The Klingon Dictionary

Marc Okrand - 1985
    It features a precise pronunciation guide, rules for proper use of affixes and suffixes, and a small phrasebook with Klingon translations for essential expressions such as "Activate the transport beam," "Always trust your instincts," and the ever-popular "Surrender or die!"

Set Phasers to Stun: 50 Years of Star Trek

Marcus Berkmann - 2016
    Boldly going where several other people have been before, Marcus Berkmann tells the story of this sturdy science fiction vehicle from its first five-year mission (rudely curtailed to three), through the dark years of the 1970s, the triumphant film series and The Next Generation, to the current 'reboot' films, with a younger cast taking on the characters of Kirk, Spock, McCoy and co.With wit, insight and a huge pile of DVDs, he seeks to answer all the important questions. Why did Kirk's shirt always get torn when he had a fist fight? What's the most number of times Uhura said 'Hailing frequencies open, sir' in a single episode? (Seven.) And what's the worst imaginable insult in Klingon? (Your mother has a smooth forehead.)

All My Sins Remembered

Joe Haldeman - 1977
    The only problem is that the Confederacion needs him as one of its twelve Prime Operators for its secret service, the TBII. The TBII wants him as a spy, thief & assassin. It's not, of course, a problem for the Confederacion, which simply uses immersion therapy & hypnotic personality overlay for Otto's training, then sends him out in deep cover, encased in plastiflesh, on a variety of dangerous missions on a number of bizarre worlds. But for him, it's a different matter: what he has to witness & what he's forced to do take a terrible toll. Always he returns to his original self--his conscience stabbed by the memory of all those he'd killed in the service of interstellar harmony.

Farscape: The Illustrated Companion

Paul Simpson - 2000
    This comprehensive tome contains a detailed episode guide, character biographies, glossary, and plenty of behind-the-scenes anecdotes and insights from the cast and crew.

The Toynbee Convector

Ray Bradbury - 1988
    A stunning collection of the kind of fiction that has only one source--the unparalleled Ray Bradbury.

Johnny Mnemonic

William Gibson - 1981
    He carries other people's memories, millions of them, downloaded into his brain... Working out of Beijing, he is hired to carry a package to the States. The hundreds of gigabytes stashed in his head are far beyond his capacity, but as long as he gets downloaded quickly they won't do him any permanent harm...But headaches are the least of Johnny's problems. The Americans aren't the only ones who want the data. The Yakuza are after Johnny too. Not all of him, though. All they need is his cryogenically frozen head...In Johnny Mnemonic, the science-fiction guru of our age brings his acid-drenched tale of the near future to the screen for the first time. Containing William Gibson's original short story, his full script and exclusive stills from the film, this classic of the cyberpunk era expresses the unique vision of the author who was the first to see his way into tomorrow...

The Case of the Colonist's Corpse

Bob Ingersoll - 2004
    Cogley, a cranky old man who prefers books to padds and people to computers. Now, once again, it's SAM COGLEY FOR THE DEFENSE!The planet Aneher II sits in the middle of the Neutral Zone, and neither the Klingon™ Empire nor the Federation can claim it. Under the terms of the Organian Peace Treaty, any such contested colony world will go to the party -- Federation or Klingon -- which shows it can best develop the planet.At first the two colonies live in peace, but it's a fragile peace, one shattered when Administrator Daniel Latham, the head of the Federation colony, is found murdered, and Commander Mak'Tor, the head of the Klingon colony, is found crouched over Latham's body, discharged phaser still hot in his hand.When Lieutenant Areel Shaw of Starfleet is assigned to prosecute Mak'Tor, Sam Cogley volunteers to defend the accused Klingon. But when Cogley's own investigation provides the prosecution with its key piece of evidence and his courtroom tactics unexpectedly backfire, can even the galaxy's most brilliant defense attorney win the day in...The Case of the Colonist's Corpse

The Children of Kings

Dave Stern - 2010
    The U.S.S. Enterprise, under the command of Captain Christopher Pike, responds. Starbase 18 lies in ruin. There are no survivors. And there is no clue as to who is responsible for the attack, until Captain Pike’s brilliant science officer discovers a means of retrieving parts of the station’s log. Lieutenant Spock has detected signs of a unique energy signature, one that he believes is Klingon. There are unsubstantiated reports that the Klingon Empire has made a technological leap forward and created a cloaking device—code-named Black Snow Seven—that can shield their ships from even the most advanced sensors. The destruction of the base and the unique energy signature that remains prove that the Empire has succeeded. For generations the Orions have been known as pirates,operating at the margins, outside of legal conventions. A proud and powerful race, the Orions were once a major force in the sector, and they have been using the tension between the Klingon Empire and the Federation to rebuild their power. Captain Pike is charged with trying to foster cooperation between the Orions and the Federation. A distress call from an Orion vessel offers him the perfect opportunity. But the Orion ship lies in disputed space long claimed by the Klingon Empire, and crossing it could be the spark that sets off an interstellar war.

The Dancer From Atlantis

Poul Anderson - 1971
    Bound to him were three of the strangest humans he had ever encountered... a medieval Russian, and a fourth-century Hun, and a sacred priestess who worshiped him as a god. And all shared the same fate--pulled through a hole in time to a present which was ancient history. Together the quartet formed a strange alliance which none dared break. For not only were their own futures at stake... but the very future of the world they had found....


Larry Niven - 1969
    talk show Arthur C. Clarke was once asked to name his favorite writer. His answer was "Larry Niven." Countless others agree. The Baltimore Sun and Kirkus Reviews have both dubbed Niven "the premier writer of hard SF," and Gregory Benford has hailed him as "the paradigm of SF personality of the last several decade."Now Larry Niven presents us with his undisputed masterwork. N-Space contains, very simply, the best SF of his career--marvelous fiction, a wealth of anecdotes and gossip, plus Niven's own special brand of wit and excitement.Contents:1 • Introduction: The Maker of Worlds • (1990) • essay by Tom Clancy3 • On Niven • (1992) • essay by Frederik Pohl and Steven Barnes and David Brin and John Hertz and Wendy All and Gregory Benford15 • Dramatis Personae • (1990) • essay by Larry Niven25 • Foreword: Playgrounds for the Mind • (1990) • essay by Larry Niven31 • From World of Ptavvs (excerpt) • (1990) • shortfiction by Larry Niven36 • Bordered in Black • (1966) • shortstory by Larry Niven56 • Convergent Series • (1967) • shortstory by Larry Niven (variant of The Long Night)62 • All the Myriad Ways • [Time Travel - Parallel Universe] • (1968) • shortstory by Larry Niven73 • From A Gift From Earth (Excerpt) • (1990) • shortfiction by Larry Niven90 • The Meddler • (1968) • novelette by Larry Niven112 • Passerby • [State] • (1969) • shortstory by Larry Niven126 • Down in Flames • (1969) • essay by Larry Niven139 • From Ringworld (Excerpt) • (1990) • shortfiction by Larry Niven148 • The Fourth Profession • (1971) • novelette by Larry Niven195 • "Shall We Indulge in Rishathra?" • (1978) • shortfiction by Larry Niven195 •  "Shall We Indulge in Rishathra?" • (1978) • interior artwork by William Rotsler199 • Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex • (1969) • essay by Larry Niven208 • Inconstant Moon • (1971) • novelette by Larry Niven234 • What Can You Say About Chocolate Covered Manhole Covers? • (1971) • shortstory by Larry Niven245 • Cloak of Anarchy • [Known Space] • (1972) • shortstory by Larry Niven269 • From Protector (excerpt) • (1990) • shortfiction by Larry Niven279 • The Hole Man • (1974) • shortstory by Larry Niven293 • Night on Mispec Moor • [State] • (1974) • shortstory by Larry Niven305 • Flare Time • (1978) • novella by Larry Niven347 • The Locusts • (1979) • novelette by Larry Niven and Steven Barnes389 • From The Mote in God's Eye (excerpt) • (1990) • shortfiction by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle394 • Building the Mote in God's Eye • [A Step Farther Out] • (1976) • essay by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle420 • Brenda • (1988) • novella by Larry Niven465 • The Return of William Proxmire • (1989) • shortstory by Larry Niven475 • The Tale of the Jinni and the Sisters • (1988) • shortstory by Larry Niven491 • Madness Has Its Place • [Man-Kzin Wars] • (1990) • novelette by Larry Niven519 • Niven's Laws (1990 version) • (1990) • essay by Larry Niven528 • The Kiteman • [Integral Trees] • (1990) • novelette by Larry Niven571 • The Alien in Our Minds • (1987) • essay by Larry Niven580 • Space • (1990) • essay by Larry Niven597 • Bibliography of Larry Niven • (1990) • essay by uncredited

Battlestar Galactica

Glen A. Larson - 1978
    At the end of a bloody thousand-year war against an invincible enemy, an uneasy peace has finally been achieved between humans and the dreaded cyborg warriors of the Cylon Empire. But peace soon turns to bloodshed when the Cylons launch an unexpected attack against humanity's twelve Colonial worlds, wiping out most of the inhabitants.

Excelsior: Forged in Fire

Michael A. Martin - 2007
     A vicious pirate known as the Albino is cutting a deadly swath across space, creating turmoil in the Klingon Empire that threatens to spill into the Federation. But this criminal also has a secret that could shake the halls of Imperial power, and his genocidal plans against the race that bore him will have consequences even he cannot imagine, as several unlikely allies join swords to bring the Albino to justice: Hikaru Sulu of the U.S.S. Excelsior; Klingon captains Kor, Koloth, and Kang; and a hotheaded young Federation diplomat named Curzon Dax. Tempered in the flames of their shared adversity, a captaincy is forged, a Blood Oath is sworn...and a hunt begins that will stretch from one generation to the next.

Black Projects, White Knights: The Company Dossiers

Kage Baker - 2002
    In these tales, sci-fi fans follow the secret activities of the Company's field agents--once human, now centuries-old time-traveling cyborgs--as they attempt to retrieve history's lost treasures.

Gold: The Final Science Fiction Collection

Isaac Asimov - 1995
    The second section contains the grand master's ruminations on the SF genre itself. And the final section is comprised of Asimov's thoughts on the craft and writing of science fiction.

I Am Spock

Leonard Nimoy - 1995
    Spock in the cult television series that launched the Star Trek phenomenon, Leonard Nimoy has written the definitive Star Trek memoir. In this long-awaited autobiography, Nimoy opens up to his fans in ways the Vulcan never could.Having played the pivotal role of Mr. Spock in the original series, in six motion pictures, and in a special two-part episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, as well as having directed two of the movies, Nimoy is well suited to tell the true story behind what was seen by the public. He provides an intelligent and insightful book about the creative process and the actor's craft - and gives his own unique insider's view of the creation of both the character, Mr. Spock, and the Star Trek phenomenon.