Walking in Light

Kelvin Cruickshank - 2009
    From his early days growing up in an isolated rural environment to travelling the world as an acclaimed psychic investigator, Kelvin's life story is amazing, inspirational and at times heart-breaking. Walking In Light shares memories of his earliest psychic experiences and his struggles to accept his gift, and recalls many of the amazingly accurate communications he has shared with believers and sceptics alike.

Spiritual Warrior: The Art of Spiritual Living

John-Roger - 1997
    Full of wisdom, humor, common sense, and hands-on tools for spiritual living and loving, this book offers practical tips for countering negative habits and destructive relationships, and living more successfully each day. For information about the movie Spiritual Warriors, produced by John-Roger, D.S.S., and JSU Garcia, please visit www.spiritualwarriors.com or email henryv@earthlink.net or jsu@msia.org.

Integral Christianity: The Spirit's Call to Evolve

Paul R. Smith - 2011
    The perspectives of integral theory and practice, articulated by Ken Wilber, help uncover the integral approach that Jesus advocated and demonstrated in the metaphors of his time and that traditional Christianity has largely been unable to see. Smith incorporates elements of traditional, modern, and postmodern theological viewpoints, including progressive, New Thought, and emerging/emergent ones. However, he goes beyond all of them and moves to a Christianity that is devoted to following both the historical Jesus and the Risen Christ whose Spirit beckons to us from the future. Smith says, "The oldest thing you can say about God is that God is always doing something new. Jesus pushed his own religion to newness by including the best of its past, and transcending the worst of its present. He calls us to do the same, whatever our religion is today."

American Indian Prophecies: Conversations with Chasing Deer

Kurt Kaltreider - 1998
    The book is a series of conversations between young John Peabody of the New England gentry and Chasing Deer, an aged Cheyenne/Lakota and keeper of the true history of the Americas. As the conversations unfold, you see the contrast between Euro-American and American Indian cultures and values, bringing many interesting questions to light. As the conversations unfold, we learn that perhaps the Amercian Indian culture has some of the answers that we are all looking for.

The Gift of Forgiveness: A Magical Encounter with don Miguel Ruiz

Olivier Clerc - 2010
    The resource explains how this practical and powerful tool is believed to have immediate impact by bringing relief while unleashing love that has been blocked by personal resentments. Through the magic of reversal taught in this useful reference, readers can change their understanding of forgiveness and free themselves from the grip of resentment and hatred.

The Spiritual Awakening Process

Mateo Sol - 2016
    No matter what we do or where we go, we always seem to carry a gaping void of emptiness and isolation within us. Although we try to fill this hole with money, possessions, lovers, careers and addictions, we eventually wind up feeling desolate and alone, not knowing what to do with our lives. Suddenly, after a traumatic experience or spontaneous catalyst, it is common for us to experience a sacred rebirth of “waking up” to life. This chaotic period is known as the spiritual awakening process.The Spiritual Awakening Process is a book walks you through the beginning stages of reconnecting with the loving and eternally wise place within you known as your Soul.In these pages, you will discover:1. What is happening to you,2. Why you’re experiencing a spiritual awakening,3. The three internal spiritual worlds to explore,4. How to retrieve and integrate any fragmented pieces of your psyche,5. What spiritual “traps” you need to be mindful of, and6. How to communicate with your soul.Through the Soulwork practices of Inner Child Work, Self-Love and Shadow Work, this book helps you to personally initiate deep psychological healing. By removing the blocks and walls that surround your Soul, you will be able to access deep levels of joy, creativity, energy, courage, peace, fulfillment, freedom, and love.The Spiritual Awakening Process is a psychospiritual manual that is composed of various articles that we have published on our website in the past. We have also added extra content to help illuminate your path and guide you through this sacred time of life.

Change Your Aura, Change Your Life

Barbara Y. Martin - 2003
    Martin and Dimitri Moraitis. Discover your source of unlimited spiritual energy! Everything you think, feel, and do radiates a spiritual energy that comes through in various colors and hues: This is your aura. The aura is your spiritual blueprint. By changing the quality of your aura, you can automatically change the quality of your life. In this groundbreaking book, renowned aura expert Barbara Martin, known as the Mozart of Metaphysics, leads you through her technique for improving the aura--a technique she has taught to thousands.-Whether you see auras or not, this breakthrough book reveals:-What the various colors of the aura mean and say about you.-How to work with the power rays of spiritual enrichment--including love, prosperity healing, and wisdom.-More than 90 meditations to deepen personal relationships, advance your career, and transform destructive emotions.-How to become more spiritual and closer to God.

I Am

Jean Klein - 1989
    There may be a moment in life when our compensatory activities, the accumulation of money, learning and objects, leaves us feeling deeply apathetic. This can motivate us towards the search for our real nature beyond appearances. We may find ourselves asking, 'Why am I here? What is life? Who am I?' Sooner or later any intelligent person asks these questions.“What you are looking for is what you already are, not what you will become. What you already are is the answer and the source of the question. In this lies its power of transformation. It is a present actual fact. Looking to become something is completely conceptual, merely an idea. The seeker will discover that he is what he seeks and that what he seeks is the source of the inquiry.”

9 Days to a Deeper Prayer Life with the Holy Spirit

John-Paul Deddens - 2014
     The entire purpose of the spiritual life is to come closer to God through prayer and action. The best way to initiate a better and deeper prayer life is through the giver of life Himself, the Holy Spirit.

The Passion and the Cross

Ronald Rolheiser - 2015
    His beautifully written meditations on the passion and the cross invites you to a new understanding of redemption and offers insight into the meaning of your own loss and suffering. Take a journey into the deeper meaning of pain with guidance from a trusted spiritual advisor.The audio edition of this book can be downloaded via Audible.

The Sermon on the Mount

Richard Rohr - 2006
    He explains Matthew's challenge to let go of the conventional wisdom that comes with contemporary American culture. Each of seven talks brings us closer to the heart of the Sermon. Rohr contrasts conventional wisdom with the wisdom of Christ and draws the listener into the Kingdom of God, the end of the world and the experience of enlightenment. He explains that each generation lives in end times, that the Kingdom is for those willing to let go of all cultural idolatry (past and present) and that those who live in reality travel a path of life which unfolds into freedom. This series is a powerful call to follow Jesus Christ in the commandments of the New Testament. Talk 1: Awakening the Heart: Recognizing Cultural Idolatry Talk 2: Voices of the World: Social Institutions Talk 3: Table Fellowship: Alfalfa Sprouts and Gravy Talk 4: Matthew's Gospel: Charter for a New World Order Talk 5: Transformation: Jumping Off the Tower Talk 6: The Sermon and Conventional Wisdom Talk 7: Love and Power, Power and Love

Advanced Law of Attraction Techniques: Mastering Manifestation and Attracting What You Want Fast!

Eddie Coronado - 2015
     The fastest way to manifest your desires is by implementing a Law of Attraction Action Plan. Since everything in the Universe is energy, the necessary ingredient for manifestation is the consistent mental and emotional energy that you emit in the form of thoughts, feelings, words and actions. It’s very important to remember that the phrase "Law of Attraction" contains the word ACTION. So many people on this spiritual path get caught up reading lots of books about the Law of Attraction, but they fail to take the daily action that will translate their desires from the invisible world of thought to the visible world of manifestation. There are many books on the market that explain what the Law of Attraction is and what it does, but few that actually teach people how to use this creative power on a daily basis. As a result, this book will provide you with step-by-step instructions, proven techniques, spiritual insights, and success stories that will help you manifest your desires with the Law of Attraction. Like all my other books, this book is all substance without the unnecessary fluff and filler. It gets right to the point by explaining what you must do on a consistent basis to manifest your desires. So, if you are serious about manifesting your desires, you should read this book and then implement your Law of Attraction Action Plan today. The Table of Contents: PART 1 - THE ADVANCED LAW OF ATTRACTION TECHNIQUES: This section contains a number of metaphysical techniques that will help you manifest your desires easily and effortlessly. Within this section you will learn how to harness the tremendous power of an Intention Statement, a Belief Statement, and a Vision Board. You will also learn how to use Emotional Visualization and Mirror Work to manifest desires. This section also includes three powerful visualization scripts that you can use to manifest money, material possessions, love and romance, or anything that you can make a part of your beliefs and feelings. PART 2 - MANIFESTING DESIRES: This section includes interviews with people who have successfully manifested their desires with the Law of Attraction. You will read about their metaphysical insights and what they did to manifest financial abundance, a successful business and a lucrative career. This section also covers each interviewee’s Law of Attraction Action Plan. PART 3 - MANIFESTING LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS: This section includes detailed interviews with people who have manifested love and romance with the Law of Attraction. Once you read this section you will have no question about what you should do to manifest a soul mate. PART 4 - COMMON DENOMINATORS OF SUCCESSFUL MANIFESTATIONS: This section highlights the common denominators of all successful manifestations and explains what is required to manifest any desire. After reading this section you will have no question about the actions you must take to manifest your desires with the Law of Attraction. PART 5 - QUESTION AND ANSWER SECTION: This section addresses some of the most important questions relating to the Advanced Law of Attraction Techniques. Some of the questions covered are: Can I really manifest any desire with the Law of Attraction? How can I make my manifestation exercises easier to perform each day? How long will it take to see results with the Law of Attraction? And more. PART 6 - CREATING & IMPLEMENTING YOUR DAILY LAW OF ATTRACTION ACTION PLAN: This section explains how you can create and implement a successful Law of Attraction Action Plan.

Seek My Face: A Jewish Mystical Theology

Arthur Green - 1992
    Personal journeys seldom have a clear beginning, and they rarely have a definite end. If there is an end to our journey, surely it is one that leads to some measure of wisdom, and thence back to its own beginning. But somewhere along the way, we come to realize that we must know where we have been going, why we have been going. Most of all, we come to understand as best we can the One who sends us on our way. --from the Introduction Rabbi Arthur Green leads us on a journey of discovery to seek God, the world, and ourselves. One of the most influential Jewish thinkers of our time, Green has created a roadmap of meaning for our lives in the light of Jewish mysticism, using the Hebrew letters that make up the divine name: Yod-- Reality at the beginning. God as the oneness of being at the outset, before it unfolds into our universe. Heh-- Creation and God's presence in the world. A renewed faith in God as Creator has powerful implications for us today. Vav-- Revelation, the central faith claim of Judaism and the claim it makes on our lives. Heh-- Redemption and our return to God through the life of Torah and by participating in the ongoing repair of the world. A personal and honest framework of understanding for the seeker, this revised and updated edition of a classic sheds new light on our search for the divine presence in our everyday lives.

How to Use the Science of Mind: Principle in Practice

Ernest Shurtleff Holmes - 1984
    God is not far away, but is within ourselves, other people, and everywhere present. Why then, do we fall prey to unwanted conditions - illness, financial lack, relationship difficulties, loneliness and problems of every kind? Written as a manual for the practical applications of the principles set forth in The Science of Mind, this book takes the original philosophy of "change your thinking, change your life," and explains a clear and definite scientific method of prayer that can help you overcome life's obstacles.

Beyond Human: Fully Identified in the New Creation

Justin Paul Abraham - 2016
     There is a Voice calling us as a species back to the Blueprint of our Design. A Voice calling us out of ignorance into an expansive future beyond our wildest dreams. A future beyond the limitations of space and time, the mind and the physical body. A future “Beyond Human”.