Book picks similar to
The Preacher's Faith by Caryl McAdoo


Love Begins

Teresa Slack - 2005
    Nearly twenty years later, Michelle has accepted the fact she isn't worthy of the love she so desperately needed as a child. She lives alone on the family farm and is content in the niche she's carved out for herself. All that changes the morning Nicole abandons her two young children under Michelle's lilac bushes. Michelle doesn’t want her life to change. She doesn't want to be responsible for fixing Nicole's mistakes. Nor does she want to admit she may be more like her grandmother than she ever imagined. Two little kids suddenly dependent on her aren’t the only changes in Michelle's life. The only man to ever make her take a chance on love reenters Michelle's life. Kyle Swann reminds her of all the bad choices she ever made. He also makes her realize shutting her heart against the world might not be as easy as she thought. This thought-provoking contemporary romance examines the changing dynamics of family relationships and issues. Infused with honesty and humor, it will capture the hearts of readers who love children, understand their challenges and appreciate the many definitions of family.

Year of Jubilee

Peggy Trotter - 2015
    The wilds of Gibson County are just being tamed in the year of 1850, and Jubilee ekes a meager existence. But when Rafe Tanner, a cousin of her abusive dead husband, shows up with the deed to her property, Jubilee’s dream of her own home dissolves. Rafe, stinging from his ex-fiancée’s rejection, offers a business marriage, throwing him and Jubilee together in an effort to make the farm successful. But scars from the past keep her in constant fear of her new husband. The pair masquerades as a love-struck couple at Rafe’s family farm, enduring the romantic notions of his family, and the jealousy of his ex-fiancée. Once home, Rafe realizes his newfound love for Jubilee, and sets out to court her. Meanwhile, Jubilee fights demons from her past as her husband reveals his interest. Can Jubilee let go of her distrust and pain to embrace God’s plan of true love and finally find a place to belong?

Silver Heels

Katie Wyatt - 2016
    She arrived at the orphanage when she was a baby. The nuns were the only family that she knew. Her mother had died giving birth, and all she knew of her father was his name, Richard Anderson. Sometimes she would ask the nuns for more information, but they would tighten their lips and look away, telling Mary that a young girl should not ask too many questions. Mary was sure that they knew more than they were telling, but they were deaf to the pleas.Mary knew that she was lucky to have been raised here, but sometimes she yearned to have a family of her own. She fears of becoming a spinster someday stuck up in the orphanage all her life, not having a family of her own. Afraid of the thought, Mary took a leap of faith and answered the ad she read on the newspaper, looking for a mail order bride. What happened six years ago that made Mary hate guns and anything related to violence? Thomas tries to outrun his past, but the sour truth keeps hunting him. What is the reason why he is hardly to forgive himself? Who is Silver Heels, and why was he so important in their lives? Come on now and hang out with the wonderful folks in Atlanta where Mary had known life in the orphanage. Get to know Sister Grace & Sister Rose, the Christian nuns who always look after them. Trixie Sheldon, the kind and friendly store owner who never fails to give Mary candies and goodies for the children. Thomas Smith, the sheriff who tries to run from the dark history of the past. And don’t forget to get to know the brave and fearless horse! ....“a story of hope, fear, romance, suspense and true love.”.... While this book is part of a romance series, it can definitely be read as a standalone book.Katie Wyatt: #1 Best Seller in New Release Romance #1 Best Seller in 90 Minute Short Reads #1 Best Seller in Frontier & Pioneer Western Fiction #1 Best Seller in Western & Frontier Christian Romance #1 Best Seller in Christian Westerns #1 Best Seller in Historical #1 Best Seller in Collections & Anthologies #1 Best Seller in Teen & Young Adult #1 Best Seller in Religion & Spirituality #1 Best Seller in Children's Christian Books ALWAYS FREE on Kindle Unlimited or Amazon Prime Katie Wyatt’s Clean and Wholesome novel American mail order bride historical Western book romance series are enjoyment for all ages from Teen & Young Adult to a more mature audience.

His Chosen Bride

Rhonda Gibson - 2014
    Any of the four mail-order brides recently arrived in Granite, Texas, would make a good wife. So why can't Levi Westland stop thinking about the one who refuses to have him? The marriage of convenience Levi offers isn't enough to persuade Millie Hamilton. Truth is, it's no longer enough for Levi, either...Millie just needed a place to escape to. Now that she's paid Levi back his traveling expenses, she can forge her own way. If he knew the truth about her past, Levi's admiration would vanish. But the only thing harder than risking her heart may be watching Levi marry anyone but her.

Love Covers: Elias

Julia David - 2018
    Pretending to be married can’t be that hard. Leaving Lennhurst Asylum 1: Elias Browne The town of Greenlock shuns the daughter of the mortician. How deplorable, that Lauren has to take over the duties that are her father’s. Day after day the work creates loneliness in her tender heart that spurs despondence. Then a voice speaks from the morgue basement. A rough and tumble outlaw who's supposed to be dead is still alive! For some unfathomable reason, Lauren agrees to help him stay dead. Elias had escaped from Lennhurst Asylum, where he was born and raised. Since he had no family or future, he was taken from his prison sentence, enlisted in the recent Civil War and trained to wield explosives to further the cause. From running and surviving all his life, all Elias could ever promise anyone was loyalty. Love was out of the question. When Lauren mentions her longing to see her mother and sister in Colorado, for loyalty’s sake, he offers to take her on the arduous wagon train journey. Of course, it wouldn't be proper not to be married while traveling together. Therefore, Lauren and Elias, so vastly opposite, agree to pretend to be married during the months of difficult travel. Loyalty versus love. Can these two find truth and acceptance in their hearts? Can love cover a multitude of sin? Love Covers is a gratifying love story of lives changed, and of healing and restoration while on a dusty trail west.

Diamonds Or Donuts

Lucie Ulrich - 2015
    Though not happy with his decision, Sarah supports her fiancé, despite the fact she’s already given up her apartment and teaching position. When Sarah’s best friend, Pippa, suggests Sarah move to Sunset Cove, she figures a new town, new job, and new friends are just what she needs to help her through the separation. If she’d known one of those friends would turn out to be kind-hearted, good-looking, and well-built, Officer Kevin Jenkins, she might have figured a little harder. Though Sarah goes out of her way to keep her relationship with Kevin on a friends-only basis, it’s clear their feelings for one another are teetering toward something more. Now Sarah must make the most important decision of her life. Will she go for diamonds or donuts?

Snow Country

Kristin Neva - 2016
     JILTED THREE WEEKS BEFORE HER WEDDING, Beth Dawson escapes sunny California for the snowy Upper Peninsula of Michigan, where a young State Trooper challenges her to let go of her rules for Christian courtship. Her domineering mother chides her to stay single and wants her to talk her ailing grandmother into moving to Los Angeles. COPPER ISLAND averages over 200 inches of snow annually. The fictional towns of Douglass and Quincy mirror the actual towns of Houghton and Hancock, and although the names of businesses and persons are imaginary, the history, landmarks, and spirit of the region described in the novel are real. Reader praise for Snow Country: “Her novels—and the characters that live in them—are endearing and wholesome. But they’re also so real, full of healthy grit, humor, flaws and appetites. She creates an authentic Yooper world that I think other readers, including those who don’t know anything about life in da UP, will find as fascinating as I do.” (Cyndi P.) "Kristin Neva’s fiction invites the reader to consider the weightier questions of life and offers wise insights to ponder. It’s not just entertainment – it’s worth your time. Snow Country offers a fascinating look into the local culture of an isolated part of the United States. With surprising, yet believable characters and storyline twists, it is at once captivating, suspenseful, funny, and reflective. The light-hearted scenes balance some very intense – but real-life – drama. (It may be more believable to those of us who have lived in the unique cultural landscape. Outsiders beware: truth IS stranger than fiction!) More than a romance novel, it is a story of life in its many complexities: family loyalties and secrets, faith, vocation, AND love.” (Alexandra L.) “Fun book, and with a message or two! The characters and conflicts feel real.” (Dan R.) About the Author: KRISTIN NEVA grew up in an old farmhouse on Copper Island in Michigan's Keweenaw Peninsula where the hard-working, rugged residents persevere through harsh winter weather, sustained by friendship and family, surrounded by natural beauty. As an adult, she lived in the Chicago and Milwaukee areas for seventeen years before returning to her hometown with her husband and two children. Kristin’s first book, Heavy, co-authored with her husband, Todd, journeys through the first year after Todd’s ALS diagnosis as the Nevas struggle to find meaning, hold on to faith, and discover joy in the midst of pain. It is this life experience that brings authenticity to Kristin’s fictional works as she explores themes of love, loss, and faith on Copper Island. Learn more about Kristin and explore Copper Island at

If Only You Were Mine

H.H. Fowler - 2015
    What would be your first reaction?Drake Beckford, an up and coming young minister of El Shaddai Ministries, finds himself in a similar situation when he goes off to Bible School in Columbus, Ohio, entrusting his bride to be, Sasha McKay into the hands of his best friend, Levi Johnson. Sasha has been Drake’s first and only love since they were twelve years old and from that time to the present Drake has always believed her to be a woman of honor and integrity and she has never given him reason to doubt her love or her loyalty.However, unbeknownst to Drake, while he is away Levi has developed strong feelings for Sasha and it seems as if she, too, is fond of Levi. What will become of their budding attraction when Drake returns to make Sasha his wife? With that upsetting note wedged between his fingers, as he watches Sasha walk up the aisle to meet him, does Drake even dare believe such a wild accusation about her?If You Were Only Mine is the first book in H H Fowler's new novella Christian romance series, Real Love, which attempts to show what love really is, based on 1 Corinthians 13. For many can talk love talk, but not very many can walk the real love walk. Sit back and enjoy a whole new cast of characters that will no doubt leave you with times of reflection and questions about your own interpretation of what it means to express real love. Bestseller of Urban Christian Romance Series

The Sheriff's Surrender

Susan Page Davis - 2009
    When the sheriff of Fergus, Idaho is murdered, Ethan is named his replacement. The women in town are scared to think a murderer is loose among them, so Gert forms the Ladies' Shooting Club to teach them how to protect themselves, their homes, and their families. Ethan didn’t ask to be named sheriff, but he accepts the position and takes on the investigation of the former lawman’s mysterious death. Now he’s between a rock and a hard place—being pressured by the town’s women to restore order and safety to Fergus, and being pressured by the men who insist Ethan disband the upstart Ladies’ Shooting Club. Another murder sends Ethan to Gert and her ladies for help in the investigation. But will the Ladies’ Shooting Club unmask the murderer before he strikes again? This e-book includes discussion questions for groups.

Abandoned Hearts

Regina Tittel - 2011
    Her original annoyance with him soon turns to attraction. The magnetic pull between them puts her faith to the test as romantic temptations tease her thoughts.Independent and stubborn, Jacob’s eyes and heart are opened to all he has to lose when a fearless mountain lion turns him into the hunted. Will his life be spared long enough to restore his trust in God and admit his love for Ann?

Hearts of the West

Leah Atwood - 2015
    Whether you have just a few minutes to enjoy a novelette, or the time to really get immersed in the dust and grit of a western town, there's something here for everyone.Step into a day when outlaws ran free, the land was wild, and guns blazed at the drop of a hat! After the Rain    Rand McCade made a promise to his dying wife to one day remarry. He doesn't want to remarry, but a promise is a promise.   Pressured to marry a violent man, widowed and pregnant Lettie Morgan seeks out an agency which finds brides for men in the west.   Can two hearts, broken and grieving, put their pasts aside and blend their lives into one? A Lady in Defiance    Charles McIntyre owns everything in the lawless mining town of Defiance. When three sisters show up stranded, alone, and offering to open a "nice" hotel, he is intrigued enough to let them stay...especially since he sees feisty middle sister Naomi as a possible conquest.   Naomi wants no part of Defiance or the saloon-owning, prostitute-keeping Mr. McIntyre. It would seem however, that God has gone to elaborate lengths to bring them together. The question is, "Why?" Does God really have a plan for each and every life? Rocky Mountain Oasis    When Sky Jordan hears that his nefarious cousin has sent for a mail-order bride, he knows he has to prevent the marriage. No woman deserves to be left to that fate. Still, he's as surprised as anyone to find himself standing next to her before the minister.   Brooke's new husband turns out to be kinder than any man has ever been. But then the unthinkable happens and she holds the key that might save innocent lives but destroy Sky all in one fell swoop. It's a choice too unbearable to contemplate...but a choice that must be made. Bounty    Luke Jordan's mother's dying words rang in his head. "Take these to your brothers." His brothers? The Jordan gang of outlaws. Why did he have to waste time tracking them down?   Cat Cahill's morning rides are a pleasant diversion from her mother's lectures on marrying a civilized man from the east. Despite her prayers, Cat hasn't found the man she would want to spend the rest of her life with until she runs into Luke.   One town trying to avoid a buyout, one gang worth their weight in gold, bounty hunters intent on taking the Jordan gang in more dead than alive = two in love and a bunch in trouble. Charity's Gold Rush    After Charity saves handsome Gabriel Williams' daughter from being trampled he asks her to marry him. And Charity believes he's the answer to her prayers.   Gabe and Charity agree to a marriage in name only, although Charity is upset that now that she has found a man she could see herself making a life with, he isn't interested in anything more than someone to watch his children, and he's a gambler to boot - just like Pa who got her into this mess.   By the beginning of the following spring, if both parties are in agreement, they'll annul the marriage and part ways.   Neither expects love to interfere with their plans or for God to intervene with a plan of His own.

The English Proposal

Jenna Brandt - 2017
     To follow the heart or the head—torn between two men—which future will Lady Margaret choose? Profoundly romantic and superbly riveting, The English Proposal explores the conflict between fulfilling duties and satiating desires. The English Proposal (Book 1). Sheltered on her family’s country estate, Lady Margaret, the daughter of an English Earl, is betrothed due to a family promise. Although Henry, the Viscount Rolantry, has been her best friend since childhood and she is expected to marry him, she never felt butterflies until she meets the Duke of Witherton. Against her father’s wishes, Margaret finds herself captivated by the forbidden duke. Caught between family loyalty and her own wishes, Margaret searches for a way to satisfy both her responsibilities and her longings. When tragedy strikes, Margaret finds herself seeking answers at church. But when she finally makes her choice, through her newfound faith, will she be able to live with the repercussions of her decision? Window to the Heart Saga: a recountal of the epic journey of Lady Margaret, a young English noblewoman, who through many trials, obstacles, and tragedies, discovers her own inner strength, the sustaining force of faith in God, and the power of family and friends. In this three-part series, experience new places and cultures as the heroine travels from England to France and completes her adventures in America. The series has compelling themes of love, loss, faith and hope with a exceptionally gratifying conclusion. 
Window to the Heart Saga Book 1: The English Proposal Book 2: The French Encounter Book 3: The American Conquest Releasing in May-June-July 2017

Life's a Beach and Then...

Julia Roberts - 2015
    she must keep it secret, and that means telling lies. Holly hates telling lies. Her latest assignment has brought her to the paradise island of Mauritius where she meets a British couple, Robert and Rosemary, who share a tragic secret of their own. The moment they introduce Holly to handsome writer, Philippe, she begins to fall in love, something she hasn't allowed herself to do for twenty years. But Philippe has not been completely honest and when Holly stumbles across the truth, she feels totally betrayed. "A slice of sheer escapism which packs an emotional punch" Jemma Forte This is the first book in the Liberty Sands trilogy. Read on at the end of this book to find out what happens to Holly next in the preview of If He Really Loved Me..., book two in the series.

Bride of Pretense

Cami Wesley - 2015
    or the hapless Adelaide Delaney!While on a trip to meet her fiance in an arranged marriage, Adelaide Delaney meets Charlotte, a mail order bride who is on her way to marry a rancher. When their bags, along with their train tickets, are accidentally switched, Addie impulsively takes Charlotte's place. Simply wanting to avoid the marriage her father has arranged, Addie never imagines the difficulties of being a rancher's wife, leaving a trail of hilarious catastrophes in her wake. Will there be any truth beneath the pretense? Or will Addie decide that she is a poor substitute for Josh Harding's bride?

Falling in Love

Susette Williams - 2012
    It doesn’t include becoming serious about anyone before she achieves her goals, not even her handsome boss. Just because she does not have time to date, doesn’t mean her boss shouldn’t. Her new mission…to make her boss happy, whether or not he wants to be.Wade McAlester fell in love with Katie the first day she walked into his clinic looking for a job. He hired her, content to settle for friendship until she lives out her dream of becoming a vet. Against his better judgment, Wade allows her to fix him up with a couple of her friends. The dates are disastrous. He can’t believe the kind of women Katie seems to think he’d enjoy spending his life with. However, when Wade’s old colleague, Dr. Laura Redmond shows up, Katie is rethinking how happy she wants her boss to be, and with whom. Definitely not the gorgeous doctor.