A Short Account of the History of Mathematics
W.W. Rouse Ball - 1900
From the early Greek influences to the Middle Ages and the Renaissance to the end of the 19th century, trace the fascinating foundation of mathematics as it developed through the ages. Aristotle, Galileo, Kepler, Newton: you know the names. Now here's what they really did, and the effect their discoveries had on our culture, all explained in a way the layperson can understand. Begin with the basis of arithmetic (Plato and the introduction of geometry), and discover why the use of Arabic numerals was critical to the development of both commerce and science. The development of calculus made space travel a reality, while the abacus prefigured the computer. The greats examined in depth include Leonardo da Vinci, a brilliant mathematician as well as artist; Pascal, who laid out the theory of probabilities; and Fermat, whose intriguing theory has only recently been solved.
The Book of Numbers: The Secret of Numbers and How They Changed the World
Peter J. Bentley - 2008
Indeed, numbers are part of every discipline in the sciences and the arts.With 350 illustrations, including diagrams, photographs and computer imagery, the book chronicles the centuries-long search for the meaning of numbers by famous and lesser-known mathematicians, and explains the puzzling aspects of the mathematical world. Topics include:The earliest ideas of numbers and counting Patterns, logic, calculating Natural, perfect, amicable and prime numbers Numerology, the power of numbers, superstition The computer, the Enigma Code Infinity, the speed of light, relativity Complex numbers The Big Bang and Chaos theories The Philosopher's Stone. The Book of Numbers shows enthusiastically that numbers are neither boring nor dull but rather involve intriguing connections, rivalries, secret documents and even mysterious deaths.
Gilbert Strang - 1991
The author has a direct style. His book presents detailed and intensive explanations. Many diagrams and key examples are used to aid understanding, as well as the application of calculus to physics and engineering and economics. The text is well organized, and it covers single variable and multivariable calculus in depth. An instructor's manual and student guide are available online at http: //ocw.mit.edu/ans7870/resources/Strang/....
Multivariable Calculus
James Stewart - 1991
In the Fourth Edition CALCULUS, EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS these functions are introduced in the first chapter and their limits and derivatives are found in Chapters 2 and 3 at the same time as polynomials and other elementary functions. In this Fourth Edition, Stewart retains the focus on problem solving, the meticulous accuracy, the patient explanations, and the carefully graded problems that have made these texts word so well for a wide range of students. All new and unique features in CALCULUS, FOURTH EDITION have been incorporated into these revisions also.
A First Course in Abstract Algebra
John B. Fraleigh - 1967
Focused on groups, rings and fields, this text gives students a firm foundation for more specialized work by emphasizing an understanding of the nature of algebraic structures. KEY TOPICS: Sets and Relations; GROUPS AND SUBGROUPS; Introduction and Examples; Binary Operations; Isomorphic Binary Structures; Groups; Subgroups; Cyclic Groups; Generators and Cayley Digraphs; PERMUTATIONS, COSETS, AND DIRECT PRODUCTS; Groups of Permutations; Orbits, Cycles, and the Alternating Groups; Cosets and the Theorem of Lagrange; Direct Products and Finitely Generated Abelian Groups; Plane Isometries; HOMOMORPHISMS AND FACTOR GROUPS; Homomorphisms; Factor Groups; Factor-Group Computations and Simple Groups; Group Action on a Set; Applications of G-Sets to Counting; RINGS AND FIELDS; Rings and Fields; Integral Domains; Fermat's and Euler's Theorems; The Field of Quotients of an Integral Domain; Rings of Polynomials; Factorization of Polynomials over a Field; Noncommutative Examples; Ordered Rings and Fields; IDEALS AND FACTOR RINGS; Homomorphisms and Factor Rings; Prime and Maximal Ideas; Gr�bner Bases for Ideals; EXTENSION FIELDS; Introduction to Extension Fields; Vector Spaces; Algebraic Extensions; Geometric Constructions; Finite Fields; ADVANCED GROUP THEORY; Isomorphism Theorems; Series of Groups; Sylow Theorems; Applications of the Sylow Theory; Free Abelian Groups; Free Groups; Group Presentations; GROUPS IN TOPOLOGY; Simplicial Complexes and Homology Groups; Computations of Homology Groups; More Homology Computations and Applications; Homological Algebra; Factorization; Unique Factorization Domains; Euclidean Domains; Gaussian Integers and Multiplicative Norms; AUTOMORPHISMS AND GALOIS THEORY; Automorphisms of Fields; The Isomorphism Extension Theorem; Splitting Fields; Separable Extensions; Totally Inseparable Extensions; Galois Theory; Illustrations of Galois Theory; Cyclotomic Extensions; Insolvability of the Quintic; Matrix Algebra MARKET: For all readers interested in abstract algebra.
The 125 Best Brain Teasers of All Time: A Mind-Blowing Challenge of Math, Logic, and Wordplay
Marcel Danesi - 2018
Collected here to keep your wits sharp, The Best Brain Teasers of All Time features the cleverest brain teasers from around the world and throughout history.The Best Brain Teasers of All Time gives you hours of fun-filled entertainment with brain teasers that develop your problem-solving skills in math, logic, and wordplay. Organized as an integrated challenge, these brain teasers build in momentum as they increase in difficulty from classic nursery rhymes to the riddle of the sphinx.The Best Brain Teasers of All Time puts your mind to the test with:
125 Brain Teasers that require no special skills to solve. Plus, each question comes with an optional clue in case you get stumped and a handy answer key in the back to test yourself or play with friends
Brain Teasers for Every Level that cater to beginners and advanced masterminds alike, with brain teasers organized by level of difficulty to improve your skills as you move forward
Hints of History that provide fun facts and background information for every brain teaser
Get ready to sharpen your wit with every “aha” moment. The Best Brain Teasers of All Time is a go-to source for timeless fun and mind-blowing challenges.
Problems in Mathematics with Hints and Solutions
V. Govorov - 1996
Theory has been provided in points between each chapter for clarifying relevant basic concepts. The book consist four parts algebra and trigonometry, fundamentals of analysis, geometry and vector algebra and the problems and questions set during oral examinations. Each chapter consist topic wise problems. Sample examples are provided after each text for understanding the topic well. The fourth part "oral examination problems and question" includes samples suggested by the higher schools for the help of students. Answers and hints are given at the end of the book for understanding the concept well. About the Book: Problems in Mathematics with Hints and Solutions Contents: Preface Part 1. Algebra, Trigonometry and Elementary Functions Problems on Integers. Criteria for Divisibility Real Number, Transformation of Algebraic Expressions Mathematical Induction. Elements of Combinatorics. BinomialTheorem Equations and Inequalities of the First and the SecondDegree Equations of Higher Degrees, Rational Inequalities Irrational Equations and Inequalities Systems of Equations and Inequalities The Domain of Definition and the Range of a Function Exponential and Logarithmic Equations and Inequalities Transformations of Trigonometric Expressions. InverseTrigonometric Functions Solutions of Trigonometric Equations, Inequalities and Systemsof Equations Progressions Solutions of Problems on Derivation of Equations Complex Numbers Part 2. Fundamentals of Mathematical Analysis Sequences and Their Limits. An Infinitely Decreasing GeometricProgression. Limits of Functions The Derivative. Investigating the Behaviors of Functions withthe Aid of the Derivative Graphs of Functions The Antiderivative. The Integral. The Area of a CurvilinearTrapezoid Part 3. Geometry and Vector Algebra Vector Algebra Plane Geometry. Problems on Proof Plane Geometry. Construction Problems Plane Geometry. C
Michael Artin - 1991
Linear algebra is tightly integrated into the text.
On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematica and Related Systems
Kurt Gödel - 1992
Kurt Giidel maintained, and offered detailed proof, that in any arithmetic system, even in elementary parts of arithmetic, there are propositions which cannot be proved or disproved within the system. It is thus uncertain that the basic axioms of arithmetic will not give rise to contradictions. The repercussions of this discovery are still being felt and debated in 20th-century mathematics.The present volume reprints the first English translation of Giidel's far-reaching work. Not only does it make the argument more intelligible, but the introduction contributed by Professor R. B. Braithwaite (Cambridge University}, an excellent work of scholarship in its own right, illuminates it by paraphrasing the major part of the argument.This Dover edition thus makes widely available a superb edition of a classic work of original thought, one that will be of profound interest to mathematicians, logicians and anyone interested in the history of attempts to establish axioms that would provide a rigorous basis for all mathematics. Translated by B. Meltzer, University of Edinburgh. Preface. Introduction by R. B. Braithwaite.
The Monty Hall Problem: The Remarkable Story of Math's Most Contentious Brain Teaser
Jason Rosenhouse - 2009
Imagine that you face three doors, behind one of which is a prize. You choose one but do not open it. The host--call him Monty Hall--opens a different door, alwayschoosing one he knows to be empty. Left with two doors, will you do better by sticking with your first choice, or by switching to the other remaining door? In this light-hearted yet ultimately serious book, Jason Rosenhouse explores the history of this fascinating puzzle. Using a minimum ofmathematics (and none at all for much of the book), he shows how the problem has fascinated philosophers, psychologists, and many others, and examines the many variations that have appeared over the years. As Rosenhouse demonstrates, the Monty Hall Problem illuminates fundamental mathematical issuesand has abiding philosophical implications. Perhaps most important, he writes, the problem opens a window on our cognitive difficulties in reasoning about uncertainty.
Discrete Mathematics
Richard Johnsonbaugh - 1984
Focused on helping students understand and construct proofs and expanding their mathematical maturity, this best-selling text is an accessible introduction to discrete mathematics. Johnsonbaugh's algorithmic approach emphasizes problem-solving techniques. The Seventh Edition reflects user and reviewer feedback on both content and organization.
Linear Algebra
Georgi E. Shilov - 1971
Shilov, Professor of Mathematics at the Moscow State University, covers determinants, linear spaces, systems of linear equations, linear functions of a vector argument, coordinate transformations, the canonical form of the matrix of a linear operator, bilinear and quadratic forms, Euclidean spaces, unitary spaces, quadratic forms in Euclidean and unitary spaces, finite-dimensional algebras and their representations, with an appendix on categories of finite-dimensional spaces.The author begins with elementary material and goes easily into the advanced areas, covering all the standard topics of an advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate course. The material is presented in a consistently clear style. Problems are included, with a full section of hints and answers in the back.Keeping in mind the unity of algebra, geometry and analysis in his approach, and writing practically for the student who needs to learn techniques, Professor Shilov has produced one of the best expositions on the subject. Because it contains an abundance of problems and examples, the book will be useful for self-study as well as for the classroom.
Principles of Statistics
M.G. Bulmer - 1979
There are equally many advanced textbooks which delve into the far reaches of statistical theory, while bypassing practical applications. But between these two approaches is an unfilled gap, in which theory and practice merge at an intermediate level. Professor M. G. Bulmer's Principles of Statistics, originally published in 1965, was created to fill that need. The new, corrected Dover edition of Principles of Statistics makes this invaluable mid-level text available once again for the classroom or for self-study.Principles of Statistics was created primarily for the student of natural sciences, the social scientist, the undergraduate mathematics student, or anyone familiar with the basics of mathematical language. It assumes no previous knowledge of statistics or probability; nor is extensive mathematical knowledge necessary beyond a familiarity with the fundamentals of differential and integral calculus. (The calculus is used primarily for ease of notation; skill in the techniques of integration is not necessary in order to understand the text.)Professor Bulmer devotes the first chapters to a concise, admirably clear description of basic terminology and fundamental statistical theory: abstract concepts of probability and their applications in dice games, Mendelian heredity, etc.; definitions and examples of discrete and continuous random variables; multivariate distributions and the descriptive tools used to delineate them; expected values; etc. The book then moves quickly to more advanced levels, as Professor Bulmer describes important distributions (binomial, Poisson, exponential, normal, etc.), tests of significance, statistical inference, point estimation, regression, and correlation. Dozens of exercises and problems appear at the end of various chapters, with answers provided at the back of the book. Also included are a number of statistical tables and selected references.
Linear Algebra
Stephen H. Friedberg - 1979
This top-selling, theorem-proof text presents a careful treatment of the principal topics of linear algebra, and illustrates the power of the subject through a variety of applications. It emphasizes the symbiotic relationship between linear transformations and matrices, but states theorems in the more general infinite-dimensional case where appropriate.