Awakening Spirits

Tom Brown Jr. - 1994
    These techniques for finding inner peace and harmony with nature are based on the wisdom of his greatest teacher, a native American called Grandfather. Now all of us can learn these spiritual lessons of life through the earth around us--and deep within ourselves. "This book may challenge the very core of your belief systems and shake up your personal philosophy, but that is not my intent. What I set forth in this book is meant to enhance and magnify your beliefs. Simply, the techniques and skills can be easily integrated into all philosophies, religions, and belief systems. After all, Grandfather considered these techniques the common thread that runs through all things..." Tom Brown, Jr. Awakening Spirits includes advanced methods of relaxation, insight, healing, and communication with nature and spirits. Through the dynamic meditation called Sacred Silence, the reader can experience the joys of self-discovery--and the power of a personal Vision Quest.

Magic and the Law of Attraction: A Witch’s Guide to the Magic of Intention, Raising Your Frequency, and Building Your Reality

Lisa Chamberlain - 2016
     The Law of Attraction has been a wildly popular topic for scores of “self-help” authors, motivational speakers, and New Age thinkers. But it’s often been a source of frustration for readers who can’t quite seem to make the Law of Attraction work for them. This is because, all too often, the guides they’re reading just barely scratch the surface. Witches know that we can use the focused energy of our thoughts to bring about the healing of illness, more loving relationships, financial prosperity, and the accomplishment of long-held goals and dreams. But there is much more to it than simply thinking about what you want. The Law of Attraction is actually part of a larger framework for understanding how the Universe works. It’s one of a set of laws, and our knowledge of them has been handed down to us over several centuries. This guide is an introduction to the Law of Attraction from a Witch’s point of view, but you don’t have to be a Witch in order to gain plenty of insights here. The information is intended for Witches and non-Witches alike. In fact, you don’t have to be “religious” or “spiritual” at all to work with the Law of Attraction. But you do have to have an open mind, and accept that what you’ve been taught about the nature of reality is incomplete. This is the crucial starting point. Foundations in Manifestation: The Law of Attraction in Practical Magic If you’ve been curious, yet skeptical, about magic, this book provides the framework you need for understanding how it works. On the flip side, if you’re a practicing Witch with experience in magic, but haven’t quite grasped the full picture of the Law of Attraction, this book will clarify it for you. But whether or not you ever intend to try any magic, the concepts and suggested practices presented here can get you a long way toward making your goals a reality. You’ll discover: The ancient roots of our current knowledge about the Law of Attraction How new discoveries in quantum physics support our understanding of this Universal law Common misconceptions and FAQs about the Law of Attraction How your own thought patterns hold you back and how to change them A step-by-step breakdown of how the Law of Attraction figures into magical work A few spells aimed directly at making the Law of Attraction work for you The principles inherent to magic and Witchcraft can be very useful for understanding how to create positive change using the Law of Attraction. Indeed, If you integrate the practices offered here, you’ll see new manifestations develop in your life that feel—no matter what your spiritual orientation—just like magic. If you're ready to learn about the Law of Attraction, scroll to the top of the page and select the buy button. Readers will also be treated to an exclusive free gift!

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs (Llewellyn's Sourcebook Series)

Scott Cunningham - 1985
    This book has become a classic in its field. Paul Beyerl, a respected author on herbs calls it "…an essential reference book by students of herbalism and magick alike … Scott's personable charm touches every page… I highly recommend this book." And Jeanne Rose, famous author of books on herbs and developer of an herbal course says "I love books like this … It is accessible, easy to read, and with its encompassing index (all too often neglected), simple to use as well." Over 200,000 people already have this book and use it frequently.In this edition of the book (it's expanded and revised on the 15th anniversary of original publication) you will find the magical properties and folklore of over 400 herbs! You'll also find lists of herbs based on their magical powers, their genders, their planetary rulers, and more. Perhaps the most important list is the folk name cross-reference. With that information, when a recipe calls for "bramble, " you'll know it needs blackberry. Or if the magic calls for "enebro," you'll know you that is juniper.The main part of this book is the listings of the herbs. Each one includes names, associations, and magical attributions. Violets can be used for protection, luck, love, and more. Primrose is for protection and love. Garlic is for protection, healing, exorcism, lust, and prevention of theft.This book is considered a classic. It is probably consulted more than any other book on this subject. If you want to learn the secrets of magical herbs, this book is a must!

Yearning for the Wind: Celtic Reflections on Nature and the Soul

Tom Cowan - 2003
    This book by a well-known Celtic American shaman explores those interactions and interconnected pathways, looking at the interdependence of our material life with our inner life and that of nature. Each chapter is a small window into the mysteries of nature and soul as they infuse daily life. Cowan draws on the teachings of medieval mystics, fairy legends, Celtic songs, present-day poets and seekers, Native American stories, and other traditions. From these strands he weaves a Celtic knot of spirit that is both beautiful and strong.

Tea Leaf Reading: A Divination Guide for the Bottom of Your Cup

Dennis Fairchild - 2015
    Every aspect is made easy, with instructions for picking out the correct utensils, dividing your cup, and even an in-depth glossary of symbols. This Miniature Edition is perfect for finding all the secrets at the bottom of your teacup.

Modern Tarot: Connecting with Your Higher Self through the Wisdom of the Cards

Michelle Tea - 2017
    Infused with beloved iconoclastic author Michelle Tea’s unique insight, inviting pop sensibility, and wicked humor, Modern Tarot is a fascinating journey through the cards that teaches how to use this tradition to connect with our higher selves.Whether you’re a committed seeker or a digital-age skeptic—or perhaps a little of both—Tea’s essential guide opens the power of tarot to you. Modern Tarot doesn’t require you to believe in the supernatural or narrowly focus on the tarot as a divination tool. Tea instead provides incisive descriptions of each of the 78 cards in the tarot system—each illustrated in the charmingly offbeat style of cartoonist Amanda Verwey—and introduces specially designed card-based rituals that can be used with any deck to guide you on a path toward radical growth and self-improvement.Tea reveals how tarot offers moments of deep, transformative connection—an affirming, spiritual experience that is gentle, individual, and aspirational. Grounded in Tea’s twenty-five years of tarot wisdom and her abiding love of the cards, and featuring 78 black and white illustrations throughout, Modern Tarot is the ultimate introduction to the tradition of the tarot for millennial readers.

Flying Without a Broom: Astral Projection and the Astral World

D.J. Conway - 1995
    You can visit any point in time, any point in space. And imagine that you can do this easily, anytime you want. Many people thought that Witches could do this by riding on a broom. The broom ride was only symbolic, but Witches do know how to travel on the astral plane. So who better than a Wiccan to explain how you can travel just like a Witch? Author D. J. Conway will teach you how to visit the astral plane and more in "Flying Without a Broom. "In this book you will learn that astral travel is natural. You do it whenever you sleep. You will learn how to meditate, and then astral travel from within the meditative state. It's fun and easy. But what really sets this book apart is that it shows you many of the amazing things you can do while on the astral plane. You will learn how to do astral healing of others. You will discover how to let other people see your astral body (bi-location). You will be able to choose any time and any place to visit: the oracle at Delphi, the Mystery School at Dodona, the Acropolis at Athens-- with this experience you can deepen your own spirituality. The book also tells you how to do magick while on the astral plane. Several rituals are described, including rituals for success, divination, spiritual growth and more. You will also discover that you are not alone on the astral plane. You will meet other travelers and other entities. Some of them you may not like, so the book gives you ways to defend yourself against them. If you want to learn astral projection from a Wiccan viewpoint, this is the book for you.

Witchcraft: Witchcraft for Beginners: A Guide to Bringing Real Witchcraft Spells and Witchcraft Rituals into your Daily Life (Witchcraft Magick and Spells ... Books- Wicca - Witchcraft Spells -)

Edith Yates - 2015
     In ancient history witchcraft was termed as the "craft of the wise" since the practitioners who followed this path were in perfect harmony with the forces of nature and in this book you will find out what real witchcraft is and also more importantly how you can start on the path of incorporating this craft into your life so you can live a fulfilling life Before the name of Witchcraft was tarnished by the religions of the time magic practitioners of all walks of life were extremely revered from different regions of the world and were the seers,healers, wise ones, rainmakers, medicine men and women and they practiced magic in one way or the other, may you follow the craft as well Here is a preview of what you will learn What real Witchcraft is and the many misconceptions people have Explain White Magic and Black Magic and the dangers and benefits of both Different styles of common Witchcraft and what they entail How to become a witch and tools and tips to get you started on your path Learn different spells for beginners witchcraft supplies Conclusion and encouragement Tags witchcraft, witchcraft supplies, witchcraft spell books, witchcraft books

The Medicine Way: A Shamanic Path to Self Mastery (The "Earth Quest" Series)

Kenneth Meadows - 1991
    Medicine was energy - a vital force and source of knowledge that was inherent in nature itself. This book introduces the practical workings of this means of self-development, which aims to help the reader: realize the true wonder of nature and their place within it; find the way consciously to shape their own destiny; and learn how to enjoy the present moment and find fulfilment in life. It also contains information on the origins of important traditional teachings, including insights into symbolism and meaning of the Crystal Skulls.

The Thunder of Silence

Joel S. Goldsmith - 1993
    The famed lecturer and teacher explains the principle that there is an inner grace available to all and offers concrete directions for hearing and understanding the voice of God.

Casting the Circle: A Women's Book of Ritual

Diane Stein - 1990
    Learn how to create a sacred space and use ritual for empowerment in everyday life, with this classic from Diane Stein.

The Classic Works of A. W. Tozer

A.W. Tozer - 2012
    W. Tozer include two of Tozer most loved books; The Pursuit of God and Man, the Dwelling Place of God. Each has a linked table of contents.

The Ultimate Guide to Tarot: A Beginner's Guide to the Cards, Spreads, and Revealing the Mystery of the Tarot

Liz Dean - 2015
    Uncover the facts, myth, history, and mystery of the spiritual art of Tarot-reading. Whether you want to learn to read the cards or deepen your Tarot interpretation skills, The Ultimate Guide to Tarot honors the deep heritage of Tarot, while guiding you through practical techniques.Tarot expert Liz Dean offers an overview to all of the important elements of each card from symbols, to links with astrology, kabbala and numerology. The Ultimate Guide to Tarot also includes all the classic tarot spreads - Celtic Cross, Horseshoe, Star and Astrological Year Ahead - plus, a mini-layout to try for each of the 22 major cards.Learn how to combine the three essential ingredients of a great tarot reading: knowing the meaning of the cards, how to lay them out, and trusting the intuitive messages the images often spark within us during a reading. This synthesis is the true magic of tarot. With the authority and confidence this book offers, The Ultimate Guide to Tarot is the must-have companion for beginner readers and tarot aficionados alike.

The Witching Way of the Hollow Hill

Robin Artisson - 2006
    People all over the world embrace the ideas discussed in this work: the animistic worldview, spiritual communion with the dead and the Unseen World, sorcery and magic. Author and Mystic Robin Artisson explores these mystical themes from the perspective of The Old Faiths and pre-Christian metaphysical impulses of Europe and the British Isles. Bringing a new perspective to these ancient practices and making them more accessible, this book is a key to the door that leads into the mythical dimension of each person, and every feature of the sacred landscape. It helps to unlock the hidden wisdom in folklore, shed light on the enigma of the human being, and manifest an experience of the wisdom of the Old Ways- insofar as a book can. This book is about getting out of books and back into the spiritual dimension of the Land itself, and requires considerable dedication and work.

Aura Balancing: 13 Ways to Balance your Aura & Live Satisfying Lives

Anama Miller - 2013
    We are imprisoned within our materialist maze, believing in and reckoning only with what we see or touch and whatever is beyond that, does not really exist. This disconnection is the cause of much suffering, misery, and even sickness. When we change that perception and realize that there are many things beyond what we see and feel, and that there is a whole energetic world, to which we are connected, only then our lives begin to change. This book was conceived in order to broaden our perception This book will teach you about the aura, the energetic body, and all about our energetic parts. It will teach you simple skills, with which you will be able to balance yourself and live a healthier, happier, more serene and fulfilled life.