Best of
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon
Spider Robinson - 1977
Pull up a chair, grab a glass of your favorite, and listen to the stories spun by time travelers, cybernetic aliens, telepaths...and a bunch of regular folks on a mission to save the world, one customer at a time.Callahan's Crosstime Saloon contains the following stories, virtually all of which were published in Analog Science Fiction and Fact: * "The Guy With the Eyes" * "The Time-Traveler" * "The Centipede's Dilemma" * "Two Heads Are Better Than One" * "The Law Of Conservation of Pain" * "Just Dessert" * "A Voice is Heard in Ramah..." * "Unnatural Causes" * "The Wonderful Conspiracy"
Biting the Sun
Tanith Lee - 1977
Not if you're Jang: a caste of libertine teenagers in the city of Four BEE. But when you're expected to make trouble--when you can kill yourself on a whim and return in another body, when you're encouraged to change genders at will and experience whatever you desire--you've got no reason to rebel...until making love and raising hell, daring death and running wild just leave you cold and empty.Ravenous for true adventures of the mind and body, desperate to find some meaning, one restless spirit finally bucks the system--and by shattering the rules, strikes at the very heart of a soulless society....
The Adventures of the Stainless Steel Rat
Harry Harrison - 1977
Boring, routine desk work during his probationary period results in his discovering that someone is building a battleship, thinly disguised as an industrial vessel. In the peaceful League no one has battleships any more, so the builder of this one would be unstoppable. DiGriz' hunt for the guilty becomes a personal battle between himself & the beautiful but deadly Angelina, who is planning a coup on one of the feudal worlds. DiGriz' dilemma is whether he will turn Angelina over to the Special Corps, or join with her, since he's fallen in love with her. The Stainless Steel Rat's Revenge (1970): DiGriz & Angelina are happily married, expecting the birth of sons. The planet Cliaand is waging interstellar war. Against the odds, its Grey Men are invading & taking over planet after planet. The Rat is sent to Cliaand to start a one-man guerrilla campaign to put a stop to the plans of the planet's leader, Kraj. He is aided by the Amazons, a force of liberated freedom fighters, & eventually by his wife who arrives to help him win the war & keep him out of the arms of the Amazons. The Stainless Steel Rat Saves the World (1972): The villainous He has travelled back in time to humankind's distant past on the legendary planet Earth ('Dirt') of '84, where he's altering events so that people who opposed him in the Rat's present cease to exist, Angelina amongst them. Using the Helix, a time-travel device invented by the Special Corps' Prof. Coypu, diGriz travels to '84 America, then to Napoleonic France where tanks & aircraft are helping bring about Napoleon's victory.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Steven Spielberg - 1977
The world was being readied for...Close Encounters of the Third Kind. It meant the beginning of the most dramatic event in the history of the world. It will lead to the inescapable conclusion:WE ARE NOT ALONE
The Best of Philip K. Dick
Philip K. Dick - 1977
Comprising:Beyond Lies the Wub;Roog;Second Variety;Paycheck;Impostor;Colony;Expendable;The Days of Perky Pat;Breakfast at Twilight;Foster, You're Dead;The Father-Thing;Service Call;Autofac;Human Is;If There Were No Benny Cemoli;Oh, to Be a Blobel!;Faith of Our Fathers;The Electric Ant;A Little Something for Us Tempunauts.
The Fuzzy Papers
H. Beam Piper - 1977
Their charter was for a Class III uninhabited planet, which Zarathustra was, and it meant they owned the planet lock stock and barrel. They exploited it, developed it and reaped the huge profits from it without interference from the Colonial Government. Then Jack Holloway, a sunstone prospector, appeared on the scene with his family of Fuzzies and the passionate conviction that they were not cute animals but little people.Fuzzy Sapiens:The classic sequel to the science fiction bestseller, Little Fuzzy.
The Persistence of Vision
John Varley - 1977
Introduction · Algis Budrys · in The Phantom of Kansas · nv Galaxy Feb ’76 Air Raid [as by Herb Boehm] · ss IASFM Spr ’77 Retrograde Summer · nv F&SF Feb ’75 The Black Hole Passes · nv F&SF Jun ’75 In the Hall of the Martian Kings · na F&SF Feb ’77 In the Bowl · nv F&SF Dec ’75 Gotta Sing, Gotta Dance · nv Galaxy Jul ’76 Overdrawn at the Memory Bank · nv Galaxy May ’76 The Persistence of Vision · na F&SF Mar ’78
Frederik Pohl - 1977
and on reaches of unimaginable horror. When prospector Robinette Broadhead went out to Gateway on the Heechee spacecraft, he decided he would know which was the right mission to make him his fortune. Three missions later, now famous and permanently rich, Rob Broadhead has to face what happened to him and what he has become... in a journey into himself as perilous and even more horrifying than the nightmare trip through the interstellar void that he drove himself to take!
Inherit the Stars
James P. Hogan - 1977
They called him Charlie. He had big eyes, abundant body hair and fairly long nostrils. His skeletal body was found clad in a bright red spacesuit, hidden in a rocky grave. They didn't know who he was, how he got there, or what had killed him. All they knew was that his corpse was 50,000 years old; and that meant that this man had somehow lived long before he ever could have existed!
The Best of Fredric Brown
Fredric Brown - 1977
Henry of science fiction… stories that range from the wryly humorous to the deadly serious, but are always unforgettable.Contents:ix · Introduction · Robert Bloch · in 1 · “Arena” · nv Astounding Jun ’44 31 · Imagine · pp F&SF May ’55 33 · It Didn’t Happen · ss Playboy Oct ’63 47 · Recessional · vi Dude Mar ’60; Portfolio, gp 49 · Eine Kleine Nachtmusik · Fredric Brown & Carl Onspaugh · ss F&SF Jun ’65 69 · Puppet Show · ss Playboy Nov ’62 81 · Nightmare in Yellow · vi Dude May ’61; Five Nightmares, gp 85 · Earthmen Bearing Gifts · vi Galaxy Jun ’60 89 · Jaycee · vi Nightmares and Geezenstacks, Bantam, 1961 91 · Pi in the Sky · nv Thrilling Wonder Stories Win ’45 121 · Answer · vi Angels and Spaceships, Dutton, 1954 123 · The Geezenstacks · ss Weird Tales Sep ’43 133 · Hall of Mirrors · ss Galaxy Dec ’53 141 · Knock · ss Thrilling Wonder Stories Dec ’48 153 · Rebound [“The Power”] · vi Galaxy Apr ’60 157 · Star Mouse [Mitkey] · ss Planet Stories Spr ’42 179 · Abominable · vi Dude Mar ’60; Portfolio, gp 183 · Letter to a Phoenix · ss Astounding Aug ’49 193 · Not Yet the End · vi Captain Future Win ’41 197 · Etaoin Shrdlu · nv Unknown Feb ’42 221 · Armageddon · ss Unknown Aug ’41 227 · Experiment · vi Galaxy Feb ’54; Two Timer, gp 229 · The Short Happy Lives of Eustace Weaver I, II, & III [“Of Time and Eustace Weaver”] · ss EQMM Jun ’61 237 · Reconciliation · vi Angels and Spaceships, Dutton, 1954 239 · Nothing Sirius · ss Captain Future Spr ’44 257 · Pattern · vi Angels and Spaceships, Dutton, 1954 259 · The Yehudi Principle · ss Astounding May ’44 271 · Come and Go Mad · nv Weird Tales Jul ’49 315 · The End [“Nightmare in Time”] · vi Dude May ’61; Five Nightmares, gp
The Past Through Tomorrow: Vol. 1
Robert A. Heinlein - 1977
Heinlein wrote most of the Future History stories early in his career, between 1939 and 1941 and between 1945 and 1950. Most of the Future History stories written prior to 1967 are collected in the two volumes of The Past Through Tomorrow, which also contains the final version of the chart. That collection does not include Universe and Common Sense; they were published separately as Orphans of the Sky.Contents: Introduction (The Past Through Tomorrow) (1967) • essay by Damon Knight Life-Line [Future History] (1939) / short story by Robert A. Heinlein The Roads Must Roll [Future History] (1940) / novelette by Robert A. Heinlein Blowups Happen [Future History] (1940) / novelette by Robert A. Heinlein The Man Who Sold the Moon [D. D. Harriman] (1950) / novella by Robert A. Heinlein Delilah and the Space-Rigger [Future History] (1949) / short story by Robert A. Heinlein Space Jockey [Future History] (1947) / short story by Robert A. Heinlein Requiem [D. D. Harriman] (1940) / short story by Robert A. Heinlein The Long Watch [Future History] (1949) / short story by Robert A. Heinlein Gentlemen, Be Seated [Future History] (1948) / short story by Robert A. Heinlein The Black Pits of Luna (juvenile) [Future History] (1948) / short story by Robert A. Heinlein 'It's Great to Be Back!' [Future History] (1977) / short story by Robert A. Heinlein (variant of "It's Great to Be Back!" 1947).
The Best of Robert Bloch
Robert Bloch - 1977
Steinway · ss Fantastic Apr ’54 113 · The Past Master · nv Bluebook Jan ’55 141 · I Like Blondes · ss Playboy Jan ’56 153 · All on a Golden Afternoon · nv F&SF Jun ’56 185 · Broomstick Ride · ss Super Science Fiction Dec ’57 197 · Daybroke · ss Star Science Fiction Magazine Jan ’58 209 · Sleeping Beauty [“The Sleeping Redheads”] · ss Swank Mar ’58 225 · Word of Honor · ss Playboy Aug ’58 237 · The World-Timer · nv Fantastic Aug ’60 271 · That Hell-Bound Train · ss F&SF Sep ’58 289 · The Funnel of God · nv Fantastic Jan ’60 319 · Beelzebub · ss Playboy Dec ’63 329 · The Plot Is the Thing · ss F&SF Jul ’66 337 · How Like a God · ss Galaxy Apr ’69 355 · The Movie People · ss F&SF Oct ’69 269 · The Oracle · ss Penthouse May ’71 377 · The Learning Maze · ss The Learning Maze, ed. Roger Elwood, Messner, 1974 393 · Author’s Afterword: “Will the Real Robert Bloch Please Stand Up?” · aw
A Scanner Darkly
Philip K. Dick - 1977
It is the most toxic drug ever to find its way on to the streets of LA. It destroys the links between the brain's two hemispheres, causing, first, disorientation and then complete and irreversible brain damage.The undercover narcotics agent who calls himself Bob Arctor is desperate to discover the ultimate source of supply. But to find any kind of lead he has to pose as a user and, inevitably, without realising what is happening, Arctor is soon as addicted as the junkies he works among...
The Screwfly Solution
Raccoona Sheldon - 1977
It received the Nebula Award for Best Novelette, and has been adapted into a television film.
The Jewel-Hinged Jaw: Notes on the Language of Science Fiction
Samuel R. Delany - 1977
An indispensable work of science fiction criticism revised and expanded
Lucifer's Hammer
Larry Niven - 1977
Cities were turned into oceans; oceans turned into steam. It was the beginning of a new Ice Age and the end of civilizationBut for the terrified men and women chance had saved, it was also the dawn of a new struggle for survival—a struggle more dangerous and challenging than any they had ever known….
The Rains of Eridan
Helen Mary Hoover - 1977
When Eridan is researched for possible human colonization, carnivorous cryptobiotic creatures emerge during the rains on the planet and terrorize the scientists of Base Three.
Ender's Game Short Story
Orson Scott Card - 1977
It first appeared in the August 1977 issue of Analog magazine and was later expanded into the novel Ender's Game. Although the foundation of the Ender's Game series, the short story is not properly part of the Ender's Game universe, as there are many discrepancies in continuity.
The Best of Leigh Brackett
Leigh Brackett - 1977
These were her very own planets, with such fascinating features as the Sea of Morning Opals, the Mountains of White Cloud, wicked Canal cities, and lost lands full of magic and mystery.That girl's name is Leigh Brackett. And today, more than 35 years after selling her first science fiction story, she continues to thrill and excite all lovers of imaginative writing. Her haunting tales of ancient Mars, wind-swept Venus, and remote worlds beyond human technology have become almost instant classics in the genre; and now Edmond Hamilton, Leigh's husband and a great SF writer in his own right, has personally collected ten of her best stories into a beautiful hardcover anthology. Here's a preview of the amazing tales:THE JEWEL OF BAS. There's an ancient legend passed down among the people of the outermost planet. It tells of Bas the Immortal, possessor of the Stone of Destiny—a jewel of such power that owning it gives a man rule over the whole world. Ciaran and Mouse, two unscrupulous gypsies, only half-believed the story until they found themselves at the mercy of Bas's fierce android army ... pawns in a sinister plan to enslave the human race.THE VANISHING VENUSIANS. For years the space colonists had wandered the hellish eternal seas of Venus, seeking the home that was their birthright, death constantly stalking in their wake. And now they were making their final bid—three of their bravest fighting toward a promised land guarded by nightmare creatures. Who would emerge victorious? Close to 4000 desperate people waited anxiously for the answer...THE VEIL OF ASTELLAR. Tough, hardbitten Steve Vance ... once he was human! But three hundred years ago he betrayed his homeland for a race of alien vampires who fulfilled his every desire in return for a small "favor." All he had to do was lure innocent Earth spaceships to their doom on the vampires' world. He knew his soul was forever damned. But there was one way in which he might atone...THE QUEER ONES. Hank Temple was at the editor's desk when the hospital called him in to see the X-rays. They were of a hill girl's illegitimate baby, and they showed insides like no child ever had. That was the beginning ... and the end came on an enshrouded Ozark mountain, with deadly green lightning flickering and a sound in the sky that was not wind or thunder...
The Adolescence of P-1
Thomas J. Ryan - 1977
The program grows and makes mistakes and learns.In 1984 it was adapted into a Canadian-made for TV film entitled "Hide and Seek".
Colossus The Boxset: Books 1-3
D.F. Jones - 1977
Forbin has but one chance to save the world, for once and for all – or to be its doom.Having calling upon invaders from Mars to destroy the supercomputer Colossus, Forbin now finds himself negotiating for Earth’s very existence.The Martians want compensation.Compensation in the form of Earth’s greatest resource: oxygen.Will he give in to their demands? Or will Forbin find another way to halt the Martian threat?There is only one solution: Colossus must return.But will Forbin be able to reactivate his creation in time, or will Earth be finally and irrevocably left to its fate?Find out in this thrilling conclusion to D F Jones’ bestselling trilogy.
R.A. Lafferty - 1977
But one thing you can be sure of—it is like nothing else you've ever read!
Midnight at the Well of Souls
Jack L. Chalker - 1977
A hidden stargate hurls him and his passengers to the Well World, the master control planet for the cosmos created by the now-gone godlike race who designed the universe. Now someone wants to find the Well of Souls to seize control of all the cosmos--and it's up to Nathan to stop them.
The City on the Edge of Forever
Harlan Ellison - 1977
Over 300 action photographs from the episode City On the Edge of Forever. Television series created by Gene Roddenberry.
The World of Tiers Volume 2
Philip José Farmer - 1977
These are the great originals of universe-hopping adventure that later writers, including Roger Zelazny in his Amber Series, used as models. Zelazny himself says, "I admire his sense of humor and facility for selecting the perfect final sentence for everything he writes. He can be stark, dark, smoky, bright, and any color of the emotional spectrum...put quite simply, he arouses awe," The tierworld books are full of non-stop action and typify Farmer's boundless imagination. Who else would have thought of stacking up pocket universes like a ziggurat or the layers of a cake? Join Earthlings Robert Wolff and Paul Janus Finnigan (alias Kickaha) on an unforgettable adventure to big for any single world.
Songs of Stars and Shadows
George R.R. Martin - 1977
For a Single Yesterday" - (1975)200 • And Seven Times Never Kill Man - (1975)
Traveller: Science Fiction Adventure in the Far Future
Marc W. Miller - 1977
This set includes: Book 1: Characters and Combat; Book 2: Starships; Book 3: Worlds and Adventures. ~ Earliest edition of the box set had a white reverse side and a "GD" symbol on the box side panel. Later editions went to a black reverse and the standard GDW symbol.
The Mortal Instruments
T. Ernesto Bethancourt - 1977
An inner-city Hispanic teenager develops incredible paranormal abilities to a point where he becomes a threat to the entire planet.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, Spring 1977 (Asimov's Science Fiction, #1)
George H. ScithersIsaac Asimov - 1977
DicksonShort Stories"The Doctors' Dilemma" by Martin Gardner"Think!" by Isaac Asimov"Quarantine" by Arthur C. Clarke"The Homesick Children" by Edward D. Hoch"Perchance to Dream" by Sally A. Sellers"Air Raid" by Herb Boehm"Kindertotenlieder or Who Puts the Creamy White Filling in the Krap-Snax?" by Jonathan Fast"Period of Totality" by Fred Saberhagen"The Scorch on Wetzel's Hill" by Sherwood Springer"Coming of Age in Henson's Tube" by William John WatkinsDepartments"Editorial" by Isaac Asimov"On Our Museum: A Preview of the New Smithsonian" by George O. Smith"On Books" by Charles N. BrownIsaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, Spring 1977, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Whole No. 1)George H. Scithers, editor
The Mercenary
Jerry Pournelle - 1977
His second is that the navy's mission is to exist, preserving the peace in the far-flung corners of the galaxy in the hope that at least some portions of the human race may be saved when Earth destroys itself... The Mercenary is a parable for our times: the dirt of politics, the evil of war, the loneliness of command, and the rewards of comaradeship...
Charles Fort Never Mentioned Wombats
Gene DeWeese - 1977
The Best Science Fiction Stories
Michael StapletonFritz Leiber - 1977
Wells- The Machine Stops (1909) by E.M. Forster- The Lost Machine (1932) by John Wyndham- The Man from Beyond (1934) by John Wyndham - Old Faithful (1934) by Raymond Z. Gallun- Madness from Mars (1939) by Clifford D. Simak- The First Martian (1939) by A.E. van Vogt- Dormant (1948) by A.E. van Vogt- The Star Ducks (1950) by Bill Brown- Coming Attraction (1950) by Fritz Leiber- And the Moon Be Still as Bright (1948) by Ray Bradbury- The Fly (1952) by Arthur Porges- Youth (1952) by Isaac Asimov- The Deep (1952) by Isaac Asimov- Zero Hour (1947) by Ray Bradbury- Kaleidoscope (1949) by Ray Bradbury- Second Variety (1953) by Philip K. Dick- The Ruum (1953) by Arthur Porges- Worrywart (1953) by Clifford D. Simak- The New Wine (1954) by John Christopher- Survival (1952) by John Wyndham- Hobson's Choice (1952) by Alfred Bester- Between the Dark and the Daylight (1958) by Algis Budrys- The Short Life (1955) by Francis Donovan- Repeat Performance (1971) by Bob Shaw- The Voices of Time (1960) by J.G. Ballard- Green Thumb (1954) by Clifford D. Simak- Before Eden (1961) by Arthur C. Clarke- Call Me Dumbo (1966) by Bob Shaw- Far From This Earth (1970) by Chad Oliver- Wife to the Lord (1970) by Harry Harrison- The Life Preservers (1970) by Harry Harrison- The Hunter at His Ease (1970) by Brian W. Aldiss- We All Die Naked (1969) by James Blish- The Wicked Flee (1971) by Harry Harrison- Transit of Earth (1971) by Arthur C. Clarke- Rammer (1971) by Larry Niven- A Little Knowledge (1971) by Poul Anderson- Process (1950) by A.E. van Vogt- We Purchased People (1974) by Frederik Pohl- Esmeralda (1975) by Daphne Castell- The Hibbie (1975) by James Alexander- Let's Go to Golgotha! (1974) by Garry Kilworth
The Visual Encyclopedia Of Science Fiction
Brian Ash - 1977
It was edited by Brian Ash and published in 1977 by Pan Books in the UK and Harmony/Crown Books in the US. The book starts with a parallel chronology of significant events in the fields of science fiction stories, magazines, novels, movies/TV/radio, and fandom, from 1805 to 1976. The books thematic sections contain introductions by science fiction authors, and extensive bibliographies of science fiction works featuring each theme. It includes extended essays on science fiction, called "Deep Probes". The chapters are numbered in the style of a technical manual. Illustrations are primarily book and magazine covers, and interior illustrations from magazines, including a number of illustrations by Virgil Finlay, among others. The book received positive reviews within the field of children's literature, including the American Library Association.[1] Reviews from the field of science fiction were less enthusiastic:[2]
Perry Rhodan: #109 The Stolen Spacefleet & #110 Sgt. Robot
Clark Darlton - 1977
Centigrade 232
Robert Calvert - 1977
It's meant to signify the writer destroying his rough drafts." - R.C. Despite the fact that most people view Robert Calvert as a rock musician, Robert actually viewed himself as a poet and a writer. It is of course easy to see where the confusion arises as Robert was for many years a member of British rock band Hawkwind. Robert recorded numerous albums with the band between the years 1971 and 1978 including important releases such as Space Ritual and Quark, Strangeness and Charm.Originally published in 1977, Centigrade 232 is seen amongst the Robert Calvert fans as being an important publication gathering together as it did some of Robert Calvert’s best work up to this point including Centigrade 232, Beach Combing, First Landing On Medusa and Fly On The Screen.In 1986 Robert Calvert recited Centigrade 232 and sold the tape through his mailing list. These cassette tapes are like the book - now incredibly rare and treasured collectible items in part due to their rarity. Original copies of the book and cassette now change hands for inflated sums on the traders and collectors markets.This Voiceprint limited edition is a reprint of Centigrade 232. The book was issued as a limited edition package which included a CD of the original Robert Calvert recording of Centigrade 232.This edition was limited to just 500 copies with each copy being individually numbered.
The Blue Chair
Joyce Thompson - 1977
As Eve Harmon, poet, wife, mistress, and mother of two, relives her past, meditating in her blue chair, she finds a power over death that the State with all its police and scientists had never imagined.
Alpha Moonbase Technical Notebook
David Hirsch - 1977
The original edition contains technical information sections, blueprint packets, an episode guide, and other informative information. Written as a guide, but not as an 'in-universe' publication, it provides a global perspective on this science fiction television series ahead of its time.
Alpha 7
Robert SilverbergC.M. Kornbluth - 1977
Since 1970 this acclaimed series has presented the most provocative and challenging science fiction writing. Here is number 7 in this library of SF masterpieces.
Other Dimensions volume 2 (Other Dimensions #2)
Clark Ashton Smith - 1977
Contents:• The Metamorphosis of Earth• Phoenix• The Necromantic Tale• The Venus of Azombeii• The Resurrection of the Rattlesnake• The Supernumerary Corpse• The Mandrakes• Thirteen Phantasms• An Offering to the Moon• The Monster of the Prophecy• The Malay Krise• The Ghost of Mohammed Din• The Mahout• The Raja and the Tiger• Something New• The Justice of the Elephant• The Kiss of Zoraida• The Tale of Sir John Maundeville• The Ghoul• Told in the desert
Perry Rhodan: #111 Seeds of Ruin & # 112 Planet Mechanica
William Voltz - 1977
H. Scheer
Lucifer's Hammer, Part 1 of 2
Larry Niven - 1977
Published in two cassette albums with separate ISBNs. Full book is
Read by Connor O'Brien.16 audiocassettes : analog (over two ISBNs)
Colin Kapp - 1977
Manalone, outcast from society, must fight the entire machinery of a ruthless police state to discover the truth. And the truth is an awful, chilling one, that sounds only too real in today's world.
The Best of Edmond Hamilton
Edmond Hamilton - 1977
*** These stories were selected (and edited) by his wife Leigh Brackett, an author and a screenwriter. Her screen-writing credits include works on such films as The Big Sleep, Rio Bravo, The Long Goodbye and Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. I*** This collection spans nearly half a century of Edmond Hamilton's work and was selected from a repository of hundreds of stories that he had written over that period.Contents:The Monster-God of Mamurth (1926)The Man Who Evolved (1931)A Conquest of Two Worlds (1932)The Island of Unreason (1933)Thundering Worlds (1934)The Man Who Returned (1934)The Accursed Galaxy (1935)In the World's Dusk (1936)Child of the Winds (1936)The Seeds from Outside (1937)Fessenden's Worlds (1937)Easy Money (1938)He That Hath Wings (1938)Exile (1943)Day of Judgment (1946)Alien Earth (1949)What's It Like Out There? (1952)Requiem (1962)After a Judgement Day (1963)The Pro (1964)Castaway (1969)
The Best of Leigh Brackett
Leigh Brackett - 1977
Cover art by Jack Woolhiser