Book picks similar to
Christmas Poems by John Hollander
Carmela Ciuraru - 2005
Here is Wordsworth wandering “lonely as a cloud”; Poe confiding “all I loved, I loved alone”; Yeats’s communion with “the deep heart’s core”; and Han Shan’s heart of a hermit, “clean as a white lotus.” From Sir Edward Dyer’s “My Mind to Me a Kingdom Is,” to the spiritual searching of the Transcendentalists, to the meditative verse of Jorie Graham, some of the most indelible poems from every time and culture have grown out of the aloneness inherent in the poet’s art. The poems collected here, whether reflecting on the soul or on nature, addressing an absent loved one, or honoring the self, form a book of respite and contemplation, and a beautiful tribute to the interior life.
Eliot: Poems
T.S. Eliot - 1955
S. Eliot (1888-1965) was the dominant force in twentieth-century British and American poetry. With poems such as "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, " he introduced an edgy, disenchanted, utterly contemporary version of French Symbolism to the English-speaking world. With his masterpiece "The Waste Land, " he almost single-handedly ushered an entire poetic culture into the modern world. And with his enormously influential essays he set the canonical standards to which writers and critics of poetry have adhered throughout our era.
The Great Cat: Poems About Cats
Emily Fragos - 2005
Poets across the continents and centuries have described the feline family–from kittens to old toms, pussycats to panthers–doing what they do best: sleeping, prowling, prancing, purring, sleeping some more, and gazing disdainfully at lesser beings like ourselves. Here are Yeats’s Minnaloushe, Christopher Smart’s Jeoffry, Lewis Carroll’s Cheshire Cat, T. S. Eliot’s Rum Tum Tugger, William Blake’s tyger and Rilke’s panther. Here are tributes from Sufi mystics, medieval Chinese poets, and haiku masters of imperial Japan, from Chaucer, Shelley, Borges, Neruda, Dickinson, and Shakespeare. Here are the cats of Mother Goose, and the one who wore the hat for Dr. Seuss.The Great Cat will delight cat lovers everywhere, celebrating as it does the beauty, the mystery, the gravity, the grace, and, of course, the unassailable superiority of the cat.
Blues Poems
Kevin Young - 2003
In this anthology–the first devoted exclusively to blues poems–a wide array of poets pay tribute to the form and offer testimony to its lasting power.The blues have left an indelible mark on the work of a diverse range of poets: from “The Weary Blues” by Langston Hughes and “Funeral Blues” by W. H. Auden, to “Blues on Yellow” by Marilyn Chin and “Reservation Blues” by Sherman Alexie. Here are blues-influenced and blues-inflected poems from, among others, Gwendolyn Brooks, Allen Ginsberg, June Jordan, Richard Wright, Nikki Giovanni, Charles Wright, Yusef Komunyakaa, and Cornelius Eady. And here, too, are classic song lyrics–poems in their own right–from Bessie Smith, Robert Johnson, Ma Rainey, and Muddy Waters.The rich emotional palette of the blues is fully represented here in verse that pays tribute to the heart and humor of the music, and in poems that swing with its history and hard-bitten hope.
Poems of the Sea
J.D. McClatchy - 2001
The colorful legends of the sea–pirates and mermaids, phantom ships and the sunken city of Atlantis–have inspired as many imaginations as have the realities of lighthouses and shipwrecks, of icebergs and frothing foam and seaweed.This marvelous collection includes classics old and new, from Homer and Milton to Plath and Merwin. Here are Tennyson’s seductive sea-fairies next to Poe’s beloved Annabel Lee. Here is Coleridge’s darkly brooding “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” alongside the grandeur of Shakespeare’s “Full Fathom Five.” And here is Masefield’s “I must go down to the seas again” alongside Cavafy’s “Ithaka” and Stevens’s “The Idea of Order at Key West.” In the wide variety of lyrics collected here–sonnets and sea chanteys, ballads and hymns and prayers–we feel the encompassing power of our planet’s restless waters as metaphor, mystery, and muse.
Hopkins: Poems
Gerard Manley Hopkins - 1995
Poems: Hopkins contains a full selection of Hopkins's work, including selected verse, prose, and letters, and an index of first lines.
A Classic Christmas: A Collection of Timeless Stories and Poems
Charles Dickens - 1843
This giftable edition of Dickens’s 1843 work will delight those who already know the perennial classic, as well as any collector of beautiful case-bound books.Additionally, this collector’s edition will include shorter, lesser-known works by famous authors from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Each story and poem has been lovingly selected to celebrate the heart of the season and to gently remind readers of the true meaning of Christmas.
Browning: Poems
Robert Browning - 1997
Still popular more than a century after their deaths, their poetry vividly reflects the unique nature of their relationship.This collection presents the Brownings’ work in the context of their lives: the early years and their initial friendship, their courtship and marriage, the fifteen happy years they spent living in Italy until Elizabeth’s death. Whether in short poems such as Elizabeth’s “Hector in the Garden” and Robert’s “Natural Magic,” or in extracts from longer works such as Aurora Leigh and Pauline, the great themes they shared are all represented: love, marriage, illicit passion, England and Italy, childhood, religion, poetry, and nature. Elizabeth’s famous Sonnets from the Portuguese, based on their love affair, is included in its entirety. The poems are augmented with a generous selection of the marvelous letters the Brownings wrote to each other.
The Penguin Book of Christmas Stories: From Hans Christian Andersen to Angela Carter
Jessica Harrison - 2019
Here are classic tales from writers including Truman Capote, Shirley Jackson, Dylan Thomas, Saki and Chekhov, as well as little-known treasures such as Italo Calvino's wry sideways look at Christmas consumerism, Wolfdietrich Schnurre's story of festive ingenuity in Berlin, Selma Lagerlof's enchanted forest in Sweden, and Irène Nemerovsky's dark family portrait. Featuring santas, ghosts, trolls, unexpected guests, curmudgeons and miracles, here is Christmas as imagined by some of the greatest short story writers of all time.
Frost: Poems
Robert Frost - 1997
Includes his classics "Mending Wall, " "Birches, " and "The Road Not Taken, " as well as poems less famous but equally great.POEMS INCLUDED:ForewordThe PastureInto My OwnGhost HouseMy November GuestLove and a QuestionA Late WalkStarsStorm FearWind and Window FlowerFlower-GatheringRose PogoniasWaitingIn a ValeA Dream PangIn NeglectThe Vantage PointMowingGoing for WaterThe Trial by ExistenceThe Tuft of FlowersPan with UsA Line-Storm SongOctoberMy ButterflyReluctanceMending WallThe Death of the Hired ManThe MountainA Hundred CollarsHome BurialThe Black CottageBlueberriesA Servant to ServantsAfter Apple-PickingThe CodeThe Generations of MenThe HousekeeperThe FearThe Wood-PileGood HoursThe Road Not TakenChristmas TreesAn Old Man’s Winter NightA Patch of Old SnowIn the Home StretchThe TelephoneMeeting and PassingHyla BrookThe Oven BirdBond and FreeBirchesPea BrushPutting in the SeedA Time to TalkThe Cow in Apple TimeAn EncounterRange-FindingThe Hill WifeThe BonfireA Girl’s GardenThe Exposed Nest“Out, Out –”Brown’s DescentThe Gum-GathererThe Line-GangThe Vanishing RedSnowThe Sound of the TreesA Star in a Stone-BoatThe Census-TakerMapleThe Ax-HelveThe GrindstoneWild GrapesThe Pauper Witch of GraftonFire and IceMisgivingSnow DustFor Once, Then, SomethingThe OnsetGood-by and Keep ColdThe Need of Being Versed in Country ThingsFragmentary BlueThe Flower Boat
The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson
Emily Dickinson - 1890
Early posthumously published collections-some of them featuring liberally “edited” versions of the poems-did not fully and accurately represent Dickinson’s bold experiments in prosody, her tragic vision, and the range of her intellectual and emotional explorations. Not until the 1955 publication of The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson, a three-volume critical edition compiled by Thomas H. Johnson, were readers able for the first time to assess, understand, and appreciate the whole of Dickinson’s extraordinary poetic genius.This book, a distillation of the three-volume Complete Poems, brings together the original texts of all 1,775 poems that Emily Dickinson wrote.
Christmas Stories
Diana Secker TesdellO. Henry - 2007
As a literary subject, Christmas has inspired everything from intimate domestic dramas to fanciful flights of the imagination, and the full range of its expression is represented in this wonderfully engaging anthology. Goblins frolic in the graveyard of an early Dickens tale and a love-struck ghost disrupts a country estate in Elizabeth Bowen’s “Green Holly.” The plight of the less fortunate haunts Chekhov’s “Vanka” and Willa Cather’s “The Burglar’s Christmas” but takes a boisterously comic turn in Damon Runyon’s “Dancing Dan’s Christmas” and in John Cheever’s “Christmas Is a Sad Season for the Poor.” From Vladimir Nabokov’s intensely moving story of a father’s grief in “Christmas” to Truman Capote’s hilarious yet heartbreaking “A Christmas Memory,” from Grace Paley’s Jewish girl starring in the Christmas pageant in “The Loudest Voice” to the dysfunctional family ski holiday in Richard Ford’s “Crèche”—each of the stories gathered here is imbued with Christmas spirit (of one kind or another), and all are richly and indelibly entertaining.TABLE OF CONTENTSCharles DickensThe Story of the Goblins Who Stole a Sexton(from The Pickwick Papers)Nikolai GogolThe Night Before ChristmasArthur Conan DoyleThe Blue CarbuncleAnthony TrollopeChristmas at Thompson HallLeo TolstoyWhere Love is, God isAnton CheckhovVankaWilla CatherThe Burglar's ChristmasO. HenryA Chapparal Christmas GiftSaki (H.H. Munro)Reginald's Christmas RevelVladimir NabokovChristmasDamon RunyonDancing Dan's ChristmasEvelyn WaughBella Fleace Gave a PartyElizabeth BowenGreen HollyJohn CheeverChristmas is a Sad Season for the PoorTruman CapoteA Christmas MemoryJohn UpdikeThe Carol SingMuriel SparkChristmas FugueGrace PaleyThe Loudest VoiceAlice MunroThe Turkey SeasonRichard FordCreche
Poems and Exiles
James Joyce - 1992
And yet, argues Mays in his stimulating and informative introduction, several of these works not only occupy a pivotal position in Joyce's career; they are also magnificently assured achievements in their own right. Chamber Music is 'an extraordinary début', fusing the styles of the nineties and the Irish Revival with irony and characteristic verbal exuberance. Pomes Penyeach and Exiles (highly acclaimed in Harold Pinter's 1970 staging) were written when Joyce had published Dubliners and was completing A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Both confront painfully personal issues of adultery, jealousy and betrayal and so pave the way for the more detached and fully realized treatment in Ulysses. Joyce's occasional verse includes 'Ecce Puer' for his new-born grandson, juvenilia, satires, translations, limericks and a parody of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. All are brought together in this scholarly, fully annotated yet accessible new edition.
Emerson: Poems (Everyman's Library Pocket Poets)
Ralph Waldo Emerson - 2004
Though he earned his central place in our culture as an essayist and philosopher, since his death his reputation as a poet has grown as well.Known for challenging traditional thought and for his faith in the individual, Emerson was the chief spokesman for the Transcendentalist movement. His poems speak to his most passionately held belief: that external authority should be disregarded in favor of one’s own experience. From the embattled farmers who “fired the shot heard round the world” in the stirring “Concord Hymn,” to the flower in “The Rhodora,” whose existence demonstrates “that if eyes were made for seeing, / Then Beauty is its own excuse for being,” Emerson celebrates the existence of the sublime in the human and in nature. Combining intensity of feeling with his famous idealism, Emerson’s poems reveal a moving, more intimate side of the man revered as the Sage of Concord.