Your Vegetarian Pregnancy: A Month-by-Month Guide to Health and Nutrition

Holly Roberts - 2003
    There's no question that a vegetarian or vegan diet is just as nutritionally sound during pregnancy as one that includes animal protein. In fact, vegetarian nutrition offers pregnant women valuable health benefits that you simply won't find in a nonvegetarian diet, such as higher levels of folic acid, lower cholesterol, and an abundant variety of essential minerals, vitamins, and nutrients. Whether you are already vegetarian or you simply want to reduce the amount of meat in your diet, making the right dietary choices to support you and your baby is the key to a safe, healthy pregnancy. Fulfilling every nutritional guideline recommended by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Your Vegetarian Pregnancy is the first authoritative guide to maintaining a healthy plant-based diet before, during, and after the birth of your child. Combining complete obstetrical information with sound nutritional guidance, this guide will educate you about: -Basic pregnancy issues, such as fetal development, changes within your body, and preparation for labor and delivery. -What to expect each month, and how to cope with the unexpected. -Key nutrients for your baby and you, with suggestions on how to obtain these through diet, vitamins, and supplements. -The myriad benefits to eating vegetarian during pregnancy, in an entire chapter comparing vegetarian and nonvegetarian nutrition. With this unique and accessible handbook, you can be confident that your vegetarian pregnancy will be wonderfully beneficial for both you and your baby.

Funny Little Pregnant Things: The Good, the Bad and the Just Plain Gross Things about Pregnancy That Other Books Aren't Going to Tell You.

Emily Doherty - 2014
    Is there any practical value in knowing that your child resembles produce? And where's the good stuff, the useful details, like beware of the baby registry and all the crap you will never use, or be prepared to get breast milk all over everything you own? Hilarious, candid, and easy to read, Funny Little Pregnant Things is full of helpful information about all the stuff people don t tell you about pregnancy the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Official Lamaze Guide

Judith Lothian - 2005
    In clear, easy-to-understand terms, this book dispels the myths that pregnancy and birth are fraught with risk. Lothian and DeVries offer solidly researched evidence to document that common medical interventions (such as pitocin, epidural block, c-sections, IV fluids, and electronic fetal monitoring) often have the effect of putting both mother and baby at greater risk than an intervention-free or normal childbirth. In collaboration with Lamaze International, the authors bring decades of professional and personal experience backed by strong research support their views on preparing women for childbirth. iParenting Media Awards 2006 Excellent Product Winner: Parenting

The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child

Robert W. Sears - 2007
    Instead, they are asking questions. The problem is the search for answers only leads parents to conflicting, one-sided information: doctors claim that parents are endangering their child's life if they refuse shots, while radical vaccine opponents claim parents are endangering their child's life if they accept shots. With The Vaccine Book, parents finally have one, fair, impartial, fact-based resource they can turn to for answers. Each chapter is devoted to a disease/vaccine pair and offer a comprehensive discussion of what the disease is, how common or rare it is, how serious or harmless it is, the ingredients of the vaccine, and any possible side effects from the vaccine. Ultimately, parents will have to make their own informed decisions as Dr. Bob Sears is neither pro-vaccine nor anti-vaccine. But The Vaccine Book will provide exactly the information parents want and need as they make their way through the vaccination maze.

Taking Charge of Your Fertility: The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control, Pregnancy Achievement, and Reproductive Health

Toni Weschler - 1995
    Weschler thoroughly explains the empowering Fertility Awareness Method, which in only a couple minutes a day allows a woman to:-Enjoy highly effective, scientifically proven birth control without chemicals or devices-Maximize her chances of conception or expedite fertility treatment by identifying impediments to conception-Increase the likelihood of choosing the gender of her baby-Gain control of her sexual and gynecological health

Baby Bible: A Guide to Taking Care of Your Bump, Your Baby and Yourself

Bec Judd - 2018
    From carrying a baby, delivering it, feeding it and raising it, Bec has experienced almost everything motherhood can throw at you and she wants to share the secrets and stories that she has learned along the way. Not to mention all those things about pregnancy, birth and motherhood that often come as a complete surprise. Join Bec and her dream team of experts (an obstetrician, a midwife, an ultrasound specialist, a women's health physio and a paediatric sleep specialist) as they take you month by month through your pregnancy. They will share their insider advice on the best ways to eat for two (or three!), stay in shape and get you and your baby sleeping well. This gorgeous, comprehensive handbook contains a wealth of honest, practical and sometimes hilarious advice to prepare you and your baby for life after birth.

Pushed: The Painful Truth About Childbirth and Modern Maternity Care

Jennifer Block - 2007
    For women who want an alternative, choice is often unavailable: Midwives are sometimes inaccessible; in eleven states they are illegal. In one of those states, even birthing centers are outlawed.When did birth become an emergency instead of an emergence? Since when is normal, physiological birth a crime? A groundbreaking journalistic narrative, Pushed presents the complete picture of maternity care in America. Crisscrossing the country to report what women really experience during childbirth, Jennifer Block witnessed several births - from a planned cesarean to an underground home birth. Against this backdrop, Block investigates whether routine C-sections, inductions, and epidurals equal medical progress. She examines childbirth as a reproductive rights issue: Do women have the right to an optimal birth experience? If so, is that right being upheld? Block's research and experience reveal in vivid detail that while emergency obstetric care is essential, there is compelling evidence that we are overusing medical technology at the expense of maternal and infant health: Either women's bodies are failing, or the system is failing women.

Mind Over Labor

Carl Jones - 1987
    Carl Jones, a certified childbirth educator, tells how using mental imagery can help you reduce the pain of labor by controlling the fear beforehand. His easy-to-follow, eight-step method, which teaches your mind to cooperate with your body, will help make your childbirth less stressful and more natural. Whether you plan to give birth at home, in a childbearing center, or in a hospital, Carl Jones's simple exercises will put you in touch with the best instrument of birth there is--yourself.

Childbirth without Fear: The Principles and Practice of Natural Childbirth

Grantly Dick-Read - 1959
    He unpicks every possible root cause of western woman's fear and anxiety in pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding and does so with overwhelming heart and empathy. Essential reading for all mothers-to-be!

The Hypnobirthing Book

Katharine Graves - 2012
    Hypnobirthing teaches simple and gentle techniques that have a profound effect.By practising these techniques during pregnancy, you can release fear and anxiety, and build confidence in yourself and your body's ability to give birth naturally. Feeling calm and confident during labour helps your body to work efficiently, releasing endorphins, your body's natural anaesthetic.Hypnobirthing can reduce the need for pain relief and shorten labour, and you are more likely to experience a natural, calm, comfortable birth. It actively involves the father; you will both learn skills to instill confidence about the birth and your role as parents.KATHARINE GRAVES has personally taught over 1,000 mothers and her methods are taught internationally. She is a qualified advanced hypnotherapist and a qualified doula, having trained with Michel Odent, the internationally renowned obstretician. Katharine is a member of the International Advisory Board of the HypnoFertility Foundation of America, the Maternity and Newborn Forum of the Royal Society of Medicine, the Association for the Improvement of Maternity Services, and an associate member of the Royal College of Midwives. She has four grown-up children and five grandchildren."This book lays out an approach to childbirth designed to give a calm, confident and joyful delivery. I strongly recommend it as offering a practical approach using proven techniques." DR ZHIDAO XIA, School of Medicine, Swansea University"Katharine's personal qualities - unfailing positivity, humour, the deepest respect for birth and women, their partners and babies, and a deep faith in the natural birth process - shine out of the pages of this splendid book." LIZ NIGHTINGALE, Independent Midwife

Unassisted Childbirth

Laura Kaplan Shanley - 1993
    Laura alone delivered the next three children, assisted by her belief that giving birth was a natural process for which a woman's body had been well designed. Therefore, she saw no need to involve the medical establishment. Her personal birth experiences confirmed her belief, and subsequent research has convinced her that with the proper mindset delivering one's own baby is the safest, most fulfilling way to give birth. Tribal women and animals can help show the way, if one is humble enough to learn from them. Shanley gives numerous references, both historical and contemporary, to support her theory. She tells of her own experiences in childbirth as well as those of other women who have given birth without medical assistance. Although many contemporary writers deal with the concept that we create our own reality according to our beliefs, no one has applied this notion to birthing experience to the extent that Laura has.For many generations, society has assumed that childbirth, with its associated fear, pain, and risks, must take place in a hospital setting in the presence of medical professionals who have no relationship to the parents and their baby. Laura Kaplan Shanley rebuffs the context of this assumption, which treats childbirth as a disease rather than as a natural process. In Unassisted Childbirth, she calls upon the thousands of years during which women gave birth without medical intervention--arguing that with the proper beliefs, women are capable of and can opt for delivering their own babies, with or without their partners. Shanley, who had her own four children at home without medical assistance, explains how women's apprehensions contribute to most difficulties encountered in labor. In addition, she points out, only after the practice of placing women in infectious hospital settings began did the risk of hemorrhaging, sickening or even dying in childbirth increase.

Mommy IQ: The Complete Guide to Pregnancy

Rosie Pope - 2012
    Rosie Pope—maternity fashion designer, pregnancy guru, and star of the hit TV show Pregnant in Heels on Bravo—leads expectant mothers through the ups and downs of pregnancy with her trademark humor and down-to-earth charm, tackling difficult issues with refreshing candor while offering useful information about medical support. The founder of MomPrep—a prenatal and postpartum education center—Rosie makes the journey to motherhood even more memorable with friendly advice, laugh-out-loud stories, and heartfelt, “been-there” insights. Mommy IQ is a must-own handbook for moms-to-be, young moms, and the families of expectant moms.

Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy

Roger Harms - 2004
    Compiled by Mayo Clinic experts in obstetrics, it offers a clear, thorough and reliable reference for this exciting and sometimes unpredictable journey. This comprehensive book includes: A month-by-month look at mom and baby, In-depth "Decision Guides" to help you make informed decisions on topics such as how to select a health care provider, prenatal testing options, pain relief for childbirth, and many others, an easy-to-use reference guide that covers topics such as morning sickness, heartburn, back pain, headaches and yeast infections, among others, information on pregnancy health concerns, including preterm labor, gestational diabetes and preeclampsia, along with an overview on being pregnant when you have pre-existing health conditions such as asthma, diabetes or hyperthyroidism.

Diary of a Midwife: The Power of Positive Childbearing

Juliana van Olphen-Fehr - 1998
    ranked twenty-first in infant mortality rates among developed countries with populations over 2.5 million. Women with low-risk pregnancies are frequently failed by the traditional obstetrical system, either because they cannot afford proper prenatal care--and therefore often give birth to babies who need to be assisted by expensive neonatal intensive care--or because the system fosters an attitude of dependency on doctors, surgery and drugs, rather than a sense of empowerment during the birth process. This enlightening book demonstrates with conviction that childbirth can and should be a process of empowerment, and that midwifery should be the standard of care for women with low-risk pregnancies."Diary of a Midwife," written by a certified nurse-midwife and the founder of the first nurse-midwifery graduate education program in Virginia, is based on the author's 13 years delivering babies in rural Virginia. Through the author's experiences as a midwife, mother of three, and veteran of training as a labor and delivery nurse in a busy hospital's maternity ward, the midwife care alternative is revealed to be the best way for healthy women to be collaborators in their own care. Midwives encourage women to develop their inner power for the birth process by providing teaching, support, and comfort. Adequate prenatal care reduces the number of premature and low-birth weight babies, and costly, traumatic medical interventions such as Cesarean and forceps deliveries, episiotomies and routine anesthesia are often avoided. Author Juliana van Olphen-Fehr movingly shows that midwifery is an art and that it can do much to create mothers who are able to greet their newborns with dignified, loving, and strong arms. _

Expecting Better: Why the Conventional Pregnancy Wisdom is Wrong - and What You Really Need to Know

Emily Oster - 2013
    Pregnant women are told to avoid cold cuts, sushi, alcohol, and coffee without ever being told why these are forbidden. Rules for prenatal testing are similarly unexplained. Moms-to-be desperately want a resource that empowers them to make their own right choices.When award-winning economist Emily Oster was a mom-to-be herself, she evaluated the data behind the accepted rules of pregnancy and discovered that most are often misguided and some are just flat-out wrong. Debunking myths and explaining everything from the real effects of caffeine to the surprising dangers of gardening, Expecting Better is the book for every pregnant woman who wants to enjoy a healthy and relaxed pregnancy.