to Desserts

Scott Cooper - 2013
    The simple act of grilling outdoors creates a sensory magic few can resist.&nbsp;</h2><p align="left">Steaks, burgers, chicken, fish, and vegetables transform into flavor-drenched food like nothing you produce in your housebound kitchen. Maybe it&rsquo;s the open-air, blue-sky, backyard atmosphere. Maybe it&rsquo;s the satisfying pop-tsst of a newly opened can of beer or soda that helps set the mood. Maybe it&rsquo;s the laid-back attitude that a cook adopts when grilling.<br><br><em>The BBQ &amp; Outdoor Grilling Cookbook: 110 Recipes for Everything from Appetizers to Desserts</em> contains recipes, tips, and grate guidelines to whisk you away to lazy summer days full of satisfying sighs. Inside this book are recipes for irresistible seasoned steaks, marinated chicken, and herb-touched seafood. Sauces, toppers, and side dishes are included, too.</p><h2 align="center"><br>To hit your sweet spot, there is also a recipe that will show you how to make homemade root beer that could become an annual summertime tradition. It&rsquo;s that good!</h2><p align="left">There are also recipes for smoked food, a cooking trend that is fast becoming a favorite technique among backyard grillers. Patience is required, but the long, slow cooking results in smoky barbecued, tender-beyond belief foods.</p><h2 align="center">So step outside and have a searing relationship with your grill!!!</h2><p><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings>  <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings></xml><![endif]--></p>

Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss : 30 Delicious Detox, Cleanse and Green Smoothie Diet Book

Troy Adashun - 2013
    <br><br>I'm a fitness model, health freak, and long time Smoothie Enthusiast. I am passionate to share some of my favorite smoothie recipes of all time in this book. <br><br>Smoothies are one of the easiest and most convenient ways to get an abundance of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that will help you become the healthiest and most energetic you possible! The great thing about these smoothie recipes is that many contain both fruits and vegetables. This should not scare you, as the recipes are all tried and tested and blend deliciously - even for the person who doesn't enjoy vegetables by themselves. <br><br>Enjoying one of these smoothies daily is a giant leap forward to fat loss and optimal health. In today's day and age, many of us are consuming to many calories but are actually nutrient deficient. Enjoying one of the delicious smoothies every day in this recipe book will not only help you lose weight, but increase your overall health and energy levels. Once you feel the amazing health benefits of smoothies, you will not want to go one day without one. <br><br>Happy Blending and Good Luck to you all!

The Low Carb Revolution

John McLean - 2012
    This gets my highest recommendation.” –Dr. Joe Vitale, NY Times bestselling author and co-star of the movie, "The Secret" It's time to start a Revolution together--to draw a line in the sand and shout to the world, "I am worth loving...and my Body is worth fighting for!" In Part One of the "Low Carb Revolution" you will learn how just a few crucial changes in what you eat and what you don't eat can help you finally lose your belly fat. In Part Two you'll discover a revolutionary new model of change that will teach you how to easily and permanently get rid of any negative Habit. “I just can't recommend it highly enough. You have never read a book like this before, because no-one has ever written a book like this before.” –Ian Rowland, author of the international bestseller, “Cold Reading” “This book talks to your soul”—Bonnie Andrews This highly original book of 460 pages will take you by the hand and show you how to repair your relationship with yourself. It's been called, "Couples Counseling for you and your beautiful Body!" Includes a link to a FREE 32-minute Audio Affirmation mp3 with powerful and positive messages to help you create the life you desire and deserve! "Every single person on the planet should be required to read this book!" John McLean is a writer, world traveler and hypnotist currently based in Barcelona, Spain. Using the groundbreaking techniques and strategies of the "Low Carb Revolution" he went from smoking five packs of cigarettes per day to ZERO—literally overnight, as well as losing more than 80 lbs. in weight without portion controls or counting calories. “Truly one of the best books on the topic. Kudos!”—Kelli Nina Perkins AMAZON BESTSELLER!

Paleo Recipes for Rapid Weight Loss: 50 Delicious, Quick & Easy Recipes to Help Melt Your Damn Stubborn Fat Away!: Paleo Recipes, Paleo, Paleo Cookbook, Paleo Diet, Paleo Recipe Book, Paleo Cookbook

Fat Loss Nation - 2015
    This book is informational, to the point and organized in such a way that you can come back to it again and again for easy reference. Want to get access to some delicious, quick and easy Paleo recipes?What are you waiting for? Download your copy TODAY.See you on the inside so we can get started!~ Fat Loss Nation-----Tags: Free Paleo Kindle Books, Paleo Recipes, Paleo, Paleo Cookbook, Paleo Diet, Paleo Recipe Book, Paleo Cookbook

The Paleovedic Diet: A Complete Program to Burn Fat, Increase Energy, and Reverse Disease

Akil Palanisamy - 2016
    Akil Palanisamy, MD, offers a comprehensive roadmap to optimal health combining the most effective aspects of the Paleo diet with Ayurveda, the time-tested traditional medical system of India, and the latest scientific research. Making complex ideas understandable and accessible, Dr. Akil delivers a simple, customized diet and lifestyle program to fit your unique body type.Drawing upon on his extensive training and clinical experience, Dr. Akil skillfully separates fact from fiction, providing clarity on issues such as gluten sensitivity, misconceptions about carbs, meat-eating versus vegetarianism, good and bad fats, unknown superfoods (you’ll be surprised to see what’s included), nutritional supplements, and the critically important gut bacteria comprising your microbiome. The Paleovedic Diet provides definitive, practical guidance on what to eat, how to move, how to sleep, how to manage stress, and even how to breathe. Dr. Akil's revolutionary three-week program (with meal plan and recipes) utilizes delicious nourishing foods, powerful healing spices, and intensive detoxification techniques to help you transform your body and mind.

Eat Right 4 Your Type: The Individualized Diet Solution to Staying Healthy, Living Longer & Achieving Your Ideal Weight

Peter J. D'Adamo - 1991
    Peter D'Adamo and Catherine Whitney reveal the simple secret to healthy, vigorous, and disease-free living: basing your diet on your blood type. If you've ever suspected that not everyone should eat the same thing or do the same exercise, you're right. In fact, what foods we absorb well and how our bodies handle stress differ with each blood type. Your blood type reflects your internal chemistry. It is the key that unlocks the mysteries of disease, longevity, fitness, and emotional strength. It determines your susceptibility to illness, the foods you should eat, and ways to avoid the most troubling health problems. In Eat Right 4 Your Type, Dr. D'Adamo draws on over fifteen years of research to reveal: - Which foods, spices, teas, and condiments help maintain optimal health and ideal weight - Which vitamins and supplements to emphasize or avoid - Whether your stress is relieved better through aerobics or meditation - Whether you should walk, swim or play tennis or golf as your mode of exercise - How knowing your blood type can help you avoid many common viruses and infections and fight back against life-threatening diseases - How to slow down the aging process by avoiding factors that cause rapid cell deterioration Whether your blood type is O, A, B, or AB, Eat Right 4 Your Type will help you design a total health program that's perfect for you. MORE THAN 7 MILLION COPIES SOLD WORLDWIDE!

Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy: The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating

Walter C. Willett - 2001
    Dr. Walter Willett’s research is rooted in studies that tracked the health of dieters over twenty years, and in this groundbreaking book, he critiques the carbohydrate-laden diet proposed by the USDA. Exposing the problems of popular diets such as the Zone, South Beach, and Atkins, Dr. Willett offers eye-opening research on the optimum ratio of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, and the relative importance of various food groups and supplements. Find out how to choose wisely between different types of fats, which fruits and vegetables provide the best health insurance, and the proportions of each to integrate into their daily diet.

Best Brunches and Breakfasts (Easy Recipes from Scratch)

Marie L'Esperance - 2012
    We include detailed instructions and tips on how to make crepes using my Mom's easy recipe for crepes. Also included are easy breakfast casserole recipes that can be made ahead, finger food ideas for brunch appetizers, and brunch classics like baked ham and scalloped potatoes.All the recipes in this book are made from scratch using ingredients that are easy to find, and many of which you will already have in your kitchen cupboards. Some of the dishes are quick to make, while others take a bit more time, but are worth it.As with all Easy Recipes from Scratch cookbooks, this collection of best brunch and breakfast recipes includes photos of every dish and plenty of tips and recipe variations.Most of these recipes have been in my family for a generation or two. Many of them are from my childhood and represent happy family get-togethers to both of us.We hope that you enjoy this collection of special recipes and are inspired to cook a fabulous brunch or breakfast for your family and friends!~Nicole and Marie