Beyond The Fray: Bigfoot

Shannon LeGro - 2019
    What began as a fun article turned into an almost instant national sensation and since stories of the elusive creature have poured in, not just from California and the Pacific Northwest, but from around the world.              BEYOND THE FRAY: BIGFOOT features some of these personal eyewitness accounts and terrifying encounters, most taken from the transcripts of the popular podcast, iNTO THE FRAY.  These stories are unique and scary. They will leave you wondering what this creature is and will no doubt give you pause before you cross the wood line and enter the woods.

Aleister Crowley - The Biography: Spiritual Revolutionary, Romantic Explorer, Occult Master and Spy

Tobias Churton - 2011
    Churton has enjoyed the full co-operation of the world's Crowley scholars to ensure the accuracy and plausibility of his riveting narrative. The author has also been in contact with Crowley's grandson, who has vouchsafed rare, previously untold accounts of family relationships. The result is an intimate portrait that has never before been shown, and one that has great emotional impact.The book contains the first ever complete investigation of Crowley's astonishing family background - including facts he concealed in his lifetime for fear of social prejudice. Tobias Churton also gives us a detailed account of Crowley's work as a British spy during World War I in Berlin during the early 1930s and during World War II. This information has not been available to any previous biographer.

Afterlife: An Investigation

Colin Wilson - 1985
    Above all, he includes the striking case histories of people who claim to have "died, " and reported their experiences of the afterlife.

There Are No Accidents: Synchronicity and the Stories of Our Lives

Robert H. Hopcke - 1997
    A singer's career changes direction when she walks into the wrong audition. A husband gives his wife an unexpected gift—after she repeatedly dreams about that very same item. It was Carl Jung who coined the term "synchronicity" for those strange coincidences that we all experience—those moments when events seem to conspire to tell us something, to teach us, to turn our lives around. They are the strange plot developments that make us feel like characters in a grand, mysterious story.How do we identify these startling coincidences as something special? How do we recognize their significance...and learn to use them as turning points that lead us toward a more meaningful life story? In this inspiring book, Jungian psychotherapist Robert Hopcke explores the role of synchronicity in our love lives and work lives, in the everyday and the spiritual, in waking and in our dreams. Filled with fascinating stories, There Are No Accidents offers us a "novel" way to examine our lives—as coherent, powerful narratives in which we ourselves are the protagonists."There Are No Accidents is a fascinating, brilliant, and invaluable guide to those 'meaningful coincidences' that provide sudden glimpses of an expanded reality, illuminating our life path and connections to others, and helping us find our way in times of change and transition. This superb and practical book by a noted therapist is sure to become a classic, inspiring generations to come." —Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., author of A Woman's Book of Life and Minding the Body, Mending the Mind"The author's deep love and passion for his work, with many illustrative stories, makes this book a gem in the field of human consciousness. An exceptional contribution." —Dan Millman, author of The Way of the Peaceful Warrior

Passport to the Cosmos: Human Transformation and Alien Encounters

John E. Mack - 1999
    Mack, M.D. demonstrates how alien abduction phenomena demand a new way of examining the nature of reality & our place in the cosmos. Mack shook the world when he published in Abduction the results of his research involving clients who reported they'd had encounters with alien life-forms. In Passport to the Cosmos, Mack, who has done additional research with abductees in the USA & around the world, asserts that this phenomenon is part of a new era in consciousness, a time in which we must be willing to embrace the idea that alien visitation is real on some level. The alien abduction phenomenon is a cosmic wake-up call that we live in a world filled with spirits & beings who can cross the barrier we've made between the material & immaterial worlds. Drawing on traditiona of non-Western & indigenous cultures, which more readily accept a multidimensional cosmos, he shows that by broadening definitions of what is real we can begin to explore a phenomenon that has deep & lasting implications. By sharing the encounters of experiencers, he illuminates a phenomenon that's changed the worldviews of those who've experienced it. Time & again, experiencers from all cultures say their lives have been altered by their encounters with aliens in ways both traumatic & transformative. This transformation seems to be an intrinsic part of the phenomenon, which is marked by a variety of elements that go beyond the physical manifestation of alien visitation. Passport to the Cosmos solidifies his reputation as an authoritative pioneer of the science of human experience.

Limitless Mind: A Guide to Remote Viewing and Transformation of Consciousness

Russell Targ - 2004
    In 1972, physicist Russell Targ, co-founded the Stanford Research Institute’s program to investigate the development of psychic abilities. In his ten years with this program, he came to understand that most people have the ability to describe events and locations that are blocked from ordinary perception. The term remote-viewing was coined for this ability. In this, his sixth book, Targ explores the scientific as well as the spiritual implications of remote viewing and offers detailed exercises to assist readers in cultivating their own psychic abilities.Russell offers several techniques and exercises to overcome all of this clatter and to develop remote-viewing skills. Remote-viewing offers a path of self-inquiry and self-realization and expands our limited awareness of the consciousness shared by all humans.

The Matter Myth

Paul C.W. Davies - 1991
    Argues that recent developments in quantum physics, astronomy, and chaos theory have forced a reconsideration of the concepts of space, time, and matter.

Buddhism: Beginner's Guide to Understanding & Practicing Buddhism to Become Stress and Anxiety Free

Michael Williams - 2016
    The secret behind its steady rise is due in part to the plethora of benefits Buddhism reaps upon those who practice it and apply its teachings to their lives. Through mindfulness and meditation, Buddhism injects peace and clarity into the minds and lives of those who dedicate themselves to it. Those wonderful benefits can be a part of your life as well through the careful study of its various tenets. In Buddhism, this thoughtful and carefully detailed guidebook acts as a beginner’s guide to those who may be interested in learning more about this ancient and wise practice. Placing emphasis on meditation, yoga, and understanding the core concepts of Buddhism allows the reader to apply its teachings to make their lives fuller and healthier. If you are curious about Buddhism and want to find the answers you seek, then look no further than this qualitative guidebook. Full of information on the various aspects of Buddhism, meditation, yoga, and more, Buddhism stands apart as a concise and practical guide to infusing your life with its many teachings. Here’s what to expect in the Beginner's guide: What Buddhism is and what its teachings are The core concepts of Buddhism: karma, suffering, nirvana, and reincarnation The practice and benefits of yoga The four noble truths Practices, treasures, and poisons of Buddhism How to practice the five precepts of Buddhism How to practice mindfulness in order to reduce stress and anxiety And much, much more! The choice is now yours. Open yourself to the benefits of a life free of stress and anxiety through the understanding and practice of Buddhism. A clear and peaceful mind awaits you along your spiritual journey through its tenets and teachings. Begin your journey towards a better life and grab your copy of Buddhism: Beginner’s Guide today!

Quantum Revelation: A Radical Synthesis of Science and Spirituality

Paul Levy - 2018
    In their discovery of the quantum realm, the physics community stumbled upon a genuine multifaceted revelation which can be likened to a profound spiritual treasure - a heretofore undreamed of creative power - hidden within our own mind. Quantum physics unequivocally points out that the study of the universe and the study of consciousness are inseparably linked, which is to say that ultimate progress in the one will be impossible without progress in the other. Einstein declared that what it reveals is so immensely important that "it should be everyone's concern." Yet few of us in the general public truly understand how the game-changing discoveries of the past century not only relate to our day-to-day lives, but also give us insights into the nature of reality and our place within it.Written for readers with no physics background, Paul Levy's latest book, The Quantum Revelation: A Radical Synthesis of Science and Spirituality is for those who have heard that quantum physics is a fascinating subject but don't quite understand how or why. Levy contemplates the deeper philosophical underpinnings of quantum physics, exploring the fundamental questions it provokes: What does it mean that quantum theory has discovered that there is no such thing as "objective reality?" How are we participating - via our consciousness - in creating our experience of a reality that quantum theory itself describes as "dreamlike?" What are the implications for us in our day-to-day lives that - as quantum theory reveals - what we call reality is more like a dream than we had previously imagined?The Quantum Revelation is unique in how it synthesizes science and spirituality so as to reveal and explore the dreamlike nature of reality. It is a book not just for people interested in quantum theory, but for anyone who is interested in waking up and dreaming lucidly, be it in our night dreams or our waking life.

The Fated Sky: Astrology in History

Benson Bobrick - 2005
    'Astrology must be right,' wrote the American astrologer Evangeline Adams, claimed descendant of John Quincy Adams, in a challenge to skeptics in 1929. 'There can be no appeal from the Infinite.' The Fated Sky explores both the history of astrology & the controversial subject of its historical influence. It's the 1st serious book to fully engage astrology in this way. Astrology is the oldest occult sciences, also the origin of science itself. Astronomy, mathematics & other disciplines arose in part to make possible the calculations necessary in casting horoscopes. For 5000 years, the influence of the stars has been viewed as shaping the course of affairs. According to recent polls, at least 30% of Americans believe in it, tho modern astrology is utterly different from the doctrine of the stars that won the respect & allegiance of the greatest thinkers, scientists & writers--Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Arab & Persian--of earlier days. Statesmen, popes & kings once embraced it. Th Aquinas found it compatible with Xian faith. There are some 200 allusions to it in Shakespeare's plays, all their predictions fulfilled. The great astronomers of the scientific revolution--Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Kepler--were adherents. Newton's appetite for mathematics was whetted by an astrological text. Prominent figures such as Churchill, deGaulle & Reagan have consulted astrologers, heeding their advice. Universities as diverse as Oxford & Spain's Univ. of Zaragoza offer courses in the subject, fulfilling Jung's prediction that astrology would again become the subject of serious discourse. Whether astrology actually has the powers ascribed to it is open to debate. But there's no doubt that it maintains a hold on the human mind. The Fated Sky gives a comprehensive account of this subject & its enduring influence on history & the history of ideas.

Operation Trojan Horse

John A. Keel - 1970
    Keel's brilliant ultraterrestrial hypothesis needs to be read...albeit, with the proverbial grain of salt. Shortly after the 1970 version of this book was published, Keel was not only "contacted" by the subjects of his research--they refused to leave him alone! As a result he was driven insane. This is most clearly evident in his later work, The Eighth Tower. A few of Keel's other works (This Haunted Planet & The Mothman Prophecies) are noteworthy, but not in the same class as OTH. The opinion of the ultraterrestrials regarding this book seems to have been, "He wrote WHAT? Oh, no--can't have that! Let's put him at the top of our list of folks who need to be f**ked with." The 1st edition almost didn't see print. A 2nd edition was never published until this revised edition came out in the late '90s. Meanwhile, between Keel stating things like, "God is insane, & an ancient computer keeps sending beams into my head!" (paraphrased from Eighth Tower), & allegations of ultraterrestrial Dopplegangers impersonating him across the land--well, let's say his credibility has suffered. Regardless of Keel's mental illness (from which he eventually seemed to recover), sloppy research & bizarre speculations; OTH stands out as perhaps the best thing ever written about multi-dimensional entities. He spends a lot of time discussing the nature of the electromagnetic spectrum & goes in depth regarding little known facts common to many witness accounts (things which were left out of official reports, as they contradicted the preconceptions of scientifically biased investigators). His investigation shows this sort of thing has been going on throughout recorded history. Starting with ancient mythology, progressing to folk legends, then delving into old reports of airships, ghost planes, foo fighters & modern black helicopters, he presents a convincing argument that these aren't the result of human conspirators, but rather a multidimensional intelligence which can assume any guise. Perhaps the most important point that Keel makes is that these intelligences aren't to be trusted. Indeed, he states that the many reports of aliens observed performing nonsensical actions (making repairs, collecting soil samples, performing medical examinations & delivering lectures about the dangers of atomic energy to inbred hillbillies) are nothing more than a charade intended to make us believe that they're something other than what they are. He believes the only reason for such a ruse would be hostile intent. He then expands this argument by referring to the hundreds of contactees, spirit mediums & New Age channellers who've been given a series of valid prophesies--which then compel them to either go on a wild goose chase, make public announcements of impending doom or form cults. But consider this...what if it isn't hostile intent at all? What if the ultraterrestrials are just kicking back, drinking some beers, & one of 'em goes, "Hey--you know what would REALLY mess with their minds?" Perhaps it is nothing more than a warped sense of humor!--Tyr Shadowblade (edited)

Journeys Out of the Body: The Classic Work on Out-Of-Body Experience

Robert A. Monroe - 1971
    With more than 300,000 copies sold to date, this is the definitive work on the extraordinary phenomenon of out-of-body experiences, by the founder of the internationally known Monroe Institute.

The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever

Richard C. Hoagland - 1987
    Here Hoagland redefines the solar system as a different place than NASA has presented. The book includes a new preface covering the Mars Global Surveyor photos and NASA's reactions.

The Night Is Large: Collected Essays, 1938-1995

Martin Gardner - 1996
    Delving into an immense range of topics, from philosophy and literature to social criticism to mathematics and science, with essays that date from 1930s to the 1990s, Martin Gardner has astounded readers with his insight and erudition. The Night Is Large is the crowning achievement of his extraordinary career.

The Joy of Science

Robert M. Hazen - 2001
    It ranges from the study of the universe itself to the smallest particles of matter contained within it - and everything in between. It explores everything from the big bang to theories about the end of the universe. If you want to better understand our physical world, as most of us do, gaining a basic understanding of science itself is profoundly important - yet many are intimidated by the breathtaking scope of such an endeavor. Now an award-winning science teacher has taken out the intimidation, harnessing that breathtaking scope into a series of 60 exciting, comprehensive, and accessible lectures that let you explore and understand the wealth of ideas, discoveries, and principles in all of the physical and biological sciences. You learn that understanding science comes from understanding not only its component disciplines - each of which has its own theories, pioneers, problems, and fundamental questions - but of knowing how these disciplines work with one another to create an entire mosaic of human knowledge. The lectures have been crafted to make those relationships crystal-clear, with an integrated approach that takes you through all of the major disciplines that fall under the umbrella of "science," including physics, chemistry, Earth science, geophysics, and biology. Each lecture covers one of the 60 fundamental principles of the scientific world - offering you new knowledge and insight into topics such as the scientific method, gravitation, atoms, the big bang, plate tectonics, volcanoes, proteins, ecosystems, and electricity.