The Vegan Way: 21 Days to a Happier, Healthier Plant-Based Lifestyle That Will Transform Your Home, Your Diet, and You

Jackie Day - 2016
    A lifestyle guide that’s a real game-changer, The Vegan Way is for those who are intimidated by going vegan overnight, but don’t want the transition to stretch out for months or even years. In a 21 day plan that emphasizes three core reasons for going vegan—being as healthy as you can be, being compassionate to animals, and respecting our planet—Jackie provides inspiration along with a specific goal to achieve with all of the support you need to accomplish it. It might be something as simple as switching out your coffee creamer for vanilla almond milk or kicking the cheese habit. Readers will learn where to dine and what to order when eating out, the most vegan-friendly places to visit, how to avoid clothing made from animals, and how to decipher those pesky ingredients lists. And throughout, Jackie will be providing glimpses into the finer points of vegan living, giving readers something to aspire to as they get past Vegan 101. Readers will also find a handful of easy and delicious recipes sprinkled throughout. The Vegan Way is a road map that puts positive thoughts about health, the environment, and animals into action, transforming your life into a vibrant, healthy, and compassionate one.

The PlantPlus Diet Solution: Personalized Nutrition for Life

Joan Borysenko - 2014
    She cuts through the thicket of confusing—and often downright wrong—advice on nutrition and gives you easy-to-digest, bite-sized servings of real scientific information so you can discover which foods your body needs to heal and thrive. Since Joan wears two hats—as a psychologist and a cell biologist—you can trust her to psych out your inner saboteur, enabling you to make the changes you’ve been dreaming of. And as a busy woman who loves good food, she’ll teach you how to make simple, scrumptious, satisfying meals that you and your family will love whether you’re omnivores, vegans, or vegetarians. In this groundbreaking book, Joan will help you:Get up-to-date information on the nutrition revolutionMake friends with the plants that feed your gut bacteriaLose the weight and keep it offUnderstand how diet changes your genes and how your genes determine your best dietFill out a health symptom checklist and track the changes as your personalized PlantPlus Diet optimizes your metabolismKnow which tests to ask your doctor for and whyCreate a sleek and streamlined PlantPlus kitchenMake fabulous meals in minutes with simple recipes and meal plans

Fruit Infused Water - 80 Vitamin Water Recipes for Weight Loss, Health and Detox Cleanse (Vitamin Water, Fruit Infused Water, Natural Herbal Remedies, Detox Diet, Liver Cleanse)

Patrick Smith - 2014
    Also known as vitamin water, it allows you to replace sodas, juice and other sugary beverages with healthy drinks that are just as delicious.In the fruit infused water handbook, you will find zero-calorie, low cholesterol recipes that boost your metabolism and help you lose weight. In addition, there are many recipes that help clean and cleanse the body of toxins. They are great in combination with liver detox programs and any detox diet. Also, if you have an interest in natural herbal remedies, this is a way to use herbs to your benefit in a simple way. Fruit Infused Water Can Replace Any Soda Here is a brief overview of what’s inside: 80 fruit in fused water recipes for weight loss and health 25 vitamin water recipes that boost your metabolism 25 fruit infused water recipes perfect for the gym and summer 30 fruit infused water recipes with detox properties that are perfect for detox cleanses, liver detox and more No sugars, low cholesterol, no calories, no alcohol Natural herbal remedies in the form of water Much more! As a health coach with a passion for fitness and nutrition, fruit infused water has accompanied me for a long time. Vitamin water is perfect for losing weight and getting nutritional contents at the same time. They also make a great counterpart to smoothies, not to mention how delicious they look. A glass pitcher filled with a mixture of water and fruits is an exotic thing to serve on parties and always gets a lot of attention. Would You Like To Know More? Get this book and join thousands of people that already use these vitamin water recipes to lose weight and live healthy lives. Today only, this book is on sale! Get it before the price goes back up to $4.99! Scroll to the top of the page and click the buy button to instantly download this book to your pc, mobile device or Kindle -----Tags: coconut oil,detox diet, detox cleanse, fatty liver, liver cleanse, 10 day detox diet, liver detox, fruit infused water, vitamin water

Eat to Prevent and Control Disease: How Superfoods Can Help You Live Disease Free

La Fonceur - 2020
    The sooner you adopt, the healthier you live. Go disease-free!Over the years, we have been repeating the same eating mistakes that our parents made. This is the reason why the prevalence of diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, and arthritis is increasing in the population over time.In Eat to Prevent and Control Disease, research scientist and registered state pharmacist La Fonceur will tell you how foods that work with the same mechanism as medicines can naturally prevent and control disease. How can you build your body in such a way that you do not need medications even in your 40s, 50s, 60s, or 70s? How can you prevent disease even if you have a family history of that disease? How can you control chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, and many others?With a better understanding of the disease, you can control it yourself. When you follow the advice and preventive measures given in the book, If you do not have any disease, then in the future also you will not have any disease. If you are already suffering from a disease, you can control it without medicines. If your disease is chronic and you are dependent on medicines, then you can reduce the dose of your medications as well as their side effects.

A Low Carbohydrate, Ketogenic Diet Manual: No Sugar, No Starch Diet

Eric C. Westman - 2013
    This manual describes the practical details of a low carbohydrate, ketogenic diet as used by nutritional and medical professionals.

The Probiotics Revolution: The Definitive Guide to Safe, Natural Health Solutions Using Probiotic and Prebiotic Foods and Supplements

Gary B. Huffnagle - 2007
    Now an internationally recognized scientist at a top U.S. medical school—one of the leading researchers in the field—sheds light on the extraordinary benefits of these natural health superstars. Thanks to an explosion of research in recent years, one thing is clear: probiotics, the healthy bacteria that inhabit the digestive tract, are the body’s silent partners for good health, optimizing the power of the immune system to fight disease and the “bad” germs we fear. But how do they work? And in the face of factors like stress and poor diet, which decrease their numbers, how do you keep your supply well stocked? Here is an up-to-the-minute, highly accessible guide to probiotics and the foods and supplements that contain and support them—many of which may be in your diet already. Discover:The key role of probiotics and prebiotics in restoring healthy balance to our bodies, improving immune system functioning, and curbing inflammationHow to use probiotic foods and supplements to prevent and relieve allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, yeast infections, and the negative side effects of antibiotic useNew evidence that probiotics may help fight asthma, cardiovascular disease, breast and colon cancer, autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia—and even obesityNatural sources of prebiotics, the nutrients that help make the digestive tract more hospitable for probiotic bacteriaThe Probiotics Revolution also includes a step-by-step plan for incorporating the many food sources of probiotics and prebiotics into your diet, a complete buyer’s guide to probiotic supplements, and how to introduce probiotics to your family and children.From the Hardcover edition.

The Hidden Plague: A Field Guide For Surviving and Overcoming Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Tara Grant - 2013
    Only a small fraction of those affected have been properly diagnosed, leaving many others to suffer in silence or pursue ill-advised conventional treatment methods that fail to address the cause of this painful condition. Tara Grant, a twenty-year sufferer of HS, has become an underground legend to her Internet community of HS victims by presenting a methodical, self-tested action plan to heal naturally. The centerpiece of her holistic approach rests on the understanding that HS is an autoimmune disorder caused by leaky gut syndrome. With a few simple dietary changes that eliminate certain “trigger” foods, you can heal your gut, restore your skin, reclaim your health, and rid yourself of HS symptoms forever. That’s it—no antibiotics, no experimental surgeries, and no more pain, suffering, or confusion.Q&A with Tara1. What was it about the subject you chose to write about in your book that made you feel so passionate about spreading the word and getting your book published? My motivation for writing this book was the overwhelming response I received from people on the Internet when I originally posted about it in March of 2012. It turns out it’s a pretty common condition, but many people (and doctors) don’t know what it is. It’s pretty standard to visit various doctors, and be told that you have “acne,” or to be subjected to butchering surgeries. There is no treatment for HS, according to the doctors. People with it suffer immensely—in fact, HS is acknowledged to be one of most painful conditions in the world. I’ve even received letters from doctors and nurses who suffer from HS, thanking me for telling them what it is that they have—and for offering them hope. The primary motivating factor for writing this book, however, was an email I received from a 12-year old girl, who said she was going to kill herself because of the pain she was in. I immediately wrote her back, but I never heard back from her. I am desperate to know that she’s okay. I don’t want anyone else to go through what I did as a teenager—I myself thought about suicide on more than one occasion. I’ve had many letters from people who say they want to kill themselves since.2. HS is hard to diagnose, and many doctors aren’t even aware of its existence. How did you get a diagnosis? I’ve had HS since I was thirteen years old, but wasn’t diagnosed until I was in my mid-30s. Up until then, I saw over forty doctors from four different countries - none of whom could tell me what was wrong with me. I eventually found the name “Hidradenitis suppurativa” in a book about PCOS (also known as polycystic ovarian syndrome, which I also had) and could finally put a name to the horrible condition I had suffered from for so long. I took that information to a dermatologist. That’s when I finally got a diagnosis—over twenty years later. At that time, I had already changed to a Primal diet and my HS was drastically better, so I declined the antibiotics and Accutane the doctor prescribed. I also refused to believe what she said: “You have to live with this for the rest of your life.” I knew, as a longtime sufferer of HS, that the doctors I had seen had no clue what they were talking about. My journey was extremely frustrating, and I went through it completely alone. Over the years, I was told I had “adult acne,” and also told that they didn’t know what was wrong with me. I was also told that I was overreacting, not keeping clean enough, and told to lose weight. Not a single doctor showed any compassion, or was willing to look into the matter further. I eventually stopped going to the doctors, and didn’t return until I had already made changes and knew I was on the right track. I knew that if I wanted answers, I had to do the research and experimentation myself. I wasn't interested in how I reacted to different drug, I was interested in healing myself naturally.  I knew that I was on the right track with diet, so I started investigating Robb Wolf’s Autoimmune Paleo Protocol, and made specific tweaks for skin conditions. Results I had seen from others (Dr. Terry Wahls, for example) who had healed themselves from crippling autoimmune conditions were the only motivation I needed. When I started treating HS like an autoimmune condition, it went into remission. There are literally thousands of cases of this happening with different autoimmune conditions all over the world. I was also able to induce flare-ups with specific experimentation. This completely checks with autoimmunity. There isn’t a cure—you will always have the predisposition for autoimmunity—but you CAN go into remission. 3. Do you have any relatives or close friends that became diagnosed after you?  There is no one else in my family with this condition. There is a mistaken belief that HS is hereditary. It is not. However, some families have more than one member affected by it. The reason for this is that HS is autoimmune. In order to get an autoimmune condition, you need to have the gene for autoimmunity. The fact that the autoimmune gene manifests as HS in more than one family member is complete coincidence. If you’re suffering from HS, you more than likely have other autoimmune conditions - and so does your family. Family trees littered with Crohn’s, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, restless legs syndrome, diabetes, Lupus, endometriosis, eczema, psoriasis, HS, and more—all of which are autoimmune—are very common. If you have HS, you have the autoimmune gene, which you did inherit. If your gut becomes leaky, then you will eventually develop an autoimmune condition.4. Do you have advice for anyone seeking medical help for this condition? Read my book first. The Western medical community is still under the mistaken belief that HS is caused by bacteria, hence the prescriptions for antibiotics. They will not be able to help you, and will suggest butchering surgeries and heavy hitting drugs, which often make matters worse. You can’t “cut HS out,” like you do with a cancerous tumor. When you remove an organ or tissue that is being ravaged by an autoimmune response, you open up all your other organs and tissues to attack. That’s why there’s over an 80% chance of reoccurrence of HS after surgery, and people will often start flaring-up in areas that had been clear before. Sometimes, they even develop brand new autoimmune conditions. Luckily, you actually hold the key to healing in your hands. You can heal yourself. If you can avoid infection, then you don’t need doctors—or drugs— to help you go into remission.5. What is the one thing you would stress most to anyone unable to get a copy of your book at this time? Many people with HS are on disability and don’t have a lot of disposable income, or they have been taken advantage of in the past. If this is you, go to your local library and ask them to carry the book. Then, you can borrow it for free. How much does a 1-oz jar of EmuAid cost? Turmeric capsules? Surgery? Doctor visits and prescriptions? We’ve all fallen for so much. I bet if you sat down and tallied up how much you’ve spent on Band-Aids alone for your HS over the years, $26 would be a drop in the bucket. The great thing about this book is that if you are not satisfied, you can request your money back. If you get this 300-page manual and find that there is nothing in it that is of any help, you can ask for a refund from the publisher. Try asking for a refund for EmuAid when it doesn’t work. That being said, I would challenge anyone with HS to read this book and find nothing in it that’s helpful.6. Your book is a very important first step in making the public aware of this illness. Besides the book, how do you plan to raise awareness of HS?My goal is to get on the Dr. Oz show. I figure that will give us the biggest bang for the buck. Many people have HS, but are unaware of what it’s called. They’re too embarrassed to go to the doctor about it. I would encourage all of you to write to the Dr. Oz show and ask them to feature me, and ask your local library to carry the book. The only way we’re going to raise awareness is to GO BIG.


Bill Phillips - 2010
    . . with the book that goes beyond 12 weeks, and then some: TRANSFORMATION: How to Change EVERYTHING. Within these pages, Phillips delivers on the title's promise. In a unique fusion of art, science, common sense, and the wisdom of the life experience itself, TRANSFORMATION illuminates the right way to making significant, meaningful, and healthy changes. Specifically, Phillips guides readers step-by-step through his 11 Transformation Tenets, which, when practiced daily, "energizes authentic and lasting change, beginning deep within your heart and then radiating out into every aspect of your life, and are reflected in everything you see, do, feel and experience. Truly . . . the Transformation is the way to change everything . . . beginning within your Self, but only beginning there."

The Harcombe Diet: The Recipe Book

Zoe Harcombe - 2011
      With over 100 recipes for Phase 1, another 100 for Phase 2 and then just a few seriously special Phase 3 cheats, this is the ultimate diet-recipe book.   You can have burgers, seafood risotto and authentic Indian curry in Phase 1; boeuf bourguignon, mushroom stroganoff and cream berry pudding in Phase 2 and the most sensational dark chocolate mousse in Phase 3.   This features Harcombe friendly versions of the classic dishes – French onion soup, coq au vin, chilli con carne and the classic accompaniaments – mayonnaise, chips and cauliflower cheese.   If you want to eat real food, lose weight and gain health – this is a must for your kitchen shelf.

The Keto Cure: A Low Carb High Fat Dietary Solution to Heal Your Body and Optimize Your Health

Jimmy Moore - 2018
    The Keto Cure will give readers the prescription they need to heal their bodies by eating plenty of fat and moderating protein and carbs. Dr. Adam Nally has been advocating a low-carb, high-fat diet in his clinical practice for more than fifteen years, helping people address their health problems by making better food choices. Dr. Nally and bestselling low-carb author and podcaster Jimmy Moore have worked together to create a top-50 health podcast espousing the benefits of eating keto. Now, for the first time, Dr. Nally has teamed up with Moore to take his years of clinical experience, put everything down on paper, and create a how-to guide that details all the ways in which the ketogenic diet can help remedy common ailments. The Keto Cure details the science behind the keto diet's effectiveness at treating a wide range of diseases, including Alzheimer's epilepsy fatty liver disease hypercholesterolemia hypertension Parkinson’s disease thyroiditis type 2 diabetes and many more The Keto Cure also outlines practical tips gleaned from Dr. Nally's fifteen-plus years in medical practice, as well as Moore's ten-plus years as a health and wellness podcaster, on overcoming the common pitfalls that people experience when adapting to a high-fat way of eating, including fatigue and keto flu. This helpful information, combined with a wide variety of delicious keto recipes from international bestselling cookbook author Maria Emmerich, makes The Keto Cure a complete resource for healing oneself with the ketogenic diet.

The Italian Diet: Over 100 Healthy Italian Recipes to Help You Lose Weight and Love Food

Gino D'Acampo - 2009
    'The i Diet' combines simple, fresh ingredients for an easy way to shed pounds.

21-Day Tummy: The Revolutionary Diet that Soothes and Shrinks Any Belly Fast

Liz Vaccariello - 2013
    You'll whittle your middle and discover which foods protect you from the main causes of digestive discomfort.Say good-bye to your grumbling belly and start feeling good again. Let the 21-Day Tummy show you how! Inside you'll find:An easy-to-follow 21-day eating plan that minimizes shocking Belly Bully foods that cause discomfort and weight gain, while piling on soothing Belly Buddy foods. more than 50 scrumptious recipes such as Tomato-Ginger Flank Steak, Chunky Chicken Couscous, Twice-Baked Potato with Pepper Hash, and Almost-Pumpkin Mini Pies. inspirational stories and advice from real readers who tried the plan—one lost 19 pounds, another 4 ½ belly inches, and everyone improved their digestive symptoms in just 3 weeks! an optional equipment-free workout plan that helps to both sculpt and sooth your stomach with a mix of core strengthening, walking, and yoga. 21-Day Tummy is a fun, easy guide to healthy eating that will have a smaller, healthier you feeling better than, well, possibly ever!

Strength Training Nutrition 101: Build Muscle & Burn Fat Easily...A Healthy Way Of Eating You Can Actually Maintain (Strength Training 101, Book 2)

Marc McLean - 2017
    If you hate reading those textbook-like nutrition book filled with unfriendly statistics and terminologies, you'll love this. - P Lam. As a personal trainer, I am always on the lookout for new information regarding diet & nutrition for each and every one of my clients.This is a great book if you have any questions where to begin." - Miguel Wells. There are more diets out there than you’ve had hot dinners... There are countless crappy supplements promising the world... There’s all sorts of confusing advice being thrown at us about macronutrients, micronutrients...blah, blah, blah. Wouldn’t you rather just cut out the bull**** and learn a straightforward weight training diet that’ll help you gain lean muscle, keep your bodyfat levels low and maintain good health? A simplified strategy on what to eat, when, what to avoid to get the best results from your strength training program? Something that’s easy to follow and maintain, and doesn’t ban all your favourite foods, while still actually delivering results? This is it. Strength Training Nutrition 101: Build Muscle & Burn Fat Easily...A Healthy Way Of Eating You Can Actually Maintain is a sensible, do-able, manageable nutrition guide for men and women who lift weights (or others who generally want to improve their diet and overall health). I’m Marc McLean, an online personal training and nutrition coach with almost two decades worth of experience in weight training, and Strength Training Nutrition 101 is my masterplan for maximising your exercise efforts. It uncomplicates the complicated and simplifies your weight training diet. Are you confused about what to eat and when because we’re bombarded with so much advice from every angle. “Don’t eat meat...” “Carbs are the devil...” “Eat a garden full of greens for breakfast...” This is just some of the advice we get from experts in a really noisy health and fitness industry. We’re hit with advice on what we should be eating, how much we should be eating...and what we should be avoiding like an STI. This book is not about choosing one diet over another. It’s not filled with complicated bodybuilding nutrition advice or nutrition plans that are too hard to maintain. It’s about getting all the important stuff right and building a solid nutritional foundation for sculpting a lean, athletic, awesome physique. It’s also not about depriving you of food you love and eating chicken and broccoli 8 days per week. The bottom line is that sticking with good nutrition should not be hard work. It should be easy to follow, manageable, and never actually feel like a ‘diet’. In Strength Training Nutrition 101, I share with you how to simplify the way you eat and my nutritional strategies that support my weekly weight training regime for maintaining muscle and staying lean. The book's 12 chapters are below...

The Water Secret: The Cellular Breakthrough to Look and Feel 10 Years Younger

Howard Murad - 2010
    Howard Murad, M.D., FAAD is one today's foremost authorities on health and skincare, and his philosophies have helped men and women around the world look and feel as young and healthy as possible. With The Water Secret, Dr. Murad shares a new, scientifically proven strategy, cultivated over years of practice and treating over 50,000 patients, to help you look and feel better from the inside out.The Water Secret will:• Reveal groundbreaking secrets to help you take years off your looks, feel better and healthier• Debunk health myths through cutting-edge research and tell the truth about how inflammation, hydration, and other factors really affect your health• Explain how damaged cells that leak water can sabotage your looks• Introduces an integrated, multidisciplinary "Inclusive Health" approach to help optimize cellular strength• Give you a complete 10-step action plan with recipes and meal plans to start you on the path to clear skin, fewer wrinkles, more energy, and better overall healthDiscover The Water Secret and learn to take control of the process of aging by improving the health of every cell in the body. Begin the program and you will see and feel the difference your healthy new lifestyle will make in as soon as one week!

The Sugar Fix: The High-Fructose Fallout That Is Making You Fat and Sick

Richard J. Johnson - 2008
    Richard Johnson, who oversees a pioneering research program, reports on discoveries about how fructose impacts the body—and directly connects the American obesity epidemic to a frightening escalation in our fructose consumption.It comes as no surprise that the sugar is found in processed foods like candy, baked goods, canned foods, and frozen meals in the form of high-fructose corn syrup, but it is also hidden in less obvious foods like peanut butter, egg products, and soups. Many fruits and vegetables contain high levels of it naturally. Dr. Johnson shows how to cut way back on the sweetener by making effective substitutions. The daily meal plans included here contain no more than 25 grams of fructose, one-quarter of the amount the average American now ingests.Rather than the low-carb approach of so many recent diets, Dr. Johnson recommends a much easier to enjoy and stick to formula: 50% carbs, 25% fat, and 25% protein. The immediate benefit of this diet is to help anyone shed excess weight. The additional benefits are even more impressive—reduced risk for such serious health problems as high blood pressure, elevated blood fats, and insulin resistance, conditions directly linked to heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, and stroke.