How to Become an Alpha Male

John Alexander - 2005
    without ever having to play their games or deal with rejection. Sold as an ebook at, John Alexander's guide is now available, for the first time ever, as a hardcopy book. You see, once you have these secrets all the 'work' of meeting women will be done for you... automatically! You can just 'flip on' your magnetic powers of attraction... so to speak... and instantly bring sex, romance and more roaring into your life! Why does the Alpha Male Method work so well? Because it's based on the same hush-hush psychological tactics advertisers have used for centuries to get filthy rich. They work for anyone, anywhere and at any time (no matter how desperate your situation is right now).

Tic Tac Toe: 8 Strategies to Win Every Game

Puzzleland - 2016
    Make the bet more attractive for them: the game could have 10 or 20 rounds, and you’ll give them the privilege of starting first in every s-i-n-g-l-e round. “Piece of cake!” they will think and they will take the bet. Only to discover in despair, 10 or 20 rounds later, that it is impossible to beat you, even once. This book reveals a simple system that will help you never lose a single game from the moment you learn them. Let us repeat that.After reading this book and for the rest of your life, you will never, ever lose a game of Tic-Tac-Toe again! How is it possible never to lose in Tic-Tac-Toe? Tic-Tac-Toe is a “solved” game, meaning that there are mathematically proven strategies to defend yourself against losing. If you play with these optimal strategies in mind, you may win and you can’t lose. If your opponent also plays with the optimal strategies in mind, neither will win, and the game will always end in a draw.However, very few people really know these strategies.This book reveals an easy system of only 8 strategies that will make you a Tic-Tac-Toe Master. If you learn and start applying these 8 strategies, we guarantee that you will never lose a game of Tic-Tac-Toe again. Is it easy to learn these strategies? Very easy! These 8 strategies are presented in 8 mini chapters, with illustrations and step-by-step explanations. Even a kid can read this book and learn the strategies!In just 1 hour you will have learnt all 8 strategies and you will be ready to start applying them. Will I have to think too hard to apply these strategies? As a matter of fact, all you have to do is to memorize our simple system. As soon as you learn this system, every game will be a no-brainer for you. Our system tells you exactly how to play or how to respond to your opponent’s move. Simple as A-B-C.For example, if your opponent plays first and chooses a corner, our system tells you exactly how to respond in order to eliminate any chance of losing the game. Is this for real? Do you guarantee that I will never lose a TTT game again? YES!!! We challenge you to read this book and then immediately start playing Tic-Tac-Toe online, against a computer, applying everything you have learnt. You will discover that even a computer can’t beat you.Your new super powers in Tic-Tac-Toe will blow your mind! Start right now! Buy the book, learn the strategies and NEVER lose a Tic-Tac-Toe game again from that moment and for the rest of your life!Scroll to the top of the page and click the BUY WITH 1-CLICK Button!

How to Make Someone Love You Forever!: In 90 Minutes or Less

Nicholas Boothman - 2004
    Time to stop being too shy to meet someone, wondering why a promising first date wound up going nowhere, or realizing too late that it happened with the wrong person anyway. Nicholas Boothman has a much better way. Drawing on his expertise in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Boothman charts a three-step plan that will help anyone find the love of his or her life. Step one: get ready--come to know who "you" are through honest self-assessment, and then to know what type of person is your matched opposite--i.e., the person who completes you. Step two, the heart of the program, is working seriously on interpersonal skills--how to be charming, not alarming; flirt with confidence; synchronize body and voice to create trust and chemistry; keep enthusiasm high; even how to cast a wide social net and dress for a first meeting. Step three is about accelerating the kind of intimacy that leads to love, by finding "Me too!" triggers and mastering the art of incidental touch. You'll learn to tap into key emotions through low-, medium-, and high-risk disclosures--and how to intensify the nonverbal signals that turn sparks into a flame. All the while you'll establish a solid romantic foundation to convert this magic 90 minutes into a lifetime of love and commitment.

The Eighth Born: Book 1 of the Pankaran Chronicles

C.S. Night - 2015
    But with the encouragement of the goddess Persuasion, the magical races soon turned on the humans, pushing the magic-less race to the brink of destruction. In response, the gods chose to abandon the mortal world for Heaven. Before leaving, however, they gave mankind a gift to restore balance—a few select individuals with the power to actively wield magic. Persuasion, for her crimes, was banished to Limbo. Since then, the exiled goddess has made only one attempt to free herself, enthralling the human sorcerer Taida in a scheme that destroyed both a kingdom and the powerful Pankara Stone that the goddess required for escape. The young magic-wielder known as Rhyen Hyldhem, newly graduated from the great Academy in Ikha, knows of the story of Taida—but such events occurred millennia ago. As war brews, however, Rhyen will learn more about his powers…and the identity of the fearsome Dark Rider who has stalked him since childhood. Rhyen is about to discover the past isn’t dead—and that his destiny is intricately tied to Taida’s betrayal of humanity.

The 7 Things You Must Know Before You Draw Your Gun - What You Must Know Before You Carry Concealed

U.S. Concealed Carry Association - 2011
    You'll also learn about asking the right question: "When do I have to shoot?" The concept of "Don't shoot - Training for the draw is just as effective." Force on force notebook: Revisiting the 21 foot rule in regards to carrying concealed. A special section on 10 seconds to fight. Download your Copy of this report. This report is published by The United States Concealed Carry Association, the biggest community of responsibly-armed Americans.

TextAppeal - For Guys! - The Ultimate Texting Guide

Michael Masters - 2010
    Imagine, all of the cash you are leaving on the table by not understanding how to get what you want! Imagine, all of those dates, with so many hot girls that you didn't go on simply because you couldn't text right! Seriously, texting incorrectly can crush your chances with women permanently. I can't tell you how many women have vented to me their frustrations at what you are doing. These women WANT you to understand, they WANT you to say the right things! But like breaking wind mid sex, it is incredibly easy to snuff attraction. Let me teach you to really understand the opposite sex, and land that date with that really hot/amazing girl. -Mike Masters

Oooooh . . . Say It Again: Mastering the Fine Art of Verbal Seduction and Aural Sex

Alan Roger Currie - 2011
    Say it Again: Mastering the Fine Art of Verbal Seduction and Aural Sex can be described as 60% self-help and social commentary for men regarding their pursuit of short-term and/or non-monogamous (i.e., "casual") sexual companionship, and 40% detailed examples of erotically explicit dialogue that author Alan Roger Currie used in his real-life verbal seduction experiences with women. Readers will enjoy Currie's no-holds-barred writing style and entertaining, enlightening, and honest advice and wisdom.

[Prompt Me]

W.P. Kimball - 2015
    Genres range between sci-fi, fantasy, romance, humor, and everything in between!

Memoirs of a Battle Mage: Book 1: The Price of Talent

Peter Whittlesey - 2015
    But after a tragic confrontation with armed members of the local inquisition his life changes in dramatic fashion. He finds himself on the run from hostile forces and forced to find succor from a variety of unlikely sources. This is the first book of his memoirs detailing how his life was thrown into disarray, and how he grew into becoming a powerful battle trained mage and outlaw.

Decoding Communication: A Complete Handbook for Effective Communication

Girish Jain
    From day-to-day conversations to professional meetings, from candid talks to consequential discussions, the book explains the nitty-gritty of impactful communication.How to make the best of this book?Go in the chronological order, comprehending each chapter in-depth, and participating in the exercises. Make a note of important points of reference. Practice and rehearse the skills that you learnt. Once you complete all the chapters, following the same method, re-visit previous chapters if required. Involve in the activities suggested and have a real-life experience on showcasing the skills that you learn.

Public Speaking Essentials: Six Steps to Sizzle on Stage

Ramakrishna Reddy - 2015
    You may be overloaded with too much of information. There are loads of information in form of books and articles out there that can help you. However, would it be nice to have an easy and simple process to follow to handle this area of your life? Discover The Easy Guide To Public Speaking: “Public Speaking Essentials” will reveal 6 steps that’ll help you overcome your fear and speak like a PRO. These are easy to understand and implement solutions coming from someone who was in the trenches and who's now an active and successful public speaker. Since he was a shy kid as he was growing up, Rama ventured into Public Speaking to handle this area of his life. As a result of his learning from mentors, toastmasters and contests, Ramakrishna Reddy has won more than 25 Public Speaking Contests and written 3 books related to Public Speaking. He speaks regularly to people ranging from few dozens to few hundreds. Ramakrishna is dedicated to sharing the lessons he’s learned to help others become confident in public speaking. Public Speaking Revealed in Six Simple Steps: How to overcome Public Speaking Anxiety How to master three pillars of Public Speaking How to Practice for Presentation Day How to Handle the Presentation Day How to create a connection with the audience How to handle glitches during the presentation day Download now to know more about this 'no clutter' guide.

Learning To Swim

Trevor Hambric - 2011
    She is not looking to fall in love, either. Her only ambition, when she and her daughter, Lily, take their first summer trip to New Hampshire’s Squam Lake, is a restful, scenic vacation. But she will soon learn that the world has another offering. Within minutes of their arrival that first summer, they meet a man named Aidan Heron. His is a gift that will teach them both, with an easy humor and a nearly fearless penchant for adventure, that life has more to offer than they'd ever understood. Shaped by tragedy in her youth, Hannah has learned to live a timid, closed life. And without realizing it, she has taught her daughter to do the same. But Aidan, a man who has experienced his own tragedy and responded very differently, will show them both a new way. Through ten years of shared summer vacations, Hannah will experience enthrallment, love and heartache. She will be challenged and will learn to challenge herself. And in the course of meeting these challenges, she will learn how to truly live.

The House That Christmas Made: A Harbor Hills Novel

Elizabeth Bromke - 2021

Connect Instantly: 60 Seconds to Likability, Meaningful Connections, and Hitting It Off With Anyone

Patrick King - 2015
    click with others? It's something we never learn in school... a shame because Connecting Instantly with others just might be the most important skill you'll ever learn. The first 60 seconds of an interaction is the gatekeeper of friendship and relationships. It determines whether people will invest time and energy in you... and simply care about you. Nail it, and you'll be given the benefit of the doubt in any situation... fail to click instantly and you'll fall into the dreaded zone of apathy and "who cares about them?" We don't get second chances in a reality that deals largely in snap judgments. Connect Instantly was written specifically to deal with those crucial first moments of interaction, and make sure that you control 100% that you click and make a great impression, and reap the rewards of it. What about clicking instantly will you learn? * How outbound positivity always comes full circle and inbound - back to you. * What ignoring small details in favor of the main message can do for your conversational flow. * The small acts of service that require zero effort... but make people love you. As well as... * Telltale signs of genuineness and authenticity in your smile. * Why asking people's opinions makes them value your opinions more. * The bonding power of imperfections, flaws, and vulnerability. When you can master the first 60 seconds of an interaction, your world is simply opened up. If you can pass everyone's gatekeeper and leave them wanting to invest time and emotion into you, there's no more powerful emotion. You'll be first in line for every business opportunity because people will assume the best of you. You'll always be attractive to the opposite sex because of that impression. Old friends will want to see you more, and new friends will want to strengthen that bond quickly - are you ready for all the new friends you'll have? Don’t hesitate to pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page! P.S. Use snap judgments to your advantage!

Dead Secret

Catherine Deveney - 2013
    It was the moment I watched Daddy die. Everything began to unravel then.’ When their father dies of a sudden heart attack, sisters Rebecca and Sarah Connaghan set aside their differences and return to the family home in Glasgow. Then Rebecca finds letters between her father and the mother she barely remembers that cast doubt on everything she’s been told about her family. Reeling from confusion and grief, she sets off alone for the remote Highlands village that may hold the key to the past. Above all, she is determined to prove the innocence of her father – the beloved, silent man she once thought she knew, now accused of a terrible crime.