Book picks similar to
The Luck Factor by Max Gunther


The Power Of Visualization : Meditation Secrets That Matter The Most

Vishwanath - 2012
    Every other skill will fall short in helping you remember your real nature. This book reveals the closely guarded secret of wise men and women.Few greater gifts can be given to someone than to learn how to truly develop a method to grasp their own consciousness and unlock a remarkable scope of understanding of both themselves and the universe. Life-changing books are few in number, but here is one that conveys a remarkable breakthrough. No one will be the same after absorbing the contents of this mind-enlarging volume.

Confidence: Build Unbreakable, Unstoppable, Powerful Confidence: Boost Your Confidence: A 21-Day Challenge to Help You Achieve Your Goals and Live Well (Self-Confidence)

Justin Albert - 2014
    Boost Your Confidence: A 21-Day Challenge to Help You Achieve Your Goals and Live Well provides an extensive, day-by-day guide to renew your self-confidence. It allows you to formulate a specific plan to beat back against your worst enemy: yourself. With its assistance, you can train your mind to rid yourself of past stressors, to formulate fresh ideas about your goals, and to reach toward a renewed sense of self. Your zest and positivity will form strength going forward, allowing you to retain assurance in your work and relationship life. Scientific Approach: Because your self-confidence exists on a neurological level, this book is required to prescribe precisely how you can utilize Neuro-Linguistic Programming and specific techniques to hone your self-confidence. This book provides state-of-the-art, scientific steps to cultivate neurological and communicative strength. How do you train your mind to beat back against years of low self-confidence? The 21-Day Challenge to Help You Achieve Your Goals and Live Well allows you to hold the reigns. It lends you specific techniques to hone every single day, to build your interior strength, and to push past your interior dialogue. Finally, after all these years, you can truly make your life your own. Are you ready to... Be Unstoppable? Be Unbreakable? Build Powerful Self-Confidence? Go through Personal Transformation? Be the Best Version of Yourself? Take The Challenge Today! - Imagine your life 21 days from now. - Imagine how powerful you will feel at the end of this challenge. - Imagine all the things you could do. - Imagine what you'll be going after once you build unbreakable self-esteem within you. You won't have to imagine 21 days from now.

Lighter Living: Declutter. Organize. Simplify.

Lisa J. Shultz - 2019
    Most of us have unfinished business that might make us feel like we walk around dragging a heavy ball with a chain connected to our ankle. When you declutter and possibly downsize, you can free yourself of weighty matters that tie you down physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.Lighter Living explains why you might want to simplify your home and your life. It shows you how to declutter and then organize what you keep. Finally, you are given a vision for lifelong decluttering and how it can lead to well-being and peace of mind.

Be Amazing or Go Home: Seven Customer Service Habits That Create Confidence with Everyone

Shep Hyken - 2017
    In fact, amazement is a habit that anyone can master--and Shep Hyken knows the tricks to making it your own.In Be Amazing or Go Home, Shep shares the secrets behind making his motto "Always Be Amazing!" an everyday lifestyle and shows how you too can become exceptional in business and in life. Drawing on the routines of incredible people, Shep demonstrates simple practices that can elevate your game, including: Showing up ready to amazing Being proactive Craving feedback Taking responsibility Embracing authenticity Focusing on excellence Turning misery into magic Once you master these habits, you'll be able to create trust, build stronger relationships, make sales, advance your career, and more. Now is the time to step out of the ordinary and step into amazing.

For Today & Tomorrow: Daily Encouragement

Daisaku Ikeda - 1999
    Great for the newest member and seasoned practitioners.

The Index Card: Why Personal Finance Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated

Helaine Olen - 2016
    They’re wrong. When University of Chicago professor Harold Pollack interviewed Helaine Olen, an award-winning financial journalist and the author of the bestselling Pound Foolish, he made an off­-hand suggestion: everything you need to know about managing your money could fit on an index card. To prove his point, he grabbed a 4" x 6" card, scribbled down a list of rules, and posted a picture of the card online. The post went viral. Now Pollack teams up with Olen to explain why the ten simple rules of the index card outperform more complicated financial strategies. Inside is an easy-to-follow action plan that works in good times and bad, giving you the tools, knowledge, and confidence to seize control of your financial life.

Rewire: Change Your Brain to Break Bad Habits, Overcome Addictions, Conquer Self-Destructive Behavior

Richard O'Connor - 2014
    In Rewire, renowned psychotherapist Richard O’Connor, PhD, reveals exactly why our bad habits die so hard. We have two brains—one a thoughtful, conscious, deliberative self, and the other an automatic self that makes most of our decisions without our attention. Using new research and knowledge about how the brain works, the book clears a path to lasting, effective change for behaviors that include:ProcrastinationOvereatingChronic disorganizationStaying in bad situationsExcessive worryingRisk takingPassive aggressionSelf-medicationBringing together many different fields in psychology and brain science, Dr. O’Connor gives you a road map to overcoming whatever self-destructive habits are plaguing you, with exercises throughout the book. We can rewire our brains to develop healthier circuitry, training the automatic self to make wiser decisions without having to think about it; ignore distractions; withstand temptations; see ourselves and the world more clearly; and interrupt our reflexive responses before they get us in trouble. Meanwhile, our conscious minds will be freed to view ourselves with compassion at the same time as we practice self-discipline. By learning valuable skills and habits—including mindfulness, self-control, confronting fear, and freeing yourself from mindless guilt—we can open ourselves to vastly more successful, productive, and happy lives. The book even demystifies how to overcome what Dr. O’Connor calls the “undertow” (the mysterious force that sabotages our best efforts when we’re just on the edge of victory) for long-lasting change. Offering a valuable science-based new paradigm for rewiring our brains, Rewire is a refreshing guide to becoming a healthier, happier self.

Rising Strong: The Reckoning. The Rumble. The Revolution.

Brené Brown - 2015
    Her pioneering work uncovered a profound truth: Vulnerability—the willingness to show up and be seen with no guarantee of outcome—is the only path to more love, belonging, creativity, and joy. But living a brave life is not always easy: We are, inevitably, going to stumble and fall.It is the rise from falling that Brown takes as her subject in Rising Strong. As a grounded theory researcher, Brown has listened as a range of people—from leaders in Fortune 500 companies and the military to artists, couples in long-term relationships, teachers, and parents—shared their stories of being brave, falling, and getting back up. She asked herself, What do these people with strong and loving relationships, leaders nurturing creativity, artists pushing innovation, and clergy walking with people through faith and mystery have in common? The answer was clear: They recognize the power of emotion and they’re not afraid to lean in to discomfort.Walking into our stories of hurt can feel dangerous. But the process of regaining our footing in the midst of struggle is where our courage is tested and our values are forged. Our stories of struggle can be big ones, like the loss of a job or the end of a relationship, or smaller ones, like a conflict with a friend or colleague. Regardless of magnitude or circumstance, the rising strong process is the same: We reckon with our emotions and get curious about what we’re feeling; we rumble with our stories until we get to a place of truth; and we live this process, every day, until it becomes a practice and creates nothing short of a revolution in our lives. Rising strong after a fall is how we cultivate wholeheartedness. It’s the process, Brown writes, that teaches us the most about who we are.

Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done

Jon Acuff - 2017
    I’ve started a million things, but I never finish them. Why can’t I finish?According to studies, 92 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail. You’ve practically got a better shot at getting into Juilliard to become a ballerina than you do at finishing your goals. For years, I thought my problem was that I didn’t try hard enough. So I started getting up earlier. I drank enough energy drinks to kill a horse. I hired a life coach and ate more superfoods. Nothing worked, although I did develop a pretty nice eyelid tremor from all the caffeine. It was like my eye was waving at you, very, very quickly. Then, while leading a thirty-day online course to help people work on their goals, I learned something surprising: The most effective exercises were not those that pushed people to work harder. The ones that got people to the finish line did just the opposite— they took the pressure off. Why? Because the sneakiest obstacle to meeting your goals is not laziness, but perfectionism. We’re our own worst critics, and if it looks like we’re not going to do something right, we prefer not to do it at all. That’s why we’re most likely to quit on day two, “the day after perfect”—when our results almost always underper­form our aspirations. The strategies in this book are counterintuitive and might feel like cheating. But they’re based on studies conducted by a university researcher with hundreds of participants. You might not guess that having more fun, eliminating your secret rules, and choosing something to bomb intentionally works. But the data says otherwise. People who have fun are 43 percent more successful! Imagine if your diet, guitar playing, or small business was 43 percent more suc­cessful just by following a few simple principles. If you’re tired of being a chronic starter and want to become a consistent finisher, you have two options: You can continue to beat yourself up and try harder, since this time that will work. Or you can give yourself the gift of done.

The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life

Robin S. Sharma - 2018

The Seven Laws of Success

Herbert W. Armstrong - 2013
    You can’t buy it! The price is your own application of the seven existing laws.

Introvert Survival Tactics: How to Make Friends, Be More Social, and Be Comfortable In Any Situation (When You Just Want to Go Home And Watch TV Alone)

Patrick King - 2017
     Introvert Survival Tactics is going to shed light on exactly how you function, and how to use your tendencies to your advantage. Social survival tactics for your most demanding social obligations and when you’re all people’d out. Introvert Survival Tactics takes you on a tour of self-discovery, and allows you to understand your exact wiring and why you dread things that other people seem to look forward to the most. You’ll be armed with specific and actionable survival and party tactics to get the most out of your social energy and make an impact every time. Make the best impression even when you’re socially exhausted (especially if you’ve been told you look “unapproachable.” Patrick King is an internationally bestselling author and social skills coach. More importantly, he’s also a massive introvert and struggled with what society told him to be for years, until he discovered how to make his introversion an advantage in his life. In this book, he will teach you how to feel completely at ease with yourself, while being the social powerhouse you want to be. Noted dating coach for introverts Sarah Jones (featured in Cosmo, Forbes, and more) lends her voice in a guest chapter on Introverted Dating Tactics. Exactly where to go, how to engage, and what to say for deeper conections. • How to emulate an extrovert on command. • How to survive and thrive in any raging party. • Charging your social battery strategically. • The exact environments you thrive in. Balance your alone and social time in this loud world. • Escape any obligation or interaction gracefully. • Superpowers only the introvert possesses. • The relationship dynamics you’ll encounter at work and in love. • How to approach small talk and chatter with strangers. Discover how to thrive and get out of your shell. Make more friends and find your brand of introverted charisma! See the progress you can make and how great you can feel at parties when you master your psychology. Never do an impression of someone you’re not again! Get out of your head and be more present with people TODAY by scrolling up and clicking the BUY NOW button!

Crushing It!: How Great Entrepreneurs Build Their Business and Influence—and How You Can, Too

Gary Vaynerchuk - 2018
    He also shares stories from other entrepreneurs who have grown wealthier—and not just financially—than they ever imagined possible by following Crush It principles. The secret to their success (and Gary’s) has everything to do with their understanding of the social media platforms, and their willingness to do whatever it took to make these tools work to their utmost potential. That’s what Crushing It! teaches readers to do.In this lively, practical, and inspiring book, Gary dissects every current major social media platform so that anyone, from a plumber to a professional ice skater, will know exactly how to amplify his or her personal brand on each. He offers both theoretical and tactical advice on how to become the biggest thing on old standbys like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and Snapchat; podcast platforms like Spotify, Soundcloud, iHeartRadio, and iTunes; and other emerging platforms such as For those with more experience, Crushing It! illuminates some little-known nuances and provides innovative tips and clever tweaks proven to enhance more common tried-and-true strategies.Crushing It! is a state-of-the-art guide to building your own path to professional and financial success, but it’s not about getting rich. It’s a blueprint to living life on your own terms.

The 5 Second Journal: The Best Daily Journal and Fastest Way to Slow Down, Power Up, and Get Sh*t Done

Mel Robbins - 2017
    It is the most powerful journal on the planet because it uses science to unlock the greatest force in the universe...YOU.    Using this journal, you will:            GET SH*T DONE You won’t just get more done–you’ll do it in half the time. Your life is way too important to spend it procrastinating. Invest a little time in here every day and in return you’ll get the best tools psychology, organizational behavioral, and neuroscience have to offer. KISS OVERWHELM GOODBYE                                      Stop being ruled by your to-do list and start getting the important work done. Filling your days with menial tasks will not lead to a meaningful life. This journal will keep your focus on what’s most important, even in between conference calls and running errands.            CULTIVATE ROCKSTAR CONFIDENCE                                         Confidence is a skill YOU can build. Yes, you. And it’s not as difficult as you may think. Every day this journal will give you a chance to step outside your comfort zone so you can feel proud of yourself and watch your self-confidence grow.   AMP YOUR PASSION                                                                        Want to live a more passionate life? Stop focusing on sh*t that drains you. Seriously. This journal will show you a cool way to power up your energy levels and tap into that inner zen that knows exactly what fuels your fire. GET CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE                                                                        If you get to the end of the day and wonder where it all went, it’s time to take stock. Using research from Harvard Business School, you’ll learn one simple mindset trick that keeps you present to what matters most, which is the secret to being in control.          BE THE HAPPIEST YOU                                            Science proves that your mood in the morning impacts your entire day. That’s why this journal is designed to boost your mood first thing, so you can become a happier, smarter, and more positive person all day. The fact is, happier people get sh*t done.

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

Angela Duckworth - 2016
    Rather, other factors can be even more crucial such as identifying our passions and following through on our commitments.Drawing on her own powerful story as the daughter of a scientist who frequently bemoaned her lack of smarts, Duckworth describes her winding path through teaching, business consulting, and neuroscience, which led to the hypothesis that what really drives success is not genius, but a special blend of passion and long-term perseverance. As a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, Duckworth created her own character lab and set out to test her theory.Here, she takes readers into the field to visit teachers working in some of the toughest schools, cadets struggling through their first days at West Point, and young finalists in the National Spelling Bee. She also mines fascinating insights from history and shows what can be gleaned from modern experiments in peak performance. Finally, she shares what she's learned from interviewing dozens of high achievers; from JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon to the cartoon editor of The New Yorker to Seattle Seahawks Coach Pete Carroll.Winningly personal, insightful, and even life-changing, Grit is a book about what goes through your head when you fall down, and how that not talent or luck makes all the difference.