My Name is (state your name), and I am a Writer (The "My Name Is..." Series)

C.G. Cooper - 2013
    The problem is, every one she knows tells her it can't be done. Instead she slogs to work every day, ignoring her dream. One day, at her favorite coffee shop, she meets Daniel. He'll soon teach her how to become the author she's always dreamed of being.This parable is fictional, but seven out of nine chapters include practical exercises for readers. If you're looking to become a writer or just struggling to find a better way, this short novel is for you.If you're ready, here's the first step. Start by reading the following statement: My Name is (state your name), and I am a Writer.More in this series:My Name is (state your name), and I am an Indie Author-->>

Start writing fiction

Open University - 2015
    You will also be able to look at the different genres for fiction.

The 15-Minute Writer: How To Write Your Book In Only 15 Minutes A Day

Jennifer Blanchard - 2016
    Perfect for busy writers or writers who are easily distracted or who want a better way to make consistent progress with their writing. Includes write ups from 15-minute writers who swear by the method. Also covers mindset, getting into a writing flow, how to clear mental clutter so you can focus during your writing session, and more.

Make Money As A Freelance Writer: 7 Simple Steps to Start Your Freelance Writing Business and Earn Your First $1,000

Sally Miller - 2016
    Don't worry, you're not alone. Heck, you might have already read a book or two on this exact topic - there are a few out there. So why would we write another one? Because rarely will you find a book that shows you the exact steps to accomplish a specific goal. And one that's enjoyable to read to boot! No fluff, no information you don't need just to fill up space. In Make Money as a Freelance Writer, Gina Horkey and Sally Miller give you the exact steps you need to start a freelance writing business from scratch. Nothing more, nothing less. Best of all, you'll discover how to land your first paying client - even if you're starting from zero. And by following the seven steps listed in this book, you can be earning $1,000 as a freelance writer in as little as 30 days. Not bad considering the price of the book, right? Completing the action steps listed in Make Money as a Freelance Writer will help you to: * Choose your top niche(s). * Acquire your first few samples. * Create your freelance writing portfolio. * Start sourcing writing work. * Send your first several pitches. * Land your first client. * And earn your first $1,000! Reading this book (and doing the work) will save you time, money and your sanity. Don't keep trying to figure this whole freelance writing thing out on your own. Or read everything on the internet covering the subject without taking action, because you're so confused and overwhelmed by the vast amount of information that exists. These seven steps haven't just worked for us. These steps have worked for thousands of other freelance writers in our community. So read the book, join the ranks and start earning as a freelance writer today. Are you ready to turn your writing hobby into some cold, hard cash? These steps can work if you're a stay-at-home mom looking to add a little extra income to your household budget. Or if you're a college student in need of a part-time job to pay the rent. Or maybe you dream of escaping your nine-to-five. You want financial freedom and a more meaningful life. These steps help you accomplish that too! Whatever your reasons, Make Money as a Freelance Writer shows you how to start a freelance writing business from nothing and earn your first $1,000 as quickly as possible. So what are you waiting for? Click the BUY NOW button at the top of this page and start taking specific actions to make your dream of getting paid to write a reality!

How to Land (and Keep) a Literary Agent

Noah Lukeman - 2008
    But few have been written by literary agents, who receive thousands of submissions each year and who grapple with them on a daily basis. Even fewer have been written by active literary agents who are willing to write from the trenches and offer their perspective on why they reject manuscripts, and why they accept them. And no books have been written from an agent's perspective on what it's like, step by step, to work with an agent on a daily basis, and on how to assure that you maintain a long, happy working relationship with your agent.How to Land (and Keep) a Literary Agent is the first book written from an active literary agent's perspective that teaches authors why agents reject or accept manuscripts; why they decide to represent certain authors and not represent others; the best way to approach agents; the best way to work with an agent on a daily basis; and that offers them dozens of specific resources to make the difference in their finally finding the perfect agents for their work. New York literary agent Noah Lukeman, President of Lukeman Literary Management Ltd, has represented multiple New York Times bestsellers, winners of the Pulitzer Prize and American Book Award, National Book Award Finalists, and has himself written three critically-acclaimed books on the craft of writing, The First Five Pages, The Plot Thickens, and A Dash of Style. During his last 13 years as a literary agent he has read thousands of manuscripts and represented hundreds of book deals, and in this book he shares his insider's perspective, offers insight and practical tips about what works and what doesn’t. How to Land (and Keep) a Literary Agent is a must-read for any author serious about getting published. Geared for a broad range of authors, its subject matter is relevant to authors of fiction and non-fiction, screenwriters, poets--any serious author--offering principles that will help lead to success no matter what your craft. Practical and engaging, filled with exercises, anecdotes and sidebars, this 200 plus page book takes you on a journey, and will bring you that much closer to finally landing a literary agent.How to Land (and Keep) a Literary Agent includes: * 10 Reasons Why You Need an Agent * 9 Steps to Building Your Bio (for Fiction) * 8 Ways to Build Your Non-Fiction Platform * 13 Factors to Consider When Evaluating an Agent * 24 Free Resources for Researching Agents * 11 Fee-Based Resources for Researching Agents * The 4 Musts of Submitting * 4 Keys to Successful Follow Up * 3 Resources to Protect you from Agent Scams * 5 Ways an Agent Can Take Advantage of You * To Use a Book Doctor? * 7 Ways to Protect Yourself in an Agency Agreement * To Hire an Attorney? * What it’s Like to Work With an Agent (a Step-by-Step Timeline) * A Publication Timeline Chart * 15 Ways to Assure a Great Relationship With Your Agent * 6 Reasons to Drop Your Agent * To Self Publish?"Lukeman’s advice is practical—and often entails multiple, time-consuming steps—without a hint of the flakiness that creeps into many writing guides."--Publishers Weekly (regarding The Plot Thickens) This 100,000 word file includes two additional books written by Mr.

Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life

Anne Lamott - 1994
    [It] was due the next day. We were out at our family cabin in Bolinas, and he was at the kitchen table close to tears, surrounded by binder paper and pencils and unopened books on birds, immobilized by the hugeness of the task ahead. Then my father sat down beside him, put his arm around my brother's shoulder, and said. 'Bird by bird, buddy. Just take it bird by bird.'"With this basic instruction always in mind, Anne Lamott returns to offer us a new gift: a step-by-step guide on how to write and on how to manage the writer's life. From "Getting Started,' with "Short Assignments," through "Shitty First Drafts," "Character," "Plot," "Dialogue." all the way from "False Starts" to "How Do You Know When You're Done?" Lamott encourages, instructs, and inspires. She discusses "Writers Block," "Writing Groups," and "Publication." Bracingly honest, she is also one of the funniest people alive.If you have ever wondered what it takes to be a writer, what it means to be a writer, what the contents of your school lunches said about what your parents were really like, this book is for you. From faith, love, and grace to pain, jealousy, and fear, Lamott insists that you keep your eyes open, and then shows you how to survive. And always, from the life of the artist she turns to the art of life.

Write Away: One Novelist's Approach to Fiction and the Writing Life

Elizabeth George - 2004
    George combines clear, intelligent, and functional advice on fiction writing with anecdotes from her own life, the story of her journey to publication, and inside information on how she meticulously researches and writes her novels. George's solid understanding of craft is conveyed in the enticing manner of a true storyteller, making Write Away not only a marvelous, interesting, and informative book but also a glimpse inside the world of a beloved writer.

How To Write Descriptions of Eyes and Faces

Val Kovalin - 2011
     (Note: both books (1) How to Write Descriptions of Eyes and Faces and (2) How to Write Descriptions of Hair and Skin are now available in a single, unabridged volume for readers interested in both buying both books together at a cheaper price than buying them individually: How to Write Descriptions of Eyes, Faces, Hair, Skin. ASIN: B00670OUGW.) Here, you get more help than you could possibly imagine on describing eyes and faces. Each section centers on a type of description, such as Eye Color (for example, "Crystal blue eyes"), or Appearance of the Eye (for example, "Beady eyes," or "Bedroom eyes"), or Actions Involving the Eyes (for example, "Darting eyes" or "Gawking"). Each section lists its descriptive terms alphabetically with full explanations. You can read the lists to learn new terms, or you can look up a specific term. The eye section starts with the location of colors in the iris. Through examples, you learn how physical description starts with an accurate, detailed picture of everything you see, which you condense for your fiction. You learn about the appearance of the eyes, actions involving the eyes, and how to describe eyelids, eyebrows, and eyelashes. All of this leads into more than 2,000 words explaining 82 different color names to assign to eyes that are black, blue, brown, gray, green, hazel, or violet. The face section shows how to describe facial shapes, forehead, ears, cheekbones, nose, lips, chin, and facial hair, if any. You learn about facial expressions, such as simpering or sneering, and things like the differences between a frown and a scowl. You also get a section on how the face shows different emotions. For example, you can look up "Anger" and read about common physical signs of anger such as blood rising beneath the skin, the forehead tightening, the eyes narrowing, and the nose wrinkling in disgust. Who may benefit from this book? Anyone who wants a quick prompt or idea so as not to lose his writing momentum. Readers for whom English is a second language may enjoy the in-depth explanations of American English terms. Authors in genres that demand much physical description (for example, fantasy fiction and romance fiction) may also find this book useful. How to Write Descriptions of Eyes and Faces is about 15,000 words in total. Thank you for reading.

Woe Is I: The Grammarphobe's Guide to Better English in Plain English

Patricia T. O'Conner - 1996
    The bestselling grammar book has been updated and revised to include the latest and greatest on the basics and subtleties of English, and features a new chapter on the language of the Internet.

Plug Your Book: Online Book Marketing for Authors, Book Publicity Through Social Networking

Steve Weber - 2007
    I bought this book just to make sure I wasn't missing anything, but it blew me away."-- Scott Sigler, # 1 bestselling author"An amazingly rich collection of cutting-edge promotional tactics and strategies. Makes most other books about online publicity look sickly."-- Aaron Shepard, author: Aiming at Amazon"...The one book every author needs to read. I don't care if you're writing a computer book, a science fiction novel or the next great self-help guide, you need to get copy of Steve Weber's Plug Your Book!"- Joe Wikert, executive publisher, John Wiley & Sons "Practical, pragmatic, low-cost ideas for promoting the heck out of your own book, whether it's fiction, nonfiction, technical, business or anything else."-- Dave Taylor, author: 'Growing Your Business with Google'"I've worked with most of America's largest book publishers, helping many of them build online marketing departments. I've worked for authors too. Plug Your Book is the new training manual."-- Steve O'Keefe, author: 'Publicity on the Internet'"...Plug Your Book reveals the most effective and least expensive tools to promote your titles and to increase your exposure. It's the best book on online marketing I have ever read, and I read quite a few in the course of my consulting practice with small presses."-- Marion Gropen, president, Gropen AssociatesHere's what's inside the book:... Taking control of your book sales; Electric word of mouth; Amazon's `long tail;' Personalized bookstores; Book recommendation effectiveness... Amazon Bestseller Campaigns; How Bestseller Campaigns work; Haywired recommendations... Amateur book reviews; Credibility through peers; Amazon Top Reviewers; Negative reviews; Posting trade reviews on Amazon; Fee-based book reviews... Building your author Web site; A survey of author Web sites; Your online press kit; Multimedia for books; Podcasting for publicity; When to launch your site... Blogging for authors; Connecting with readers; Blog comments: pros and cons; Blogging categories; Over the long haul; Blog-to-e-mail service... Social networking; MySpace: Not just for kids; Facebook; Create your own group; Other places on MySpace; More social-networking sites... Tag - You're it!; Personal book tagging; Amazon tags; Amazon Media Library; LibraryThing; Tag-based marketing... Advanced Amazon tools; Buy X, Get Y; Free paired placement; Single New Product e-mails; Amazon Connect; Listmania; So You'd Like to . . .

Publish on Amazon Kindle with Kindle Direct Publishing

Kindle Direct Publishing - 2010
    KDP is a fast and easy self-publishing tool that lets anyone upload and format their titles for sale in the Kindle Store.

Elmore Leonard's 10 Rules of Writing

Elmore Leonard - 2006
    From adjectives and exclamation points to dialect and hoopetedoodle, Elmore Leonard explains what to avoid, what to aspire to, and what to do when it sounds like "writing" (rewrite).Beautifully designed, filled with free-flowing, elegant illustrations and specially priced, Elmore Leonard's 10 Rules of Writing is the perfect writer's—and reader's—gift.

Be the Gateway: A Practical Guide to Sharing Your Creative Work and Engaging an Audience

Dan Blank - 2017
    They follow “best practices” in marketing that never seem to pan out, don’t produce results, and make them feel lost and oftentimes, frustrated. Be the Gateway offers a powerful way to have an impact. If you want to share your voice and inspire people with your writing, art, craft, or creative idea, you have to be the gateway for them. Instead of throwing “products” out into the marketplace, you open them up to a new way of looking at the world, of knowing themselves, and connecting with others. You unlock new experiences for them -- not just through what you create, but through the unique way you share it with the world. Too often we think about the creative process as separate from the marketing process. Instead, view them as the same. Replace the inclination to “promote” with the desire to share and engage. How and why you create is a story — and your best asset to truly engage people. Be the Gateway shows you how to use that gift with joy and with confidence.

How to Write a Mystery

Larry Beinhart - 1996
    There's more to it than just a detective, a dead body, and Colonel Mustard in the drawing room with the candlestick. Fortunately, Larry Beinhart--Edgar Award-winning author of You Get What You Pay For, Foreign Exchange, and American Hero--has taken a break from writing smart, suspenseful thrillers to act as your guide through all the twists and turns of creating the twists and turns of a good mystery. Drawing on advice and examples from a host of the best names in mystery writing--from Raymond Chandler and Mickey Spillane to Scott Turow and Thomas Harris--plus some of his own prime plots, Larry Beinhart introduces you to your most indispensable partners in crime: *Character, plot, and procedure * The secrets to creating heroes, heroines, and villains ("All writers draw upon themselves and their experience. While the whole of yourself might not be capable of being either a serial killer or an FBI agent, there are parts in each of us that are capable of almost anything.") * The fine art of scripting the sex scene *The low-down on violence ("A crime novel without violence is like smoking pot without inhaling, sex without orgasm, or a hug without a squeeze." ) *And much more!From the opening hook to the final denouement, Larry Beinhart takes the mystery out of being a mystery writer.

The Kindle Publishing Bible

Tom Corson-Knowles - 2012
    But you can outrank them on Amazon search every time! Why? Because 99% of Kindle authors don't know how to increase their search engine rankings in Amazon and Google. But I do - and I'm going to show you how in this book (it won't cost you a dime to implement these strategies by the way).Most authors (even the ones with publishers and big marketing budgets) have no idea how to do keyword research, tag their book, add the right search keywords when they publish their book or insert keywords in their book description without it sounding like it was written by a robot.For New Authors: Step-By-Step Instructions With Picture TutorialsIf you're a first-time Kindle publisher or technologically challenged then this book is for you! I even had my Grandma Ann Knowles follow the instructions step by step and she gave it a big thumbs up for easy to use instructions. The playing field has been leveled with ebook publishing - and if my Grandma can do it, I guarantee you can too!For Existing Authors: How To Sell More Books In 5 Days Than You Did Last MonthI'm going to share with you my KDP Select Free Promotion Marketing Formula for getting tens of thousands of readers to download your book in just 5 days. All you have to do is read the Marketing Formula instructions and follow them (it takes about 3 hours of work to get thousands of new readers).How To Sell On Kindle Using Your Book DescriptionIf you think your book is going to sell itself, think again! If you're a fiction author or novelist, you have to show your readers the story and engage them in it or they won't buy a book from an unknown author. And if you're a non-fiction author, you have to tell potential readers how your book is going to help them solve their problem fast or they'll click away, never having even downloaded your book. I'm going to show you the Show And Tell system for selling more books on Kindle by giving you readers what they want and overcoming objections in your book description!Kindle marketing isn't about having a big marketing budget or publisher behind you - but you still need exposure and a great offer. This book will help you with get more exposure with Amazon search and other great marketing tips.You also have to make buying your book an irresistible offer so that when browsers get done reading your book description they say, "I have to buy this book!" You can't do that without a strategic plan and a well-written book description.Bonus! Video interviews with best-selling Kindle authors as they share their coveted book marketing strategies.