Yoga Basics for Men: An Intro to Man Flow Yoga: All of the physical benefits, and none of the frills. Improve your physical fitness, reduce your risk of injury, and feel better overall.

Dean Pohlman - 2014
    This is THE yoga guide for men who want an effective, full-body workout that improves overall endurance, core strength, body control, and flexibility, who aren’t interested in changing their lifestyle, listening to an instructor telling them to open their mind, or connecting with the universe while they work out. This eBook will help you accomplish your physical fitness goals, whether that’s playing at the competitive level of sports, working out on a recreational level, or simply going throughout your day without physical pain. Improve your physical fitness, reduce your risk of injury, and feel better. Here are some specific benefits that you can expect to experience by incorporating Yoga Basics for Men, by Man Flow™ Yoga, into your workout routine: 1) Endurance - make it through your whole workout with fewer breaks, play harder in the last few minutes of the fourth quarter, and have more overall energy. 2) Body control - become aware of every muscle in your body, facilitate a better connection between the muscular and skeletal systems and the brain that controls them, and make your body as efficient as possible. 3) Balance - develop balance by learning to actively engage your muscles and improve your ability to respond to perturbations or unbalanced situations. 4) Core strength - learn to properly engage your core and strengthen the main source of power and stability in your body, while improving your posture and taking pressure off of your lower back to improve spinal health. 5) Flexibility - reduced risk of injury, reduced recovery time, and more range of motion to increase your overall strength and power. 
 Some other benefits: - Increase blood flow - Alleviate anxiety and depression - Boost metabolism Many people are also turning to yoga as a form of physical therapy or physical fitness to prevent or reduce injuries. Here is a list of common physical ailments whose side effects can be reduced or altogether eliminated by Yoga Basics for Men, by Man Flow™ Yoga: - Lower back pain - Shoulder/neck pain/tightness
 - Rotator cuff/shoulder issues
 - Muscle cramps
 - Weak ankles (reduce the risk of ankle sprains)
 - Unstable knees (help MCL, ACL, or subluxation of the knee) - Tendonitis - Carpal tunnel syndrome
 - Sciatica
 - Disc herniation
 - SI instability
 - And many more... This eBook includes: 1) Physical Benefits - explains the physical benefits that you can expect to experience through incorporating Yoga Basics for Men, by Man Flow™ Yoga, into your workout routine. 2) Key Concepts - Learn the key concepts necessary to safely and effectively do yoga. 3) Exercise Guide - Learn the proper technique for 32 hand-selected exercises (poses) which will help you reap the physical benefits of yoga. This section also includes the target area, practical benefits, and tips for each exercise.4 4) Sequencing - learn how to put exercises together to make an effective and safe yoga workout. The eBook also provides several sample sequences to help you learn the basics of sequencing before making your own.

The Year One Challenge for Men: Bigger, Leaner, and Stronger Than Ever in 12 Months (Muscle for Life Series)

Michael Matthews - 2015
    Will YOU be next? What if you could build that hot “Hollywood body” without having your life revolve around it? What if you didn't have to starve yourself, put in long hours at the gym, or do grueling cardio sessions that turn your stomach? What if you could eat all of the foods you actually like and do muscle-building workouts that you actually enjoy? Imagine waking up every morning, looking in the mirror, and feeling downright excited by your reflection. Imagine being able to proudly wear the clothes you really want to wear and take them off with confidence. Well, you can have all of these things, and it’s not nearly as difficult or complicated as you probably think. The Year One Challenge for Men is a workout journal companion to the bestselling men’s fitness book Bigger Leaner Stronger, and it contains a full year's worth of workouts neatly organized so you can record, track, and review your progress toward the body you've always wanted. With this program, you can add 15 to 25 pounds of lean muscle to your frame while also shedding handfuls of unwanted body fat and doubling or even tripling your whole-body strength. And that's just year one! So, if you're ready to build lean muscle and lose stubborn fat faster than you ever thought possible, scroll up, buy this journal today and start your journey to a bigger, leaner, and stronger you!

Runner's World Essential Guides: Weight Loss: Everything You Need to Know about Running to Slim Down

Runner's World - 2011
    But weight loss is a different story. Because you run, you may think you can eat whatever you want and still drop pounds. Unfortunately, that's not true. Running is only half the equation. You have to look hard at what and how you eat, too. Conventional dieting wisdom tends to leave runners hungry, tired, and overweight.Let Runner's World Essential Guides: Weight Loss lead you through the minefield of dieting by showing you everything you need to know to shed pounds without losing steam on the run. The editors of Runner's World, the foremost authorities on running on the planet, have collected the best information about weight loss on the run, answering questions such as: What are the 8 Golden Rules of Weight Loss? What should you eat to boost your metabolism? What are the best foods to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner to optimize weight loss? Weight-loss myths are debunked. And you'll get simple ideas for pre- and post-workout snacks as well as delicious, ridiculously easy-to-make recipes like a healthy hamburger and Angel Cake so that you'll have the fuel you need to run and the knowledge you need to shed pounds and keep them off once and for all!

Anatomy of Yoga: An Instructor's Inside Guide to Improving Your Poses

Abigail Ellsworth - 2010
    Each pose is shown in a full-color photograph opposite a detailed and annotated anatomical drawing that identifies the active and stabilizing muscles being used. By identifying affected muscles, practitioners can maximize the benefits of each pose and even design a personalized yoga routine that focuses on their specific problem areas. Anatomy of Yoga explains the basics of yoga, breathing and the spine, concentrating on the body's core musculature. It covers:Yoga warm-up Standing poses Forward bends Back bends Seated and twisted poses Poses that balance arms Inversions Restorative poses Sequences, such as sun salutationThere are numerous asides, including "best for" information boxes that describe the muscles that work the most during each pose. Tip boxes give hints on safety and form and outline the target muscles for and benefits of each pose. The author also suggests creative ways to modify the intensity of an exercise. Anatomy of Yoga is an expert guide that is extremely useful for anyone interested in enhancing a personal yoga fitness routine. It will also interest yoga instructors who want a visual aid that clearly illustrates the benefits of each exercise.

True to Form: How to Use Foundation Training for Sustained Pain Relief and Everyday Fitness

Eric Goodman - 2016
    Eric Goodman’s visionary approach to mindful movement corrects the complacent adaptations that lead to back and joint pain, and teaches us to harness the body’s natural movement patterns into daily activities to make us fit, healthy, and pain free.Our sedentary lifestyle has led to an epidemic of chronic pain. By adapting to posture and movement that have us out of balance—including sitting all day at a keyboard, tilting our heads forward to look at our phones—we consistently compromise our joints, give our organs less room to function, and weaken our muscles. How we hold and live in our bodies is fundamental to our overall health, and the good news is that we all hold the key to a healthier body.Dr. Goodman has spent years studying human physiology and movement. He has trained world-class athletes for better performance, and has healed people of all ages and occupations of lifelong debilitating pain. His theory of self-healing is now available to everyone. His practical program trains the posterior muscle chain—shoulders, back, butt, and legs—shifting the burden of support away from joints and putting it back where it belongs: into large muscle groups.Filled with helpful diagrams and sixty color photographs, True to Form shows readers how to successfully integrate these powerful movements into everyday life—from playing with the kids to washing dishes to long hours in the office—transforming ordinary physical actions into active and mindful movements that help to eliminate pain, up your game, or simply feel more energetic. True to Form shows you how to move better, breathe better, and get back to using your body the way nature intended.

The 24/7 Body: Everyday Diet and Training Advice for Permanent Results

Matt Morsia - 2020

Beginner's Luck Guide For Non-Runners: Learn to Run from Scratch to an Hour in 10 Weeks

George Anderson - 2013
    You may have tried and failed in the past to make running stick, but never the less you are determined to master it. You may tell yourself that “running is hard”, or “I’m just not a runner”, but the truth is that anybody can learn to run if they have the right approach. You will likely have many questions; “how do I build up my running distance?”, “how do I stay motivated to run?”, “how do I warm up and cool down?”. All of these and more are covered off within the pages of this book along with a step by step guide to building up your running to 60 minutes. There is more to learning how to run than just going out and seeing how far you can go three days a week. Some people will undoubtedly have success with this method, but for most beginner runners it takes a little more guidance and support to truly master the art of running. More and more beginners are deciding to take their first steps and learn how to run. Races are popping up all over the place geared towards beginner runners and it remains one of the most accessible sports around. Learning how to run should be a fun and rewarding experience in itself, not just a means to achieve a goal. Beginner’s Luck is a complete program that teaches you everything you need to build your confidence as a runner. The program itself removes the pressure of having to stick rigidly to a set rate of progress, and instead allows you to progress at your own pace. If you are a beginner runner who would like to learn how to run for up to an hour AND surprise yourself as to how easy it really is, get Beginner’s Luck and start out on your journey today.

A Roadmap for BJJ: How to Get Good at Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu as Fast as Humanly Possible

Stephan Kesting - 2015
    Explanations (with photos) of how to use the six most important positions in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu to dominate your opponents. How to figure out which techniques you need to learn and practice next. What the highest percentage submissions and escapes are for each position. The background you need to avoid asking stupid questions in class. My best tips to maximize your training time, and to avoid injuries on the mat. And a ton of illustrations, photos, and links to important articles and techniques you must know.

Women's Health Lift to Get Lean: A Beginner’s Guide to Fitness & Strength Training in 3 Simple Steps

Holly Perkins - 2015
    Yet that message is still lost on many women who fear that weight lifting will make them bulky, turn their skin green, and give them Incredible Hulk muscles like their boyfriends'. Women have more options than step aerobics or running on a treadmill to shed pounds: They can weight-train in a very specific manner designed to make the most of a woman's unique physiology.Lift to Get Lean is the first beginner's guide to strength training from Women's Health that is written specifically for women by a woman. Holly Perkins is a certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS) who has been teaching the fat-burning secrets of weight training exclusively to women for more than 20 years. Perkins doesn't follow men's rules when it comes to building muscle. Her Lift to Get Lean delivers a three-step system: Technique, Movement Speed, and the Last 2 Reps Rule, which make all the difference in developing the kind of strong, lean, and sexy body women want. Perkins offers four different 90-day training programs that efficiently build functional strength along with leaner legs, stronger arms, and a sexier butt.

Ten Golden Exercises: (As chosen by a 20 year Physical Therapist)

Daniel Philpot - 2018
    Learn not just what to do, but why it matters- and in simple terms. Presented here is the exercise foundation to preventing the most common biomechanical dysfunctions that we all may face. Whether young or old or somewhere in between- the information in this book will help you physically function better now and throughout your life.

Fitness Over 50: How I Transformed from a Super Blob to a Super Fit Woman in 120 Days

Kathryn Williams - 2014
    Fifty-somethings just need an extra dose of inspiration to get us going! My book provides a landslide of inspiration to kickstart your very own fitness transformation, as well as my entire step-by-step journey - told with all the humor and down-to-earth honesty of an old gal on a mission! Packed with advice on how to get started, log your calorie intake and schedule your workouts, this book proves that you can accomplish any goal at any age once you have a plan.

Not Your Average 5K: A Practical 8-Week Training Plan for Beginning Runners

Jill Angie - 2015
    Building on the concepts taught in the best-selling book Running With Curves, Why You're Not Too Fat to Run and the Skinny on How to Start Today, Jill Angie gives you everything you need to finish your first race—and feel great about it—including a step-by-step training plan that takes into account all the challenges of being an overweight athlete in a size-six world.Where other training plans fail you, this book steps in and gets you to the finish line with ease, bringing out your inner runner girl and showing you that you're capable of so much more than you ever thought possible.This book is for anyone who wants to complete their first 5K. That means you don’t even have to be a runner right now. As long as you can walk for 3 miles, you will be able to do a 5K in two months. I promise. Also, this book is designed to train you to finish that 5K in a way that feels good to you, both mentally and physically. That means you can walk, run, skip, or even disco dance your way across the finish line. Now, if you’ve already done a 5K (or two… or five), this doesn’t mean you won’t get anything out of this book. Just the opposite, in fact. There is a truckload of helpful information here that will help you take your 5K performance to the next level.Praise for Not Your Average 5KJill Angie has created a 5K training plan that not only gets you to the finish line but addresses the #1 reason that many new (and experienced) runners face when taking on new challenges. Mindset. In this easy to follow program, Jill walks you through exactly what to do, when to do it, and how to get rid of self doubt, fear and anxiety known as your "inner mean girl" so that you finish strong, confident, and proud. Whether you struggle with the physical aspects, mental aspects, both or neither, this guide will have you totally prepared on race day. —Steve Carmichael, running coach and host of The RunBuzz podcast,"Not Your Average 5K is a highly readable and engaging book that will have you BELIEVING you can do a 5K in eight weeks and provides a roadmap with plans to accomplish it. It is authentic, thorough, and motivational from start to finish! We highly recommend this book for anyone wanting to do their first 5K." —Adam Goucher and Tim Catalano of Run The Edge,

Obstacle Race Training: How to Beat Any Course, Compete Like a Champion and Change Your Life

Margaret Schlachter - 2014
    If you are stuck in a cubicle or trapped in an urban jungle—congested traffic and crowds are your daily obstacles. Running an obstacle course race gives you the chance to get back to nature—to roll in it, get dirty, and tap into your primal self so you can experience life—in the raw, unedited and real.Margaret Schlachter is one the foremost competitors in obstacle course racing today. She put together this simple guide to make your obstacle race experience everything it's supposed to be: a test of your true self. She describes first-hand her personal training methods in learning to climb a rope, scale a wall, flip a tire, throw a spear, and carry a sandbag. More importantly, she provides guidance on how to get yourself mentally and spiritually prepared for the big day—and how to dig deep within yourself during a race to find the last ounce of strength to carry you across that finish line.Every weekend thousands of competitors run obstacle races all over the world. Winning or losing is secondary. More important for them is the ability to meet the physical and mental challenges and achieve personal success by completing the race. Obstacle Race Training is an invaluable resource that enables each and every competitor to experience the maximum level of success that they are capable of.

F*ck Being Fat: Solve your weight problem once and for all with math and willpower

Alan Roberts - 2020
     In our world today we hear a lot about self-love; a lot about embracing who you are now. But if you really love yourself and your body, you wouldn't act like you have a spare. It is never too late to love yourself enough to be healthy. WARNING IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE, DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK. It's not for you. This book is for people with thick skin who believe good health is more important than polite presentation. So if you care about getting healthy, staying fit, and doing it in a sustainable way - then consider this book your drill instructor (harsh language and all). ABOUT THE AUTHOR Alan Roberts is the founder of Every Damn Day Fitness and Co-Founder of the Damn Collective with his wife Crystal. Together, they have helped thousands of people increase the quality of their lives by coaching them to healthier habits, wisdom which they accrued through trial and error in their own lives. Originally from Pittsburgh, PA, Alan now resides in sunny, south west Florida.

The Bodybuilder's Nutrition Book

Franco Columbu - 1985
    Franco Columbu, a well-known expert on nutrition and kinesiology (and two-time Mr. Olympia) presents the most successful strategies and diet plans for achieving a superior physique. How the body utilizes the basic nutrients and how to use that to your advantage is explained in detail.