Book picks similar to
Complete Works of Wilkie Collins by Wilkie Collins
Delphi Complete Works of Henry James (Illustrated)
Henry James - 2009
Using an innovative method of writing from a character’s point of view within a tale, James’ intellectual works explore issues related to consciousness and perception, producing his own inimitable ‘impressionist’ style. Delphi Classics is proud to present the complete works of this important master for the first time in publishing history, providing every novel, tale, non-fiction work and a wealth of bonus material.Product Description:* concise introductions to the novels and other texts* all 23 novels – even the rare work THE OTHER HOUSE, often missed out of collections* the unfinished novels THE IVORY TOWER and THE SENSE OF THE PAST* the first rare novel WATCH AND WARD, which James chose to later ignore* the novel THE WHOLE FAMILY, which James collaborated on with 11 other authors* All 112 of the novellas and short stories with BOTH chronological and alphabetical contents tables* includes James’ rare plays* EVEN includes the very RARE play GUY DOMVILLE – available nowhere else as a digital book. This is the famous play that James was booed at – now you can read it yourself and judge whether he was harshly criticised!* the complete Travel Writing* special contents tables for each novel and literary collection – you won’t get lost in this eBook!* rare Non-Fiction collections and essays* features James’ three autobiographies, available nowhere else – explore the Great Master’s literary life!* special BONUS texts of criticism – discover how writers such as Conrad, Woolf and Stevenson viewed James’ works* many images relating to James and his work* UPDATED with improved texts, additional images and many corrections* UPDATED with rare James’ biography on his sculptor friend: WILLIAM WETMORE STORY AND HIS FRIENDS* scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genresThe NovelsWATCH AND WARDRODERICK HUDSONTHE AMERICANTHE EUROPEANSCONFIDENCEWASHINGTON SQUARETHE PORTRAIT OF A LADYTHE BOSTONIANSTHE PRINCESS CASAMASSIMATHE REVERBERATORTHE TRAGIC MUSETHE OTHER HOUSETHE SPOILS OF POYNTONWHAT MAISIE KNEWTHE AWKWARD AGETHE SACRED FOUNTTHE WINGS OF THE DOVETHE AMBASSADORSTHE GOLDEN BOWLTHE OUTCRYTHE WHOLE FAMILYThe Unfinished NovelsTHE IVORY TOWERTHE SENSE OF THE PASTThe TalesLIST OF TALES IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDERLIST OF TALES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDERThe PlaysPYRAMUS AND THISBESTILL WATERSA CHANGE OF HEARTDAISY MILLERTENANTSDISENGAGEDTHE ALBUMTHE REPROBATEGUY DOMVILLESUMMERSOFTTHE HIGH BIDTHE OUTCRYThe Travel WritingTRANSATLANTIC SKETCHESA LITTLE TOUR IN FRANCEENGLISH HOURSTHE AMERICAN SCENEITALIAN HOURSThe Non-FictionFRENCH NOVELISTS AND POETSHAWTHORNEPORTRAITS OF PLACESPARTIAL PORTRAITSESSAYS IN LONDON AND ELSEWHEREPICTURE AND TEXTWILLIAM WETMORE STORY AND HIS FRIENDSVIEWS AND REVIEWSNOTES ON NOVELISTSWITHIN THE RIM AND OTHER ESSAYSNOTES AND REVIEWSTHE ART OF THE NOVEL<
Complete Works of Anthony Trollope
Anthony Trollope - 1923
This enormous eBook offers readers the unique opportunity of exploring the prolific writer’s complete works in a manner never before possible. * illustrated with hundreds of images relating to Trollope’s life and works * annotated with concise introductions to the novels and other works * ALL 47 novels – even rare ones - and each with their own contents table * separate contents tables for the Barsetshire and Palliser novels * images of how the novels first appeared, giving your Kindle a taste of the Victorian texts * the Christmas stories, including the scarce novella THE TWO HEROINES OF PLUMPINGTON * rare short story collections like WHY FRAU FROHMANN RAISED HER PRICES AND OTHER STORIES – first time in digital print * both of the rare plays * includes Trollope’s travel writing and classical studies * includes Trollope’s rare biographies of Lord Palmerston, Thackeray and Cicero * the textbook Trollope analysing Caesar’s Commentaries * rare sketches, like the fully illustrated text CLERGYMEN OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND, available nowhere else in digital print * boasts a special criticism section, examining Trollope’s contribution to literature * SPECIAL BONUS text of Trollope’s autobiography - explore the author’s interesting life! * scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres, allowing easy navigation around Trollope’s immense oeuvre * UPDATED with more images, corrections and improved structure * UPDATED with rare short story THE GENTLE EUPHEMIA CONTENTS: The Barsetshire Series The Palliser Series The Novels THE MACDERMOTS OF BALLYCLORAN THE KELLYS AND THE O’KELLYS THE WARDEN LA VENDÉE BARCHESTER TOWERS THE THREE CLERKS DOCTOR THORNE THE BERTRAMS CASTLE RICHMOND FRAMLEY PARSONAGE ORLEY FARM THE STRUGGLES OF BROWN, JONES AND ROBINSON RACHEL RAY THE SMALL HOUSE AT ALLINGTON CAN YOU FORGIVE HER? MISS MACKENZIE THE BELTON ESTATE THE CLAVERINGS NINA BALATKA THE LAST CHRONICLE OF BARSET LINDA TRESSEL PHINEAS FINN HE KNEW HE WAS RIGHT THE VICAR OF BULLHAMPTON SIR HARRY HOTSPUR OF HUMBLETHWAITE RALPH THE HEIR GOLDEN LION OF GRANPÈRE THE EUSTACE DIAMONDS HARRY HEATHCOTE OF GANGOIL LADY ANNA PHINEAS REDUX THE WAY WE LIVE NOW THE PRIME MINISTER THE AMERICAN SENATOR IS HE POPENJOY? JOHN CALDIGATE AN EYE FOR AN EYE COUSIN HENRY THE DUKE’S CHILDREN AYALA’S ANGEL DOCTOR WORTLE’S SCHOOL THE FIXED PERIOD KEPT IN THE DARK MARION FAY MR. SCARBOROUGH’S FAMILY THE LANDLEAGUERS AN OLD MAN’S LOVE The Shorter Fiction TALES OF OTHER COUNTRIES SERIES I TALES OF OTHER COUNTRIES SERIES II THE GENTLE EUPHEMIA LOTTA SCHMIDT AND OTHER STORIES AN EDITOR’S TALES CHRISTMAS DAY AT KIRKBY COTTAGE NEVER, NEVER — NEVER, NEVER CATHERINE CARMICHAEL WHY FRAU FROHMANN RAISED HER PRICES AND OTHER STORIES THE TWO HEROINES OF PLUMPLINGTON NOT IF I KNOW IT The Short Stories LIST OF SHORT STORIES IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF SHORT STORIES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Sketches HUNTING SKETCHES TRAVELLING SKETCHES CLERGYMEN OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND LONDON TRADESMEN The Travel Writing THE WEST INDIES AND THE SPANISH MAIN NORTH AMERICA AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND SOUTH AFRICA HOW THE ‘MASTIFFS’ WENT TO ICELAND The Plays DID HE STEAL IT? THE NOBLE JILT The Non-Fiction LIST OF ESSAYS AND ARTICLES THE COMMENTARIES OF CAESAR The Criticism STUDIES IN EARLY VICTORIAN LITERATURE by Frederic Harrison NOTES ON TROLLOPE by Leo Tolstoy EXTRACT FROM ‘THE NEW NOVEL’ by Henry James PARTIAL PORTRAITS: ANTHONY TROLLOPE by Henry James The Biographies THACKERAY LIFE OF CICERO LORD PALMERSTON AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY
The Complete Novels of Mrs Gaskell
Elizabeth Gaskell - 2012
Includes complete and unabridgedMary BartonCranfordRuthNorth and SouthSylvia's Lovers Wives and DaughtersAll 6 of her full-length novels-Featuring charming illustrations and photos from the period -Complete, unabridged, and formatted for kindle to improve your reading experience -Linked table of contents to reach your book quickly
Collected Works of Robert Louis Stevenson
Robert Louis Stevenson - 1892
Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. For the first time in publishing history, this comprehensive eBook presents Stevenson’s complete works, with numerous illustrations, rare texts, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 4) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Stevenson’s life and works * Concise introductions to the novels and other texts * ALL 16 novels, with individual contents tables * Rare unfinished novels * Images of how the books were first published, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts * Excellent formatting of the texts * Famous works such as TREASURE ISLAND are fully illustrated * Rare uncollected short stories, appearing in digital print for the first time * Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the poetry and the short stories * Easily locate the poems or short stories you want to read * Includes Stevenson’s letters - spend hours exploring the author’s personal correspondence * Special criticism section, with essays evaluating Stevenson’s contribution to literature * Features four biographies - discover Stevenson’s literary life * Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres * UPDATED with rare stories, new introductions and structural improvements Please visit to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The Novels TREASURE ISLAND THE BLACK ARROW PRINCE OTTO THE STRANGE CASE OF DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE KIDNAPPED THE MASTER OF BALLANTRAE THE WRONG BOX THE WRECKER CATRIONA THE EBB-TIDE WEIR OF HERMISTON ST. IVES HEATHERCAT THE GREAT NORTH ROAD THE YOUNG CHEVALIER The Short Story Collections NEW ARABIAN NIGHTS MORE NEW ARABIAN NIGHTS - THE DYNAMITER THE MERRY MEN AND OTHER TALES AND FABLES ISLAND NIGHTS’ ENTERTAINMENTS FABLES TALES AND FANTASIES UNCOLLECTED STORIES The Short Stories LIST OF SHORT STORIES IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF SHORT STORIES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Plays THE CHARITY BAZAAR DEACON BRODIE BEAU AUSTIN ADMIRAL GUINEA MACAIRE The Poetry Collections A CHILD’S GARDEN OF VERSES UNDERWOODS BALLADS SONGS OF TRAVEL AND OTHER VERSES ADDITIONAL POEMS NEW POEMS AND VARIANT READINGS The Poems LIST OF POEMS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Travel Writing AN INLAND VOYAGE TRAVELS WITH A DONKEY IN THE CEVENNES EDINBURGH: PICTURESQUE NOTES ESSAYS OF TRAVEL ACROSS THE PLAINS THE SILVERADO SQUATTERS THE OLD AND NEW PACIFIC CAPITALS The Non-Fiction VIRGINIBUS PUERISQUE AND OTHER PAPERS FAMILIAR STUDIES OF MEN AND BOOKS MEMORIES AND PORTRAITS MEMOIR OF FLEEMING JENKIN RECORDS OF A FAMILY OF ENGINEERS ADDITIONAL MEMORIES AND PORTRAITS LATER ESSAYS LAY MORALS AND OTHER PAPERS PRAYERS WRITTEN FOR FAMILY USE AT VAILIMA A FOOTNOTE TO HISTORY IN THE SOUTH SEAS LETTERS FROM SAMOA
Herman Melville: The Complete works (Golden Deer Classics)
Herman Melville - 1853
There are the usual inline tables of contents and links after each text/chapter to get back to the respective tables. The dates of first publication are noted.-------------Typee: A Romance of the South Seas. (1846)Omoo: Adventures in the South Seas. (1847)Mardi: and A Voyage Thither. (1849)Redburn: His First Voyage. (1849)White-Jacket: or, The World in a Man-of-War. (1850)Moby-Dick: or, The Whale. (1851)Pierre: or, The Ambiguities. (1852)Israel Potter: His Fifty Years of Exile. (1855)The Piazza Tales (1856): The Piazza, Bartleby, Benito Cereno, The Lightning-Rod Man, The Encantadas; or, Enchanted Isles, The Bell-TowerThe Confidence-Man: His Masquerade. (1857)Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War. (1866)Clarel: A Poem and Pilgrimage in the Holy Land. (1876)John Marr and Other Sailors with Some Sea Pieces. (1888)Timoleon and Other Ventures in Verse. (1891)The Apple-Tree Table, and Other Sketches (1922): The Apple-Tree Table, Jimmy Rose, I and my Chimney, The Paradise of Bachelors and The Tartarus of Maids, Cock-a-Doodle-Doo!, The Fiddler, Poor Man’s Pudding and Rich Man’s Crumbs, The Happy Failure, The ’Gees.Billy Budd, and Other Prose Pieces (1924): Billy Budd, Sailor (An Inside Narrative), The Two Temples, Daniel Orme.Weeds and Wildings, With a Rose or Two. (1924)Essays: Fragments from a Writing Desk No. 1 & 2, Etchings of a Whaling Cruise, Authentic Anecdotes of “Old Zack,” Mr Parkman’s Tour, Cooper’s New Novel, A Thought on Book-Binding, Hawthorne and His Mosses.Uncollected Poems: Marquis de Grandvin at the Hostelry, Naples in the Time of Bomba, Immolated, Madam Mirror, The Wise Virgins to Madam Mirror, The New Ancient of Days, The Rusty Man, Thy Aim, Thy Aim?, The Old Shipmaster and his Crazy Barn, Camoens, Camoens in the Hospital, Montaigne and his Kitten, Falstaffs Lament over Prince Hal, Shadow at the Feast, Merry Ditty of the Sad Man, Honor, Fruit and Flower Painter, The Medallion, Time’s Long Ago!, In the Hall of Marbles, Gold in the Mountain, In Shards the Sylvan Vases Lie, In the Jovial Age of Old, A Spirit Appeared to Me, Give Me the Nerve, My Jacket Old, In the Old Farm-House, To ——, A Battle Picture, Old Age in his Ailing, Hearts-of-Gold, Pontoosuce, Epistle to Daniel Shepherd, Inscription for the Slain at Fredericksburgh, The Admiral of the White, To Tom, Suggested by the Ruins of a Mountain-Temple in Arcadia, Puzzlement, The Continents, The Dust-Layers, A Rail Road Cutting near Alexandria in 1855, A Reasonable Constitution, Rammon, Ditty of Aristippus, In A Nutshell, Adieu.
Louisa Alcott Collection: 39 Works
Louisa May Alcott - 1986
1 Aunt Jo's Scrap Bag, Vol. 2 (Shawl Scraps) Aunt Jo's Scrap Bag, Vol. 5 Aunt Jo's Scrap Bag, Vol. 6 Kitty's Class Day and Other Stories Spinning Wheel Stories Silver Pitchers and Independence A Garland for Girls Behind A Mask The Abbot's Ghost The Candy Country The Mysterious Key and What it Opened Pauline's Passion and Punishment A Modern Cinderella Story Marjorie's Three Gifts Mountain Laurel and MaidenhairThe Plays Comic Tragedies Norna; Or, The Witch's Curse Captive of Castile The Greek Slave Ion Bianca The Unloved WifeNon-Fiction Little Women Letters From The House of AlcottBiography Daughters of The Puritans By Seth Curtis Beach
Complete Works of Arthur Conan Doyle
Arthur Conan Doyle - 1928
In his autobiography, he wrote: I have had a life which, for variety and romance, could, I think, hardly be exceeded. He was not wrong. But Conan Doyle was also a Victorian with a twist, a man of tensions and contradictions. He was fascinated by travel, exploration, invention, and indeed all things modern and technological; yet at the same time very traditional, voicing support for values such as chivalry, duty, constancy, and honour. By the time of his death he was a celebrity, achieving worldwide fame for his creation of the rationalist, scientific super-detective Sherlock Holmes; but his later decades were taken up with advocacy of the new religion of Spiritualism, in which he became a devoted believer.
Jack London: The Collected Works
Jack London - 2014
Highlights of this collection: The complete, unabridged text of twelve novels and short story collections by Jack London Links to free, full-length audio recordings of all of London's major works. An individual, active Table of Contents for each book accessible from the Kindle "go to" feature. Perfect formatting in rich text compatible with Kindle's Text-to-Speech features. A low, can't-say-no price! Twelve Complete Works Twelve complete works by Jack London, including novels, short stories, and memoirs. Books included: Novels: The Call of the Wild White Fang The Sea-Wolf Martin Eden The Iron Heel The People of the Abyss The Secret Plague John Barleycorn The Jacket (The Star-Rover) The Cruise of the Snark Burning Daylight Short Stories: Lost Face Trust To Build a Fire That Spot Flush of Gold The Passing of Marcus O’Brien The Wit of Porportuk Additional Fan Resources Also included are special features for any Jack London enthusiast, including: A comprehensive list of the many film and television adaptations of the works of Jack London. Links to free, full-length audio recordings of the books and stories in this collection.
Joseph Conrad: The Complete Novels
Joseph Conrad - 2003
This book contains the complete novels of Joseph Conrad in the chronological order of their original publication.- Almayer's Folly- An Outcast of the Islands- The Nigger of the Narcissus- Heart of Darkness- Lord Jim- The Inheritors (with Ford Madox Ford)- Typhoon- Romance (with Ford Madox Ford)- Nostromo- The Secret Agent- The Nature of a Crime (with Ford Madox Ford)- Under Western Eyes- Chance- Victory: An Island Tale- The Shadow Line- The Arrow of Gold- The Rescue
Works of Jules Verne : Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea; A Journey to the Center of the Earth; From the Earth to the Moon; Round the Moon; Around the World in Eighty Days
Jules Verne - 1929
They have been the subject of films, radio dramatizations and have even been presented on ice Read the originals now and one of the world's greatest ever story tellers will give you hours of pleasure and enjoyment.Stories included are: "Around the World in 80 Days, The Clipper of the Clouds, Journey to the Centre of the Earth, From the Earth to the Moon" and "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea."
The Complete Works of Rudyard Kipling (Illustrated): 5 Novels & 440+ Short Stories, Complete Poetry, Historical Military Works and Autobiographical Writings ... ... Land and Sea Tales, Captain Courageous…)
Rudyard Kipling - 1941
This edition has been professionally formatted and contains several tables of contents. The first table of contents (at the very beginning of the ebook) lists the titles of all novels included in this volume. By clicking on one of those titles you will be redirected to the beginning of that work, where you'll find a new TOC that lists all the chapters and sub-chapters of that specific work.
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Volume 3
Edgar Allan Poe - 1846
Gordon PymLigeiaMorellaA Tale pof the Ragged MountainsThe SpectaclesKing PestThree Sundays in a Week
Works of F. Scott Fitzgerald
F. Scott Fitzgerald - 2008
Navigate easily to any poem from Table of Contents or search for the words or phrases. Author's biography and free stories in the trial version.
Navigate from Table of Contents or search for words or phrases Make bookmarks, notes, highlights Access the e-book anytime, anywhere - at home, on the train, in the subway.
Table of Contents
List of Works by GenreList of Works in Alphabetical Order List of Works in Chronological OrderF. Scott Fitzgerald Biography NovelsThe Beautiful and DamnedThe Great Gatsby This Side of Paradise Tender Is the Night Short Story CollectionsFlappers and Philosophers Tales of the Jazz Age The Pat Hobby Stories Short StoriesAbsolution Afternoon of an Author An Alcoholic CaseAt Your Age The Baby PartyBabylon Revisited Basil: The Freshest Boy Basil and Cleopatra Benediction Bernice Bobs Her Hair "Boil Some Water--Lots of It" The Bowl The Bridal Party The Camel's Back The Captured Shadow Crazy Sunday The Curious Case of Benjamin Button The Cut-Glass Bowl Dalyrimple Goes Wrong Design in Plaster The Diamond as Big as the Ritz Dice, Brassknuckles & Guitar Emotional Bankruptcy Family in the Wind The FiendFinancing Finnegan First Blood Forging Ahead The Four Fists A Freeze-OutFun in an Artist's Studio Gretchen's Forty WinksHe Thinks He's WonderfulHead and Shoulders The Homes of the Stars The Hotel Child"I Didn't Get Over" The Ice Palace Jacob's Ladder The Jelly-Bean Jemina Josephine: A Woman with a Past The Last of the BellesThe Lees of Happiness The Lost DecadeLove in the Night Magnetism MajestyA Man in the Way May Day Mightier than the Sword More Than Just a HouseMr. Icky A New Leaf News of Paris--Fifteen Years AgoA Nice Quiet Place The Night at Chancellorsville A Night at the Fair No Harm Trying The Offshore Pirate "Oh Russet Witch!" On the Trail of Pat Hobby One InterneOne Trip AbroadOutside the Cabinet-Maker's Pat Hobby Does His Bit Pat Hobby and Orson Welles Pat Hobby's Christmas Wish Pat Hobby's College Days Pat Hobby's Preview Pat Hobby, Putative Father Pat Hobby's Secret A Patriotic Short The Perfect Life Porcelain And Pink Rags Martin-Jones and The Prince Of WalesThe Rich BoyThe Rough Crossing The Scandal Detectives "The Sensible Thing"A Short Trip Home Six of OneTeamed with Genius The Swimmers Tarquin of Cheapside Three Hours Between Planes Two Old-Timers Two Wrongs What a Handsome Pair!Winter Dreams
The Complete Works of George Orwell: Novels, Poetry, Essays: (1984, Animal Farm, Keep the Aspidistra Flying, A Clergyman's Daughter, Burmese Days, Down ... Over 50 Essays and Over 10 Poems)
George Orwell - 1949