The Rootitoot Cookbook: A Grandma's Recipes For Your Instant Pot

Ruth McCusker - 2019
    See your family smile at your dependable, consistent results. Feel more confident and adventurous with your Instant Pot. Ruth “Rootitoot” McCusker has converted her treasured family recipes into Instant Pot masterpieces. This book is like having a loving grandmother at your side in the kitchen. Her step-by-step instructions, gentle humour and mouth-watering recipes will have you cooking with confidence in no time. Welcome Rootitoot into your kitchen and cook like a grandma in your Instant Pot.

Google AdWords for Beginners: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to PPC Advertising

Corey Rabazinski - 2015
    Google's AdWords platform enables you to create pay-per-click advertisements that appear as 'sponsored links' when someone searches for content related to your product or service. You bid for the position to place your ad, and you only pay when someone clicks. It's that simple. If used correctly, AdWords can garner higher targeted traffic, which in turn will increase your conversion rates and profits. So, AdWords will definitely help your business, but you have no idea how to utilize them. What should you do? Take a couple of hours to read this book. Google AdWords for Beginners is designed to teach you the fundamentals of AdWords, how it works, why it works, and the proven techniques that you can use to make it work for you and your business. Additionally, this book details an eight-step blueprint that has consistently delivered positive results for companies. Upon completion, you'll be armed with the knowledge to launch profitable campaigns or drastically improve an existing one.

Let The Universe Lead You!

Richard Dotts - 2015
    Imagine what your life would be like if you could simply hold an intention for something… and then be led clearly and precisely, every single time, to the fulfilment of your deepest desires. No more wondering about whether you are on the “right” path or making the “right” moves. No more second-guessing yourself or acting out of desperation — You simply set an intention and allow the Universe to lead you to it effortlessly! According to Richard, the Universe does not always give you want you want, but it always gives you the vibrational essence of what you ask for. Understanding this spiritual principle is the key to your physical manifestations. This is why so many people do not get what they ask for in words or prayers despite wanting it so badly, because they do not realize the true vibrational essence of their asking. Once you open your eyes to the true vibrational essence of your intentions, you’ll see that the Universe always delivers a perfect match, every single time. Manifestations then become as simple as deliberately becoming a vibrational match to what you ask for until it happens in your outer reality!Let The Universe Lead You! is a groundbreaking book not only for fans of Richard Dotts but also for Richard himself. As he was writing this book, Richard manifested the perfect dream car for himself with all his desired options and features. He attributes this to the immense power of Reverse Manifestations, a technique which he introduced in Spontaneous Manifestations From Zero and expands upon in this book. Applying the process of Reverse Manifestations and connecting to the vibrational essence of his desires for himself, Richard was able to manifest his dream car in one Sunday afternoon. Two days later even before this book was completed, the car was sitting in his garage! Read about Richard’s amazing car manifestation experience in this book and find out how you can do it for yourself with any intention that you set your mind to. These techniques are open and available for anyone’s use, regardless of your current conditions or circumstances in life. They do not depend on willpower or luck. All it takes is a willingness to apply them in your life as described and to let your old ways of thinking and acting in this world go. When you give up the need to be in control and let the Universe lead you, that is when you’ll finally be led to your longstanding manifestations. As Richard puts it, “I started writing this book holding only the intention of the car in my consciousness. Two days later, as I followed the exercises while describing them in the book, the car was mine. Even a part of myself was surprised although I’ve been doing this for the longest time! I was gently led to my dream car in one afternoon after six months of doing nothing on the outside.”This is just a glimpse of what is possible when you practice the art of reverse manifestations, connect with the vibrational essence of your desires and allow yourself to be led by the Universe. The Universe always knows best, so let it lead you towards your manifestations!

Becoming Genevieve: An Extraordinary True Story of Believing in Magic

Genevieve Davis - 2018
    Stuck in a dead end job, divorced and in debt. For me, every day was much like the last.But things were about to change. Dramatically.So, how did a lonely, overweight, depressed 40-something woman go from poverty, debt and despair to a life of fulfilment, happiness, wealth and spiritual awakening? Did I rob a bank, win the lottery or marry a millionaire? Did I see doctors, therapists and counsellors? Did I join a cult? No, none of these things.I used Magic.In this book, I share my true-life story of exactly how I went from rags to riches, from depression to awakening, and created a truly exceptional life for myself.Over the last few years, I've had many adventures and fantastic experiences. I have also life-changing insights into magic, manifesting, and the whole business of being alive. These insights had such a profound effect on me they've changed my whole outlook on the world. I didn't know this sort of peace of mind was possible. I didn't know life could get this good. And until now, I told no one how I did it.Writing under the pen name, Genevieve Davis, I chose to remain completely anonymous, hiding my secret identity even from my own family. Finally, I have decided to go public, with this bitingly honest account of my discovery, mastery and belief in what I like to call Magic. By revealing my true identity I can finally prove to you that everything I said in my early books about manifesting an exceptional life was true. All of it.And then, I want to help you see what I have seen. I want to help you understand what I now understand. I want you create a life just as exceptional.For lovers of self-help, memoirs, and for those who like to believe that life should be magnificent. Even sceptics may read this book and start to wonder: Is Magic actually real?

Walking in Light

Kelvin Cruickshank - 2009
    From his early days growing up in an isolated rural environment to travelling the world as an acclaimed psychic investigator, Kelvin's life story is amazing, inspirational and at times heart-breaking. Walking In Light shares memories of his earliest psychic experiences and his struggles to accept his gift, and recalls many of the amazingly accurate communications he has shared with believers and sceptics alike.

The (un)Lucky Sperm: Tales of My Bizarre Childhood - A Funny Memoir

Brett Preiss - 2021
    Especially, if you are different. The (un)Lucky Sperm is a funny memoir — a collection of honest, harrowing and absurd accounts.Until he was seventeen, Brett Preiss lived in the dusty outback of Australia, where he was one of four siblings in a dysfunctional family. He learned how to survive under the most bizarre and extraordinary circumstances.In this book, he shares the trials and tribulations of his youth through anecdotes that will leave you in tears of joy or sorrow. Travel back to the ’60s and ’70s and watch Brett transform from a sperm to adolescence. Follow him having his first piano lesson, first sewing machine, first kiss and first ejaculation. The story is moving and disturbing, brutal yet hilarious. Cheer him along in his struggles and triumphs until he leaves the desert and heads off to college.If you like stories full of sarcasm and observational humor, then you are going to love this book.

I Hear His Whisper: 52 Devotions (The Passion Translation)

Brian Simmons - 2014
    We know that God thunders from the heavens with powerful truths that capture our hearts and overcome our doubts. But he also whispers to us life-giving words that will heal and penetrate into the deepest place of our inner being. I Hear His Whisper is a compilation of messages that have come into the heart during early morning hours of devotion with Jesus. Listen to God s voice and be drawn into greater intimacy with Jesus. Be moved by his whisper, stirred by his Spirit, and thrilled by these messages of love. Open your soul to the whispers of God so that you hear him whisper his message of love to you! For your whispers in the night give me wisdom, Showing me what to do next. Psalm 16:7 TPT

The Esther Anointing: Activating Your Divine Gifts to Make a Difference

Michelle McClain - 2014
    Esther was willing to risk her life for the welfare of her people and the furthering of God’s plan. Strategically positioned by God in a place of influence, Esther is a powerful biblical example of how God can use anyone. She answered God’s call and went through a season of preparation physically and spiritually to get ready.   Just like in biblical times, God is positioning women today and giving them divine opportunities to influence the culture for His glory. The Esther Anointing gives you the keys to Esther’s success, including the qualities that make women great, the power of influence, and the key to finding God’s favor for your assignment.   It doesn’t matter where you came from or what skills and talents you have; if you let Him, God can use your life for His glory!

The Third Millennium

Ken Carey - 1995
    A timeless and visionary blueprint for conscious living and quantum change as we approach the next century.

Profitable Social Media Marketing: How To Grow Your Business Using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn And More

Tim Kitchen - 2013
    We are in an era where entire businesses are built on Instagram; kids in their bedrooms are racking up tens of millions of YouTube views; bloggers are becoming millionaires from their kitchen tables, and businesses are getting more attention from a viral video than a Super Bowl ad. But in a space that moves so fast, how can businesses keep up - let alone compete? And how do you make sure that your activity is profitable? Whether it’s building a targeted fanbase, selling more of your products & services or serving customers, every piece of your social media marketing campaign should be making you money. Combining the ‘holy grail’ marketing principles from some of history’s most successful marketers with the very latest social media strategies gives savvy businesses of all size a chance to ‘do’ social media in an entirely new way. Gone are the days of fumbling around in the dark. The new era is about testing, measuring and profit. From the psychological triggers that make us buy; employing social proof to stand out; using (and faking) controversy to sell more or just simply demonstrating your true competitive advantage, profitable social media marketing is here. As Head Ninja at Exposure Ninja, Tim Cameron-Kitchen has personally worked with hundreds of businesses of all shapes and sizes, and seen first hand how doing the right things on social media can transform a business. Yvonne Ivanescu came to Exposure Ninja from one of the world’s highest profile marketing agencies, and brought her brand experience to help business on the front line. This book is the distillation of everything that makes a profitable campaign, laid out in step-by-step instructions for you to follow and apply to your own business - whatever your size or market. So whether you’re a local plumber looking to pick up leads from Twitter, or an independent e-commerce site wanting the attention of influential bloggers, the strategies and profitable shortcuts for entrepreneur-run businesses in this book will give you a chance to compete in competitive markets where time and budget is of the essence.

True Ghost Stories: Jim Harold's Campfire 4

Jim Harold - 2015
    True Ghost Stories and More. Haunted, Chilling Short Stories That Will Freak You Out!-A Physician Encounters A Mysterious Patient He’ll Never Forget A Woman Learns She Has Been Followed By A Demon Driving A Car -A Deceased, Famous Singer Takes The Stage During A Seance-PLUS 67 More TRUE, Spooky Stories From The Popular Campfire Podcast FREE Audio Download With Purchase On this special audio Campfire, exclusively created for readers of TRUE GHOST STORIES: Jim Harold's Campfire 4, Jim replays the audio of his 5 favorite stories from this compilation.You will hear the original retelling of these stories by actual Campfire callers. It is a paranormal countdown in the spirit of the old Top 40 radio shows. Using the link EXCLUSIVELY SHARED WITH CAMPFIRE 4 READERS IN THE BOOK, you'll be able to download or stream this BONUS content to the device of your choice. It is Jim's special thank you gift! 18 Million Downloads Can't Be Wrong! Jim Harold's paranormal podcasts have been downloaded over 18 million times, and the program that gets the most response is his popular Campfire show. In this book, TRUE GHOST STORIES: Jim Harold's Campfire 4, Jim shares 70 more of the best stories ever featured on the program. You'll read REAL PEOPLE's experiences with ghosts plus some UFO, shadow people and angel stories added for flavor. Real World Paranormal Activity If you like The Conjuring, or The Exorcist you'll love the real thing! BUY TRUE GHOST STORIES: Jim Harold's Campfire 4 TODAY!NOTE: YOU DO NOT NEED A KINDLE TO READ A KINDLE BOOK, SEARCH AMAZON FOR THEIR FANTASTIC FREE READING APPS FOR ABOUT EVERY DEVICE KNOWN TO MAN!!!!

Why Not Kill Her: A Juror's Perspective: The Jodi Arias Death Penalty Retrial

Paul A. Sanders Jr. - 2015
    The killer went to great lengths to cover up her crime including sending his grandmother flowers, going to the memorial service, driving by the victim’s house and calling the lead investigator, Detective Esteban Flores. This incident took place in a suburb of Phoenix, Arizona. It would be five years before this case of capital murder would be put in front of a jury to decide the fate of Jodi Arias although the fate of Travis Alexander had been set in stone. Was she a cold, calculating murderess or was she a victim of extreme domestic violence at the hands of an abusive boyfriend? The first jury was left to decide in 2013. It was the most watched trial of the century. The jury decided that Jodi Arias was guilty of first-degree murder with cruel and heinous circumstances which qualified her for the death penalty. The jury could not reach a decision in the penalty phase and justice was delayed. A new jury, drawn from a pool of four hundred people, was drawn for the highly anticipated retrial of Jodi Arias. On October 21, 2014, a jury of nineteen was given the responsibility of deciding whether Jodi Arias should live or die for her crime. So began a retrial that would last almost five months with Juan Martinez and Detective Flores representing the State of Arizona and the return of Kirk Nurmi and Jennifer Willmott speaking to the defense of the convicted killer. The journey will walk the reader through the meticulous actions of the courtroom and extend to an appellate court, a municipal court and a day in the in the original courthouse in phoenix, Arizona. The trial speaks toward the long arm of the law and the implications of decisions made daily. With the help of former jurors of the Jodi Arias death penalty retrial, the reader will step into the jury box when Jodi Arias was on the witness stand and reach a climax when the reader accompanies the jury foreman into the deliberation room as the jury decides the fate of the defendant. “The lambs to the law were now executors of the law. It was humbling, intimidating and powerful at the same time. It was also the time that the jurors’ souls would be tested for truths and experiences that would mark many discussions in the deliberation room. The jury would remember Travis Alexander and what was done to him.” Why Not Kill her is the suspenseful follow-up to the authors first book, Brain Damage: A Juror’s Tale, the true story of being a death penalty juror on the case of Marissa DeVault and the brutal killing of Dale Harrell. The third revised edition is now available in honor of Dale Harrell. Take a journey into the life of Travis Alexander and a search for truth and justice. Somehow, Lady Justice will wield her sword and the end of a seven year saga would be realized but in no way that anyone could have anticipated. Special thanks to True Crime Radio, Trial Talk Live, the Trial Diaries, FOX 10, ABC, NBC and CBS. The author would also like to thank those who supported this work on Go Fund Me with extra recognition to the administrators and fans of Juan Martinez Prosecutor Support Page, The State vs. Jodi Arias, Joey Jackson Fan Page, Justice For Travis, Justice 4 Dale, Justice For Travis Alexander and His Family, Court Chatter, Beth Karas on Crime, Gavel geeks, Trial Watchers, The House That Travis Built, Understanding The Travesties of Unexpected Murder Trials and For The Love of Travis. This work could not have happened without your support! Why Not Kill Her is dedicated to Travis Alexander, his family and all those whom he touched in his short life.

For Freddie: A Mother's Final Gift to Her Son

Rachael Bland - 2019
    Courageous and life-affirming, this is a mother's final gift to her son. My beautiful son, I so wish that I didn't have to leave you now. But believe me, I tried EVERYTHING I could to stay around for you, and for every moment I could eke out of this life. From the start, it was not a fair fight. My cancer was too big, and too aggressive, and we didn't start on a level playing field. You were fourteen months old and at the beginning I was so full of fierce intention that we could get past this. I would lay you in your cot each night and silently intone from my mind to yours, 'I will do this Freddie, I will gladly take whatever they throw at me if it means we can stay together'. In 2016, beloved broadcaster and journalist Rachael Bland was diagnosed with cancer. Shortly afterwards she made the brave decision to share her story, and she spoke with beautiful poignancy through her blog and podcast, You Me & the Big C. Having been told that she only had a matter of months left to live and writing this in what was sadly her final days, Rachael brings her warmth, courage and humour to the page in this heart-warming and heart-breaking story. Part memoir, part advice, For Freddie beautifully encapsulates the grace and fearlessness in which Rachael lived her life. This is her legacy and an incredible final gift to her son.

The Essence of Reiki 2 -Usui Reiki Level 2 Advanced Practitioner Manual

Adele Malone - 2012
    The Essence of Reiki 2 is the second Reiki manual in our series of 3 Reiki manuals that cover everything you need to know about the Usui method of natural healing.The Usui Reiki Level 2 Advanced Practitioner Manual is a wonderful guide for those Reiki students who have already completed Reiki Level 1 and are now ready to move on to the more advanced Reiki techniques taught is the second degree.There are 17 lessons which will guide you and mentor you through the three pillars of reiki and introduce you to the sacred reiki symbols and show you how to use these symbols to boost your reiki energy vibration and how to perform distant or absent healing.Reiki 2 opens up a new pathway to healing with unlimited possibilities and applications.Show More Show Less

WHITE HOUSE USHER: Stories from the Inside

Christopher Beauregard Emery - 2017
    government—an usher in the White House. For more than 200 years, a small office has operated on the State Floor of the White House Executive Residence. Known as the Usher's Office, whose mission is to accommodate the personal needs of the first family, and to make the White House feel like a home. The Usher's Office is the managing office of the Executive Residence and its staff of 90-plus. The staff consists of butlers, carpenters, grounds personnel, electricians, painters, plumbers, florists, maids, housemen, cooks, chefs, storekeepers, curators, calligraphers, doormen, and administrative support. Ushers work closely with the first family, senior staff, Social Office, Press Office, Secret Service Agency, and military leaders to carry out White House functions: luncheons, dinners, teas, receptions, meetings, conferences, and more. Chris Emery was only the 18th White House Usher since 1891, and had the honor and privilege to serve presidential families for three years during the Reagan administration, four years for President H. W. Bush, and 14 months under President Clinton. His vignettes recreate intimate White House happenings from an insider’s viewpoint. Chris Emery was the only White House Usher to be terminated in the 20th century. Turn the pages to find out which first lady fired him... “With his book, White House Usher: Stories from the Inside, former usher Chris Emery gives his readers a peek inside what happens upstairs at the White House. Chris’ anecdotes tell a rich story of how America’s house really is the First Families’ home. I loved my trip down memory lane.” - Former First Lady Barbara Bush (October 2017)