Book picks similar to
Mystici Corporis: Encyclical Letter Of Pope Pius XII On The Mystical Body Of Christ by Pope Pius XII
The Wonders of the Holy Name
Paul O'Sullivan - 1947
O'Sullivan’s very popular and soul-stirring books, for it reveals the simplest secret of holiness and happiness over. Scarcely one Catholic in a million has heard about the amazing power of the Holy Name of Jesus which the author explains here. He brings forth stories and quotes from Scripture, history and the lives of the Saints, showing the incredible efficacy of this Sacred Name and urging us to invoke it often — dozens of times, even hundreds of times each day!The author describes what remarkable prayers can be summed up in the one word, “Jesus.” He shows how the habitual practice of this simple devotion shields us from temptation and leads us to holiness of life. He says that by repeating reverently the Holy Name we can glorify God, call upon His aid, pay our spiritual debts, assist the Souls in Purgatory, obtain a share in the graces God is constantly pouring out, receive protection from the devil, obtain the grace of a happy death, be preserved from disasters and even regain our physical health!The Wonders of the Holy Name reveals a tremendous secret almost unknown today. In bringing out this secret, Fr. O'Sullivan gives us thereby a glimpse into the infinite holiness at the heart of our Catholic Faith.
Ecclesia de Eucharistia: On the Eucharist in Its Relationship to the Church
Pope John Paul II - 2003
Topics include: The theology of the Eucharist The importance of the Eucharist in the life of the Church The relationship between the priesthood and the Eucharist The Eucharist as a point of unity - and separation - among Christians The importance of the liturgy and following liturgical norms Mary as an example of our relationship to Jesus in the Eucharist
Saved in Hope: Spe Salvi
Benedict XVI - 2007
Paul, who wrote, "In hope we have been saved". In this special deluxe hardcover edition of the work, the Holy Father continues a line of thought he began with his first encyclical,God is Love.Love and Hope are closely related in the spiritual life. Love of God involves hope or trust in God. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, "The virtue of hope responds to the aspiration to happiness which God has placed in the heart of every man". Hope enables us to look to the next life, but it also inspires and purifies our actions in this life. Pope Benedict considers modern philosophies and the challenges of faith today in light of the virtue of hope."Confronted by today's changing and complex panorama, the virtue of hope is subject to harsh trials in the community of believers. For this very reason, we must be apostles who are filled with hope and joyful trust in God's promises. In contemporary society, which shows such visible signs of secularism, we must not give in to despair." — Pope Benedict XVI
Your God is Too Boring
Jon Leonetti - 2014
It’s behind the times. It’s boring.” I say we’ve forgotten our story. It’s time to rediscover that there is genius in Catholicism. Christianity has captivated the world for more than two thousand years. Look a little closer, and you’ll see that it is the most dangerous and exciting thing on earth. Catholicism is a game changer. This book looks at the big picture of who God is, what he has revealed to us, and how that will radically impact our lives if we let it.
Lumen Fidei: The Light of Faith
Pope Francis - 2013
It is a capstone of the year, but at the same time a milestone of a long road, a road we have only begun to travel: the road of the New Evangelization.” –from the Foreword by Scott Hahn On June 29, 2013 Pope Francis issued his first papal letter reflecting on the nature of belief and the need to renew our faith for a bright future of charity and love for all. "The light of Faith: this is how the Church's tradition speaks of the great gift brought by Jesus," Pope Francis writes. "In John's Gospel, Christ says of himself: 'I have come as light into the world, that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness.'" Here is an illuminating work inviting all to lead a more spiritual and faith-based, a reminder that with faith comes service, and with service to others and to God comes heaven on earth.
Humanae Vitae: Of Human Life
Pope Paul VI - 1968
Pope Paul VI saw clearly the problems inherent in the rising culture of death.
From Christendom to Apostolic Mission: Pastoral Strategies for an Apostolic Age
University of Mary - 2020
This essay is an attempt to contribute effective strategies to engage our own time and culture once more with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and – for a weary world – to awaken the Catholic imaginative vision.
Preparation for Total Consecration to Jesus Christ Through Mary According to St Louis De Montfort
Hugh Gillespie - 2011
Louis de Montfort's Act of Total Consecration give a beautiful expression to the fundamental thrust of his spirituality: Christianity that is fully alive is nothing less than a radical act of total self-surrender and self-gift to the Lord Jesus Christ who, in his redemptive Incarnation, has first given himself totally over to us, and for us.Recognizing that the Lord has first consecrated, completely given, himself to us, Fr. de Montfort rightly recognizes that one truly receives this gift in its fullness only by fully giving, that is consecrating, himself to its saving power. The great Apostle of Our Lady proposed on his masterwork, True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, an outline of a process by means of which one might prepare himself to make just such a total self-gift to Jesus through Mary.This book, which has been prepared by the Company of Mary, the religious community founded by Fr. de Montfort himself, is both an introduction to his spirituality of total consecration and a guide for those who would prepare themselves to make his Act of Total Consecration to Jesus Christ through Mary. It is also the fruit of this same Act of Total Consecration lived out in years of missionary service of Our Lord and Our Lady in the Roman Catholic Church which we joyfully make available to the people of God.
10 Wonders of the Rosary
Donald H. Calloway - 2019
Donald Calloway, MIC, in all its wonder: leading armies into battle; defeating the enemies of Christ and His Church; and transforming hearts and minds in order to save societies and entire civilizations. After exploring the 10 Wonders of the Rosary, you'll never look at this timeless and powerful devotion the same way again.
Making Missionary Disciples
Curtis Martin
He doesn’t just remind us how every disciple is called on mission to share the love and truth of Jesus Christ. He gives us practical ways to do this in our ordinary daily lives. Experience the transformation for which we all long—through Making Missionary Disciples. “Making Missionary Disciples is a small book … like a mustard seed or a grain of wheat; when these are planted in the earth they reveal a surprising explosive force … [It] shows us Jesus’ methods of evangelization.” Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops “… these pages will be of great help for all those who are engaged in the service for the new evangelization, which is so urgent and needed in our times.” Archbishop Rino Fisichella, -President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization “This groundbreaking book gives us an inside look at the process of forming disciples from the founder of one of the most powerful Catholic missionary organizations in the world.” Jennifer Fulwiler, SiriusXM radio host
Hope to Die: The Christian Meaning of Death and the Resurrection of the Body
Scott Hahn - 2020
We profess it in our creed. We're taught that to bury and pray for the dead are corporal and spiritual works of mercy. We honor the dead in our Liturgy through the Rite of Christian burial. We do all of this, and more, because when Jesus Christ took on flesh for the salvation of our souls he also bestowed great dignity on our bodies. In Hope to Die: The Christian Meaning of Death and the Resurrection of the Body, Scott Hahn explores the significance of death and burial from a Catholic perspective. The promise of the bodily resurrection brings into focus the need for the dignified care of our bodies at the hour of death. Unpacking both Scripture and Catholic teaching, Hope to Die reminds us that we are destined for glorification on the last day.Our bodies have been made by a God who loves us. Even in death, those bodies point to the mystery of our salvation.
Letter to a Suffering Church: A Bishop Speaks on the Sexual Abuse Crisis
Robert Barron - 2019
It's been a diabolical masterpiece, one that has compromised the work of the Church in every way and has left countless lives in ruin. Many Catholics are understandably asking, “Why should I stay? Why not abandon this sinking ship before it drags me or my children under?" In this stirring manifesto, Bishop Robert Barron, founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries and Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, explains why this is not the time to leave, but the time to stay and fight. Reading the current crisis through the lenses of Scripture and Church history, Bishop Barron shows that we have faced such egregious scandals before; that the spiritual treasures of the Church were preserved by holy men and women who recommitted themselves to fighting evil; and that there is a clear path forward for us today. For Catholics questioning their faith, searching desperately for encouragement and hope, this book will offer reasons to stay and fight for the Body of Christ.
A Mind at Peace
Christopher O. Blum - 2017
We’re experiencing a worldwide crisis of attention in which information overwhelms us, corrodes true communion with others, and leaves us anxious, unsettled, bored, isolated, and lonely. These pages provide the time-tested antidote that enables you to regain an ordered and peaceful mind in a technologically advanced world. Drawing on the wisdom of the world’s greatest thinkers, including Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, and St. Thomas Aquinas, these pages help you identify – and show you how to cultivate – the qualities of character you need to survive in our media-saturated environment. This book offers a calm, measured, yet forthright and effective approach to regaining interior peace. Here you’ll find no argument for retreat from the modern world; instead these pages provide you with a practical guide to recovering self-mastery and interior peace through wise choices and ordered activity in the midst of the world’s communication chaos. Are you increasingly frustrated and perplexed in this digital age? Do you yearn for a mind that is more focused and a soul able to put down that IPhone and simply rejoice in the good and the true? It’s not hard to do. The saints and the wise can show you how; this book makes their counsel available to you.
A Treatise on Purgatory
Catherine of Genoa
She died in that city in 1510.Her fame outside her native city is connected with the publication in 1551 of the book known in English as the Life and Doctrine of Saint Catherine of Genoa.[3]She and her teaching were the subject of Baron Friedrich von Hügel's classic work The Mystical Element of Religion (1908).