The Baby Diaries

Sam Binnie - 2013
    An extremely serious noticeable absence of something, it turns out, Kiki now realises she was pretty glad about. One pregnancy test later, Kiki's breaking the "good news" (Thom: Wow. We're so… Edwardian.) and rewriting all the plans she'd made before.With an ever-expanding waistline, her nightmare childhood "friend" Annie pregnant too, all the problem authors at Polka Dot Books she could (not) wish for and an army of NW London's Smug Mothers to deal with, these nine months might not be the nine months of blooming relaxation she'd been promised…

Moment of Truth

Cheri J. Crane - 2005
    But while on vacation with her family in Mexico, she meets Ed, a seventeen-year-old Baptist from Illinois who is spending his vacation building houses for the homeless. Laurie returns to Utah determined to make a difference through her actions and weekly editorial in the student newspaper.Unfortunately, she finds her best friend, Roz, has also changed. Their strong-willed personalities collide as they stand on opposite sides of a heated battle involving popularity and Church standards. As Laurie writes impassioned pleas in the student newspaper for how things ought to be, she seems to further alienate herself from her peers, leaving her with only her new-found friend in Illinois. In the end, Laurie discovers how difficult and terrifying--and absolutely worthwhile--it is to truly stand for something.

Recipe for Love

Sasha Wagstaff - 2012
    So why, when Cassia Blake has just three months to organise her wedding, has he suddenly granted her magazine an exclusive, all-access interview? Against Cassia's better judgement, she hands the wedding planning over to her frosty mother-in-law, and flies out to Italy to spend time with Rocco. But Rocco isn't exactly looking forward to Cassia's arrival. Persuaded to do the interview to help publicise his business, he has enough on his plate with his fiery girlfriend, wedding-obsessed sister and fiercely protective grandmother. And now it seems as if someone is trying to sabotage his restaurants too... Cassia's summer in Sorrento is shaping up to be a recipe for disaster. But could it also be a recipe for love?

Skinny Bitchin': A "Get Off Your Ass" Journal to Help You Change Your Life, Achieve Your Goals, and Rock Your World!

Rory Freedman - 2008
    -Quit crying in a corner 'cause your boyfriend dumped you; you know he was a lame lay, anyway. Bask in the glory of being single for a while! (That doesn't mean sluttin' it up with every guy you meet.) -Whatever you've been dying to do or try but have been too scared--today is the day! Carpe diem, bitches! Carpe diem! This ain't no dress rehearsal! -You spend eight hours a day, five days a week at your job...and you hate it? Quit, bitch! Life is short and time is precious! Don't you know that the Universe wants you to have everything you've ever dreamed of? Rory and Kim learned this sacred truth and how to harness its power, and they want the same for you. So get off your ass and get your groove on! You're gonna rock your own world!

The Trouble With Marriage

Debby Holt - 2008
    Ten years on, the sparkle has faded - household bills, household chores, two small children and a dog have seen to that - but Tilly is convinced their love can survive even the attentions of interfering in-laws and a glamorous ex-girlfriend.

Nice Girls Finish First

Alesia Holliday - 2005
     Kirby Green didn't get to be a Vice President of Marketing by being nice. But when she fires her entire staff within a few weeks (they all deserved it, really), her new boss is hardly impressed. Wanting to prove his point, he issues a bet: If Kirby can get someone-anyone-to call her nice, she can take that long-awaited dream vacation to Italy with her best friend, Jules. If she can't, she can kiss the Coliseum goodbye. Oh, and her job too. Now Kirby has exactly thirty days to bully someone into saying she's nice-and to show her boss who's boss. If she doesn't fall hard for him first...

Diamonds and Daisies

Bernadette Strachan - 2007
    A knicker-snatcher is at large in her block of flats. Her best friend's marriage is crumbling over a luncheon meat scandal. She lives with a couch potato and a workaholic virgin. And an Irish nun has just moved in to their spare room.

Stop the Clock

Alison Mercer - 2012
    and the illicit affair she's started leaves her free enough to follow her dreams.Natalie just wants to be happy - happy with the boyfriend she's dated since college, happy with the job she's drifted into, happy with a life she thinks is enough - but is it really?Ten years later, all three women have the lives they thought they wanted. But somehow, reality isn't quite as neat and clean-cut as their dreams...

Up All Night

Carmen Reid - 2005
    She's close to cracking the biggest scoop of her career - a cover-up with serious implications for her own family. If she knocks on the right doors and asks the right questions (with a little help from her outrageously smart friend, Bella Browning) then a real exclusive could be hers . . .But how will Jo meet her deadlines when her distractions include two needy daughters and a Barbie birthday party to organise, her pompous ex-husband, his new 'girlfriend' and the romantic intentions of a scruffy but delicious young super-chef?Time is running out, but who needs sleep when you can stay Up All Night?

Cool For Cats

Jessica Adams - 2003
    Suddenly, she gets the job that everyone else in England wants.Within weeks, her life changes beyond recognition. She finds herself in London, working as a journalist on NWW, a punk and new wave music magazine. Free records by Blondie, Squeeze and The Clash land on her desk, and her name is permanently on the guest list.Before the year is out she will be propositioned by four members of staff (including the work experience boy) and meet some rising stars (and occasionally spill Knickerbocker Glory on them). Along the way, though, Linda Tyler will also discover who and what she loves most - and make the most important decision of her life.

In Between Men

Mary Castillo - 2006
    . .She could be knocked unconscious by a well-kicked soccer ball and wind up saddled with a guardian angel who looks and sounds a lot like Joan Collins.She could have to endure the on-air ravings of her flojo ex-husband as he reveals every intimate, humiliating detail of their sex life to an infamous shock-jock . . . on national radio!Or she could take matters into her own hands and submit to a total makeover, from lipstick to toenail polish to lacy lingerie. And with the help of some well-meaning (if slightly loca) tías, she could become L.A.'s most ravishing reborn sex goddess, say adios to the past, and see about capturing the attention of a hot new man. But the new Isa is about to find out that it's not so easy juggling motherhood, career, and sex-symbol status. It could, however, turn out to be a whole lot of fun.

The War Widows

Leah Fleming - 2008
    A charming, epic tale of war brides who arrive in the post-war northern town of Grimbleton and turn everyone's lives upside down.

Where the Heart Is

Jenny Gardiner - 2011
    After a call from a long-lost friend, she decides to embark on a road trip to revisit her past and along the way comes to realize that home really is where the heart is...(originally was titled House of Cards)

Second Chance

Virginia Jewel - 2011
    Tired of being harassed by the same kids who used to be her playmates, she faded into the background of Burton. Ten years later, she still lives in town and even works in the local bar owned by her dad. But she’s still just as invisible as she was in high school.Nothing is working out the way Rob Clairon planned. Jobless, alone, and playing nurse to his dying father, Rob is not pleased to be back in Burton. Despite the depressing state of his life, he finds himself drawn to Tallie, the girl he thought he knew a long time ago. What he needs right now is to start over.Sometimes life gives you a second chance to do what you should have done the first time. Tallie and Rob just might get that second chance, as long as life doesn’t get in their way.

Baby Bumps: The Almost, Barely, Not-Quite-True Story of Pregnancy, Bed Rest and One Batshit Crazy Family

Amy Sprenger - 2012
    Wearing her highest heels and hottest pregnancy jeans, Amy Sprenger marched into her doctor's office, latte in hand, ready to finally see whether her baby was a boy or a girl. Sure, sure, this appointment was supposed to be about checking the health of the baby, but everyone who's ever been there knows it's really about looking for what lays, or doesn't lay, between the legs. So when the doctor tells her she has an incompetent cervix, Amy does what any woman would do. She becomes immediately offended. Is that a politically correct way of saying her cervix sucks? Unfortunately, as she's soon to learn, it's a lot more than that. The only way to keep that baby from falling out on the sidewalk (probably in front of Starbucks) is for her doctor to stitch her cervix closed and for Amy to stay in bed for the next four months. Four months that are carefully detailed in this "memoir." A memoir that, while basically true, has been embellished with Amy's signature brand of humor and hilarity. With more time off than a castoff contestant on "The Bachelor," Amy took pen to paper and settled in for the ride. But instead of sitting around eating bonbons, she's popping hypertension drugs to stave off preterm labor. And complications? Oh, she's got your complications. She's gut-rehabbing her house. Her mother moves in to care for her. Her husband takes a "mancation" while she's stuck in the hospital. And every time she has a contraction, she's convinced it's The Big One. Living by the adage that laughter is the best medicine, Amy fumbles her way through a series of sometimes serious and usually embarrassing situations. And just to be clear, using a bedpan qualifies as both serious and embarrassing. "Amy Sprenger's foray into factual fiction is a hilarious (and sometimes poignant) look at high-risk pregnancy from her view at the end of the bed. Sprenger offers a fresh and funny voice that readers will love!" --New York Times bestselling author Jen Lancaster