The Artful Edit: On the Practice of Editing Yourself

Susan Bell - 2007
    Brimming with examples, quotes, and case studies that include an illuminating discussion of Max Perkins's editorial collaboration with F. Scott Fitzgerald on The Great Gatsby, this book proves how fundamental editing is to great writing. Bell also offers strategic tips and exercises for self-editing, and a series of remarkable interviews, that take us into the studios of established authors such as Michael Ondaatje, Tracy Kidder, and Ann Patchett to learn from their various approaches to shaping their work after its initial creation. Much more than a manual, The Artful Edit inspires readers to think about both the discipline and the creativity of editing and how editing can enhance their work. A vigorous investigation into the history and meaning of the edit, this book, like The Triggering Town and The Elements of Style, is a must-have companion for every writer.

Mastering Book Hooks for Authors: How to Capture Reader Attention and Book Sales in 30 Words or Less

Rob Eagar - 2017
     That's the power of a hook. And, it just worked on you. A book hook is a statement or question designed to generate immediate curiosity and entice readers to want more. Why is a hook important? Language is the power of the book sale. As an author, you don’t sell books to machines. You sell books to human beings. A book hook uses powerful language that naturally piques a person’s interest. Book marketing expert, Rob Eagar, has coached over 450 authors and worked with several New York Times bestsellers. In this concise guide, he skillfully explains: • How to create a book hook • The difference between fiction and non-fiction hooks • Where to use a book hook to maximize sales Mastering Book Hooks for Authors will teach you how to create attention-grabbing language for your book, regardless of the genre. Capture more reader interest for free by using the power of a hook. Also includes free access to “The Ultimate Book Marketing Plan Template for Authors” by Rob Eagar that takes the guesswork out of launching your new book.

The Frugal Book Promoter: How to get nearly free publicity on your own or by partnering with your publisher

Carolyn Howard-Johnson - 2011
    It has been expanded to include simple ways to promote books using newer technology--always considering promotion and marketing techniques that are easy on the pocketbook and frugal of time. It also includes a multitude of ways for authors and publishers to promote the so-called hard-to-promote genres. The award-winning author of poetry and fiction draws on a lifetime of experience in journalism, public relations, retailing, marketing, and the marketing of her own books to give authors the basics they need for do-it-yourself promotion and fun, effective approaches that haven't been stirred and warmed over, techniques that will help rocket their books to bestselling lists. You'll also learn to write media releases, query letters and a knock 'em dead media kit--all tools that help an author find a publisher and sell their book once it's in print.

The Complete Guide to Self-Publishing: Everything You Need to Know to Write, Publish, Promote and Sell Your Own Book

Marilyn Ross - 1989
    You want to control the future of your manuscript and your writing career.Best-selling author Marilyn Ross and publishing expert Sue Collier show you how to make your own success - whether you're a published author, entrepreneur, corporation, professional, or absolute newcomer to writing. In this expanded and completely revised 5th edition of the bible of self-publishing (over 100,000 copies sold), they empower you to publish your own work with minimal risk and maximum profits.You'll find:- Complete step-by-step guidance on publishing and marketing a book - Ways to leverage social media marketing to build your platform and make yourself stand out from the crowd - A thorough explanation of the difference between POD self-publishing, subsidy publishing, and true self-publishing - and how to decide which is the best option for you - Practical advice on making the decision between offset printing and print-on-demand - How to leverage the Internet to create buzz and promote your book with killer PR - The latest information on e-publishing - A detailed marketing plan and timetable to keep you on track - Proven marketing strategies to get free publicity, reach nontraditional buyers, and sell books - Information-packed appendices with marketing contacts, organizations, and vendors, complete with names, addresses, and websites - Valuable case studies and examples of how other publishers excel - An in-depth discussion of exclusive distributors, plus coverage of the most recent changes in bookstores and the book-selling industry - Thirty-one creative ideas for generating capital to launch your publishing companyThe Complete Guide to Self-Publishing is the one book you need to take control of your writing career.Read it. Believe it. Do it.Your future depends on it.

Book Launch: How to Write, Market & Publish Your First Bestseller in Three Months or Less AND Use it to Start and Grow a Six Figure Business

Chandler Bolt - 2015
     Maybe you want to be an entrepreneur, speaker, coach, or writer. Maybe you just have the dream of making good passive income. Success of this magnitude does not have to continue to be a dream. It can be a reality. Book Launch reveals the proven approach that all the top experts and millionaires are using to become successful: writing your own best selling book. From Tony Robbins to Tim Ferriss, from Dave Ramsey to Donald Trump - and even’ll discover the new model they used to build their businesses and their brands - to earn respect and become instant experts - and ultimately to make millions of dollars. You may be asking yourself: How is it possible to write, market, and publish your first book? And how could can you get that book to be a #1 bestseller? How can you use your book to persuade an audience to want to do business with you? In this conversational, and action-oriented book, Chandler Bolt answers each of these questions and much more through a tried, tested, and proven book launch formula. As the #1 best selling author of The Productive Person, Breaking Out of a Broken System, and Productivity Hacks for Entrepreneurs, Bolt has personally used every piece of information in this book for himself. In this how to guide the reader will be given: A guide to getting your book written in record time without getting stuck How to build buzz and market your book in a way that is guaranteed for success A fail safe blueprint for self publishing on Kindle, how to launch your book, and top the charts in Amazon How to use your book to create passive income and grow your business No matter your writing level or ability, whether you feel like you have nothing to write about or you don’t have a following or influence — know that by following the information in Book Launch, you can successfully write a bestseller. Most importantly, you can use your bestseller to grow your business, make more money and help more people.

How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method

Randy Ingermanson - 2014
    You’ve heard of “organic writing,” but that seems a bit squishy to you. Take a look at the wildly popular Snowflake Method—a battle-tested series of ten steps that jump-start your creativity and help you quickly map out your story. All around the world, novelists are using the Snowflake Method right now to ignite their imaginations and get their first drafts down on paper. In this book, you’ll follow the story of a fictitious novelist as she learns to tap into the amazing power of the Snowflake Method. Almost magically, she finds her story growing from a simple idea into a deep and powerful novel. And she finds her novel changing her—turning her into a stronger, more courageous person.Zany, Over the Top, and Just Plain FunHow to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method is a “business parable”—a how-to guide written in story form. It’s zany. It’s over the top. It’s just plain fun. Most important, it’s effective, because it shows you, rather than telling you.You’ll learn by example how to grow your story idea into a sizzling first draft. You’ll discover:* How to define your “target audience” the right way, so you know exactly how your ideal readers think and feel. Forget what the experts tell you about “demographics.”* How to create a dynamite selling tool that will instantly tell people whether they’ll love your story or hate it. And you want them to either love it or hate it.* How to get inside the skin of every one of your characters—even your villain. Especially your villain.* How to find a deep, emotively powerful theme for your story. Do you know the one best point in your novel to unveil your theme—when your reader is most eager to hear it?* How to know when to backtrack, and why backtracking is essential to writing great fiction.* How to fire-test each scene to guarantee it’ll be high-impact—before you write it.Excerpt from Chapter 1:Goldilocks had always wanted to write a novel. She learned to read before she went to kindergarten. In grade school, she always had her nose in a book. In junior high, the other kids thought she was weird, because she actually liked reading those dusty old novels in literature class. All through high school, Goldilocks dreamed of writing a book of her own someday.But when she went to college, her parents persuaded her to study something practical. Goldilocks hated practical, and secretly she kept reading novels. But she was a very obedient girl, so she did what her parents told her. She got a very practical degree in marketing. After college, she got a job that bored her to tears—but at least it was practical.Then she got married, and within a few years, she had two children, a girl and then a boy. She quit her job to devote full time to them. As the children grew, Goldilocks took great joy in introducing them to the stories she had loved as a child. When her son went off to kindergarten, Goldilocks thought about looking for a job. But her resume now had a seven-year hole in it, and her practical skills were long out of date. The only jobs Goldilocks could qualify for were minimum wage.She suddenly realized that being practical had made her horribly unhappy. On a whim, Goldilocks decided to do the one thing she had always wanted more than anything else—she was finally going to write a novel.She didn’t care if it was impractical.She didn’t care if nobody would ever read her novel.She was going to do it just because she wanted to.For the first time in years, she was going to do something just for herself.And nobody was going to stop her.

Romancing the Beat: Story Structure for Romance Novels (How to Write Kissing Books Book 1)

Gwen Hayes - 2016
    The romance arc is made up of its own story beats, and the external plot and theme need to be braided to the romance arc—not the other way around. Told in conversational (and often irreverent) prose, Romancing the Beat can be read like you are sitting down to coffee with romance editor and author Gwen Hayes while she explains story structure. The way she does with her clients. Some of whom are regular inhabitants of the New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists. Romancing the Beat is a recipe, not a rigid system. The beats don’t care if you plot or outline before you write, or if you pants your way through the drafts and do a “beat check” when you’re revising. Pantsers and plotters are both welcome. So sit down, grab a cuppa, and let’s talk about kissing books.

Prosperity for Writers: A Writer's Guide to Creating Abundance

Honoree Corder - 2015
    This is a must read for all who seek to live more creatively and abundantly." "Honorée provides a practical and powerful process for breaking through the blocks getting in our way." "Prosperity for Writers is amazing, the only book of its kind that takes the principles of prosperity and abundance and applies them specifically to writing and writers." You work hard on your writing. Get the earnings and the life you deserve! Writers don't get paid much. At least, that's what you've convinced yourself. You believe that you've taken up the mantle of the starving artist, and that means you have to struggle for every cent you earn. But what if a simple change in beliefs and tactics could lead you to abundance and success? Your time would be better spent and your bank account would finally be full from your creative efforts. Author Honorée Corder is here to help you transform your life. Most books on writing touch on craft or marketing. Prosperity for Writers goes in a different direction entirely, providing you with the techniques, tools, and ideas you need to revolutionize your writing business and beliefs. Based on her innovative course, Honorée and a laundry list of forward-thinking writers will change your mindset for good into one of abundance. Once you've transformed your inner world, you'll be able to boost your bank account with proven action steps that will help you live off your writing. With Honorée's invaluable 100-day plan and daily practices by your side, you'll go from struggling to prosperous faster than you ever thought possible. By sharing her money-changing beliefs, affirmations, and proven success stories, Honorée has elevated writers from every area of the profession to financial success. Don't suffer any longer. Read this book to finally become the person you knew you could be: a financially-successful career writer. Buy the transformative guide to claim your prosperity today!

Save the Cat: The Last Book on Screenwriting You'll Ever Need

Blake Snyder - 2005
    This ultimate insider's guide reveals the secrets that none dare admit, told by a show biz veteran who's proven that you can sell your script if you can save the cat!

Write Good or Die

Scott NicholsonHarley Jane Kozak - 2010
    Anderson, M.J. Rose, Heather Graham, J.A. Konrath, Gayle Lynds, Alexandra Sokoloff, Jonathan Maberry, and more. How to develop your craft, improve your writing, get an agent, promote your work, embrace the digital age, and prepare yourself for the coming changes in the publishing industry. Edited by Scott Nicholson.

Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within

Natalie Goldberg - 1986
    In her groundbreaking first book, she brings together Zen meditation and writing in a new way. Writing practice, as she calls it, is no different from other forms of Zen practice--"it is backed by two thousand years of studying the mind." This edition includes a new preface and an interview with the author.

Show Your Work!: 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered

Austin Kleon - 2014
    Now, in an even more forward-thinking and necessary book, he shows how to take that critical next step on a creative journey—getting known. Show Your Work! is about why generosity trumps genius. It’s about getting findable, about using the network instead of wasting time “networking.” It’s not self-promotion, it’s self-discovery—let others into your process, then let them steal from you. Filled with illustrations, quotes, stories, and examples, Show Your Work! offers ten transformative rules for being open, generous, brave, productive. In chapters such as You Don’t Have to Be a Genius; Share Something Small Every Day; and Stick Around, Kleon creates a user’s manual for embracing the communal nature of creativity— what he calls the “ecology of talent.” From broader life lessons about work (you can’t find your voice if you don’t use it) to the etiquette of sharing—and the dangers of oversharing—to the practicalities of Internet life (build a good domain name; give credit when credit is due), it’s an inspiring manifesto for succeeding as any kind of artist or entrepreneur in the digital age.

From Word to Kindle: Self Publishing Your Kindle Book with Microsoft Word, or Tips on Formatting Your Document So Your Ebook Won't Look Terrible

Aaron Shepard - 2011
    It's not hard to find instructions for converting from Word to Kindle -- but these instructions are usually less helpful than they could be. Many, for example, proclaim that Word's HTML output requires extensive alteration and cleanup before submission. This advice is misguided. Some who offer it have drawn their conclusions after simply choosing the wrong export option. Others fuss about a moderate amount of excess code, not realizing that it doesn't increase file size enough to matter or that the Kindle ignores it anyway. Other instructions will imply the opposite: that conversion is straightforward and just what you would expect. Supposedly, as long as you start with a properly formatted Word document, you'll wind up with a well-formatted ebook. Well, it doesn't really work that way -- not without a few techniques for tricking or bullying the Kindle into doing what you want. In this book, Aaron Shepard offers his own tips for moving your document from Word to Kindle, with a focus on desktop Word versions from 2003/2004 to 2010/2011. ///////////////////////////////////////////////// Aaron Shepard is a foremost proponent of the new business of profitable self publishing, which he has practiced and helped develop since 1998. He is the author of -Aiming at Amazon, - -POD for Profit, - and -Perfect Pages, - as well as two other books on Kindle formatting. ///////////////////////////////////////////////// CONTENTS Getting Started 1 FIRST STEPS Working with Word Document Setup Text Cleanup 2 KINDLE FORMATTING Special Characters Font Formatting Paragraph Styles Paragraph Spacing Paragraph Justification Line Breaking Page Layout 3 SPECIAL ELEMENTS Other Paragraphs Lists Tables Text Boxes and Sidebars Footnotes and Endnotes Pictures 4 NAVIGATION Web Links Internal Links Tables of Contents Menu Items 5 FINAL STEPS HTML Export Book Covers Book Data Submitting and Previewing ///////////////////////////////////////////////// SAMPLE By default, Word will apply the Normal style to your paragraphs. Amazon knows this, so for some Kindles, it hijacks that style, changing its formatting to what Amazon prefers. This can lead, for example, to unwanted space above or below a paragraph. If you want control of your own formatting, then, you'll have to avoid the Normal style and apply something different. There's no problem, though, with applying styles based on Normal, or even with applying a duplicate of Normal under a completely different name. In regard to this, watch out for manual page breaks in recent versions of Word. Unless you're in Compatibility Mode, each break is now placed in a paragraph of its own, and the Normal style is assigned automatically. That in itself isn't a problem -- but if you then hit Return and start typing, your new paragraph will be in Normal as well. (This is another reason to stick to the paragraph format setting -Page break before- to start a new page.) You can change all paragraphs already in Normal style to a different one by using the Format menu in the Find and Replace dialog. Don't enter any text, but place your cursor in first the Find box and then the Replace while choosing a style for each.

Newsletter Ninja: How to Become an Author Mailing List Expert

Tammi Labrecque - 2018
     Imagine having a large list of happy readers who devoured every email you sent. Or launching a book and activating an army of fans who did the selling for you. You could be that person, with the help of Newsletter Ninja. Newsletter Ninja is a comprehensive resource designed to teach you how to build and maintain a strongly engaged email list—one full of actual fans willing to pay for the books you write, rather than free-seekers who will forget your name and never open your emails. • Learn new ways to think about your email list • Re-energize your existing subscribers • Embrace not just the basics, but next level methods • Improve engagement and watch those open/click rates soar • Build a happy list of passionate readers • Launch your books into the charts You’ll get a handle on open rates, click rates, and engagement—while also learning about yourself, your readers, and what you’re really selling when you send an email. (Spoiler: it’s not your books.) Whether you’re building a mailing list, want to grow an existing one, or simply want to raise your email game, Newsletter Ninja has solutions that will work for you.

Marketing Your Book On Amazon: 21 Things You Can Easily Do For Free To Get More Exposure and Sales

Shelley Hitz - 2012
    One way to increase your exposure on Amazon's search engine is through keywords.Are you ready for your book launch day? One key to getting on the Amazon bestseller's list is to sell as many books as possible in one day. And when you choose your categories wisely, you will have less competition and more success on launch day.Learn how to optimize your books on Amazon and Kindle using categories, tags and more. I will take you step-by-step through the process using screenshots to show you exactly what to do. I have been publishing books since 2008 and wish I would have known this information at that time. I now want to share all the tips and tricks that I have learned with you to decrease your learning curve.Join me as I teach you 21 things you can easily do for free to get more exposure and sales.What is included in this book:Know the Anatomy of an Amazon Book Sales PageChoose the Best Categories For Your BookSign Up For Author CentralAdd Your Books to Your Author ProfileChange Your Book Categories For Print BooksChange Your Book Categories for Kindle eBooksMake Sure the Print and Kindle Versions Are LinkedAdd Search Keywords To Your BookAdd Tags to Your Book Sales PageAdd Subjects To Your Book Sales PageUpdate Your Author ProfilePost Your Most Powerful Reviews on Your Book Sales PageAdd From the Author to Your Book Sales PageCreate a Compelling Book DescriptionAdd Extras Through ShelfariUpdate Your Amazon Public ProfileGet Valuable Sales Data For Print and Kindle BooksGet Customer Reviews For Your BookSign Up For The Amazon Associate ProgramDigitally Autograph Your Kindle eBooksPromote Your Book Via Social MediaAnd more!It is truly amazing what a few tweaks and changes to your Amazon account can do for your book rankings. Within just a few days of optimizing my account, one of my books hit #1 on the Kindle for its category. What are you waiting for? --> Get a copy of this book and get started optimizing your Amazon and Kindle book sales pages for increased exposure and sales.