The Survivor's Quest: Recovery After Encountering Evil

HealingJourney - 2014
    Sometimes, evil can be difficult to detect. It can be masked by charm and flattery, and it is often perpetuated by pathological lying, projection, and various other mind games. No matter how hidden it may be, evil always devastates—and isolates—any normal person who is touched by it. The Survivor’s Quest is written by HealingJourney, the former target of a psychopathic predator. He presented himself to her as a “nice guy,” but he turned out to be the precise opposite. As a result of the encounter and its sudden end, HealingJourney found herself overwhelmed by despair. But she soon realized that she was not alone in her new understanding of humanity, and she was able to find her way out of the darkness. Throughout the book, she shares the struggles and triumphs she experienced during her recovery. She also offers validation, encouragement, and practical strategies for her fellow survivors. If you have been hurt by someone with a personality disorder and are looking for recovery support, this book is for you.

Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers by Anne Lamott (30 Minute Spiritual Series)

30 Minute Spiritual Series - 2013
    Help, Thanks, Wow 30 minutes is the concise guide to quickly understanding the three simple prayers outlined in Anne Lamott's best-selling book, Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers. Understand the thought-provoking ideas behind Help, Thanks, Wow:* Learn what it means to pray, and the life-opening power of prayer, independent of your faith or lack thereof.* Inspirational stories convey Lamott's personal insight and exploration of faith.* Discover how the three essential prayers help us endure difficult times and continue to move ahead. In Help, Thanks, Wow, best-selling author Anne Lamott demystifies prayer, declaring that there are no rules--a higher power can be called anything, and people can believe in any religion they'd like (or none at all) and still pray.Prayer can take countless forms, but Lamott believes that it all boils down to three essential prayers: Help, Thanks, and Wow. Help is an admission of powerlessness and a plea for assistance; Thanks is a cry of gratitude; and Wow is the experience of awe.A thought-provoking spirituality guide for people of all faiths and creeds, Help, Thanks, Wow examines the importance of the three prayers vital to enduring hardship and experiencing a transformative sense of gratitude and wonder in the world.Help, Thanks, Wow 30 minutesDesigned for those whose desire to enrich their faith exceeds the time they have available, Help, Thanks, Wow 30 minutes enable readers to rapidly understand the essential ideas behind critically acclaimed books. With a condensed format and chapter-by-chapter synopsis that highlights key insights, this summary helps readers easily devote time to growing their faith.

Original Bhagavad Gita — The Ultimate Millennial Edition — With Clear and Concise Commentary

B.G. Narasingha - 2017
    G. Narasingha for the 21st Century. Includes: * Complete eighteen chapters with a brief history to set the context * Sanskrit text for each verse with english transliteration & translation * Straightforward & concise commentaries * Sanskrit pronunciation guide * Glossary of terms & names * Linked 'Verse Index' for both Gita & Quoted verses The sublime message of Bhagavad Gita is timeless and is applicable in every facet of life. Within the Bhagavad Gita are the answers to the mysteries of existence – our real purpose in this world, how we should act and why we suffer, or are oftentimes helpless in our struggle for survival. To understand the Bhagavad Gita one must enter into the spirit of the Gita by accepting the path of devotion (bhakti). Accordingly, the Gita’s message cannot be properly understood by mental speculation. To this end, the sublime process illuminated within the Gita must be accepted as given by the speaker Himself, Sri Krishna. The philosophy of Bhagavad Gita is clear for the sincere reader, yet for some, approaching the Gita may seem daunting – its language too ancient. However, this obstacle is easily overcome by a straightforward translation and commentary (Anuvritti). The requirement for a translation and commentary on the Gita is as necessary today as anytime in the past. With the passing of time, our values and our worldview are constantly changing, and this demands a fresh approach to the understanding of the Gita.

Change: Realizing Your Greatest Potential

Ilchi Lee - 2013
    Both personally and globally, change drives our lives. Despite the new opportunities change can bring, many of us resist and fear it, even as we long for a healthier lifestyle or agree we need a more sustainable culture. Change: Realizing Your Greatest Potential turns this unavoidable condition of life from something fearsome to something empowering by revealing a new perspective on reality. The way we were taught to think of the world is not the way it really is. We are not a mosaic of separate beings in competition for resources. Instead, each of us is an integral part of a whole that encompasses all creation. We are an intrinsic driver behind the force of change. As such, our creative potential is limitless. That potential comes from what author Ilchi Lee discovered over the course of his inner explorations that each of us has a beautiful mind that desires to benefit all beings. This inherent nature is our true greatness and the true power to solidify the changes we envision in our personal lives and the world. Change is urgently needed; the current course of our civilization is no longer tenable. But major changes are not feasible, Lee says, unless we begin with changing ourselves. He says we can start a big change, no matter how daunting it is, with changing our personal attitudes and energy. Change tells you how.

The Wheel Of Spirituality: A Joyful Journey to Siddhi

Vinay Bansal - 2020

Ho'oponopono Secrets

Paul Jackson - 2014
    Its simple message of 100% responsibility, repentance, and gratitude has been changing the lives of all it touches. Originally practiced by the native Hawaiians Ho’oponopono was primarily a group based ceremony, used to solve community based problems, and disputes and it has ties and similarities to many indigenous shamanic practices found throughout the world.The Ancient Hawaiians understood the power of the mind. Centuries before mainstream science they identified the distinction between the Conscious, Subconscious, and Super-Conscious minds, and the part they play in forming our present day circumstances.This knowledge was considered so important that they built their whole belief system Huna (The Secret) around it..So what exactly is Ho’oponopono? Is it really so easy? Does it work? Why does it work? How do you do it? What can it do for me?This book will answer these questions and many more, examining its origins, development, and the philosophy that underpins it.It will provide you with all the knowledge and information you need, guiding you through the Ho’oponopono process step by step with sample mantras so you can begin practising right away.We’ll look at why this deceptively easy, but extremely powerful process, is changing the lives of all it touches.And show you how it can change yours too...

The Buddha in Me, The Buddha in You: A Handbook for Happiness

David Hare - 2016
    The Buddha in Me, the Buddha in You combines the tried-and-tested wisdom of Nichiren Buddhism with the best of popular psychology and personal development, making this a brilliant guide to how life works, and how to get the most from it.Nichiren Buddhism differs from other Buddhist schools in its focus on the here-and-now, and places great importance on individual growth as the starting point for a better world. This, combined with powerful techniques such as NLP, mindfulness, journalling and coaching, makes The Buddha in Me, the Buddha in You the quintessential handbook for happiness.'Buddha' simply means someone who is awakened - yet while Nichiren Buddhists will find fascinating insights into their practice, there is no need to follow a spiritual path to benefit from this book. Through his experience as an internationally acclaimed life coach and practising Buddhist, author David Hare shows us how to wake up to our own potential and that of those around us – to discover everyday enlightenment.

How To Use The Power Of Prayer

Joseph Murphy - 2012
    Through the study and application of mental laws, you can find the way to health, harmony, peace, and prosperity; scientific prayer is the practice of the Presence of God.

Peace of Mindfulness: Everyday Rituals to Conquer Anxiety and Claim Unlimited Inner Peace

Barrie Davenport - 2014
    Right now, you might have everything you need for a happy life. You might have a great family, a good job, wonderful friends. But there’s one thing wrong — you simply don't feel calm and happy. The demands of everyday life, your hectic schedule, those constant feelings of overwhelm and anxiety make you feel out-of-control and exhausted. How can you jump off the hamster wheel to feel peaceful and free from anxiety symptoms? When you learn the peace of mindfulness techniques, you have the power to tap into a wellspring of tranquility and a lasting contentment you’ve never known before. MINDFULNESS IN DAILY LIFE The practice of mindfulness in daily life holds the promise not only for peace of mind, but also to revitalize your self-worth and transform the way you view the world. It awakens you to the beauty of every moment. You live in unity with life, rather than struggling against it. Mindfulness doesn’t mean you must sit for hours in meditation or attend long retreats. You can experience calmness and present moment awareness in all your daily activities, and perform every task, thought, and action through the lens of mindfulness. In Peace of Mindfulness, you’ll learn simple daily routines to bring you back again and again to the pleasure of full presence and awareness. THE BENEFITS OF MINDFULNESS: HOW MINDFULNESS CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE Whether you’re coping with stress and anxiety, or you simply want to increase self-awareness and contentment, the skills taught in Peace of Mindfulness meet you exactly where you are — in your home, your work, your simple daily tasks. Once you live your days with mindfulness, you’ll enjoy physical, emotional, and mental benefits that further enhance your experience of life. Science has proven mindfulness reduces stress, improves memory, offers pain relief, helps your sleep, improves relationships, and promotes mental health. ORDER: PEACE OF MINDFULNESS: EVERYDAY RITUALS TO CONQUER ANXIETY AND CLAIM UNLIMITED INNER PEACE Peace of Mindfulness is a handbook for winning back control of your thoughts and emotions so you can release anxiety and enjoy a happier, healthier, more conscious life.Every chapter offers specific actions you can implement and practice right away to facilitate change. You’ll learn: ** The Powerful Benefits of Mindful Breathing ** How to Tame the “Monkey Mind" ** Simple Mindfulness Meditation Practices ** How Practicing “Flow” at Work Makes You Love Your Job ** How to Use Visualization and Affirmations to Boost Brain Power **The Best Mindful Fitness Routines ** How to Practice Journaling to Enhance Mindfulness **How to Make Mindfulness a Way of Life** Want to Know More? Order and find the peace of mindfulness starting today. Scroll to the top of the page and select the “buy” button.

Your Present: A Half-Hour of Peace: A Guided Imagery Meditation for Physical Spiritual Wellness

Susie Mantell - 2000
    Loeser MD, American Pain Society“Terrific corporate gift!”          —Ann T. Buivid, President, Remington“The Best!”                            —Canyon Ranch Living Essentials“As Good As It Gets” Issue    —Town & Country With a voice described as "liquid,” award-winning stress relief expert Susie Mantell has created a uniquely soothing guided meditation experience. Like an easy chair, Mantell’s exquisite narration carries listeners into soft, effortless relaxation, gently releasing worry, anxiety, depression and pain. An oasis from a busy day, or prelude to deep, restful sleep, this clinically approved mindfulness meditation CD is elegantly packaged; a thoughtful stress relief gift. Soft music enhances the warm meditation narration

Mind Calm

Sandy C. Newbigging - 2014
    With 'Mind Calm' you will learn how to let go of the constant chatter in your mind, gain clarity, perform at your best, worry less, heal faster, sleep better, improve relationships, and feel more calm, confident and content - whenever you want. In this book, Sandy C. Newbigging gives you a masterclass in the mind and how to meditate using his highly effective and enjoyable mind calm meditation.

Letters from the Dhamma Brothers: Meditation Behind Bars

Jenny Phillips - 2008
    The 38 participants in the first-ever intensive, silent 10-day program inside the walls of a corrections facility—many serving life sentences without parole—detail the range of their experiences, the depth of their understanding of the Buddha’s teachings gained by direct experience, and their setbacks and successes. During the Vipassana meditation program, they face the past and their miseries and emerge with a sense of peace and purpose. This compelling story shows the capacity for commitment, self-examination, renewal, and hope within a dismal penal system and a wider culture that demonizes prisoners.

Love Will Find You: 9 Magnets to Bring You and Your Soulmate Together

Kathryn Alice - 2006
    Love Will Find You is a true antidote to all the strict rules-oriented dating books out there, explaining why every one of the 110 million single Americans have reason to celebrate: Nothing will keep love from you Even if you never leave the house, your soulmate will find you You are never too old, too fat, or too poor for love There is no such thing as rejection, only the wrong fit Hate going out? Does every singles' event feel like a convention of desperation? Are you stuck in a past "crazy love" relationship you can't shake? Using the nine love magnets, Kathryn Alice has helped thousands of people to discard their old notions of dating, teaching practical steps to get love, including: healing your perceived "fatal flaws"; decluttering your heart and releasing old loves; sending out a soul call; and banishing the idea that you need to kiss 100 frogs to find your prince(ss).

How Quantum Physicists Build New Beliefs

Greg Kuhn - 2013
    Yet, just like the majority of those people, you’ve also noticed that manifesting your most important desires often seems too difficult or unattainable.The problem isn’t you; the problem has been your reliance on old paradigms from old science. Quantum physics, however, has shown us a clear and simple roadmap to not only make you a much more powerful deliberate creator of your material reality, but even allow you to finally manifest those greatly desired outcomes which have eluded you for so long. How Quantum Physicists Build New Beliefs is your personal coach in book-form, leading you to an amazing awakening of your higher self while also manifesting your greatest desires.Your natural power to create abundance and achieve your dreams is a birthright you shouldn't spend another moment denying yourself. How Quantum Physicists Build New Beliefs will coach you to simply and easily focus and harness your inherent power to create your material reality. Using everyday language and "street-level" instructions, How Quantum Physicists Build New Beliefs will have you manifesting a vast array of personal dreams and goals much faster and more completely than you previously thought possible.

10 Years Younger: 21 Surprising Techniques to Turn Back Time

Kylie Ansett - 2016
    Based on years of personal research and client feedback, best-selling author, naturopath and health coach Kylie Ansett answers the question;What is the secret to looking and feeling younger? You will learn: • How to have whiter teeth without using chemicals • How to firm and tone your face for free • How to wake early feeling refreshed and energized every day • How to have the energy of a 25 year old without taking a single supplement • Detox methods that will take years off your face and decades off your body • And much, much more! Do you ever hear yourself making the excuse: “I’m too old for that!”? Do you look in the mirror some days and not recognize who is looking back? (Other days you feel just as old as you look!) Every day more grey hairs. And wrinkles. You don’t have as much energy. You’re not as bendy as you used to be. Skin that used to be firm is, well, less firm. Is there a way? Can you recapture the energy, the vitality and the health of your younger days? Can you start looking younger instead of older every day? Is there a way to turn back time? Look at what others have said about 10 Years Younger: Way more than just about looking good. Straightforward and practical advice for anyone who wants to be more conscious about their health, looks and life choices. - Harmony Davis Interesting, heartfelt, practical and humorous. A great reminder of how easy, cheap and effective looking younger can be. An excellent resource to keep us healthy and younger looking. - Deborah Sutton There is something in here for every woman; all the tips are simple, inexpensive and easy to implement. Read this and your body will thank you. - Julie Extremely entertaining, informative and engaging. I felt like I’d just given myself an enjoyable self-pampering session. It is a workout, a spring clean & rejuvenation for the body and mind. - Melia Vlatko-Rulo Both practical and compelling - gives the most amazing ideas for how to look and feel 10 years younger. What I like the best is the 'try it on' approach. Try them all and see what fits - what a brilliant idea! - Jane E Infante A genuine and honest approach to looking younger; and good health is at the heart of it. - Coral For those who can't or don't want to try 'artificial' ways of staying young, this is a really good book. Many techniques are simple and quick, with proven effects on your body and mind. Well written and concise, with good summaries at the end of each chapter. - J This is an upbeat and original book, about aging well. I liked the format this material was presented in, providing passages followed by an action plan. If you don't envision/equate growing older as a steady, downward slide to multiple meds, limited mobility and sagging jowls, give this one a try! - Geraldine Helen Harman Every ingenious tip was made with either ingredients I could easily find in my cupboard, or no ingredients at all, so I could begin straight away. - Taya M A holistic viewpoint, rather than quick fixes, creams and lotions. Age is as much about attitude and the way we see life.